I am somewhat reluctant to make fun of Biden because I want him to run and be the opposition candidate but then , as I have said many times before, he could win, resign and we would be stuck with his choice of V.P, ie. Kamala, Abrams etc.
This from a long, long time friend and fellow memo reader and also a retired attorney:
"Governments have the sovereign power to abrogate debt.
If China refuses to honor its agreements with the US, China should be reminded that the $60 trillion in US bonds they hold are only our agreement to pay. We expect to honor our agreements with countries which honor their agreements with us.
I believe Trump could make China understand.
This from another long time friend commenting on my last memo's focus on public education:
"I feel very sad that for the last 3 years Trump has as Secretary of Education some billionaire (Lady) that did not take one serios initiative to get rid of all the Communists, Arabs and Pakistanis that ruined American Universities. We are losing the American youth that is brain washed with leftist garbage or Arab propaganda.
The Chinese followed the Saudi model, and penetrated all levels of American Academia.
This is a major crisis and nobody has the courage to speak about it, not even Trump. M__"
The Middle East Forum is a generally reliable source of information.About The Middle East Forum
The Middle East Forum, a think tank founded in 1994 by Daniel Pipes, promotes American interests in the Middle East and protects Western values from Middle Eastern threats. In the Middle East, we focus on ways to defeat radical Islam; work for Palestinian acceptance of Israel; develop strategies to contain Iran; and deal with advancing anarchy. Domestically, the Forum emphasizes the danger of lawful Islamism; protects the freedoms of anti-Islamist authors, and activists; and works to improve Middle East studies.
Middle East Forum:
Iran's New Guided Rocket Kit Is Certain to Raise Tensions with Israel by Michael Peck (Mar 21, 2020)
Iran Is Still As Committed As Ever to Destroying Israel by Michael Peck (Feb 15, 2020)
Breathing life into Philadelphia shipyard in order to make "America Great Again." When I was in college at Penn, I went to the Naval Shipyard for courses while I was in The Marine Corps' Active Reserves:
Breathing life into Philadelphia shipyard in order to make "America Great Again." When I was in college at Penn, I went to the Naval Shipyard for courses while I was in The Marine Corps' Active Reserves:
New federal contract breathing life into Philadelphia shipyard
By Salena Zito
PHILADELPHIA - When Brendan Boyle, the Democratic congressman who represents Pennsylvania’s second congressional district, was growing up, his father worked in a warehouse in South Philly within two minutes of the Philly Shipyard.
“He was a warehouse worker for 25 years, blue-collar job, heavy manual labor; really important work that was a family-sustaining job, which is what he had the whole time that I was growing up,” said Boyle.
Boyle said he knew even as a youngster how important the busy, noisy shipyard and all of the blue-collar jobs that were directly or indirectly supporting it were to the economy of the region.
Which is a big part of the reason he was so honored to be part of the Pennsylvania delegation that worked together with some members of the New Jersey and Delaware delegations to lobby Secretary Elaine Chao and the Department of Transportation for the much-needed, major contract it was just awarded to build two training ships for the U.S. Maritime Administration.
“The award package for the training ships is worth $630 million,” said Doyle from his home in Northeast Philadelphia.
“The National Security Multi-Mission Vessel is a made in America, state of the art ship, upon which a generation of mariners will train, and that will support the Department of Defense, FEMA, and humanitarian missions during national emergencies,” said Chao in an interview with the Washington Examiner.
For months, the Philly Shipyard operations had been in a lull, and the lack of any Jones Act shipbuilding orders could have been ominous for its future; this NSMV project marks a pivotal moment for the shipyards plan to lure more government contracting projects.
Click here for the full story.
Wednesday night I was on a conference call fund raiser with Lt. Col. (Ret) Allen West. Allen spoke about what conservatives need to do to keep our Republic from the grasp of those who truly wish to destroy our nation.
Allen was eloquent as always.
If you believe in conspiracy theories, try this one :
Wednesday night I was on a conference call fund raiser with Lt. Col. (Ret) Allen West. Allen spoke about what conservatives need to do to keep our Republic from the grasp of those who truly wish to destroy our nation.
Allen was eloquent as always.
If you believe in conspiracy theories, try this one :
From Trey Gowdy:
I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't real... But Pay attention folks, there's much more going on here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee(Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection after fending off 3 years of investigations and impeachment, then all the sudden world crisis pandemic. Stock market tumbles, companies are laying off employees, everything is closed and canceled, CEO's of giant companies are resigning and indictments are coming.
Now they say there are a couple ways a President doesn't win reelection. Those are an unpopular war or a poor economy.
But there is something larger going on here driving this sudden outbreak right after Trump beats an impeachment. Especially the fact that it(Corona virus)originated in China who we are in a global trade war with brought on by Trump. Let's not forget Biden's back door deals with CHINA as well.
China doesn't want 4 more years of Trump either. It all seems rather convenient for the nations and opponents of our current President and economy 5 months before an election. Couldn't have hit at a more perfect time.
With the Democrats running out of campaign talking points in light of no school shootings, no migrant caravans at the southern border, fighting in Syria winding down, North Korea not firing missiles and Trump beating a sham impeachment. The corona virus gave them one last hail Mary to try and point fingers at Trump with the clock winding down in 2020.
This is almost the perfect fascist playbook. Control the population with fear-mongering and panic, control the media, spread propaganda and the fan-favorite disarm the population. Oh, and did anyone notice that while they are mad as hell at Trump for not sending aid to Ukraine, they THEMSELVES voted AGAINST giving ANY emergency aid to all Americans ?
Sorry but I don't think we are all going to die. Remember when Ebola was what was going to kill us all, and the media kept showing the piles of body bags that were prepared for the fallout. Then a month later it was totally forgotten.
The common flu has killed more people this year already and the media is SILENT!
A handful of deaths out of 320 million Americans and we are in panic tearing down our society and costing our economy billions in the wake. It all just seems fishy, a little too well-timed if you ask me.
Ken Langone was one of the Home Depot Founders, Chairman of The NYSE and an extraordinarily charitable man. I tried to get him to speak here on President's Day but he told me he always spends that weekend with family.
This was an op ed posted in the NYT's.
It’s Time for the Press to Play by the Rules Too
By Ken Langone
In our national war against this virus, public trust is perhaps our greatest weapon. Without it, we can’t hope to succeed in the extraordinary common effort required to control the virus’s spread, protect our most vulnerable neighbors, and reopen the economy. The media have a critical role to play in fostering this trust, and never have we counted on them more to shoot straight and deliver focused, accurate information from the front lines.
Yet in the midst of the greatest test of their mettle in a generation, the New York Times devoted a Sunday front-page article to the absurd claim that criticizing China’s role in this catastrophe amounts to “scapegoating” that is motivated by bigoted “xenophobia.” The piece is an example of the axe-grinding ideology pretending to be news that has become commonplace when our country can least afford it.
It’s a stone-cold fact that the Chinese government repeatedly misled the world about the origin and nature of the virus. Their deceit is entirely consistent with how the Chinese Communist Party has mangled the truth about public-health calamities in the past, including prior outbreaks, and as far back as the state-induced famines of Chairman Mao, which killed millions of China’s own citizens.
But according to the Times, Americans are being manipulated into considering those realities, all part of a cynical strategy to “divert attention” from domestic politics. For proof, the Times showed poll results that nearly 80 percent of Americans fault the Chinese government for dishonesty and negligence in handling the crisis.
How did people get that idea? From “attack ads,” the Times says, that “rely heavily on images of people of Asian descent.” Yet the only such depiction they cite was of the former U.S. ambassador to China, who was shown meeting with their leadership, the same image the Times itself published when it happened. And how should an issue ad address China without using any photos of leaders from China? With mannequins, perhaps?
If the public-opinion numbers about China’s role in the crisis are right, then by the paper’s own lights, Americans aren’t only enthusiastic racists; they are too gullible to think for themselves. Isn’t it more likely that ordinary people in a free society have arrived at those conclusions on the merits, and elected officials are properly heeding the public demand that we hold the Chinese government to account?
Americans would also be right to wonder why more journalists aren’t pursuing a story about China that appears to tick every box in an investigative reporter’s dream assignment. Here we have an ultra-secretive police state that won’t even let its own citizens use Facebook. They put ethnic minorities in concentration camps. The first doctors who sounded the alarm about the virus were forced to recant at gunpoint. Gee, do you think maybe all that is worth a closer look?
Yet the very day after American news media were kicked out of the country, March 18, the Times published an article based entirely on what Chinese officials told them, with the headline “China Hits a Coronavirus Milestone: No New Local Infections.” If Times reporters were not skeptical of that howler, readers sure were. You’d need a welding mask to read the comments on social media beneath the article.
Plenty of other outlets have followed suit and parroted China’s bunk. NPR touted China’s claim that “a majority of cases originated abroad.” Bloomberg declared that “China’s virus cases reach zero.” NBC ran a piece entitled “As U.S. struggles, China asserts itself as global leader.”
That’s what raises the broader problem that makes this more than just a quibble about the posturing of Times journalists. When the public reads news accounts that bestow ridiculous praise on the Chinese government, or that imply readers are dupes for doubting that regime’s ham-fisted propaganda, they are highly likely to discount or reject anything else those publications report about the pandemic.
They won’t believe what those outlets report about the need for masks or ventilators. They may reject what’s said about the importance of vaccines or distancing. And when a call to action is given, one that requires us all to work in unison, many will instead recall the divisive insults they read in print that took them for fools.
There will be many opportunities and column inches aplenty for the press to air political grievances between now and Election Day — and the Times editorial page is welcome to root for whomever it pleases.
But on this topic and in this time, the press is squandering the very truth-telling authority it depends on by using its coverage as a way to score cheap shots.
America needs the fourth estate at its very best right now. That means unwavering objectivity. It means taking a pause on the usual sniping and sneering. It’s time to get our head in the ballgame and start playing like we are all on the same team.
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