Tuesday, December 11, 2018

No Holiday Mood Among Palestinians. Trump Pulls Rug Out From Under Schumer and Pelosi. A Test.

Still in that holiday mood.
No holiday mood among Palestinians.  They still seek to kill Israelis. https://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/276769/palestinian-death-cult-shoots-israeli-mom  (See 1 below.)
I realize Trump's open meeting with Schumer and Pelosi was all  political drama but, again, we had an opportunity to watch Trump be Trump.  He did it in a combative but friendly manner and, in my opinion,  made fools of them because, I think, he made them look weak and backed them into a corner when he pulled the "protect our borders rug"  out from under them..

The fact that he is willing to take sole responsibility for possibly shutting down the government because he wants the nation to be secure is smart and gutsy.

Denying Trump the opportunity of building his wall over $5 billion implies Democrats are cheesy and petty. Maybe I am wrong but I think it will backfire on them and sets the tone for what to expect over the next two years.

Pelosi is scripted and clever and I am sure is convincing for those who do not have enough facts to realize she is basically twisting/torturing truth.  After all "you have to pass it to know what's in it "stuff.
Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader. (See 2 below.)
1) Nations of the free world must speak in unison on Iran
by Former Israeli Def Min Avigdor Liberman for DefenseNews
Avigdor Liberman served as Israel’s minister of defense from 2016-2018. He resigned Nov. 15 following an escalation with Gaza, charging that the Israeli government had “capitulated” to terror by accepting a cease-fire.

The United States is doing an invaluable service to the West by resolutely confronting Iran with crippling economic sanctions. Though they might not admit it, or even realize it today, the nations of the free world — and the people of Iran themselves — will look back and thank this U.S. administration for the strategic clarity guiding its Iran policy.
The threat posed by Iran to Israel and to most of the Arab world is imminent. There is a reason Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and other countries in the region support the tough U.S. policy on Iran: Iran's attempt to assert regional hegemony and spread its revolutionary ideology through terror proxies and massively building up its missile arsenal poses an acute danger.
An example of Iran's pursuit of strategic dominance is apparent in the growing convergence of its efforts to influence the Palestinian and Lebanese arenas. With over 100,000 missiles and rockets pointed at Israel from within Lebanese villages, and numerous installations for converting rockets to precision-guided missiles planted within civilian areas, Iran, through its proxy Hezbollah, has turned much of Lebanon into a fortified missile base, using the cover of civilians as a shield.
Under the direction of Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani, Iranian operatives work closely with Hamas counterparts on Lebanese soil in order to synchronize a future attack on Israel from Lebanon and Gaza. This is exemplified in the close cooperation between the “Palestine” branch of the Quds Force, and Hamas representatives in Lebanon in training operatives, transferring funds, fostering military research and development, and planning terrorist attacks against Israeli targets.
Moreover, over the last decade, the Quds Force has provided hundreds of millions of dollars to Hamas and Islamic jihad for their military buildup in Gaza, money that is of course being drained away from Iran's citizens and the Iranian economy.
The Quds Force is similarly active in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, with the overarching goal of spreading northern and southern crescents of influence to bolster Iran's grip on the region. It is working particularly hard to duplicate the Lebanon model by entrenching itself militarily in Syria.
2) Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who
were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had
syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for?
Candidate A Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist: He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day
Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.
Which of these candidates would be our choice?
Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down for the response.

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler

 And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question: If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone.
Wait till you see the end of this note! Keep reading..
Never be afraid to try something new.

Remember: Amateurs...built the ark. Professionals...built the Titanic

And Finally, can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics 

29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...

Can you guess which organization this is? Give up yet?

t's the 535 members of the United States Congress.
The same group that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

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