Saturday, April 13, 2019

Democrats Have Painted Themselves Into A Corner And are Left With One Last Dangling Political Participle. Time To Solve Immigration Issue.

As Easter and Passover approach I wish the best to all my friends and fellow memo readers and hope that peace will return to our troubled world. I am not suggesting you hold your breath.
Democrats seem to have backed themselves into an untenable corner due to hatred of Trump.

a)  They have not accepted a report they longed for because it did not indicate Trump was involved in any Russian Collusion.

b) Now they will be investigated for their own probable Russian Collusion involvement and obtaining warrants under false pretenses. The moral of the story is do not throw boomerangs at your opponents because you might be the one hit.

c) They fought Trump on a border crisis they did not believe was occurring and now even the mass media sees one because it is too big to ignore even for those who/are remain  biased on their behalf.

d)  Candidates who have chosen to run as Democrats are espousing views most Americans do not accept as valid reasons to overthrow our Constitution because the economic recovery, which Democrats attribute to Obama and which never took place, is employing Americans who are happy to be working.

e) Democrats have embraced Muslim members who defame America, hate Jews and are coming up  with policies that are also radical and not mainstream. Democrats are being led by a bartender who did not understand the implications of the Amazon deal that would have given rise to employment in her city.

f) Finally, several of these same candidates want to take away our health care and substitute one that puts the government in charge of doctors we can choose. etc and they insist we embrace the economic system that made Russia,Cuba and Venezuela's economies flourish.

g) The two top Democrat leaders cowered and have entrapped themselves in support of these radicals.

h) Consequently, Democrats are now left with one last dangling political participle - forcing Trump to give them his tax returns.

Trump should quit owning the border crisis and throw the ball to Congress because they have foot balled this issue and are the ones who need to act.

He needs to shift his campaign by telling Democrats and his own party he is prepared to offer future citizenship to those who come here legally and all others will either be sent home and/or never allowed to apply.

As for those already here they must be offered a way to earn citizenship and they should be given some credit toward same if they have a clean record and apply. Those who do not seek citizenship should be hunted down and sent home and told they can never become citizens.

The final step should be to penalize employers of illegals with significant fines.

The problem must be resolved and Trump needs to force the politicians to be responsible.

Trump could offer Democrats a piece of candy by telling them,if they pass the immigration bill he presents, he will allow them to see one tax return and they can choose the year from among the last 6.

Probably by the time this occurs he will have won the 2020 election and possibly Republicans will have recaptured The House.
Another Rant. (See 1 below.)
More on Beto's problems. (See 2 and 2a below.)
Tongue in cheek Headlines From The Year 2039 If Progressive Radical Democrats win more elections. (See 3 below.)
Zito reports Trump Stalwarts Alive and Well. (See 4 below.)
1)JP Morgan is the perfect proxy for the economy. They cover every aspect from consumer, to industrial, retail, real estate, and international, as well as wealth management. They are also an investment bank and securities trader. When JPM reports very good results, it means the economy is doing good. The new earnings report for Q1 was much better than forecast on revenue and earnings. Loan volume was up. That means business in general is doing well and borrowing more. They report that consumers are in good shape financially. All in, it was a very good proxy to say the US economy is doing well going into Q2 which will be much better than Q1. China has also reported better numbers on exports. Good for the world economy. There will be no recession in 2019, and maybe things will stay OK into 2020.

We are now seeing the unwinding of the housing crisis. The final sale of houses bought during the past 10 years, and renovated and flipped is now underway. 40% of the houses being flipped are by the big funds that have been buying these old and poorly maintained houses. The good news is, thousands of poorly maintained and underwater homes have now been upgraded and sold to better owners who can afford them, and at reasonable prices. That is a real positive for the areas where these houses are located, and for the economy and for banks. This is likely to continue while mortgage rates remain low. While the rate of flipping is almost what it was in 2006, it is very different. This is flipping older, newly renovated homes, to real homeowners, which were bought at deep discounts, and mainly by large funds and individuals who can financially handle it if things do weaken. It is not based on no down lending to flippers who were buying new homes, and had no ability to pay when things went bad. The other good news about this is that the unsold homes are now renovated and have rental owners in them. This means millions of underwater, and poorly maintained houses have been upgraded, and are no longer a banking risk, nor a blight on their neighborhoods. It is a huge win all around. The millions of people who foolishly speculated on these homes back in 2005-7, are out of foreclosure and likely back on their feet.

The IMF just lowered their world economic forecast once more in three months, and it is not good. However, it looks more and more that there will be a China deal and Brexit got delayed again to October, pushing off the EU crisis for months more. The delay accomplished nothing, but at least for now the hit to the EU and UK is delayed. There is nothing now to stop US economic growth. It will be weaker than in 2018, but still growth, which is improving. When the press says earnings will decline, it does not mean companies are losing money,  and so quarter to quarter they may be less in some cases than last year, but still good. The market fully expects this already, so there will be no real surprises on the downside, and maybe some on the upside. The Fed is not raising rates this year, and if they do, it means the economy is doing far better than anyone expected. There will be no reduction in fiscal stimulus from spending. There will be no real budget cuts. Lower tax rates are still in place.

American politics is undergoing a historic change, and Trump was just the start. The appointment of Barr as AG is going to become a defining moment in American history, similar to Watergate, only far more historic. He is daily, single handedly, destroying the Dem and press narrative about collusion, obstruction, spying, etc. He has blown apart every false claim they made with very definitive statements, and facts to back him up.  He is totally credible and the Dems and press know it, so they are trying to destroy his reputation before he comes with the real dirty story of the conspiracy to destroy Trump, they illegal spying, and the criminal charges to follow against top Obama administration officials. For a very long time I have been predicting that the attempted coup against Trump would far exceed Watergate in outrageous, illegal behavior when it is finally uncovered. It will make Watergate look like kindergarten. The coverup of the Hilary emails was as bad as Watergate. That is now finally about to happen when Barr finally is undertaking a real investigation, and potential criminal charges into what really happened. This week when a Dem on a Senate panel asked Barr-“You don’t believe there was any spying on the Trump campaign, do you?”  His response- “Yes, there was spying, and it is a very big deal”.  It was not a maybe – it was definitive. Yes there was spying. The Dem questioner was left with her mouth hanging open. The room was stunned into dead silence. Nobody moved. She did not know what to say. It was a defining moment for Barr, and for the beginning of unwinding what really happened. The subsequent attack on Barr for saying it out load shows how desperate the Dems are to stop him. Nunes is the real hero, and Graham will force this into the light of day. Barr is a real AG, as opposed to Sessions who was a useless lightweight. I believe Nunes, Graham and Barr already know a lot about what really happened, and they have the hard evidence, now they need to put the cases together so it is clear and provable in court. We still need the new John Dean to step up, and maybe it is Lisa Page. We already see the all-out Dem attack on Barr, which is a disgrace and act of real desperation. The Dems should be appalled by what happened. In Watergate the Republicans were appalled and acted against Nixon.  Here the Dems are attacking the AG who is objectively trying to get to the truth for all to see. This is going to get a lot uglier over the next month or two, as the Dems get more desperate to try to stop truth from coming out, and as they try to stop criminal actions against senior Obama officials by trying to destroy Barr. It is outrageous. Barr is far above reproach, and is at a point in his life and career where he is immune from attack or pressure. When Barr has results, and there are criminal charges against former high officials, it will be devastating to the Dems, and will directly impact the 2020 election. The press, especially CNN, NBC, ABC, NY Times and WAPO, will be shown to have been supportive parties to what was an attempted soft coup, although they will not be criminally liable because they are the “press”. The Nunes lawsuits will substitute for criminal charges. Nunes suits are not an isolated thing apart from the real investigation. It is how the press collusion will be exposed. Regardless of your politics, what will come out should scare the hell out of you, and bring an understanding of the insidiousness that had permeated DC, and how the Clintons and Obama were at the center of all of this. When Trump talked about the swamp, he had no idea how bad it really was, and the lengths they were willing to go to. It will be interesting to watch what the Dems do and say when the indictments start, and when Graham and Nunes release their findings. It is a shame that my Dem friends think Trump is an existential threat, but they overlook the attempted coup and criminal behavior by senior Obama officials and the complicit press, and maybe Obama as well. This action by the FBI, DOJ and Obama White House was the true threat to US democracy.

There was just a legal settlement of a university-Texas Tech medical school, where they were forced by the administration to end racial preferences in admissions. This is just the start of what is coming to bring an end to this blatant discrimination in the name of diversity and affirmative action. The executive order to require free speech on campus is being strongly supported by various non-profits who are pushing the same thing. The incidences on campus daily of speakers being chased away, schools being pushed to fire professors and building names changed, and even centrist kids being forced to shut up, are numerous. The kids get threatened and intimidated and they know their professors will mark them down if they speak their true minds. Do not contribute to  your alumni if they have speech codes, and any restraint on speech.  Just recently Cornell even warned alumni coming for a weekend that they are also restricted in what they are allowed to say when on campus. Let that sink in. Schools now are in business, and they no longer teach what we all experienced in college. They use student loans to fund high tuition and grossly excess staffing, over-priced books and living costs, and many use sports as a major money maker. Football and basketball are huge money producers. March Madness is a major business venture, not a sports event, as are bowl games. The push for diversity is a discriminatory policy that cheats Asians and white kids out of the education they worked hard to achieve, and it harms black kids who are not able to keep up and who leave with no degree. We need the Harvard case to reach the Supreme Court and hopefully they will rewrite their past decisions which allowed racial preferences. 

Dem candidates:
Bernie radical socialist will be 80 in first year in office.

Biden- already blew his shot-he is a loser and his son took a major payoff from the Chinses government. Will be just shy of 80 when taking office.

Harris- far left Californian who slept her way to the top with Willie Brown who said he got her the jobs she has had. Pushing for reparations and Green New Deal-does not have support from far left due to her days as a prosecutor.
Beitigig or whatever his name- gay, radical left winger, will never sell outside heavy Dem areas-He is mayor of a small city, and has no real experience about national or world issues. The press has latched on to him since he is gay, and they will be heavily promoting him.

Booker- complete clown who now wants reparations for drug dealers.

O Rourke- total empty suit -his wealthy wife runs the software company, not him. His claim to fame- he was a criminal hacker. He has never done anything useful other than marry into wealth. He lives off his wealthy father in law, and he wants to tear down the entire existing border barrier. See above attachment as to who Beto really is, and keep in mind El Paso was where LBJ paid off the local leaders top stuff ballot boxes for his Senate race.

Klobuchar- anger management problem, has no record of accomplishment- is everywhere and nowhere  on policy- left-middle, and nobody knows what she really believes, but she could get the nomination by not being tied to the far left or the middle. Anyone who announces her run standing out in the middle of a raging blizzard can’t be smart.

The rest of the field already lost and presumably are running for VP or a cabinet job, or are just egomaniacs. Trump must be ecstatic.

Bernie and Liz rail about millionaires and billionaires, but they are them. Both earn huge incomes from selling books, not from working at anything productive. O Rourke is a wealthy guy due to his wife. Pelosi is very wealthy due to her husband’s successful business career. Waters is wealthy due to her husband’s banking career, which is of dubious legality.

How much longer do we have to tolerate Omar and Talib and the bartender before Pelosi does something to shut off the anti- Semitic and Anti-American pronouncements. Maybe it is OK since the more they speak the more the Dems look foolish and disgraceful. The latest Omar and defense of her by the bartender are beyond disgrace. But no Dem speaks out against them, nor does the most of the press

Here is a health tip. Like all of you, as I got older, my knees ached and got stiff, as did my lower back, and even caused me to walk differently. I do not believe in taking pain pills or shots.  Instead, I have been playing tennis five days a week for an hour and half, for the past couple of months, and now I have no aches and pains in my knees or back.  I feel great.  Get off your butt and go exercise. The more you do over time, the better you will feel.

O’Rourke’s Own Criminal Record

Beto O’Rourke had found himself in trouble with Texas law enforcement twice in the 1990s.
According to court documents obtained in 2012 by a congressional opponent, and then relayed though a campaign ad aired in El Paso, O’Rourke had been arrested in 1995 for breaking and entering, as well as attempted burglary, in which he defended in a Washington Post interview stating it was a “prank gone awry.”
O’Rourke was arrested again in 1998 for driving under the influence, in which he did not defend, and called the incident “stupid” and regretted his decision, also stating that he was .
Another point in the video showed the then-councilman of El Paso publicly intoxicated dancing with a women, and then being smacked while lying on the floor seemingly enjoying it. The original video has since been deleted from YouTube, but Another video shot from the night displayed O’Rourke dancing with another woman at the club. It is unknown what happened in between the two videos, nor what is also depicted in the now-deleted spanking video.

2a) Beto O’Rourke: Clean-Cut Man with a Dirty Family File Pt. 1
Texas Representative Beto O’Rourke, who is seeking to unseat Incumbent Senator Ted Cruz, has been linked to a family that has had skirmishes with law enforcement, as well as the federal government over the past few decades, as well as covering potential ties to aiding drug cartels in El Paso since the 1980s, evidence shows.
O’Rourke, who is playing up a “family man” and “good boy” picture, is quickly trying to scrub or censor any mention of his family’s wrongdoings, as well as his ethical violations from public view on social media. The criminal-like behavior and history dates back to his father, Pat Francis O’Rourke, while he was Judge of El Paso county, and conducted in corrupt-like behavior, and extends to his mother, as well as his father-in-law for other miscellaneous crimes against the Government.
O’Rourke has recently been touted by outlets in Texas and national news as the starting of the “Blue wave” revolt. However, they have neglected to mention any of the information about his father’s and mother’s corruption, father-in-law’s bribery, as well as his own criminal record.
3) Ozone created by electric cars killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California.

White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language.

Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock

Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped.

Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.

Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.

85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss.

Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.

Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and Floruba. 
"Https:// /BC1l4geSTP8 "

Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.

Average height of NBA players is now nine feet, seven inches.

New federal law requires all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2040.

IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.

Floruba voters still having trouble with voting machines.

Death rates from government health care continue to soar.

4) This tiny election proves Trump’s coalition is alive and well

Less than a month ago, conservative Judge Brian Hagedorn was a dead man walking.

As he raced against liberal Judge Lisa Neubauer for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the local press portrayed him as an anti-gay extremist and bigot. They called out the Christian school he founded for its code of conduct stipulating “no sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman.”
Never mind that this code of conduct is common practice at private religious schools across the country.
The Democrats seized on the moment. Outside money poured in from groups like Planned Parenthood and former Attorney General Eric Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee, funding ads that portrayed Hagedorn as a radical. Meanwhile, Hagedorn’s biggest donor, the Wisconsin Realtors Association, demanded he return their contribution because his beliefs conflicted with the values of its members. Other traditional GOP corporate donors like the Chamber of Commerce ghosted him.
That’s when things got interesting.
Conservative activist Mary Magdalen Moser, a poll worker for the Republicans, sensed a turn in the tide. She was infuriated by the media’s treatment of Hagedorn — and she knew the populist coalition that put Trump in office would be electrified.
“Wisconsinites have always been a very open bunch,” she told me. “As long as you stay out of our way, we let you do your own thing. People were incensed that Neubauer went after Hagedorn’s faith.”
Despite the bad press, Hagedorn waged a tireless grass-roots effort to personally tell his story every day across the state.
Finally, in the last week before the election, the Republican State Leadership Committee delivered a cash Hail Mary for Hagedorn. Their million-dollar ads prominently showcased President Trump as a booster of the conservative Supreme Court, saying he is “defending our rights, all thanks to your vote.” The ads also noted that extreme out-of-state special-interest groups were spending millions to back liberal Neubauer and “spreading false attacks against conservative, rule-of-law Judge Brian Hagedorn, just like they did against Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh.”
This reminder of Trump’s record on conservative justices, twinned with voters sympathetic to the issue of religious liberty, delivered a one-two punch.
Against all odds, Hagedorn won the state, including two Democratic-leaning counties, Racine and Kenosha — just like Trump did in 2016.

“Trump and Hagedorn won because they didn’t back down,” said Moser, a 56-year-old who lives in Kenosha. Though she grew up in a Democratic home and has never registered with either party, she calls the treatment of Hagedorn a tipping point.
“Freedom of religion cannot be perverted into freedom from religion,” Moser said. “Tolerance must remain a two-way street, especially in our judicial branch.”
As the Democratic Party shifts further left, they need to face a question: What do you do when you have all the money in the world, the media and culture on your side and you still struggle to win over voters?
But the Republicans, too, must face a question: In the age of the online bully, how do you woo business donors scared off from supporting socially conservative candidates?
Still, one thing is entirely clear: If you run on the platform of defending religious freedom, it can be a winner — even among voters who aren’t traditional conservatives.
And, for many, the issue of conservative justices is also a slam dunk.
“Trump’s ability to deliver conservative judges is a major factor in galvanizing Trump’s coalition,” said retired Wisconsin state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who Hagedorn once clerked for. “Anyone who doesn’t think that’s a winning message for him in 2020 still isn’t paying attention to a big part of this country.”
The lessons of this statewide election will likely resonate with Americans well beyond its (once true-blue) borders. Wisconsin is now officially a swing state, and what happens here will likely determine who occupies the White House come 2021.

Salena Zito is the co-author of “The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics.”

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