Thursday, April 11, 2019

Not Good Week for Democrats and Trump Haters. Hillary Did Not Pull The Trigger - Bless Her Heart! Muslims.

This from a liberal friend and fellow memo reader who always challenges most everything I write:

"DB: I fear that some read your memes and treat it like Fox News..if they say it it's true and if Dick writes it it's true..

Your list about  what the Democratic candidates favor is just about the biggest load of crap you've ever written...

How about some responsible Journalism? J----"

I thought my reciting what Democrat candidates are collectively for was most accurate. 

I even anticipated one size fits all government Berniecare. 

You decide. Me
This has not been a particularly good week for Democrats. Barr made the Democrats look pathetic and he gave some hope to those who believe the "genesis" of the  Russian Collusion charge should be investigated and now will be. Chalk one up for Nunes and Graham.

The border crisis can no longer be ignored because it is taking place. Chalk one up for Trump.

Labor statistics continue to be favorable.Chalk another one up for Trump.

Trump's friend and ally, BIBI, won  re-election and that could translate into a favorable message for 2020 because the corruption charges lodged against BIBI were largely ignored. Second, Israelis finally realized no matter what you offer Palestinians they are going to either reject it and/or want more so it is time to move forward because they are mired in hatred and their unwillingness to accept Israel's existence. Finally, from an economic standpoint, Israelis rejected socialism and voted for freer markets.

Meanwhile, Maxine Walters looked like a buffoon and ill suited for the position she holds by reason of tenure - not by reason of intelligence and/or competence.

More radical Democrats announced they want to be president so America can become more socialist,. thereby, situating  their party further away from mainstream thinking. 

Assange arrested and could be deported.

As the week ends, I suspect, in the quiet of their caves, Pelosi and Schumer, Nadler and Schiff must be shaking in their boots as they watch despondently radicals taking over their party, setting the tone and sending the message only the mass media can defend.

The continued desire to carp about Trump, Russian collusion and obstruction, his tax returns and desire to defend the nation from the invasion by illegals is wearing thin.(See 1 below.)
Now was not the time for Israel to change camels. BIBI has accomplished a great deal diplomatically and his enemies, as with Trump's, are ceaseless in pinning the corruption tail.  No doubt, Bibi has done some things that are not 'Kosher' but he has been an overall good leader and even Dershowitz questions whether the charges are valid and lawful. (See 2 and 2a below.)
Hillary did not pull the trigger, she just shoved Vince over the edge. Bless her heart.  (See 3 below.)
More potential terrorist actions and comments  by our nation's  friendly Muslims. (See 4 and 4a below.)
1) The Greatest Cost of the Collusion Lie

The collusion lie will go down in history as one of the strangest distortions of reality to dominate the American political scene. For more than two and a half years, the national establishment and news media were fixated on a “truth” which turned out to be false.

In some ways, this national psychosis is reminiscent of the popular madness which would run through medieval societies from time to time. Think of the flagellants going from city to city beating themselves to exorcise their sins. Think of the madness which surrounded Friar Girolamo Savonarola when he ruled Florence from 1494 to 1498. In our own country, think of the hysteria of the Salem witchcraft trials in 1692 and 1693, when more than 200 people were accused of witchcraft. Fourteen women and five men were found guilty and hanged. A sixth man was pressed to death with stones.

On October 30, 1938, Orson Welles terrified millions of Americans with a fake news broadcast reporting aliens had invaded Earth. Based on the H.G. Wells book, The War of the Worlds, Welles presented it so vividly that many Americans panicked thinking they were listening to a genuine newscast of a real invasion from outer space.

The difference between the fake collusion myth and Welles’s frightening broadcast was that by October 31, 1938, Americans understood the story of the invasion was a fiction. Conversely, the liberal media, Democrats, and anti-Trump Republicans have been able to keep their collusion falsehood alive for two and a half years.

The biggest cost of this big lie project is the diversion of attention from all the real threats to America.
China has been launching multiple strategic offensives that threaten to create a Chinese global hegemony in our lifetime.

Putin has been expanding Russian influence via an alliance with China, an economic alliance with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, an extended reach into Syria, an alliance with Iran, and continued aggression in Ukraine.

In our backyard, the Monroe Doctrine has been shattered. The Chinese and Russians are jointly propping up Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship in Venezuela in open defiance of warnings from American leaders. We may presently face a choice of accepting defeat in Venezuela – with major consequences for our prestige throughout Latin America – or dramatically escalating our efforts to force Maduro out of power. This could potentially include the decisive use of American military forces.

For two and a half years, the news media has enthusiastically avoided an increasingly dangerous world by reporting on a false story which fit their ideological needs.

Consider the volume of coverage given to fake news about a nonexistent collusion.

Starting with Inauguration Day 2017 through the delivery of the Special Counsel’s report last month, the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news broadcasts produced 2,284 minutes of ‘collusion’ coverage.
MSNBC had more than 4,200 posts mentioning the Mueller probe when searched. Between February 20, 2017, and March 31, 2017, Rachel Maddow spent 53 percent of her broadcast on Russian collusion.
The New York TimesThe Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC combined wrote 8,507 articles citing Robert Mueller’s investigation since May 2017 – nearly 13 articles every single day.

As an indicator of the intensity of focus on the fake collusion crisis, consider the chyrons running across the screen day after day. The Pudding has put together an extensive data tool for tracking these graphics between August 25, 2017, and January 21, 2018.

Michael Cohen got 199 bottom third reports on Fox. MSNBC gave him 333, and CNN featured him 435 times.

Robert Mueller, busily pursuing what he would later report was a nonexistent collusion between President Trump and Russia, got even heavier coverage.

Fox referred to him 2,469 times, MSNBC gave him 9,096 references, and CNN chimed in with 4,326 reports on the screen.

The most interesting example of focus on fake news was the reporting in chyrons about Russia.
Remember, Russia is still acting aggressively in Ukraine, is involved in Venezuela and Syria, and is working to get Western Europe dependent on Russian natural gas. However, these historic challenges were not the primary focus of an amazing amount of news attention given to Russia.

Fox put references to Russia on the screen 3,415 times. CNN 6,012 times. MSNBC 11,158 times. This is a total of 20,583 references to Russia on screen between the three cable news channels.

And what word was most closely associated with Russian in all these appearances? Fox tied Russian to FBI. CNN and MSNBC both tied Russian to Trump.

Sadly, the fact that there has been no collusion has not led the news media to turn to the serious threats which endanger America. (We should demand to know when Mueller reached his conclusion – and how long he let President Trump govern with falsehoods surrounding him – an act of amazing irresponsibility by Mueller).

The desperation of the news media to avoid the serious dangers that are building around the world was also captured in the intensity of coverage given to the Jussie Smollett case.

It is astonishing that a case of deliberate dishonesty by an anti-Trump actor could get as much attention as it did. Once again, trivia crowded out the serious threats which could endanger America. Networks spent 101 minutes of coverage on the Smollett story before it was revealed as a farce.

Unfortunately, it’s clear the Democrats will continue investigating Trump rather than investigating China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, or any of the threats which are growing as we ignore them.

Likewise, the liberal media will continue to focus on domestic trivia. In the value structure of the liberal media, a former vice president’s hugging habit is worth far more coverage than China’s breakthrough in getting Italy – a NATO member – to contract out two major seaports to Chinese management.
If America fails to identify the growing threats to our national security (and thus fails to respond effectively) future historians may look back on the shallowness and myopia of the news media as a major factor.

President John F. Kennedy wrote Why England Slept because he was trying to explain the British failure to recognize how dangerous Adolf Hitler was in the 1930s.

Someday, someone may write “Why America Slept.” A major part of it might be devoted to the fake news and the shallowness of the American news media in failing to report on reality to the American people.
This might be the greatest cost of the collusion lie.
Your Friend,  Newt
2)The implications of Netanyahu’s re-election
The Leftist version of Israeli society has been effectively ended with the re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu to a fifth term.
By Ron Jager

Benjamin Netanyahu has been declared the winner of an unprecedented fifth term as Israel’s Prime Minister refusing to be beaten by the combined political force of three former I.D.F army chiefs, pending bribery and fraud allegations hanging over him, and the combined forces of a hostile broadcasted, printed, and digital news media which spent the later part of the past three years hounding and tarnishing Netanyahu day and night; have all failed to end his political career.
Netanyahu, a seasoned conservative politician, and a brilliant political tactician, proved once again his ability lead and overturn what seemed to be a foregone conclusion that he would be ousted.
Throughout the night, initial exit polls had shown that the Likud Party led by Netanyahu had lost to the Blue and White Party led by Benny Gantz. Updated results accounting for the final hours of voting showed the Likud leading 35 to 34. The actual number of Knesset mandates will likely change once all votes are tallied and the votes of parties that did not cross the threshold are redistributed.
Irrespective of the tight race between the two major parties, the right-wing bloc has won a clear and undisputed majority in the 120-seat Knesset being swept back into power and forming Israel’s new government in the coming days and weeks. Benjamin Netanyahu’s path to becoming once again Israel’s Prime Minister will withstand any last minute surprises as the tallying of votes is completed.
A surprising casualty of the election results were two of the more popular and outspoken right-wing politicians, Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, the joint heads of the New Right Party, who appear to have lost their bid to be in the 21st Knesset. At a gathering of his supporters in Bnei Brak, Bennett said he believed that once the soldiers' votes were counted, the party would have enough support to enter the Knesset.
“We have always taken care of the soldiers and now they will take care of us,” Bennett said. “The New Right will pass, and it will pass very nicely, we just need to be patient. We believe in our path and we will succeed.” “You have given it your all,” Shaked added. “I am certain that we will pass, we still have a lot of work to do. Together, we will succeed in achieving our goals. We are in this for the long haul.”
On the opposing side of the political map, a result of this election is that the Israeli public has chosen to end the historical role and political significance of the Israeli political lef, For many of Israel’s voting public, “peace has become a dirty word”. The Likud led platform of Jewish solidarity and support of modern Jewish nationalism based on Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people coupled with unprecedented economic prosperity, has convinced the Israeli public that the Left’s vision of peace, liberal social values, and socialist economic policies belong to the past and have been deemed either as unrealistic at best, or a denial of reality at worst.
The never ending conflict with the Palestinian Arabs, based on the “land for peace” model is no longer a viable political process due to the unwillingness of the Palestinian Arab leadership to accept Israel’s existence and the continuing terror raising its ugly head all too frequently.
“The Peace Process”, once the dividing line between left and right in Israeli politics has ceased to be an issue. As the realization that a solution with the Palestinian Arabs is unattainable in the near future, so too have the fortunes of left-wing parties leading to their apparent electoral demise. The Leftist version of Israeli society has been effectively ended with the re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu to a fifth term.
An astute observation of the Israeli election results can also have wider implications for the American elections in 2020 and the re-election prospects of President Trump.  The results of last nights election show that the Likud’s political strength actually rose despite widely publicized media bias espousing politicized accusations and alleged transgressions.
The veteran political commentator Yossi Klein has asked in the past “How is it possible that after all the investigations, the suspects, the cases and earthquakes, after everything is out in the open, the Likud gets more than two additional Knesset seats in the polls?” His answer, “It’s been there since the ’50s. It’s no good, it says so on the wall. You screwed us then and now we’re getting back at you. Who are ‘we’ and who are ‘you’? ‘We’ are what you once called ‘the second Israel’ and today the ‘periphery.’ ‘We’ are the children of those you threw into all kinds of holes. And who are ‘you’? You are Mapai, you are the police, you are the media, you are the state but we’re punishing you.”
Both President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu share a loyal base, which feels cheated, deprived, ignored, swindled and oppressed. As a result, both political leaders have in the past and can in the future give so many disenfranchised voters hope and that their struggles are important and can no longer be ignored.
Only this past week, the month of Nisan has arrived and we celebrated Rosh Chodesh Nisan. Our sages teach us that “In Nisan we were redeemed and in Nisan we will be redeemed in the future.” Many in Israel have no doubt that the elections results have a much greater significance for Israel’s future than just another election.

2a) Advice to the Winner:  Don’t Gloat
By Sherwin Pomerantz

One of the saddest changes that has occurred in the political conduct of western democracies over the last 20 years has been the tendency of election victors to gloat. 

For example, ever since the US presidential election of 2016, President Trump continues to gloat over his victory, reminding people almost daily that close to 63 million people voted for him.  Of course, he conveniently fails to mention that just under 66 million people voted for his opponent and that the 3 million-vote difference was in her favor not his.

This week in Israel, we witnessed a similar situation.   An untested retired 3-star general and former IDF Chief of Staff decided to challenge the incumbent prime minister and, although the general had never previously run for office, he received just about the same number of votes as the incumbent.  Quite amazing to be sure.  Yet, Prime Minister Netanyahu claims he scored an outstanding victory. 

Of course, it is likely that President Rivlin will ask Netanyahu to form the next government, as he seems to have the support of most of both the smaller right wing and religious parties.  However, Benny Gantz’s performance as a first time politician was impressive nonetheless and some will see it as a successful rebuke of the sitting prime minister.

In both cases, and others that we have witnessed in Europe as well, the political leadership has failed to heed the words of Mishlei (i.e. Proverbs) 24:17 that says: “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles.”

The cause of this shift, of course, is the movement away from the concept of a civic religion, which used to be the operating political basis of democracies.   What was that?  Simply a policy that an election would be held and the day after the loser would graciously state that for the good and welfare of the political entity involved, the people had to band together and support the winner so that the community can move forward.

When a civic religion informs the operative values of the electorate, progress is possible even after a bitterly contested election.  On that topic, Chuck Knox of blessed memory, the former coach of the Los Angeles Rams, Seattle Seahawks and Buffalo Bills was fond of saying:  “Winning and losing are both very temporary things. Having done one or the other, you move ahead. Gloating over a victory or sulking over a loss is a good way to stand still.”  Indeed!
Civic religion, for those not familiar with the term, is a sociological theory that a nonsectarian quasi-religious faith exists within a political entity with sacred symbols drawn from national history. Scholars have portrayed it as a cohesive force, a common set of values that foster social and cultural integration.  The concept goes back to the 19th century, but in current form, the theory was developed by sociologist Robert Bellah in 1967 in his article, "Civil Religion in America".

Political sociologist Anthony Squiers argues that this results in a concept called “the politics of the sacred.”  The Politics of the Sacred, according to Squiers are "the attempt to define and dictate what is in accord with the civic religion sacred and what is not. It is a battle to define what can and cannot be and what should and should not be tolerated and accepted in the community, based on its relation to that which is sacred for that community."

Western democracies traditionally have been examples of this theory but, sadly, one by one they seem to be abandoning those values and sinking to gutter level politics from which a return to mutual respect becomes all the more challenging.

Which brings us back to gloating.  Anyone with half a brain knows that gloating over someone else’s loss demonstrates the smallness of the person who gloats rather than demeaning the loser.  The days following an election are not the time to gloat but the time to coalesce around the basic values that brought the nation in question to this time and place.

It was former US Senator John McCain who, during his lifetime clearly stated on many occasions:  “Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.”  Truer words were never spoken and let’s hope our current leadership takes the time to internalize them.
3) Starr Admits He Omitted In FBI Report That Hillary Catalyzed Vince Foster's Suicide, Report Says

According to Ronald Kessler, the author of “The First Family Detail,” which revolved around Secret Service agents working for various presidents, independent counsel Ken Starr omitted his conclusion that former First Lady Hillary Clinton had catalyzed the suicide of President Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster in his final FBI report because Starr was mindful of Hillary Clinton’s feelings.
As Kessler writes in The Daily Mail, he asked Starr last weekend at the 2019 Annapolis Book Festival why Starr had not included that information in his FBI report. Kessler stated that Starr responded he “did not want to inflict further pain” on Hillary Clinton. Kessler wrote, “In interviews for my book The First Family Detail, the FBI agents who worked the case for Starr revealed the truth about Foster's death when he shot himself at Fort Marcy Park along the Potomac River.”
Kessler noted, “FBI agents found that a week before Foster's death, Hillary as First Lady held a meeting at the White House with Foster and other top aides to discuss her proposed health care legislation. Hillary violently disagreed with a legal objection Foster raised at the meeting and ridiculed him in front of his peers, former FBI agent Coy Copeland and former FBI supervisory agent Jim Clemente told me.”
Kessler quoted Copeland saying, “'Hillary put him down really, really bad in a pretty good-size meeting. She told him he didn't get the picture, and he would always be a little hick town lawyer who was obviously not ready for the big time.” Kessler wrote that Clemente asserted that Hillary blamed Foster for the Clintons' problems and said he had failed them. Clemente added, “Foster was profoundly depressed, but Hillary lambasting him was the final straw because she publicly embarrassed him in front of others … Hillary blamed him for failed nominations, claimed he had not vetted them properly, and said in front of his White House colleagues, 'You're not protecting us' and 'You have failed us.’ That was the final blow.”
Kessler states that FBI agents claimed Foster’s behavior changed radically after his meeting with Hillary. Copeland added, "The put-down that she gave him in that big meeting just pushed him over the edge. It was the final straw that broke the camel's back."
Starr’s report, 38,000 words long, mentioned a psychologist's report discussing the factors that contributed to Foster's suicide. Clemente said that Starr sometimes eschewed aggressively investigating certain issues, uncertain exactly how aggressive he should be.
Starr was determined not to let conspiracy theories mushroom that argued the Clintons had been involved in an alleged murder of Foster; he stated, “We cannot have — especially since I was charged with the investigation — an unsettled set of conspiracy theories that go unaddressed. I viewed it as a matter of accountability, and also just for the good of the country.”
But Starr also criticized Hillary Clinton for her answers during a 1995 deposition revolving around Foster’s death; he wrote in “Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation,” “In the space of three hours, she claimed, by our count, over a hundred times that she ‘did not recall’ or ‘did not remember.’ This suggested outright mendacity. To be sure, human memory is notoriously fallible, but her strained performance struck us as preposterous.”
4) 3 Muslim Terror Plots Targeted US Synagogues in 3 Months American Jews have no idea that they might have been killed this year. Daniel Greenfield
Posted by Ruth King

On Wednesday, April 3, FBI agents converged on a Bozeman shooting range and took Fabjan Alameti into custody.

Alemati, an Albanian Muslim, had traveled from New York to Montana. “When the time will come for us to hunt them down, I will stand over them while I piece their bodies with hollow tips,” the Islamic terrorist had boasted in February. “Inshallah, we take as many kuffars (non-Muslims) with us.”

He had told a government informant back in January that his potential targets included military and government targets, as well as a “Jewish temple”.

Alameti’s terror plot back in January was the second such Islamic terror plot that month.
On December 14, 2018, Hasher Jallal Taheb was discussing some of the targets he had scouted in Washington D.C. They included the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and a specific synagogue.

In the middle of January, Taheb was arrested over in Georgia.

Taheb and Alemati had a number of similarities. Both men were twenty-one years old. Their terror plots were violent but scattershot. The range began with government building and ended with a synagogue.

Theirs were the second and third Islamic terror plots targeting Jewish synagogues in three months.

The trend began with Damon Joseph, a Muslim convert, who was arrested in December for a number of plots including one targeting a synagogue. Joseph’s inspiration was the Tree of Life Shooting.

“I admire what the guy did with the shooting, actually,” Joseph said, according to the FBI. “I can see myself carrying out this type of operations inshallah.”

“We would pick a synagogue or place Jews gather, scope it out, find all exits and entrances,” the Ohio terrorist said of his plans.

He was also twenty-one years old.

All three Muslim terrorists were ISIS supporters. They were the same age and scattered around the country, from Montana to Georgia to Ohio. They origins lay in different cultures and parts of the world.

And yet their terror plots all targeted Jews.

What was it that created this cluster of three Islamic terror plots against synagogues?
No specifics are given in the complaints. Even the names of the synagogues remain anonymous. The phenomenon was not noted by any media outlet. The same outlets that eagerly publish statistical compilations of attacks on Muslims, real or imaginary, once again turned a blind eye to this cluster.

Around the same time that these synagogue plots were being hatched, the ADL released a report that ignored Muslim violence against Jews. “Right-Wing Extremist Violence is Our Biggest Threat. The Numbers Don’t Lie,” ADL boss Jonathan Greenbatt had declared.
Three synagogue terror plots in three months would suggest that Greenblatt’s numbers are lying.

Last year, there was a similar cluster, not of attack plots, but of incitement to violence.
In December 2017, an Imam in New Jersey had been caught preaching of the Jews, “Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one. Do not leave a single one on the face of the Earth.”

In February 2018, an Imam in Texas had urged fighting the Jews and a Syrian refugee Imam in North Carolina had recited a hadith calling for the extermination of the Jews, “We will fight those Jews until the rocks and the trees will speak: ‘Oh Muslim, this is a Jew behind me.’”

The geographic diversity of these calls to violence in mosques from New Jersey to North Carolina to Texas, echoed the diversity of the latest Islamic terror plots in Montana, Georgia and Ohio. There is no particular reason to think that the three terrorists were influenced by imams from other states. What these numbers reveal is the incredible scope and range of Islamic anti-Semitism and violence in America.

In recent weeks, the conversation around Islamic anti-Semitism has involved Rep. Ilhan Omar. Like the various imams and terrorists, the newly elected politician reveals the diversity of Islamic anti-Semitism. What unites Muslim anti-Semites in America isn’t geography or culture. It isn’t a local Jewish population. Instead, as we saw in last year’s rash of mosque anti-Semitism, it’s the religious teachings of Islam.

Only last fall, a Philly mosque had uploaded videos of an imam spewing anti-Semitism and reciting a hadith depicting the murder of Jews.

It would be implausible to contend that rhetoric like this doesn’t influence anyone.
Apologists like to claim that there is a sharp dividing line between ISIS and Islam. The synagogue plot cluster and the mosque anti-Semitism cluster show that when it comes to the Jews, not to mention slavery and genocide, ISIS just turns Islamic theory into practice. That, after all, is what Islamism is.

To the three Muslim synagogue terror plotters, anti-Semitism was a fundamental component of their religious and political values. Killing Jews was as natural to them as attacking government buildings.

Last year, in the UK, Husnain Rashid was sent to prison for threats against everyone from Prince George to soccer stadiums, supermarkets, the British Army and Jewish institutions. The details fluctuate, but the Jews remain a consistent target of Islamic terrorism in Europe, America and the Middle East.

Even as the media emphasizes Islamophobia, Islamic anti-Semitism continues to be a rising problem. And the media suppresses coverage of the problem by not reporting on it and by changing the subject.

The media met Jewish protests over Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitism by depicting her as a victim of Islamophobia. Similarly, the media blacklists the story of a cluster of Islamic anti-Semitic terror plots by shifting the focus to Islamophobia. The accusation of Islamophobia not only suppresses critics of Islamist bigotry and violence, it also suppresses coverage of the victims of Islamic bigotry and violence.

Jewish organizations have failed to address Islamic anti-Semitism. And that betrayal has left American Jews defenseless, not only against the anti-Semitic rhetoric of Rep. Omar or of Islamic religious leaders in mosques across the country, but before a new wave of Islamic terrorist plots across America.

Few American Jews have any idea or have ever been told that they might have been killed this year.

The names of the synagogues targeted by the Islamic terrorists have been kept secret. This conspiracy of secrecy may prevent copycat plots by other Islamic terrorists, but it shelters congregants at synagogues and temples across the country from the knowledge of how close they came. Information like that might have caused them to rethink their politics, their support for Islamic migration, and their collaboration with Islamist groups that undermine law enforcement’s role in breaking up similar Islamic terror plots.

The names of the target synagogues have conveniently remained buried and their congregants have been kept in the dark. Men and women who might have died this year will go on supporting the policies of their killers. And the fact that three Islamic terror plots targeting synagogues emerged in the space of a few months will never reach their ears, their eyes, their minds, or their hearts.

The climactic period of Islam requires that Muslims exterminate the Jews. And that even the rocks and the trees join in this genocide. Muslim clerics often refer to this hadith. And in Montana, Georgia and Ohio, a new generation of Muslim terrorists isn’t waiting for the rocks and trees to speak to them.

They are readying to kill the Jews now.

4a) NY Democrats Ignore Omar’s 9/11 Comment

Omar called the 9/11 terror attacks 'something' done by 'some people'

New York Democrats in Congress are staying silent after Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) called the 9/11 terror attacks "something" done by "some people."

Speaking to the Council on American Islamic Relations at a March fundraiser, Omar discussed the difficulties Muslims faced. She claimed they saw their civil liberties infringed upon after the Sept. 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks. In those comments, she referred to the events as "some people [who] did something" and praised CAIR for organizing in response.

"CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties," she said. "So you can't just say that, ‘Today someone is looking at me strange. That I am going to try to make myself look pleasant.' You have to say, ‘This person is looking at me strange. I am not comfortable with it. I'm going to go talk to them and ask them why.'"

The Daily Caller picked up on Omar's language in a story, which quickly spread online.
The story drew condemnation from others, including Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas). Crenshaw is a former Navy SEAL who served in Afghanistan, Bahrain, and South Korea. He called Omar's comments "unbelievable."

First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as "some people who did something".
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) April 9, 2019
"It is deeply disturbing that a sitting Member of Congress would trivialize the deaths of thousands of Americans, one of the most pivotal events in U.S. history," Rep. Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.) told theWashington Free Beacon. He called the events of 9/11 "a terrorist attack that to this day continues to take the lives of our fellow countrymen."

No New York Democrat in the Senate or House of Representatives has commented on Omar's comments. None replied to several messages from the Washington Free Beacon before press time.

Meanwhile, Omar responded to Crenshaw's comments, claiming his reaction to her 9/11 remarks constitute "dangerous incitement." She claimed it was never acceptable to challenge her patriotism. "My love and commitment to our country and that of my colleagues should never be in question," she said. "We are ALL Americans!"

This is dangerous incitement, given the death threats I face. I hope leaders of both parties will join me in condemning it.

My love and commitment to our country and that of my colleagues should never be in question. We are ALL Americans!
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) April 10, 2019
Crenshaw had not questioned her patriotism, saying as much in a reply Wednesday afternoon. However, Omar has questioned the loyalties of others.

In May 0f 2018, Omar accused President Donald Trump of disloyalty. He is "not a patriot," she said at the time.

I am with @JoeBiden, the President’s like, phony populism and fake nationalism is hurting this country. He is a #DraftDodger, not a patriot, just like his German grandpa. Let’s not allow him to use our fears to divide us, let’s arm ourselves with love!
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) May 26, 2018
In February, Omar peddled in anti-Semitic stereotypes, claiming an ambitious pro-Israel bill was the product of financial persuasion. "It's all about the Benjamins baby," she said, alluding to $100 bills.

Shortly after, Batya Ungar-Sargon of the liberal Jewish Daily Forward called the remark "the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted." Ungar-Sargon had previously defended Omar's comments in the past. She asked Omar who would be "paying American politicians to be pro-Israel."

Omar replied, "AIPAC!" Omar later deleted that tweet.

Later in February, Omar told an audience that some in the United States insisted on fealty to foreign powers. "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country," she said. The comment provoked condemnation from members of both parties.

In March, Omar made additional comments. After Rep. Nita Lowey (D., N.Y.) tweeted, "Omar continues to mischaracterize support for Israel," Omar responded that members of Congress should not be "expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country."
Lowey, who previously condemned Omar's comments about Israel, did not reply to a request for comment about Omar's 9/11 remark.

You can watch Omar's full remarks here.

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