Two beautiful granddaughters of friends who celebrated their graduations with disinfectant photos. They were given Dr. of Lysol Degrees.
This memo is going to be long because I have been trying to send a lot of short ones but now I have a lot to post and say.
There are all kind of stories that are coming out telling why everyone responsible failed to do what should have been done and they cut across political lines.
We now know Cuomo, who spends half his day on TV, failed to buy more ventilators.
Here is a link blaming Obama for failing to buy masks as he was told to do (After H1N1, Task Force Advised Obama to Avert Shortage of Masks)
Yesterday everyone started jumping on our governor because he did not know people gave COVID 19 to each other. Actually, in the case of Gov. Kemp I believe he is smart to show how ignorant the head of our state can be. It might keep foreigners from wanting to come here bringing their germs.
When it comes to Trump, he is blamed for everything under the sun so his list of "sins" is too numerous to even contemplate much less post. Just take the position that if it is bad he is responsible and believe everything posted in The NYT's, WAPO and broadcast by the mass media and you will be on safe turf.
Meanwhile, Kim chimes in with an op ed about distinctions describing the various political responses by those who are busy leading us to our graves.
As for myself, I would like to focus on Biden who is struggling to rise to the challenge and appear relevant.
This is what I hear and read but have no way of verifying but who cares in the age of no facts and fake news.
The story goes this way, or at least this is my story and I am sticking to it.
Biden must show his "fides" to the black community so he is seriously considering two female black candidates to join his ticket.
One is Kamala Harris, the previous Democrat presidential candidate who bedded down with California's most powerful politician to enhance her political rise. The other is the woman who ran for Georgia's Governorship, Stacey Abrams, and who lied about how our now governor restrained black voting when he was in charge of voting rolls. She was playing the racial angle.
Both are aggressive, articulate, mean spirited and more than capable of lying. As California's Attorney General, Kamala was radical and in her presidential run was even more so and Stacey is educated and articulate and deep in debt but money is not an issue because Soros will provide them all they need. After all, he wants to change America before he dies and can take advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to seed the minds of America's unwashed. As for Bloomberg, he is ready to spend as much or more because of his hatred of Trump.
Here is the clincher. Biden will probably renounce serving a full term, should he be elected, and thus America will have it's first female president as his gift to America and his selfless legacy.
Now you can believe this or not but, as I said, fake news has been koshered and I am hoping/seeking I will be offered a position by the NYT's editorial Board to write whatever comes into my mind as factual.
If Kamala and Stacey can lie why can't I?
Pols Face a Coronavirus Test
Who’s leading and who’s seeking political advantage? Here are the answers.
By Kimberley Strassel
Crises have a way of separating the leaderlike wheat from the opportunistic chaff. Coronavirus is the crisis of our time, and the political winnowing is something to behold.
Example: The Trump administration spent this week distributing ventilators, standing up small-business loans, dispatching hospital ships, erecting alternate care facilities, explaining virus modeling, revamping regulations to keep truckers on the road, and plastering the airwaves with information about hygiene and social distancing. Speaker Nancy Pelosi spent this week setting up a new House committee to investigate Donald Trump
Nothing separates the shallow from the serious faster than high-stakes moments. At the federal level, Americans are seeing the serious in the White House task force briefings that provide daily updates on the government’s actions. When this is all over, we will find that the federal response was far from perfect. But we’ll also see that once the executive branch grasped the enormity of the problem, it moved with soberness, speed and a spirit of cooperation.
Mr. Trump is at the head of this operation, and while his leadership style isn’t for everyone, he’s certainly leading. He addresses the virus in stark terms but also insists on optimism—something that’s important from leaders in tough times. While punching back at some critics, he’s also reached across the aisle. He embraced Democratic calls for more-stringent corporate rules in Congress’s relief bill. Asked about the $25 million Democrats slipped in for the Kennedy Center, he defended it: “I really believe that we’ve had a very good back and forth.” He’s rushed to the aid of blue-state governors, and has praised Democratic state leaders, including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, for their efforts.
And at least some of those Democratic state leaders are reciprocating, proving neither party has a monopoly on character. CNN’s Jake Tapper this week practically begged Mr. Newsom to recant his recent praise for the president, suggesting the Democrat had given it only out of fear that Mr. Trump would “punish” his state’s citizens. Mr. Newsom was having none of it. “The fact is, every time I’ve called the president he’s quickly gotten on the line,” he said. “There’s just too many Americans—40 million that live in this state—that deserve us to get together and get along.” Mr. Cuomo has taken the same approach, saying of president: “His team is on it. They’ve been responsive.” He added: “I want to say thank you.” This week he chided partisans: “Not now,” he said. “The virus doesn’t attack and kill red Americans or blue Americans—it attacks and kills all Americans.”
Contrast this with Mrs. Pelosi, who seems to view the pandemic as one big political opportunity. She held up last week’s relief bill for days, attempting to cram into it unrelated election and climate provisions. She used a Sunday CNN appearance to accuse Mr. Trump of killing Americans. This week she announced a new special House committee that will “examine all aspects of the federal response to the coronavirus” and will have subpoena power. This is yet the latest Democratic machinery for investigating Trump and ginning up scandals.
Or contrast the governors with the guy carping from his Delaware basement. Joe Biden might have used this moment to buttress his claims to be the more dignified candidate by throwing his support behind the federal effort and making clear he’d save his policy disputes for later. He instead spread the false claim that the president had called the virus a “hoax.” Mr. Biden has bashed Mr. Trump on testing and on the use of the Defense Production Act. He’s accused the president of “failing to prepare our nation” for a pandemic (never mind the Obama-Biden role in any such failure). He even blames Mr. Trump for soaring unemployment numbers.
Or contrast the governors who are leading with the one who is using today’s crisis as an audition to be Mr. Biden’s running mate. For every Mr. Cuomo there is a Gretchen Whitmer. The Michigan Democrat has spent weeks accusing the administration of failing to have a “national strategy,” and of “cuts to the CDC” that put us “behind the eight ball.” She’s insisted “we’re still not getting what we need from the federal government,” and even insinuated the administration was directing suppliers to withhold equipment to her state—a ludicrous suggestion.
Democratic partisans are playing a risky game here. Mr. Trump is currently clocking the best approval ratings of his presidency, and a late March Gallup poll found 60% of respondents approve of his virus response. Americans have traditionally looked dimly on those who undercut presidents and other elected leaders in time of crisis. Some on the left are making it easy to separate the politicians who are fighting for their people from the politicians who are fighting for their self-interest. That may come back to haunt them in November
According to this reliable organization the Obama Administration funneled money to terrorist organizations through our State Department. When it comes to Obama's loyalty to the Arab/Muslim world, nothing surprises me.
The Middle East Forum cordially invites you to a webinar:
"Uncovering Terror Funding in Foreign Aid: The Islamic Relief Agency Scandal"
Cliff Smith and Sam Westrop
"Uncovering Terror Funding in Foreign Aid: The Islamic Relief Agency Scandal"
Cliff Smith and Sam Westrop
Join Cliff Smith, Director of the Washington Project and Sam Westrop, Director of Islamist Watch, in a discussion on "Uncovering Terror Funding in Foreign Aid: The Islamic Relief Agency Scandal."
Cliff Smith and Sam Westrop discovered the Obama administration handed over hundreds of thousands of dollars to a designated terrorist organization linked to Osama Bin Laden. They explain how documents acquired through an MEF lawsuit against the federal government revealed a major Christian charity and several Obama administration officials attempted to lobby on this terror group’s behalf.
Friday, April 3, 2020
1:00 - 1:15p.m. EDT
Click here to register
You can also reply to Stacey McKenna at or by phone at 215-546-5406 ext. 113

Clifford V. Smith is MEF's liaison to decision makers and opinion leaders in Washington, D.C. He holds a B.A. from Washington State University, an M.P.P. with a focus on international relations from Pepperdine University, and a law degree from the Catholic University of America. He is a member of the Maryland Bar. An experienced political operative, he is the veteran of numerous campaigns and has held several positions in Congress, most recently communications director for U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer. His writings have been published in the Daily Caller, the American Spectator, PJ Media, and other outlets.

Sam Westrop has headed Islamist Watch since March 2017, when MEF absorbed the counter-extremism unit of Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT). Prior to this he was research director at APT, and ran Stand for Peace, a London-based counter-extremism organization monitoring Islamists throughout the UK. Mr. Westrop is a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute. His writings have appeared at such publications as National Review, National Post, and The Hill, and he has appeared on dozens of television and radio stations, including BBC, Al Jazeera, and Newsmax.
- The Middle East Forum, an activist think tank, deals with the Middle East, Islamism, U.S. foreign policy, and related topics, urging bold measures to protect Americans and their allies. Pursuing its goals via intellectual, operational, and philanthropic means, the Forum recurrently has policy ideas adopted by the U.S. government.
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