Saturday, February 22, 2020

Wead Concludes. President? Brennan Digs. Waters Drips Lies. The Sole Question.


 "Dick, Your writings are not only educational but very inspirational especially in this age of left wing fake news. Keep it up my good friend.
Best, R--"
I finished Wead's book about: "Inside Trump's White House." The last chapter was so rich with commentary and conclusions I embrace, I will devote this memo to regurgitating.

Wead began by enumerating classical reasons why some presidents are called great. It relates to how well  the economy performed during their term(s) in office.  Based on that sole statistic, and once the passions and bias of the moment no longer control the assessment, Trump will go down in history as a great president. If not, then history books will have to be re-written and university lectures changed.  Carter and Hoover were highly intelligent but deemed terrible presidents. Bad economy and a war did in GW.

Communication is another metric used for evaluating a president's greatness. Trump's use of the social media has to be considered transformational. When it comes to politics and international diplomacy, again, the presidency will never be the same. Trump's  predictions were mocked, he was scorned and laughed at yet he proved the impossible could be accomplished.  He did it despite  geniuses who said he could not.  The economy recovered to levels he said  and ISIS was mostly destroyed in weeks.  Unlike most traditional  presidents who seek to do the easy, Trump tackles the hard and  goes from there.

Third, he has been a president of peace.  No new war has begun in his first 3 plus years in office and he has gone overboard in striving to bring about peace, end nuclear testing by N Korea. Also, he has been unorthodox in his negotiations with China and gone out of his way to demonstrate restraint when it comes to Iranian provocations.

Fourth, his branding ability has proven effective, if not downright superb. He has taken a realistic approach to why he places America first and why, if everyone else is competitive, we must be as well. We are not selfish though the mass media purports Trump's policies convey as much. America simply cannot sustain being the world's sugar daddy so we can be outflanked while we continue picking up the check, at the expense of crippling our middle class.

Trump  brought a new balance of ideas,  slayed  many sacred cows and rid America taking it in the neck. The playing field has been leveled.

Finally, it is inconceivable the thrust of Trump's most impactful changes will be altered/reversed.  Jerusalem will remain Israel's capital.No longer will families of American hostages be shamed into silence. NATO will continue to absorb their fair share of the cost of their own defense nor will America again become energy dependent. Tax increases will not be raised in order to drive American manufacturers to seek foreign soil and nation building will not consume our military endeavors. Trade policy modifications will not go back to their former status. These are Trump legacies that will be nailed to the wall of history.

Wead acknowledges it is too early to nail Trump's greatness evaluation to the sign post but the ingredients, though totally denied by the haters/deniers, are all there.  When I mention these accomplishments to my blind liberal friends they revert to telling  me how coarse Trump is, they tell me what a playboy he has been, how crude his language is and what a dictator he is, as if he controls the press, what is written in school text books and how many people he quietly imprisoned only to be  executed later and blah blah blah.

One day the haters and deniers will come to miss Trump. Should they ever bring themselves to taking a true look in the mirror they will do so sheepishly. Now is not the time. The temperature of hate and displeasure is too high but it will come.  History and changing events have a way of tempering the present.

I may not be here to see it occur but it will.  Perhaps even the mass media folks will return  to reporting rather than entertaining and spewing bias.
I pose you ask yourself one simple question.  Would the world be better off if more nations were socialistic and/or communistic with controlled markets and less individual freedom or capitalistic with freer markets and more individualistic freedom?  If you say yes to the first part of the question obviously Warren and Bernie are your candidates.  However, if you are inclined towards the latter part of the question Trump, with all his personal warts, must be your candidate.

The choices are stark and pretty cut and dried.

Where does Bloomberg fit. He became a billionaire because of freedom, his innate drive to succeed and capitalism but his desire to become the Democrat nominee is causing him to embrace radical ideas.

Personally, I distrust anyone whose core principles are malleable and believes America's Oval Office is for sale.
Brennan likes digging his own grave.

John Brennan Goes On MSNBC, ATTACKS Trump Supporters?

He just made a big mistake.

According to Breitbart News, former CIA Director John Brennan made an appearance on MSNBC and attacked Trump supporters for allegedly being a “very debased” group of people.
Brennan said, “He’s clearly giving every indication he wants to act like a mob boss. And he’s going to try to take care of him and his soldiers.”
He continued, “It’s outrageous he would try to make any moral equivalency between someone like Roger Stone who the judge said has trampled the law and public servants like James Comey and others who really tried their best. You can question their decisions and judgments but really were trying to carry out their duties responsibly and with integrity.”

He added, “There were people in that audience that unfortunately I did hear laughter at the things he was saying about these individuals and talking about Peter Struck and Lisa Page and others. I mean, he just plays to this very debased group of people who are listening to what he is saying in terms of just trashing good public servants and defending people like Roger Stone? I mean, give me a break.” You can watch a clip of Brennan’s remarks here.

Maxine Waters Just COMPARED Trump to WHO?

The woman has lost her marbles if she ever had them.
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) recently sat down with Showtime’s “Desus & Mero” and claimed that L.A. gang members had more integrity than President Trump.
According to Breitbart, Waters stated, “This guy is a street player. He’s a guy that has conned folks. He has flirted with gangsters. I have worked in some of the toughest communities. I’ve worked with gangs, I’ve worked with Crips, I’ve worked with Bloods. And there’s more integrity in many of these young people in the hood than this man has.”
Adding, “This is a flawed character, and I’ve never seen anything like this.”
When discussing the November election, Waters stated, “I think now it boils down to all of us wanting someone that we feel comfortable can really beat Trump. This country cannot tolerate another four years of him.” You can watch a clip of Waters’ insane comments here.

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