
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++HISTORICAL FACT :Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.
A dear friend and fellow memo reader gave me a gift subscription to "The Weekly Standard" which has now folded.
It had some brilliant conservative writers, but also was anti-Trump. Their stance impacted it's readership and one of it's main backers, Philip Anschutz, among others, decided to pull the plug.
The closing of this magazine is an intellectual loss for those who sought intelligent thinking/writing. One more nail driven into our nation's intellectual coffin.
This from a friend and now fellow memo reader in regard to comment I made in recent memo:
Since I once worked for Senator Stevens and attended
the trial almost every day, you are definitely correct about
the same judge now presiding over the Flynn trial—Judge
Emmet Sullivan.
I really am enjoying reading these articles!
Thanks. S----
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Is cost of taking care of illegal immigrants, who have burrowed their way into states, absorbing money that would otherwise be available for American citizens and if so by how much?
We appear to be taking care of illegals rather than American citizens in actual need of assistance.
State by state detailed infographics on how much illegals burden you and your state:
There is growing evidence Russia has been meddling in the yellow jacket riots in France and we know they are trying to destabilize democracies throughout the world.
We also know they and China are actively engaged in serious cyber attacks and stealing our intellectual property. Computers and software have become the terrain for the new wars and apparently, America is totally unprepared for these technological intrusions. Just recently our Navy learned they are being exploited and secrets are being stolen.
What I find equally dangerous and disturbing is the lack of mass media concern about the impact of their own bias and false reporting. I am not suggesting they need to write favorable articles about Trump but they do need to return to being professional, writing in depth factual articles that are informative and not focused on entertainment. They need to quit shielding corruption because they have a vested interest in one political faction versus another.
It is true more information now comes by way of Twitter and other such social media sources than through newspaper readership etc.. This phenomena will not stop. It will only grow. A few days ago The Weekly Standard closed shop.
When you dumb down education, in general, and dilute the caliber of news sources one has every right to be concerned about the survival of our free society - our republic. I am a pessimist but I do not believe I am an alarmist because I worry about these trends. A society that loses it's collective ability to reason, that fails to insist on unbiased and factual reporting and substitutes entertainment and mind mush is more prone to what our adversaries are dishing out and is more vulnerable to what they are about.
Mueller has become a loose cannon on the deck of the ship of state. He has uncovered little by way of collusion. Yes, he has hung a few outliers for misdeeds unrelated to his Russian Collusion charge and his endeavors/pursuits appeal to those who hate Trump because he is unlike any president in recent history. That said, Mueller's efforts have also become an albatross over The Oval Office and undercut the positive efforts of this Administration to rectify and set right many matters that need to be addressed and have harmed our nation. It is one thing to take issue with a president whose initiatives you oppose but it is totally out of bounds to wish he fail and support those whose every efforts run in that direction.
The attacks on Trump and his immediate family are undignified and have reached the level of paranoia. The constant drumbeat of neurotic commentary followed by insincere apologies, after the fact, is sick and suggests many in our society are no longer capable of sound judgement and decency. Poking fun, sardonic humor, satire is one thing but vulgarity and worse is totally outside the bounds of what is acceptable.
If we ever get through this period we will look back and realize it caused a level of instability that made us more susceptible to the threats from our adversaries and may even bring our republic to its knees and/or put us in a position from which we will be unable to recover.
I take no comfort from any of this nor should you regardless of what you may think about Trump and his quirkiness. Wake up America before it is too late. Hating Trump is a steep price to pay if it leads to the destruction/end of our republic and do not think there are not those whose goal is just that. They would like nothing better than to see America crumble because we are a constant impediment to their desire to rule the world in a more totalitarian manner. Free people threaten their goal of sublimation. A nation prepared to protect its citizens and borders stands as a barrier to those who want to end democratic rule and are willing to do so at any cost.
Our republic rests on a fragile foundation of principled concepts, a willingness to live by the rule of law and the belief that our funding fathers created something special and worth saving. Our prosperity is largely because we believed and adhered to these concepts and we sacrificed to protect and defend them.
Time to dismount off my high horse! The Best of Holidays and Merriest of Christmases.
Another good news letter. (See 1 below.)
1)This week's positive Israel newsletter contains at least 23 articles where Israel or Israeli companies are working together with international partners to bring cutting-edge solutions that will benefit the whole world.
It is becoming almost impossible for me to keep up with the reporting of the numerous Israeli innovations each week. I try to limit the newsletter to 50 items maximum, but there are so many more - and the rate is increasing!
Please recommend www.verygoodnewsisrael.
(If this email arrives in your spam / junk folder, please mark it as "not spam".)
Best regards and Shalom.
The Jewish State in its true light.
The Jewish State in its true light.
In the 16th Dec 18 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
- Israeli scientists have discovered a new pathway for treating age-related hearing loss.
- It’s official – Israeli tech is driving Israel’s latest diplomatic successes.
- Israeli technology has lowered the numbers of accidents involving London buses.
- The US Coastguard is to use Israeli technology to see beyond the horizon.
- Jordan has bought more Israeli natural gas and has asked for more Israeli water.
- Argentine superstar soccer player Lionel Messi has joined an Israeli fan club.
- Archaeologists in Israel have discovered remains from the Biblical Tabernacle.
- Click here to see the 9th Dec newsletter on IsraelSeen, Ruthfully Yours, Janglo, and United With Israel with extra feature on Co-existence. Also (TY Sandra) in German and (TY Zachy) in Hebrew. Please pass on these links to German and Hebrew-speaking contacts. Also (TY Esty) please visit (and “like” and “follow”) the www.facebook.com/
VerygoodnewsIL Facebook page.
- If someone wishes to be added to the free email subscription list, they should either click here or send a request (with their name) to michael.goodnewsisrael@gmail.
FDA designation for solid tumor treatment. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (28 Jan) that the AGI-134 solid tumor treatment from Israel’s BiolineRX showed promise. The U.S. FDA has just granted Biological Product Designation for the novel immunotherapy compound. Early trials show complete regression of tumors.
Restoring the digestive system. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s E-Motion Medical has just received the CE Mark (i.e. European approval) for its E-Motion System, providing stimulation therapy that restores the natural motor function of the digestive system for patients with acute gastrointestinal dysmotility (GID).
New pathway for treating loss of hearing. Tel Aviv University scientists have produced the world’s first map of "methylation" (natural gene manipulation) that impacts development and ultimately loss of function of the entire inner ear. They have revealed many new genes that may help restore hearing to deaf children and adults.
Going bats to understand spatial awareness. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have found that humans are more like bats than rats in how our brains help us navigate the environment. Rat neurons only emit predictable. rhythmic oscillations, whereas bats and primates additionally use far more complex mechanisms.
New program for treating eating disorders. Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center has set up a new daily program to treat young people up to age 30 in Northern Israel with eating disorders. Each patient receives an intensive, personized plan plus access to doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, dieticians and social workers.
Sleeping sickness parasite genome decoded. Dr. Noam Kaplan of Israel’s Technion Institute is a member of an International team of scientists that has decoded the genome of the fatal parasite Trypanosoma brucei – the cause of human “sleeping sickness”. It should help in the development of techniques to block the fatal disease.
Gut microbiome-analysis startup’s $5 million lab. I wrote previously (19th Aug) that Israeli startup DayTwo will provide members of health care provider Clalit with personalized nutrition plans based on DNA analysis of gut microbiome. DayTwo is now setting up a $5 million lab in Rehovot, working with the Weizmann Institute.
Of mice and men. (TY Atid-EDI) Israeli biotech CytoReason and Israel’s Technion Institute are analyzing the immune system at the cell level. As a result, they have just published a groundbreaking new mouse to human model. It will help scientists develop treatments faster that work both in clinical and human trials. Great video.
New treatment for heart failure. Israeli-founded Irish-Israeli startup Whiteswell has developed a minimally invasive solution for acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF). It involves a catheter to drain excess fluid. Whiteswell has just raised $30 million of funds to support development and trials.
Patient motoring guidance system. I reported previously (Dec 2011) that the universities of Haifa and Ben Gurion were building MobiGuide to monitor patients outside clinically controlled environments. MobiGuide is now the first AI system for the automated management of atrial fibrillation and gestational diabetes patients.
See the new migraine relief device. I reported previously (21st May) that Israel’s Neurolief was developing a non-invasive brain neuro-modulation interface system that could relieve migraine headaches. This Israel21c article shows the device, describes the technology and plans. The device is also in trials to treat depression.
Israel advocates for people with disabilities. Israel’s parliament marked International Day for Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on 3rd Dec. Israel’s 8 million citizens include 1.6 million people with disabilities who are an integral part of Israeli society, and this short video publicizes it.
President hosts 60 diverse mayors. (TY Sharon) Following Israel’s recent mayor elections, President Reuven Rivlin emphasized shared interests when hosting 60 new mayors at Beit Hanasi in Jerusalem. The mayors represented every section of Israeli society, secular, ultra-orthodox, religious and Arab, Bedouin and Druze.
Israeli-Arab doctor is youth angiology representative for Asia. Dr. Rashad Abusaleh, of Rambam Medical Center has been appointed by the International Union of Angiology (IUA) to be its International Youth Young Committee Vice Chairman. Dr. Abusaleh will represent Israel and Asia for the next three years.
Schoolhouse for migrants. (TY Josie) I reported previously (9th Dec) on the Israeli NGO teaching computer skills to some of the 38,000 African migrants in Israel. This article describes the Schoolhouse at Minshar School of Art in south Tel Aviv where Israeli volunteers educate migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers.
Please can we have some more water? (TY Nevet) A Jordanian delegation has traveled to Israel to request an increase in water allocation to the kingdom, which is plagued by severe shortages. Israel already sends 50 million cubic meters to Jordan as part of peace agreements.
Look who’s taking Israeli on-line Bible archaeology course. (TY WIN) An online course at Bar-Ilan University, titled Biblical Archaeology: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel and Judah, has drawn more than 1,000 students from around the world, including from Pakistan, UAE and Oman, who have no ties to Israel.
Joint research with Brazil. Israel’s Innovation Authority (IIA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Research and Innovation. Each authority will allocate $5 million over five years to support R&D projects leading to solutions to technological challenges relevant for both nations.
Israel’s diplomatic breakthroughs. In 2010, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gabriela Shalev, said “Israel is the most isolated, lonely country in the world”. But in the last eight years, the Jewish state has had extraordinary diplomatic breakthroughs in India, China, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Gulf.
Israeli technology is paving the way for diplomacy. I reported previously (6th May) that Israeli diplomats were to receive training in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship prior to going overseas. They are now being trained how to “talk tech”, show off Israel’s innovation and use it to promote the nation. About time too!
Eilat-Eilot energy conference. The 2018 Eilat-Eilot International Renewable Energy Conference is Israel’s leading energy event. From Dec 2 – 4, thousands of participants from all over the world came to Eilat. The event launched Eilat Eilot’s East Africa Off Grid Technologies Hub, bringing Israeli innovation to Africa.
Renewable energy program. (TY Calcalistech) Israel’s Innovation Authority (IIA) is launching a $7 million annual pilot program to fund and support companies requiring R&D in renewable and efficient energy fields. Up to NIS 2.5 million is available for projects in solar, geothermal, fuel alternatives, smart grid, storage etc.
TAU-China research center unveiled. I reported previously (29th Sep) on the joint Tel Aviv University project with China’s Tsinghua University to set-up a new research center in Shenzhen. The two universities began their plans in 2016 and have just presented them at the China Israel Innovation Forum in Shenzhen.
Hebrew U launches fintech center. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has opened a new fintech center, funded by a $1.3 million donation from Israeli entrepreneur David Gershon. Its goal is to grow Israeli fintech startups and increase overseas sales. It also aims to help raise a new generation of Israeli fintech entrepreneurs.
Vegan meat startup wins European Food competition. Israeli startup Jet Eat, which developed a technology for 3D printing of vegan meat substitutes, was selected as one of the winners of the 2018 Food Accelerator Network Program competition. The contest is hosted by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology.
Vegan products from chickpea protein. I reported previously (19 Aug) on Israel’s InnovoPro, developer of a 70 percent protein concentrate from chickpeas. It has now produced prototype products like puddings, meat alternatives, high-protein snacks and vegan mayonnaise. It has also just raised $4.25 million of funds.
Airports for drones. Israeli startup Highlander Aviation has developed software that manages and coordinates the activity of autonomous drone fleets. It has just raised $1.5 million to help it expand globally. Highlander intends to build specialized airports for commercial drones, where the flyers can land and recharge.
Self-healing software accelerates in Japan. (TY Roger) I reported previously (Dec 2017) on Israel’s Aurora Labs whose systems fix problems in connected cars. Aurora has just been chosen to participate in the Batch 2 Acceleration Program of Plug and Play Japan. Aurora’s software platform is valuable to vehicle manufacturers
Israeli technology makes London buses safer. (TY Atid-EDI) London bus operator, Abellio, launched a trial in Oct on 66 of its buses of Israeli collision-avoidance technology from Mobileye (now part of Intel). Findings to date show it has reduced avoidable collisions by 29% and reduced injuries from such collisions by 60%.
New concept steering wheel is 3D printed. (TY Atid-EDI) Global automobile products company Techniplas has used a DragonFly Pro 3D printer from Israel’s Nano Dimension to design a new steering wheel that incorporates its proprietary cognitive lighting technology with 3D printed electronics in a single step.
Smart pool cleaner. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Maytronics, was co-winner of the 2018 Pool Innovations Trophy Smart Pool award for its Dolphin iO robotic pool cleaner powered by self-learning AI technology featuring 3D digital mapping of the pool. Piscine Global, in Lyon, is Europe’s leading swimming pool and wellness event.
http://lyon.maytronics.com/ https://www.youtube.com/
Put them anywhere you want. (TY Atid-EDI) I’ve reported previously (see here) on Israel’s Wi-Charge and its innovative WiFi (10-meter range) charging system. Wi-Charge now turns specific Amazon and Google smart speakers into wireless speakers. Wi-Charge is also expanding with new partners for its OEM program.
Dying wool online in any color. The technology of Israel’s Twine Solutions continuously dyes a single raw off-the-shelf white thread to any requested length and in any one of millions of colors and shades and gradients. It eliminates the inefficient conventional bulk dyeing of thread in use today. Twine has just raised $22 million.
Systems for U.S. Coast Guard planes. (TY Atid-EDI) The U.S. Coast Guard is to use the MilliSAT L/W system from Israel’s GetSat. Its beyond line of sight (BLOS) technology will support the Coast Guard’s intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, humanitarian aid, search and rescue and disaster relief missions.
Reckitt Benckiser partners with Israel, (TY Calcalistech) Israel’s Innovation Authority (IIA), has signed a Tech Collaboration Agreement with Healthcare multinational Reckitt Benckiser (RB). The IIA will help RB locate Israeli healthcare startups focusing on AI and blockchain and match investments that RB makes in them.
Jordan buys more Israeli gas. (TY Atid-EDI) Tamar Petroleum (owned by Israel’s Delek and US’s Nobel Energy) is to supply up to 1 BCM more Israeli gas worth $200 million to the Jordan Bromine Company and Arab Potash Company. Jordan began receiving Israeli gas in 2017 (see here) after a $500 million deal (see here)
Battery charging startup gets Chinese boost. I’ve reported previously (see here) on Israel’s StoreDot and its innovative fast-charging batteries. Now, China’s EVE Energy Co. Ltd. has signed an agreement with StoreDot. to manufacture the Israeli company’s products for electric vehicles and mobile devices in China.
The OurCrowd Global Investor Summit. On March 7, 2019, in Jerusalem, Israel, over 15,000 people from over 120 countries are expected to attend the fifth annual OurCrowd Global Investor Summit. Its theme is “Startups: Making a Global Impact,” – their breakthrough technologies and their social impact in the world.
Morgan Freeman is so cool. Octogenarian Oscar-winner Morgan Freeman will soon be seen all over Israeli billboards and television screens as the new face of Tadiran air conditioners. Freeman signed an agreement with Tadiran to lead the company’s advertising campaigns.
Protecting millions of cars. I reported previously (1 July) about Israel’s ERM Advanced Telematics and its systems that prevents cyber-attacks on connected cars. ERM now protects and monitors 5 million cars globally. It is now expanding in Latin America, focusing on the fleet management and stolen vehicle recovery markets.
Ex-Intel employees invest in Israeli tech. Five former Intel senior executives have co-founded investment group NextLeap Ventures. It has already invested $1.5 million in five Israeli tech startups – GuardKnox, Zuta-Core, Magentiq Eye, Montfort (see here) and TechsoMed. 80 ex-Intel employees came to its recent Pitch Night.
https://www.guardknox.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?
http://zuta-core.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?
https://www.magentiq.com/news https://vimeo.com/224749386 https://www.techsomed.com/
Urban art in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Development Authority’s Cultural Infrastructures and Public Domain of Eden has initiated the painting of 11 exquisite wall paintings in the Talpiot district of Jerusalem. They are the works of an international roll call of professionals, including from China, Spain, Mexico, Brazil and Israel.
Dance festival attracts VIPs from 45 nations. The 24th annual International Exposure dance festival (Dec 5 – 9) took place at the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv. The 178 VIP guests from 45 countries included the directors of the dance festivals of Montpellier, Lyon, Toronto, Vancouver, Seattle, Singapore and many more.
Print fair in Tel Aviv. The Print Fair photo exhibit at Tel Aviv’s Print House photo studio that finished early Dec was so popular that it re-opened the following weekend. The event’s aim was to bring good photography to young people. 150 photographers were selected via a Facebook open call and photos can still be bought on-line
New Israeli stamps. (TY Jacob) Israel Post has issued new stamps featuring Israeli achievements in robotics; trees of Israel and simultaneous joint issues with the USA and with Poland.
Circling Mount Meron. The 100% circular nature trail in the Mount Meron Nature Reserve leads from Nahal Moran to Nahal Neria past gorgeous groves and enchanting landscapes. Check the weather first, because it requires walking inside the riverbed, which remains dry most of the year except immediately after rain.
Messi joins Beitar Jerusalem fan club. Argentine football (soccer) legend Lionel Messi has become a member of the fan club of the Israeli football team Beitar Jerusalem. Beitar’s owner and Sirin labs CEO Moshe Hogeg, presented Messi with a membership card and Sirin smartphone in Barcelona, where Messi plays professionally.
Relic from the tabernacle discovered. Archaeologists excavating at Shiloh have unearthed a 20 cm-long clay pomegranate dating back well over 3000 years to the time of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in the First Iron Age. It is the same shape as the pomegranate-shaped bells on the priests’ cloaks and probably decorated the Mishkan.
Archaeological evidence for Chanukah. I reported previously (Sep 2013)about the Siebenberg House Museum built on top of the remains of a 2000-year-old house in Jerusalem. Recently archaeologists discovered large stones from a Hasmonean era building, and the time of the Maccabees of Chanukah fame.
Ancient vanilla found in Israel. The first evidence of the use of vanilla has been discovered in residue from a 3,600-year-old (Bronze-age) tomb at Megiddo in Israel. Traders probably brought the spice from orchids grown in Africa. Scientists previously thought that vanilla originated in South America, several thousand years later.
New Dead Sea scrolls? Archaeologists are busy excavating two recently discovered caves overlooking the Dead Sea which contain 2000-year-old jars, wrappings, and possible scroll fragments. Although the cave had been plundered, the robbers hadn’t dug very deep and the archaeologists were hopeful of a new discovery.
Mystery donor give Chanukah presents to hospitalized kids. An anonymous Australian donor has sent a transport of toys to hundreds of children at Rambam’s Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital in Haifa. It took a special truck to transport all 1,150 toys. Leftover toys will be given to children all year round.
Award for Rescuers Without Borders. Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked presented Israel’s Rescuers Without Borders (RWB) organization with an Award of Excellence at the Arutz Sheva conference in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. RWB’s 1,000 volunteers provide emergency medical assistance in Judea and Samaria.
JNF to fund Israel education in UK Jewish schools. JNF UK is giving £1.2 million to 18 UK Jewish schools to boost Israel education programs. Its aim is to strengthen the Jewish identity and connection to Israel for over 12,000 pupils. Primary schools receive grants of up to £10,000 a year and secondary schools up to £50,000.
The first International Jewish People’s Parade. Some 6,000 Jews from Israel and around the world participated in the first-ever International Jewish People’s Parade in Jerusalem. The marchers carried Macy’s Day Parade-like floats. Characters included Chinese dragons, a Muppet, a Smurf, Ben Gurion and Herzl.
Australia recognizes Israel’s capital. Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced, "Australia now recognizes West Jerusalem, being the seat of the Knesset [Israel's parliament] and many of the institutions of government, is the capital of Israel." Australia is to establish a trade and defense office in West Jerusalem.
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