Sunday, April 5, 2020

Roasting my folks on 50th anniversary in Atlanta

  1. Back in the day when Roasting was popular, Lynn and I hosted a small 50th Anniversary Dinner for my folk's in Atlanta at The Escoffier Restaurant.

Attendees were:
Harry and Naomi Popkin
Fred and Jeanette Nichols
Al and Gerry Garber
Dr. Bill and Lena Rottersman
 My Folks and ourselves

I prepared a roast for them and Lynn copied it for me. I came across it last night as I was engaged in a project of putting together an album of some of my memos, letters from notable and mainly  political people I have worked with etc:

The roast is reprinted here in 7 pages and Lynn tells me if you have a cell phone you can enlarge the pages which are numbered at the bottom. There should be 7 pages and if you are missing any Lynn can e mail them to you.


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