A few thoughts to ponder:
They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi.
If women are upset at Trump’s naughty words, who in the hell bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray?
If walls and guns don’t work; then why are celebrities and politicians surrounded by them?
If a dead body was found in the trunk of Hillary’s car, the FBI would ask Donald Trump why he did it!
SOCIALISM: An idea that is so good that it has to be mandatory
The law allowing for the separation of children from their parents who cross the border illegally was signed by Bill Clinton in 1997, why is it a problem now?
Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated!
How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds Overweight and with a cellphone?
The electoral college worked fine until Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. The Democrats now want to abolish it.
Did Bob Mueller quit digging when all of the tunnels led back to Hillary and Obama?
Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; She thinks that they are racist.You need to have a photo ID
to attend her town hall meetings.
Ross rants again. (See 1 below.)
He is known for a pair of big ears but nothing in between. (See 2 below.)
1)Oil prices have risen lately, but now with the final imposition of sanctions and the Libya fighting, prices may stay up for a while. The good news is, oil prices are only up a little, and the US, and the Saudis probably, despite what they say publicly, will step up production as prices rise, keeping a lid on the price. India is the one that suffers most as they are totally dependent on imports, and the central bank had been loosening to help the economy. Now they may have to raise rates to contain inflation from higher oil prices. Higher prices also do not help US consumers at the low end. It will be some drag on spending, but gas prices are still not high. The ten year is also rising a little as the reality of no recession takes hold. At 2.6% it is still very low, but this rise will flow over into the mortgage market. These things are a small brake on the economic growth we are now experiencing, but not a major problem. Wages, especially at the low income end, are rising nicely at over 6% at the low end, so the higher gas prices will not be as big a drag as they may otherwise have been in past years.
Your fixed income portfolio that is supposed to provide safety, is more likely to provide nil income, and possibly loss of principal over time, as rates will possibly rise a little further as the economy continues to grow at over 2.5%, and as China growth improves with the deal with US. Money is flowing back out of Treasuries and back to stocks. As many of you know, I have never bought the standard argument that you have to “balance” your portfolio with 40% fixed income for safety. How is it safe to not only lose principal, but also suffer the very real opportunity cost of not being in equities. All you get from a ladder of bonds is your money back over a staggered time frame. So what. After inflation and taxes you earned zilch and your principal is worth less after inflation over 5 or 7 years. It is a stupid investment strategy. The S&P is up 17% this year. If you are 40% in bonds, you missed a huge profit opportunity in exchange for nothing, and possibly a small loss in principal value. So you lost a bit in 2018 in the stock market. Makes no difference over time. There is no recession, and the risk of one is nil for the moment going into 2020. Stocks will rise further from here, at least for much of this year. 40% bonds is costing you a possible substantial wealth increase opportunity. The same negative applies to annuities, except you get to pay big fees and loss of liquidity for the pleasure of getting a relatively small return. Just because someone years ago said have 40% bonds, does not make it right. It makes it dogma and investing by formula, at a huge lost opportunity cost. Over a twenty year, or five year period, the result is the same- equities far outperform fixed income by about 7.3% rolling return vs 4.0% over 20 years. That is a lot of money difference over time. Risk exists in life, but you need to judge risk in totality, not at the moment to moment in the stock market, and not by the momentary pundit comment, or the momentary headline, which is often not even accurate these days. Just look what profit opportunities you missed by not being all in equities in 2019. All the recession forecasts by pundits in December were dead wrong.
The big winner from Mueller is Putin. Mueller did a grave disservice to the country with his non-conclusion on obstruction, and his virtual invitation to the Dems and the press to pursue impeachment. Nadler is grossly misrepresenting reality and the rules, when he says Barr had no right to opine on obstruction. Barr is the chief law enforcement officer, not Congress, and DOJ has the obligation to choose to indict or not. They are the prosecutors. That is the exact issue Comey violated. Congress has no authority to indict. Mueller works for the AG, and DOJ, not Congress. The special counsel regs require the AG to choose to act or not. It is not even the right under the regs for Congress to see the report. Mueller acted improperly with his invitation for Congress to act. Reality is, there was no obstruction. Nothing happened. The White House was an open book with information, no executive privilege, and access to any and all staff to be interrogated, unimpeded. Thirty hours of interrogation of McGahn is unprecedented. Mueller was never interfered with. The FBI was never interfered with. Nothing was withheld. Not permitting Trump to testify is what every decent lawyer would have done, and should have done. Mueller was not entitled to that testimony. Firing Comey was what the Dems were demanding, until Trump did it. They claimed Comey improperly publicly spoke of things Hilary did, but then did not charge her, and that cost her the election. Nadler was outspoken at the time, and Comey acted improperly. Now Nadler claims the exact same behavior by Mueller is perfectly fine. When you read the report, as I have, it is clear Mueller did exactly the same thing as Comey, that the Dems claimed was improper. Hypocrisy knows no bounds in DC. So after Putin won for the past two years with the effort his agents made to provide the DNC with a false dossier, (DNC funds were used to pay them), now he wins again with the Dems calling for impeachment all over again. The whole investigation created a question across the world as to whether Trump would survive and be indicted and impeached. That I am sure caused Putin, Xi, Iran, Kim, and Merkel to assume they did not have to accede to Trump demands because he would be gone for sure by, or before, the end of 2020. Now the Dems have picked up the scenario, and it is very likely creating the same questions in world leaders minds. The actions of Mueller and the Dems is right on script for Putin, and it is undermining the ability of the US to conduct as effective foreign policy as it otherwise could. Putin could not have gotten a better result no matter how much he tried to interfere with the smooth functioning of the US government. I assume his trolls are now feeding the frenzy online to impeach, and encouraging the Dem candidates and fools like Nadler to pursue this. Nadler is a corrupt local Brooklyn political hack. This is who the country is supposed to listen to along with the bartender from the Bronx? Putin also wins because now the US press is without any credibility, and is easily manipulated by his agents feeding them new false stories to peddle. For Putin this is a dream come true, and the Dems and the press are too stupid to understand they are continuing to do Putin’s bidding. Here is the question- since Mueller investigated every possible obstruction claim with a vast array of lawyers and FBI agents -exactly what is a bunch of bozo congressmen going to find that Mueller did not—answer- nothing other than feeding the press months more of the same claims of how Trump is guilty of this or that, and this or that guy’s testimony will be the key, or Cohen will sink him, or McGahn. All a bunch of nothing to keep the game going now that Schiff has been made to look like the ass he is on collusion.
Trump knew he was being set up, and falsely accused with a false dossier, paid for by the DNC, and partially authored by Russian agents. Even the NY Times has acknowledged this now. He knew, and said, his campaign had been wiretapped, and he was viciously attacked in the press for saying that, but it now turns out he was right. False FISA warrant. For him to have been angry and frustrated is very understandable and normal. You would be also. He reacted, as he is prone to do, and called McGahn and said, Mueller is conflicted take steps to get rid of Mueller due to the conflicts, or words to that effect. Nothing happened and he never followed up at all. Instead, he released 1.4 million docs and no executive privilege, and let everyone get questioned. This is not the actions of obstruction, nor of a person intent on obstruction. Dowd, Trump’s lawyer in the early period, said he was the one who spoke to Trump and Mueller daily, and there was never any order to fire Mueller given. The issue per Dowd was conflict of interest. That is a legit issue to question Mueller conducting the inquiry. Barr’s analysis is correct. Trump was frustrated and furious and reacted, but did not actually act to obstruct. Firing Comey is a president’s prerogative under Article 2. The FBI did not stop the investigation after the firing. Nothing happened to obstruct. Editing a press release is not a crime nor obstruction-it is a press release which by definition is a puff piece. There is no case for impeachment as there was no underlying crime. What there was -a massive investigation of Trump based on a manufactured dossier paid for by the Dems and authored in part by Putin’s people. A false FISA warrant that led to illegal wiretapping of the Trump campaign. Illegal conspiracy by top FBI, CIA, DOJ and White House top execs. A mass media that abetted the whole conspiracy. By June, the Dems are going to regret going down this road as the true story comes out, and maybe some Dems get indicted.
Now there are some in the press who admit Romney was right about Russia, and Obama was wrong, but that one moment helped defeat Romney. Once again the press had it all wrong and were claiming Romney was wrong and a fool, and their darling candidate Obama was the one who understood the modern world. Candy Crowley is long gone at least.
We need the IG and Graham reports to get out before summer to show the world this was all a conspiracy to, in essence, overthrow a duly elected president, with the willing support of the press. The likelihood of a Trump reelection is increasing.
The hearing on the census was this week, and it is very clear the left want to stop the question on citizenship so they can pack the districts for changing the voting maps and for funding allocations. That would diminish what being a citizen means, and give voice to illegals in terms of district lines being drawn to include them. The question was on the census for decades until 1950 and is perfectly legal. A much smaller number of people answer all of the questions these days anyway, so allowing illegals to be counted would over represent them, which is exactly what the Dems want.
Now we have DeBozo demanding no more steel and glass buildings can be built in NYC. He may be the stupidest person in politics on the planet. The living conditions in public housing buildings are a disgrace, even for an undeveloped country, all on his watch. The subways have huge problems of poor maintenance, homeless are back on the streets, but we now need to destroy the real estate industry. He also proposed huge fines for all buildings that are not retrofitted to meet his criteria for energy use. He is so dumb it is hard to contemplate, so of course he said he is possibly going to run for president. He is also delusional.
The attachment is an article re: Yale, but it will make it clear to you what has happened on US campuses, and why we have 30% of young people thinking socialism is better than capitalism, and why they all think they are victims. Especially the black kids who got accepted with SAT scores 200 points lower than the average, but they got in because they are black. But they are indoctrinated to believe they are “victims” of white oppression even though they got this undeserved opportunity to attend top universities for which their scores and grades do not qualify them.
2) Prince Charles blamed Mideast conflict on ‘foreign Jews’
Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, is a fool, and perhaps inevitably given his royal status, an arrogant fool -- the worst kind. He has embarrassed and arguably endangered the institution of the monarchy with his treatment of his late wife, Diana, his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles (and their ultra-creepy hacked text messages about him being reincarnated as a box of Tampax so as to be closer to her), and his environmentalist lunacy.
His mother Queen Elizabeth just celebrated her 93rd birthday, and some believe that she is holding on to the crown and to life itself, in order to defer succession and be able to legitimately hand the crown to Prince William, who already is 36 years old, bypassing her idiot son.
2) Prince Charles blamed Mideast conflict on ‘foreign Jews’
Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, is a fool, and perhaps inevitably given his royal status, an arrogant fool -- the worst kind. He has embarrassed and arguably endangered the institution of the monarchy with his treatment of his late wife, Diana, his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles (and their ultra-creepy hacked text messages about him being reincarnated as a box of Tampax so as to be closer to her), and his environmentalist lunacy.
A recently uncovered letter from Charles to friend reveals that he is also an antisemite (not that unusual among the British upper class, but nonetheless appalling in a man of such privilege and obligation to his subjects).
The UK Independent reports:
Prince Charles has come under fire after it came to light that he blamed the “influx of foreign Jews” for causing unrest in the Middle East and called on the US to “take on the Jewish lobby” in a letter penned in 1986.
Writing to his friend Laurens van der Post, the Prince argued that the exodus of European Jews in the middle of the last century “helped to cause the great problems” in the Middle East.
“I now appreciate that Arabs and Jews were all a Semitic people originally and it is the influx of foreign, European Jews (especially from Poland, they say) which has helped to cause the great problems,” the Prince wrote in a letter published by the Daily Mail.
His mother Queen Elizabeth just celebrated her 93rd birthday, and some believe that she is holding on to the crown and to life itself, in order to defer succession and be able to legitimately hand the crown to Prince William, who already is 36 years old, bypassing her idiot son.
Were Charles ever to wear the crown, the republicanism movement in the UK would be vastly strengthened.
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