The economy is doing well and the market, as a leading indicator and economic barometer, seems to suggest it will continue to do so. This proves Obama is an economic genius. After all he told us we didn't build anything, the government did. He added red tape and depressing regulations. He gave us a shovel ready economy that went nowhere. GDP was the lowest ever.
What did Trump do? Nada. He lowered taxes, allowed corporations to re-liquify their balance sheets through repatriation, he eliminated red tape and Obama's restrictive regulations and is bringing hope to capitalists through trade re-negotiations and allowed American energy producers to do what they know best - produce energy.
Democrats want everyone to breathe clean air at an astronomical while Trump wants everyone to be warm. and energy independent
Trump also colluded with Russia, and prevented Mueller from completing his investigation.That's the story Democrats believe and want you to believe because that is what the mass media told us to believe.
However, when Trump tells you that it is all a "B.S Witch Hunt" he is not being presidential and therefore, should be impeached. Even Romney was disheartened when he read Mueller's report.
Finally, Trump does not want to release his tax returns so that proves he is hiding something and for that reason alone he should be impeached. But worst of all he wants to protect our nation's borders.
I just do not understand how anyone in his right mind can support this duly elected president. Something is rotten in D.C. How can you possibly not believe Schumer and Pelosi, AOC, Waters, Pocahontas and Sanders? They have placed the interests of the nation above politics.Vote Democrat!
(See 1 below.)
This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader. He was a very senior official of one of the nation's amazing companies. (See 2 below.)
Meanwhile, when Donna Brazele opens her mouth I retch!
1)Why the Effort to Demonize Attorney General Barr?
The current progressive effort to demonize attorney general William Barr is creepy, but then again not so strange. He came into the office with singular experience and an excellent reputation from past service.
As attorney general, he has followed the law to the letter in handling the release, redactions, and dissemination of the Mueller report. His summaries of the report proved factual. They were not contested by Robert Mueller or his team. His decision not to pursue “obstruction” was not just his own, but logically followed from the Mueller report that did not find enough evidence to make such a positive recommendation.
His congressional testimony that there was “spying” during the 2016 campaign is, of course, factually undeniable, and Barr added the qualifier of being interested in finding whether such surveillance was warranted or not.
As for the charge that Barr, a former Bush appointee, is Trump’s “hand-picked” choice –how odd, given that all attorney generals are presidents’ hand-picked selections. How could they not be?
It is not as if Barr has referenced himself, in Eric Holder’s partisan fashion, as Trump’s “wing-man.” Nor has he ordered surveillance on, for example, a Fox News reporter, or had the communication records of 20 Associated Press journalists seized, as happened during the Obama administration in efforts to stop leaks of unwelcome news stories. Nor has he been held in contempt of Congress for failure to turn over subpoenaed documents under the cover of a presidential order of executive privilege.
There is no suggestion that Barr has abused the perquisites of the office, for example, by using a government jet to go to the horse races with his family. He has avoided controversial value judgements about the nature of the American people and polarizing rhetoric.
So, more likely, the effort to delegitimize the professional Barr is the opening, preemptory salvo in the second and quite different round of investigations.
Soon Mr. Barr will be tasked with collating and adjudicating criminal referrals and arguments for indictments coming variously from Inspector General Michael Horowitz, possibly special counsel John Huber, Devin Nunes the ranking Republican and former chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and perhaps later even from Lindsey Graham, Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, along with any conclusions arising from federal attorneys within the Justice Department itself.
In toto, these sources variously may present evidence to Barr on matters of lying to federal investigators, perjury, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and abuse of government surveillance — and the charges could, in ironic fashion, involve top-ranking former administrative state investigators during the Obama administration, who for the last two years have been quite prominent as cable news analysts and, in their memoirs at least, as self-described ethicists.
Add that there will be a completely different sort of news cycle as it intensifies in approach of the 2020 election. In such investigations, no one has any idea what possible defendants may do or say to federal prosecutors in efforts to lessen their own criminal exposure.
In sum, the progressives’ preventative efforts to destroy Barr’s reputation take on a certain sort of sick partisan logic, especially as he is neither the sort to recuse himself during cycles of journalistic hysteria nor to appoint a special counsel, after the ill-starred odyssey of the Mueller all-stars and dream team.
Given his age, past tenures, reputation, and professional demeanor, Barr does not seem to be much worried over transient unpopularity, partisan criticism, political pressure, or making tough decisions that might adversely affect his future career.
So the fear is not that Barr broke or will ever break the law, but rather just the opposite: He seems the sort who will follow the law wherever it leads him and without worry over the consequences — and that reality is now apparently seen by some as quite scary indeed.
2) How many coal plants are there in the world?
The EU has 468 - building 27 more... Total 495
Turkey has 56 - building 93 more... Total 149
South Africa has 79 - building 24 more... Total 103
India has 589 - building 446 more... Total 1036
Philippines has 19 - building 60 more... Total 79
South Korea has 58 - building 26 more… Total 84
Japan has 90 - building 45 more... Total 135
China has 2363 - building 1171 more… Total 3534
That’s 5,615 projected coal powered plants in 8 regions/countries.
USA has 15 - building 0 more... Total 15
Now Democrat politicians want to shut down those 15 plants in order to "save the planet” ?!?!?
Can someone explain the reasoning behind this?
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