Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Middle East Forum. Philly Shipyard. Gowdy and Other Conspiracy Theories. Ken Langone.

I am somewhat reluctant to make fun of Biden because I want him to run and be the opposition candidate but then , as I have said many times before, he could win, resign and we would be stuck with his choice of V.P, ie. Kamala, Abrams etc.
This from a long, long time friend and fellow memo reader and also a retired attorney:

"Governments have the sovereign power to abrogate debt.

  If China refuses to honor its agreements with the US, China should be reminded that the $60 trillion in US bonds they hold are only our agreement to pay.  We expect to honor our agreements with countries which honor their agreements with us.

  I believe Trump could make China understand.



This from another long time friend commenting on my last memo's focus on public education:

"I feel very sad that for the last 3 years Trump has as Secretary of Education some billionaire (Lady) that did not take one serios initiative to get rid of all the Communists, Arabs and Pakistanis that ruined American Universities. We are losing the American youth that is brain washed with leftist garbage or Arab propaganda.
The Chinese followed the Saudi model, and penetrated all levels of American Academia.
This is a major crisis and nobody has the courage to speak about it, not even Trump. M__"
The Middle East Forum is a generally reliable source of information.

About The Middle East Forum

The Middle East Forum, a think tank founded in 1994 by Daniel Pipes, promotes American interests in the Middle East and protects Western values from Middle Eastern threats. In the Middle East, we focus on ways to defeat radical Islam; work for Palestinian acceptance of Israel; develop strategies to contain Iran; and deal with advancing anarchy. Domestically, the Forum emphasizes the danger of lawful Islamism; protects the freedoms of anti-Islamist authors, and activists; and works to improve Middle East studies.

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