When Trump won the presidency he was vilified because he boasted about the crowd size. Then he was cursed by a Black House Rep., then he was attacked in a Central Park Play, then a TV Comic proudly held his severed head and almost every week or so Robert De Niro curses Trump using vile and vulgar language and now we have police being attacked because New York's Mayor is more supportive of law breakers and a Trump campaigner's tent was run into by a deranged Trump Hater. in Florida.
This is the America our liberal friends and mass media support and encourage. Meanwhile, anything that happens and found objectional Trump and members of his family are blamed.
The Democrat Party is in disarray and beginning to implode because radicals were allowed to take over and Pelosi was recently blamed by a law professor who certainly is no friend of Trump.
It is increasingly likely, Bernie will become the Democrat nominee save for the fact that the masters of the Party's Universe will do everything in their power to gut him once again. Before it is over, what Donna Brazille and the young lady from Florida, who headed the DNC before she was dismissed, did to Bernie in 2016 will be nothing compared to the foul play he is likely to receive as 2020 approaches.
Were I a Democrat, like James Carville, I too would be frightened but since I am a conservative I find what you sow you eventually reap. What bothers me is what the radicals, progressives and hypocrite liberals are doing to our nation. Americans deserve better but the power the elites have enjoyed for decades has now been threatened by Trump and I suspect what we are experiencing will escalate.
This is a specific quote from the Carville : "...The purpose of a political party is to acquire power."
I have no problem with what Carville said because he spoke the truth. The problem is what party's and self-serving politicians do after they have power. I submit, Democrats have become a serious threat to our republic.
Bernie is a clever campaigner. He appeals to and manipulates those who are jealous of those who have succeeded and believe what they want/need and deserve is both free and obtainable.
The Democrat Party is now "enjoying" pay back for the way they have developed and exploited identity politics and it is biting and dividing them. Sander's supporters have every right to be ticked off that their own party is stiffing them again. So like at Trump's SOTU, Sander's supporters, most likely, will sit on their hands when called upon to vote in 2020 should Bernie get re-burned.
The Democrats have created two wings in their "foul" party.
When V.A and EPA bureaucrats disregarded their responsibilities to their charges were it not for freedom of speech and citizen protests the problems allowed to fester over decades would have continued. A free republic , though often unresponsive, can eventually still be exposed and forced to respond.
In totalitarian societies like currently in Communist China and Cuba and Socialist Venezuela citizens are pawns of their government and the same is beginning to infect our cities as progressive liberal Democrats press for sanctuary cities and thugs take over the streets. These articles and videos should be chilling.
This is the garbage Bernie and his ilk are selling. (See 1 and 1a below.)
Salena Zito and Appalachian children. (See 2 below.)
1) Antifa Goons Allowed to Go on Another Violent Rampage in Portland Debra Heine |
Authorities in Portland, Oregon, appear to have given violent antifa militants free rein to assault journalists and innocent bystanders at will in the streets of the city.
Last June, independent journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by a mob of masked agitators during a street rally in downtown Portland while police officers stood back and did nothing. He was initially treated at a hospital emergency room and later admitted into the hospital overnight to treat a serious head injury.
And over the weekend, local videographer Brandon Brown and several other independent journalists were attacked by a menacing mob of antifa militants while filming a demonstration in downtown Portland.
The antifa goons showed up to counter-protest a planned Ku Klux Klan/white supremacy rally at a downtown park, but that rally was apparently a hoax that was cancelled at the last minute. With nothing else to do, the militants targeted journalists who showed up to cover the event, the police, public property, and at least one person on their own side.
The violent agitators are seen in videos using metal-tipped umbrellas to jab at people and chase them down the street. Police say they also threw rocks, concrete, batons, cans and food at members of the public and at officers.
The police—AGAIN—stood down to allow the anarcho-terrorists to assault their targets unimpeded.
Brown’s first-person video shows him walking through the crowd and getting mobbed by the militants while police stand nearby on bicycles. The mob proceeded to harass and assault Brown, kicking him, poking him with umbrellas, and dousing him in the face with bear spray.
Brown explained what happened on his GoFundMe account, which he started in December after he was physically attacked by an antifa mob in Olympia, Washington. While he was filming that demonstration, they broke his glasses and injured his eye, requiring a trip to the hospital. They also broke or stole his expensive video equipment. Brown told American Greatness that only one person was arrested in that attack.
In an update, Brown wrote that he knew of at least six other videographers who were attacked on Saturday while police stood by. He also noted that were a number of regular folks who “were unlucky enough to be walking through the area” during the riot. Those people were put in danger because of the city’s refusal confront the violent mob.
On Saturday, February 8, I again set out to cover an ANTIFA protest, this time in Portland, Oregon. When I arrived, I went directly to the police, who were stationed at a corner near the ANTIFA group, and asked if there was an area where they would like journalists to set up. I was told there was no such designated area, so I walked down the block to where I could see that several photographers and videographers had already gathered.As I approached, the atmosphere seemed tense, but fairly calm, until someone sounded an alarm and threw a tennis ball at me, to direct the crowd’s attention to my location. Immediately I was surrounded by an angry mob, poking at me with sharp umbrella tips, throwing projectiles and spraying bear mace. I had done nothing to provoke this attack. I was surrounded. One girl jabbed my back with a sharp licence plate, of all things! A man threw a wine bottle, hitting me in the back. I was repeatedly punched and kicked. I continued filming, while backing away, toward the police presence. I was temporarily blinded by the bear mace which was purposely sprayed in my eyes.Regular people who were unlucky enough to be walking through the area were trying desperately just to get away. I was eventually led by a police officer to their staging area, where there was first aid available. My eyes were rinsed, and I was told I had better leave the area because the police were leaving.I was not the only one singled out for this attack. Shane Kohfield, who had attended wearing a sweat shirt he’d custom made to try and bring people together, (“Make America Great Again for Everyone!”) was assaulted and doused with black paint. I know of at least six other photographers who were harassed, assaulted and chased from the scene, yet the police stationed at the corner did not intervene. I find this situation incomprehensible!I believe that it is very important that the actions of this group calling themselves ANTIFA be truthfully documented, otherwise I would not be doing this. They are a danger to the public. They purport to be counter protesters against fascism, yet that is false advertising. All this violence and vandalism very often takes place where there is no fascist group demonstrating to begin with.
“I fail to understand the moral degradation present in an Antifa mob,” Brown told American Greatness.
Independent journalist Any Ngo posted video of another videographer being attacked by the antifa mob.
Videographer Nate Milsap of Stumptown Videos ran to the police for protection, but an officer told him that police were standing down.
“We’re not going to come out and save you,” a police officer can be heard on video telling the independent journalist. The officer told him to “come up with a different plan” because they wouldn’t be helping.
Milsap described what happened to him on the Stumptown Videos YouTube channel.
On Saturday February 8th 2020, Stumptown Matters went into Downtown Portland Oregon to film and document the protest of a KKK rally that was reported to take place that day. When I arrived at the scene, I learned that the KKK cancelled their event. I despise the KKK and racism in general. I was actually looking forward to siding with Antifa on this day.For they had real and legit racists to confront had the KKK followed through with their initial plans. So ultimately I stood across the street from the Antifa Gathering and gazed upon them just to estimate the number of their turnout. which was probably 300 to 500 people. I was planning on leaving and I hadn’t even begun filming yet.Then Luis Marquez called me out by name. I said hello and then I raised my camera to start filming the commotion. Then a masked group of 20 or more people began to spread out and cross the street from where Luis was standing and began to walk fast toward me. They had concealed objects or weapons in their hands. one of which was approaching me while shaking a can of pepper spray. I wanted no part of whatever intentions they had for me so I immediately abandoned my camera duties and sprinted to safety.I didnt want to be hurt or pepper sprayed and I didn’t want to hurt any of them either. So running was the only sensible action to me at that moment. People can call me a pussy all day long until they are blue in the face. That’s perfectly fine with me. I simply did not want to play and I got away unharmed. My safe space happened to be the justice center where the riot police confronted me and told me that if I go back out where I was, then they wouldnt protect me. Implying once again that masked thugs run the streets of portland Oregon and if you are targeted by them, then you are the problem according to portland police.
In broad daylight, masked agitators also vandalized a war memorial near the Portland Police central precinct, spray painting it with anti-cop messages
Antifa agitators pushed a left-wing protester into the street because they thought she was a snitch, according to Ngo.
During the four-hour melee, a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle and transported to a hospital with a non-life-threatening injury, police said. The driver of the vehicle remained on scene and cooperated with officers.
Fox News reported:
At least two incendiary devices, believed to be flares, were thrown into nearby traffic, police said. The event spanned nearly four hours and required a “large police response” that limited the department’s ability to respond to calls for service citywide.Messages reading “Punch Cops,” “Kill Cops,” and “All Cops are Bastards” could be seen on the memorial in photos released by police.Portland Fire and Rescue medics had to treat three people for exposure to pepper spray wielded by civilians.
Only three people were arrested during the riot.
The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office said Willy Cannon, 25, was charged with a misdemeanor for abusing a memorial and a felony for criminal mischief. In addition to Cannon, the sheriff’s office said Brandon Farley, 31, was charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and Heaven Davis, 19, was charged with misdemeanor criminal mischief.
“Law enforcement officers did not use force against anyone during this event,” the police bureau proudly stated. But they did ask the criminals to pretty please stop throwing projectiles at them.
Police Chief Jami Resch said antifa’s actions “negatively impacted public safety of the entire city because resources had to be diverted to this event.”
“I want to acknowledge the community members who came down to peacefully assemble and exercise their freedom of speech rights,” Resch said in a statement. “Unfortunately, a group of people chose to engage in dangerous, illegal behavior. I appreciate the thoughtful, measured response by our officers and law enforcement partners.”
1a) AG Barr Announces 'Significant Escalation' Against Left-Wing 'Sanctuary Cities'
During a speech at the National Sheriff’s Association 2020 Winter Legislative and Technology Conference in Washington, D.C., Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department would be filing multiple lawsuits against state and local governments for interfering with federal immigration enforcement, in what he described as a "significant escalation" to combat "sanctuary city" policies.
Attorney General Barr identified illegal immigrants who enter this country and commit crimes as a significant problem for law enforcement to address. "For many decades, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, the priority for immigration enforcement has been identifying these criminal aliens and deporting them from the country as soon as they are eligible for release by state and local authorities," Barr stated. "Those efforts are a vital part of how we keep our country safe. Immigration enforcement is an essential part of law enforcement."
"Unfortunately, in various jurisdictions, so-called 'progressive' politicians are jeopardizing the public’s safety by putting the interests of criminal aliens before those of law-abiding citizens," Barr continued. "They have put in place policies and laws designed to thwart the ability of federal officers to take custody of these criminals and thereby help them escape back into the community. They often proudly brand their jurisdictions as 'sanctuaries,' and package their obstructive policies in idealistic and misleading rhetoric about 'protecting the immigrant community.'"
Let us state the reality upfront and as clearly as possible: When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape. These policies are not about people who came to our country illegally but have otherwise been peaceful and productive members of society. Their express purpose is to shelter aliens whom local law enforcement has already arrested for other crimes. This is neither lawful nor sensible.
The Justice Department has sued the State of California over its sanctuary policies, and filed a complaint against the state over a new law that "prohibits the federal government from detaining individuals in private detention facilities." The DOJ has also filed a complaint against the State of New Jersey "seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against its laws that forbid state and local law enforcement from sharing vital information about criminal aliens with DHS." Barr announced several other measures being taken by the Department of Justice to crack down on sanctuary cities.
"Today is a significant escalation in the federal government’s efforts to confront the resistance of 'sanctuary cities,'" said Barr. "We will consider taking action against any jurisdiction that, or any politician who, unlawfully obstructs the federal enforcement of immigration law."
It's great to have a rule-of-law guy as attorney general.
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MOUNTAIN CITY, Georgia — Just off U.S. Highway 23, along the spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, T.J. Smith spends his days continuing the tradition of the iconic Foxfire Fund: an enterprise driven by young people whose respect for the land and culture, and understanding of the importance of preserving that culture's stories, has persevered for more than 50 years.
Click here for the full story.
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