Monday, April 1, 2019

Should We Follow Mexico? Soros Funding Attorney General Campaigns While We Sleep.

What a glorious land fouled by rotten politics.
If the sandals fit in Mexico why not America?  You decide. (See 1 below.)
Will the potential boomerang hit the Clinton's? (See 2 below.)
So you did not think SL was coming?  You did nor realize why Soros is funding attorney general campaigns. Well think again.  (See 3 below.)
1)*New Immigration Laws*

1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance programs. Any who are a burden will be deported.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.
9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation.
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you.
Too strict.? The above laws are the current immigration laws of MEXICO.! If it's good for American's to obey Mexican laws; then it's good vice versa.!!!
Clinton’s Russian Collusion Against Trump

With President Trump exonerated of all collusion by the Mueller team, attention is turning to the Clinton funded Steele dossier that started all this, and the potential that it was Russian propaganda meant to discredit Trump and sow division in American society. The Daily Caller reports:
In a deposition for a lawsuit related to the dossier in June 2018, former British spy Christopher Steele acknowledged his infamous report could be the product of Russian disinformation.
But Steele, a former MI6 officer who worked in Moscow, dismissed the possibility he was hoodwinked by Russian operatives who planted anti-Trump dirt.
“All material contained this risk, but that any information that was actually provided would have been subject to scrutiny in respect of this risk,” Steele said in a June 18, 2018, deposition for a lawsuit against BuzzFeed, the original publisher of the dossier.
In other words, Steele believed he had enough experience dealing with Russian sources that he could spot Kremlin attempts to provide him disinformation.
That Steele would be a willing Russian operative remains slim, but that he would have been duped is very likely, especially since he could not corroborate information effectively. Who is ultimately behind this disinformation remains a mystery, but worthy of investigation.
3)As serious as this is, it should surprise nobody.  This is what name-calling (Islamaphobic), appeasement, and liberal political correctness gets you.  Wouldn't surprise me if Minnesota was an Islamic state of some sort within a few decades.

Minnesota’s Muslim AG may get opportunity to enforce Islamic blasphemy laws on ‘remnant of patriots’
keith ellisonMinnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison
 In shockingly Orwellian fashion, Democrats in Minnesota want to create a statewide “Task Force on Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism” that would be stacked with people devoted to Islamic doctrines calling for more anti-Semitism.

Taken in light of other recent developments in Minnesota, all signs point to a coming crackdown on free speech, say conservatives in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

“It’s putting the wolves in the henhouse,” said Minneapolis resident Debra Anderson. “It’s very scary what they are trying to do. They want to stop, want to intimidate the remnant of patriots we have in Minnesota.”
 The task force, if approved by the legislature, would be chaired by Muslim Attorney General Keith Ellison or someone appointed by Ellison.

The bill was introduced on March 18, three days after the attack that tragically killed 50 people at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, leading some to conclude that Ellison and other Democrats are seeking to capitalize on the global sympathy for Muslims created by the 24/7 media coverage of that attack. During that same week, more than 200 Christians were brutally killed in Nigeria by Muslim militants, only to be met with silence from the same media providing nonstop coverage of the mosque attack.

On March 25, Hamas fired rockets from Gaza into Israel, destroying a Jewish home and injuring seven Jews, including a little girl. That attack was also subject to a virtual news blackout.

But pro-Muslim leftists in Minnesota had already been working toward the creation of a less tolerant, less intellectually diverse environment even before the New Zealand attack, according to conservatives in the state.

Michele Bachmann, a former member of Congress and prominent Minnesota conservative, said she has no doubt in her mind that, if approved, the task force will recommend draconian measures to crack down on so-called “hate speech” in her state

“The anti-Semitism portion of this bill is the cover for the main purpose of the bill, which is to establish in Minnesota statutes the equivalent of Islamic anti-blasphemy rules under Sharia law,” Bachmann told me in an email.

The stated goal of the task force is to “analyze the impact of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, recommend actions to improve the safety of Minnesota’s Muslim and Jewish communities, increase participation by the Muslim and Jewish communities in civic life, and recommend possible legislative action.”

It’s that last part – “recommend possible legislative action” – that has free-speech advocates on high alert.

Bachmann said all you need to do is look at the proposed members of the task force, which includes the heads of the Darul Farooq mosque, the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim American Society of Minnesota. All have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and have spouted hatred for Jews, so Bachmann and others want to know why they would be placed on a committee tasked with reining in anti-Semitism?

Take, for example, the head of MAS’s Minnesota branch, Asad Zaman. Despite his nomination to the proposed task force, Middle East Forum reports that Zaman “is not at all shy about his views on Jews and Islamism. His Facebook account is replete with anti-Semitism, apologism for Hamas and support for convicted war criminals.”
A ‘Who’s Who’ of the Muslim Brotherhood
 “This legislation is a who’s who of the Muslim Brotherhood in Minnesota gaining control over every Minnesotans’ life and ability to speak,” Bachmann said. “In fact, the average Minnesotan will have to say goodbye to free speech, and hello to speech and behavior monitored by Islamic/Koranic religious texts.

“If average Minnesota citizens and legislators allow this dangerous legislation to become law, they will quickly find themselves living under the restrictive censoring rules of Islamic law.”
20130715__michelebachmann_skyboxlistingFormer Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
 That led me to ask Bachmann, is it time for Bible-believing Christians to get out of Minnesota?

“That’s for each one to decide for themselves,” Bachmann told me. “The state has a long and wonderful history of being populated by and built up by faithful followers of the Bible.

“Either believers need to stay and boldly live their faith, or the peril of going silent means the bold followers of the Koran, who now hold positions of political power, will force their views of Sharia law on the people of Minnesota.”

Bachmann said there is no peaceful coexistence between active followers of Sharia and followers of Jesus Christ.

“Christians and Jews are routinely persecuted in Islamic dominated nations,” she said. “Most people in Minnesota have no idea what Sharia law will mean to their way of life.”

She said the end game is to silence non-Muslims’ freedom of speech to criticize Islam, even as criticism of Christianity will continue to be allowed, even encouraged.

“Speaking the truth about Islam will be forbidden,” she said. “Polygamy will be openly practiced. Female genital mutilation will be openly practiced. Misogyny will not be punished.

“People have no concept of the freedoms they are about to lose if Islam comes to dominate Minnesota.”

Some might argue that it already has.

“CAIR has been very unhappy about our tours throughout the Upper Midwest, and has said so in diverse commentaries in the media,” said Anderson, an independent conservative activist who fights against the Islamization she says is running rampant throughout her state.

Among those pushing for a more accommodating atmosphere for Islam in Minnesota is a supposedly Christian organization called ISAIAH.

“I attended a ‘countering Islamophobia’ event hosted by CAIR and ISAIAH last year,” Anderson said. “It was the first meeting in a series to train ‘Christians’ how to defend Muslims as they meet with relatives and go to lake homes in out-state Minnesota. Jaylani Hussein [the head of CAIR-Minnesota] said they would be focused on this initiative in 2019, as they are.”

As the Star-Tribune reported, Gov. Tim Walz wants to open three new regional human rights offices in greater Minnesota.

Walz told a conference on Islamophobia that the new offices — in Worthington, Bemidji and Duluth — are needed to expand the department’s reach to help Minnesotans facing discrimination.

Walz said he and his wife, Gwen Walz, plan to hold what is believed to be the first Iftar dinner at the governor’s residence during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins May 5.
Below is a list of proposed task force members:
  • Attorney General Keith Ellison
  • Commissioner of Public Safety John Harrington, the founder of “Ujamma Place.” This organization is all about convincing black prisoners that they are in jail because they are victims of social injustice, not because they committed crimes. In fact, Ujaama means “socialism” in Sawhili.
  • Commissioner of Human Rights Rebecca Lucero, appointed by Gov. Walz in January, is a civil rights attorney and diversity guru who describes herself as a “queer woman of color” [in defiance of every photo I could find of her online in which she appears, shame on her, very white!]. For more on Lucero, see the insightful Youtube interview below in which she lays out her plan for legal intimidation and re-education of all Minnesotans who publicly oppose her radical vision of “multiculturalism”:
  • Chair of House Public Safety Tony Cornish, a disgraced former legislator. 
  • Chair of the State Senate Committee on Public Safety, Sen. Warren Limmer. 
  • Hennepin County Sheriff David Hutchinson, the first openly gay sheriff in the Midwest and self-described “progressive” [This is often code language for “neo-Marxist”]. 
  • Muslim-American Society of Minnesota, whose parent organization, the Muslim-American Society, has been described as the alter-ego of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. A Sept. 19, 2004 Chicago Tribune article stated: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.”  This Tribune article was later reproduced on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English-language website, Ikhwanweb
  • ISAIAH, a Marxist-oriented organization that has infiltrated the churches of Minnesota. This group, led by Doran Schrantz, has 100 member congregations affiliated with the far-left PICO National Network, which focuses on issues of racial and economic justice. It also works relentlessly on immigrant-rights issues that get birthed out of the United Nations. In 2008 ISAIAH threw out any semblance of spirituality when its board decided to “view all its issues through a racial equity lens,” according to its website under the sub-category explaining it history. ISAIAH pins all of Minnesota’s problems on institutionalized “white supremacism” and “white privilege.” 
  • A Muslim legislator selected by the speaker of the house; 
  • A Jewish legislator selected by the senate majority leader; 
  • The executive director of two Jewish community organizations; 
  • Two rabbis; 
  • The CEO of the Minnesota Council of Churches or a designee.
Leo Hohmann is an freelance writer and journalist, author of the 2017 book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.” He is working on a follow-up that will investigate the Interfaith movement, which is ushering false and antichrist ideas into Western churches. If you would like to support this project, please consider a donation of any size.

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