Monday, April 4, 2022

Apologize For Technical Difficulties And Border Issues. Why Do Executives Prefer Suicide Over Capitalism? More.

I apologize for technical difficulties I am having with memo borders.
Will the executives at Disney, Coke, Delta etc. prevail? Why do supposed capitalists prefer corporate suicide?

Corporatists and government elites are eating us alive
 Do you know the "stewed frog" phenomenon?

Drop a frog into a pan of hot water suddenly, and he'll instinctively jump to safety. But put him in tepid water and turn up the heat gradually, and he'll sit contentedly unaware that he's slowly being stewed to death.

This is how the powers-that-shouldn't-be have convinced the masses to accept less freedom under the guise of "protecting individuals." It has not happened overnight but has been decades in the making, so most people aren't even aware of it.

As we demand of our government more and more regulations to protect us from all possible risks, we wind up imposing such a daunting web of regulations on business that only the biggest companies can afford the legions of lawyers necessary stay in business. As we demand of our government more and more safety nets to protect us from our own bad financial, social, and health decisions, we progressively give up more of our essential liberties in order to purchase a little temporary safety.

We've evolved to a form of what I would call crony capitalism where only the elite hobnobbers get to participate. We've evolved to accept a phony fiat currency with the intrinsic value of toilet paper. We've evolved into a society that no longer wants to own property because of repressive taxes, and probably can't because easy lending practices have driven the price of real estate sky high (no, it wasn't the free market that did that, it was the banks. A home is only worth what a lender will loan, not what a customer is willing to pay).

America was founded on principles of freedom and built on a spirit of entrepreneurship. America became the bastion and premier practitioner of free-market capitalism, powering its rise to the biggest economy in the world and the undisputed champion of free enterprise.

The United States still has the largest economy in the world according to GDP, but not for long. The Economist Intelligence Unit thinks China will claim king of the hill status by 2026. Fortune magazine reports that "an overwhelming majority of economists — not to mention experts at the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and most large global investment banks — expect China to surpass the U.S. as the world's largest economy in current GDP terms by the early 2030s." By one measure, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) yardstick called Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) already has China's economy at $24.2 trillion compared to America's $20.8 trillion.

The planners behind the U.S. economy gave rise to China, and since 2000 America's share of the global economy has declined every year except for one. By 2025, China is expected to be responsible for 17.2% of the global economy. In contrast to the U.S. decline in this century, since 1990 China's percentage share of the global economy has risen every single year but one.

This will come as no surprise to my Bob Livingston Letter readers, considering that I wrote, in 1997: "Did Richard Nixon, in his quest to open China in our era, know the plans of the global elite? Because of the great deflationary threat of Chinese production of cheap goods (all planned) the Fed can create mountains of credit (money). With this creation of trillions, they can continue to buy the world with no fear of price inflation. In defiance of reality, the Fed can pump money with no regard for a depreciating dollar … No price inflation means low-interest rates and a booming U.S. bond market. The China card, as in the British opium trade, is now a continuation of Anglo-American economic monopoly and expansion. Machiavelli could not dream of such an esoteric chess game. Now, do you know why China has the United States' most favored trade status? Surely you do."

Is it a glaring irony that a communist country is apparently better at capitalism than the United States, the birthplace of capitalist democracy? Perhaps not.

We can see evidence of the decline of capitalism in the U.S. not just in the numbers but in real life all around us. The mom-and-pop shops that were the bedrock of entrepreneurship are gone, replaced by mega-markets run by mega-corporations headquartered somewhere else with no real concern for the community. The small business owner, who provided jobs that fed families in the neighborhood, can't compete with the supercenters. The middle class, the fundamental core that has held American society together, is being killed off.

American capitalism seems to no longer spread as nourishment across the landscape. We have Super Conglomerates who control the media, and control almost all the food for sale. That's not free market capitalism in the classic Adam Smith model. Entrepreneurs have a hard time setting up shop with a great idea and a few bucks saved up or borrowed from friends or family and make a go of it. They have to go begging to the "sharks" to get funding, and like as not surrender some or all of the rights to their Big Idea in the process.

We can trace the origin of the problem back to 1913 when the Fed was created in order to print money, and eventually 1933 and Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. Though Roosevelt's plan was intended to end the Great Depression, it didn't. World War II did. It opened the door for government spending to kick down the road problems that should be left to the free market to fix. It opened the door for Americans to accept the idea of government handouts and assistance. Eventually, we not only accepted it but came to expect it, even to demand it.

I know you may be wondering what you personally can do about the decline of American capitalism. But within the question lies the answer to who is responsible for the loss of economic freedom.

We are.

We have not only allowed our freedom to be carved away bit by bit, but we have repeatedly elected leaders to hasten the carving because we've been duped into wanting more services from the government for "free."

We expect the government to provide, and make sure nothing too bad happens to us. We expect the government to keep us safe, and we incrementally give away our rights in doing so. Instead of using our own common sense and gumption to deal with offending companies, we left it to the government in many cases.

Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter. The attack on American capitalism has been a bipartisan affair with politicians from both camps taking an active hand. And we're the ones who put them in charge when we voted for them.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston

Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®

P.S. — Some read these letters and call me a conservative... some call me a "liberal jackhole"... some say I am a libertarian. But those labels have been corrupted by the mainstream media and the political parties. Since I launched The Bob Livingston Letter®, my goal has always been to find the truth behind the lies told by the controlling elite and spread it far and wide. Do you want to learn how to have the best health and the most freedom and wealth to go along with it? Then be sure to subscribe today and I will send you, at no cost whatsoever, my compendium filled with advice that will keep you healthy, prosperous and free for years to come.


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