Friday, December 8, 2017

What Difference Does It Make.? Well, We re Finding Out. Trump Not Insane Just A Clever Fox. Trump Setting Region Aflame?

Hillary once said: "What Difference Does It Make."

Several months later we found out.

a) More employment
b) Somewhat higher wages.
c) Higher stock market.
d) Less illegal's coming into America.
e) ISIS more or less destroyed.
d) Reduced regulations and strangulation of businesses initiatives.
e) Confidence index higher.
f) Prospect of tax modification that might increase employment.
g) Congress ridding itself of those engaged in sexual abuse. 
h) Jerusalem recognized by America as the official Capital of Israel.
i) Politically correct destructive attitudes/policies less controlling/guiding.
j) U.S. no longer supports U.N anti-Semitism.
k) Mass media and FBI bias continues.
l) Various corrupted federal agencies being cleansed gradually of Obama holdovers.
k) Adversaries no longer certain we will cower when threatened.
l) Military decline ending
m) You can wish people a Merry Christmas again.
n) Judges who have read and respect our constitution are being selected and our laws are being          upheld.
o) Respect for our police is improving.
p) Israel has come to be treated as a loyal  friend again.

Yet to happen:

a) Hillary's "Russian/Steele Dossier" yet to prove collusion 
b) Obamacare laid to rest. Meanwhile, it is collapsing of its own weight.
c) Republicans are capable of ruling and healing their intraparty warring.
d) Trump reducing tweeting.
e) Trump's Impeachment
f) Trump proven insane. Though, one local Savannahan thinks he is and I am sure there are others.
    I believe Trump is clever as a fox and is a master at getting in the hen house.
g) Prevention of N Korea and Iran from causing a war and gaining nuclear status.
h) Californians and New Yorker's coming to their senses. Would not hold my breath nor should you.
i) First Lady admired for her charm, beauty, elegance and Christmas decorations..
j) College administrators to act like grown ups and quit coddling their pitiful/wimpy students who have been raised by parents who have sanitized everything and been overprotective..
k) Soros' demise along with other assorted radicals.
l) Several female members of the Supreme Court who will get with the program of making decisions   based on our Constitution..
m) Schumer and Pelosi getting off their high horse and stop leading their party into oblivion.
n) Obama stopping trying to be president from the sidelines. Go build your library.
o) The Democrat members of Congress rejoining the union and quit stonewalling.
p) The "huge ' wall on the southern border.


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