Saturday, December 15, 2018

Who Am I? Is Evening The Score By Breaking The Law Mueller's Tactic? Another Rant. A Must Listen Video Then You Decide! Blake.


Blake spent a few days with us after Thanksgiving.
This from the brother-in-law of a long time, dear friend and fellow memo reader. (See 1 below.)
Another Rant. (See 2 below.)

My liberal friends would be very upset if Flynn does not go to jail because they constantly cite the fact that so many people have been indicted/ensnared by Mueller and caught in his legal web., including the Russians who will never be interrogated nor will they ever see the inside of a US. Court.

The "gum shoe" tactics of Mueller's Fitzgerald clipped Scooter Libby who should have been pardoned by GW.  Nothing Mueller has done regarding his indictments and sentences really relates to Russian Collusion. He caught some fish along the way for unrelated matters, and in the process, trampled on people's rights and made a mockery of American Jurisprudence.  

History will eventually reveal it is all about protecting Obama and those involved in trying to steal an election and failing that a cover up of corruption.

When a lawyer tapes his own client then all rules of legal propriety are out the window and we are no different than Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, China and any other :goon like" socialist nation radical progressives and their mass media friends seem to prefer over America.

If liberals are proud of this type justice they better hope Mueller's jaws never bite them in their ass because they will be screaming like stuck hypocrite pigs.

Hypocrisy allows them to be pleased when it happens to others but, I daresay, they would scream if their own rights were rudely abused.  Evening the score by breaking the law is not what this nation is all about though it may have become become the willing  tactic progressive liberals impose on others.

I dare you to listen to this because It confirms what I have believed all along. Obama and his cronies were behind this Russian Collusion etc:

God willing, the truth will eventually come out but probably those involved might be able to protect themselves because they have the mass media on their side.

Listen to this video and then you decide.
1)Who Am I?

I used to think I was just a regular person, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.

I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist.

I am heterosexual, which now makes me a homophobe.

I am mostly non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.

I was christened by my parents, which now labels me as an infidel.

I am retired, which makes me useless.

I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me,which must make me a reactionary.

I am proud of my heritage, which makes me a xenophobe.

I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me a number of words ending in “ist.

I was lucky enough to be provided the opportunity to work hard to get a good education without student loan debt, which makes me the undeserving beneficiary of “white privilege”.

I believe in the defense and protection of my country, served in and  honor all those who served in the Armed Forces, which now makes me a right wing-militant.

Please help me come to terms with the new me… because I’m just not sure who the hell I am anymore!

Funny …it’s all just taken place over the last 7 or 8 years!

As if all this nonsense wasn’t enough to deal with………… I’m not even sure which toilet to use.
2) May survived the no confidence vote, but not well.  She had 117 vote no, and the EU is playing stupid hard ball and not willing to even discuss it with her, and the N Ireland party has abandoned the coalition, so it is now highly likely there will be a hard Brexit, or an attempt to delay the March 29 date. The UK economy is strong right now, the US and many others will jump right in and do free trade deals quickly with the UK, and by March the transition will not be a crisis. The whole rest of the world operates under WTO rules, and it works. The UK can just go back to that. London is still, and will remain, the primary capital market for Europe and the Mideast. The Germans tried to bomb Britain into submission, and that did not go well, and now they are trying to get Britain to surrender again, by using trade, and that will not go well. What everyone seems to forget is France, Belgium, Germany and others export a lot of product to the UK, and they depend on London for an experienced and deep capital market. The EU runs a very large trade deficit with the UK, so it will be the EU that gets badly hurt, especially the auto industry which exports 30% of the production to the UK. The EU cannot afford to lose the UK as a market, and they cannot afford the capital market turmoil. Trump can now swoop in and save the UK, and do a good deal for the  US.  The EU is the real long term loser in this standoff. The Germans are just trying to prevent the rest of the EU countries from following the UK out the door, which will harm German industry. The stock market will wobble for a bit at first next year, but then it will rise as everyone realizes when Brexit was first approved by voters, lots of “experts” claimed it would be a disaster, but it was the opposite. I said then, and I repeat, Brexit will be good for the UK in the long term, and very bad for the EU, especially with France going in the tank, Merkel is very weak, Germany is headed for a slowdown and having major political issues over the refugees, no real leader now in the EU, and Italy is insolvent. This will be another major step in the unwinding of the EU. There is no up for them now with France in turmoil, and no way out. France will now lose more companies and tourists, and Christmas will be terrible. The French economy is headed to a very bad place. There is now no program for Macron to put in place that will fix the disaster that is the French economy. He had his chance and blew it with the gas tax.  The UK on its own again as it was for centuries will be far better economically outside the EU and free to deregulate. Lesson for the far left in the US which they will ignore.
The ECB ended QE and along with the Fed and BOJ will create an ending of the liquidity boost markets had gotten since 2009. However, the ECB will roll over its maturing bonds, so it will not be reducing liquidity for another year since it sees the economic situation in the EU as worsening. The liquidity shift in the US by the Fed, which is not rolling over its matured bonds proceeds, will impact bond markets, and is a drag on asset values. 

It is way too early to know where the China negotiations end up, or if China will comply even after signing, but so far it is very encouraging, and the arrest seems to be sidelined. The latest economic stats from China show it is slowing more than anyone expected. Now, rather late, the EU is finally chiming in, and agreeing with Trump on the need for a new paradigm with China. They also now have agreed the WTO rules and procedures need to change in a way the US is wanting. So now the international pressure on China that so many critics say was needed, is happening now that Trump has paved the way. What is never mentioned in the press, but needs to be understood, is, if Trump succeeds in getting a full deal on IP, trade, fentanyl, and cyber war, and a true resolution in N Korea, then this deal, if the Chinese comply, will be equal in historic importance as the end of the cold war deal with the Soviets. This was never really just about trade and tariffs. It will reset the terms of geopolitical issues and trade for the next generation, or maybe longer. Xi saw how weak Obama was, and apparently, also saw the red line fold he did in Syria, the Iran deal, Crimea, and the dissembling of the US military, and decided he could do whatever he wanted with Obama and then Hilary as president, and get away with domination of Asia.  Trump’s very hard line on N Korea with real military threats, played a big role. Trump had to make it clear the Obama Clinton approach was not going to happen, and a new sheriff was in charge.  That took time, and the massive rebuilding of the military was key to that, along with the missile attack in Syria while Xi and Trump were having dessert together. Message delivered. The arrest may have actually played entirely opposite what everyone said. It showed Trump will not play nice, even in the middle of a critical negotiation. I believe Xi saw all of this, and that it was a whole new ballgame, and he realized he could no longer do as he wished, and China is better to work with the US, than against us. The last thing XI now wants is a war with the US, or in N. Korea. If you think about it, if China really decides to change its ways, and plays like a proper nation, and works with Trump, it can succeed tremendously, and it can possibly reduce military spending and start to deal with its massive debt problems, and inefficient, subsidized state owned companies. China has a lot of major demographic issues, and massive over leverage problems, and now a populace that is well educated and aware of the rest of the world via the internet and being educated in the US. I think Xi considered all of these issues and decided he would really try to do a deal. 

The shame is the Dems want to talk impeachment and Trump going to jail, and other stupid stuff, and that just weakens our position in these negotiations. I believe there will be a real deal, and if so, it is a huge win for Trump for 2020. Trump is dealing with China, with Brexit, Iran, N Korea, Putin in Ukraine, the problems in the EU, border security, Afghanistan, the Saudi issues, opioid deaths and the deficit, and the Dems and press are focused on some bimbo getting paid off. Keep in mind that over 200 Congressmen used your tax money to pay off women who worked for them to keep quiet. The lead expert on campaign finance law said there was no violation. Even if there was it would be that he did not report the payment. Same thing Obama was fined over $300,000 for. And they wonder why voters are disgusted with DC and Congress and the press.  Example- Politico just contacted me to get my comments on Trump and his non-existent real estate deals in Russia and elsewhere. Their e mails made it clear they are all set to say in their upcoming article that the Russians laundered money in Deutsche Bank, so Trump must be part of that, and in debt to Putin, and even though they admit there is no evidence of that or collusion, they are going to try to make a case there was, and Trump did bad things in deals, so he must be under the influence of Russia and foreigners. They said more, but bottom line--I told the reporter Obama had no dealing on a building in Russia, no Deutsche bank loans, and no other deals, but Obama rolled over on the red line to Putin, did nothing as Russia and Iran took over Syria, gave Iran $150 billion plus a palette of cash to fund Hezbollah and Hamas, and Yemen, did nothing about Benghazi but lie to the American public, and pulled out of Iraq allowing ISIS to form, and then did almost nothing to stop them. The reporter said “fair enough” and allowed how all that was true, but he was still going to attack Trump anyway. Why let facts get in the way of a news story. 

The new inflation numbers just came out, and it is clear that inflation remains in check, even at the producer level. The steel tariffs are just not making much negative impact, despite what some companies like GM whine about. Oil prices are now having a real positive impact as they are keeping inflation low, although even core inflation is low. Energy is a big cost for factories, trucking costs, rail, and airlines, and with oil low, that keeps production and logistics costs lower, so that flows down to the retail prices. The new oil pipeline from N Dakota has cut costs of that oil materially, as there are no more trucks or railcars.  Another big benefit for the economy despite the environmentalists and Obama. The new Permian pipelines are coming on stream now. That will be a big, good event for oil prices. Core US consumer spend in November was up .9% vs forecast .4 by economists. October was up .7%.  Christmas is going to blow well past forecasts with gas now down to $2.35 on average, and Walmart and other chains catering to the lower 20% is likely to materially exceed projections as lower income workers are spending more than usual.

We will see what the Fed does and says next Wednesday, but it seems unlikely there will be another increase in March unless the economy performs much better than forecast. The world economy is going to decline so the Fed has to protect US economic growth.

Standby for the judge to blow up at Meuller. What the FBI did with Flynn is far worse than Trump paying off bimbos.

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