Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wead Reports While The Mass Media Flunks Their Responsibility.

A comment from a wonderful friend and fellow memo reader:
"The closer you are to the truth ,the more vitriol
comes your way ! We think you are spot on . Hold fast. D"

From an old friend and fellow memo reader: "That must be why your postings have gone to my “spam” account the last several days.  -  ED"


"Don't stop sending the TRUTH and informing your friends about what is happening  in the world.



BREAKING: Democrat Calls To END AMERICA At Rally By Piper Fox

One of the more interesting and revealing matters Doug Wead, the author of "Inside Trump's White House" is, so little positive and being accomplished by this administration, ever allowed to be reported.

One of the reasons the economy is flourishing is due to Trump's approach toward capital investment.  By allowing businesses to deduct capital costs immediately small businesses were able to grow again and employ people because worker productivity occurred.  Second, more goods were produced and this helped to keep inflation down as more workers had more money to purchase what was being efficiently produced.  When did you see or read about this from the mass media. What you have heard and read is the recovery is due to Obama.  Yet, in Obama's official internal projections he never had the economy growing beyond the "new normal," ie. less than 2%.  He even derided Trump who said GDP could grow again at better than 2 % and virtually every economist mocked Trump for saying and believing this possible. Yet, it did and will again when Europe begins to recover and China solves the Coronavirus.

When it comes to staffing and turnover the mass media were quick to criticize Trump and stated the administration was in turmoil etc.  According to a source Wead interviewed, Trump sought non-establishment types and it took a while to sort through these hires.  Wead reviews the hires and fires of previous administrations and Trump is below their records.

Another practical change you never hear about pertains to the President's daily intelligent report. Trump asked why the president does not receive a daily briefing on the economy.  His point being without a humming economy it is hard to maintain an expensive military.  For the first time ever he now receives this type of concurrent briefing.

Fighting and destroying ISIS was not going well when Trump became president and he made doing so one of his first responsibilities.  He was told he could not accomplish his goal quickly.  Again, he made fools of the "aginners" and, after he did, the mass media went silent.  How did he accomplish the impossible? He did something unique for D.C. He allowed those in the field and dealing with ISIS have more authority to do what they thought necessary.  Johnson fought the Viet Nam War from The Oval Office.  Bush and Obama brought in the lawyers whereas,  Trump allowed the troops and generals in the field to do so. DUH!

Finally, what about Trump being uninformed? Again a total and purposeful apparent desire on the part of Trump Haters and the biased mass media deniers to float misinformation.  Apparently, Trump is provided with adequate pro and con information that is not directive but factual., He is tasked with making the decisions about the difficult  issues and is not shy about giving responses and moves on to the next insoluble problem.

I site the above on the assumption Wead was given unrestricted access, asked the right questions and had no pre-conceived agenda beyond getting responsive answers. Trump was supportive and Sarah Huckabee Sanders was the one who saw to it Wead got to who he needed/wanted to see as was Mick Mulvaney.

Another comment.  The mass media has been so pre-occupied with reporting about Putin's control of Trump and the Democrats have been so demoniacally  possessed with impeaching the president they have had little time, and certainly no desire, to inform America about who Trump really is and what the administration is doing behind the curtains.  We know more about Trump's faults, and being human he has his share, than we do about what is important, ie. is America being made great again.

One last observation.  Wead talks about how Trump, almost from the git go, was  displeased with how other nations were treating American citizens and he was particularly outraged how Turkey/Erdogan was holding an innocent minister in jail.  In a very short time, unlike the Obama administration which did little, if anything, to get Americans released, Trump had been able to get well over 19 American out of prisons etc.

It even reached the point where other allied nations were impressed enough to seek Trump's help with their own incarcerated citizens.

Once again, very little attention and/or praise was given Trump by the mass media and no criticism was directed at Obama and his feckless State Department.

How was Trump able to accomplish where Obama failed?  Trump applied economic and other pressure.  He used the leverage of our great country. He acted tough.

Obama, on the other hand,  became known for drawing red lines and walking away and then there was the tragedy with our assassinated. Ambassador

No wonder we "deplorables" have such a distrust of the mass media.  For sure, Trump is more than justified for his own contempt of the mass media who are more interested in bringing him down in order to protect the power of those who employ them, than being true and faithful ombudsmen which no Democracy can be sustained if such is lacking.

92% of the information from the mass media is negative when it comes to Trump. That says more about them than it does about Trump.
Dagny and Blake were serious about helping the animals in Australia.  This is what their mom, Abby,  posted on FACEBOOK
Proud of my daughter's big heart and of course the support of her brother. So far she/they have raised just over $3,400 that is being sent to the Bushfire Wildlife Rescue & Support founded by Jodie Blackney. She raised this with a Facebook fundraiser, 2 lemonade stands and some additional contributions. Both Dagny and Blake are asking that instead of gifts for their upcoming birthdays, donations continue to be made to this great organization. This group is dedicated to providing medical supplies, food, volunteer services, and funding to wildlife carers effected by the horrendous Australian wildfires across Victoria and New South Wales.
Their grandma and grandpa have contributed and are very proud of their accomplishments 

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