The Left Is an Existential Threat JeffreyFolksAs liberals see it, all human activity can be regulated and restricted on the pretext that all activity contributes to global warming. MoreHow Long has the Chinese Coronavirus Really Been in America? Brian C.Joondeph, MDThe press is more interested in playing 'gotcha' with President Trump. But people still want to know where this plague came from MoreBrits Deem Wuhan Virus Lab Origin CredibleDaniel John Sobieski British experts now assert that the laboratory origin of the Chinese coronavirus was dismissed too quickly. More
The Heritage Foundation's take: https://www.dailysignal.com/
I have not commented on the market for a week or so. As we enter the earning's period I do believe it is possible we have reached the low but until we see what level the market has discounted the severity of the impact on earnings and begin opening the economy, I do not believe we can conclude the final low has been reached.
We are not sure about the virus' recurrence, how well re-opening will go, will increased and widespread testing be of any help and other uncertainties. I would rather wait even if the market rises
in the interim.
Tomorrow Trump is supposed to lay out how he hopes to re-open America so our nation can gradually return to work. There are some constitutional questions about his authority versus those of governors and no doubt there will be plenty of controversy no matter which path he takes and/or urges others to follow. He stated this will be one of the biggest decisions he has ever made and prays he will make the one best suited for the conflicting and pressing needs of our nation.
What he is called upon to do is unprecedented and the outlook is fraught with risk because little is known about the Coronavirus in terms of whether it will recur. whether if you have it and have recovered what, if any, are the long term side effects, if any, and a myriad of unanswered questions.
To complicate an already devastating crisis everything he does will be viewed through the prism of the 2020 election. Any decision he makes must be balanced between medical concerns versus economic ones. I often characterize such choices as of the Hobsonian Variety.
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