Reverse sexual harassment:
A man and a woman who had never met before found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train.
Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper berth and she in the lower.
At 1: 00 AM, the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying.... 'Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold.'
'I have a better idea,' she replied 'Just for tonight, let's pretend that we're married' 'Wow! That's a great idea', he exclaimed.
'Good,' she replied, 'Get your own blanket.'
After a moment of silence, he passed out.
The End
I have a very astute conservative friend and fellow memo reader who just e mailed this to me:
"Dick, My instinct is that Democrats are eating their young now so they can take the moral high ground when similar charges (not proof, mind you, just allegations) arise against Republicans generally and Donald Trump specifically. They will ignore all the evidence that the Mueller investigation is a sham at best, a well orchestrated biased kangaroo court at worst, and simply sit back and point to Conyers, Franken, et. al., as examples of what “responsible public officials do” when faced with embarrassing allegations. I can hear the voices of the Greek Chorus now and as phony and hypocritical as they will be, the cowardly, complicit press will echo their every word. We haven’t seen the end of the current race to uncover each and every peccadillo of this President.
My advice to him will be, “When you’re being run out of town, get up front, make it look like you’re leading a parade.” E-"
I happen to agree with him.
Schumer and Pelosi decided to shove two of their own onto their swords so as to put their party in a better position come 2018. They want Democrats to appear virtuous and get ahead of Republicans, who will have to deal with Moore, should he win and Trump when the Demwits press impeachment again.
It is all political showmanship parading as compassion and being forthcoming. More hypocrisy .
Trump has certainly been a bad boy in his former life but as a politician he does what he campaigned on and perhaps that will allow him to survive the impeachment onslaught after 2018, if not before..
Let's do a little walk down presidential history lane.
FDR dies with his mistress present.
Truman, Ford and Carter devoted husbands and fathers.
Jack Kennedy was a Lothario and had many affairs. One with a potential Russian Spy/Agent and the most notorious was with Marilyn Monroe, who wanted him to divorce Jackie.
Johnson was an habitual problem when it came to women but Lady Bird suffered on in a dignified manner.
Nixon and Pat did not sleep in the same bed or room .
Bill Clinton - need I say more. Rape and everything else under the sun and Oval Desk.
GW a bad boy until he met his wife, sobered up and became a mensch and a pretty good artist.
GW's father probably a bit of a rogue and Eisenhower allegedly had a romantic relationship with his personal driver, Kate, while in England.
Obama, nothing known to date from a sexual abuse standpoint just an unmitigated liar and probably guilty of unconstitutional acts at worst and evasion at best.
Let's do a little walk down presidential history lane.
FDR dies with his mistress present.
Truman, Ford and Carter devoted husbands and fathers.
Jack Kennedy was a Lothario and had many affairs. One with a potential Russian Spy/Agent and the most notorious was with Marilyn Monroe, who wanted him to divorce Jackie.
Johnson was an habitual problem when it came to women but Lady Bird suffered on in a dignified manner.
Nixon and Pat did not sleep in the same bed or room .
Bill Clinton - need I say more. Rape and everything else under the sun and Oval Desk.
GW a bad boy until he met his wife, sobered up and became a mensch and a pretty good artist.
GW's father probably a bit of a rogue and Eisenhower allegedly had a romantic relationship with his personal driver, Kate, while in England.
Obama, nothing known to date from a sexual abuse standpoint just an unmitigated liar and probably guilty of unconstitutional acts at worst and evasion at best.
More collusion on the part of Mueller? (See 1 below.)
Klavan on sex scandals. (See 2 below.)
A curious recusal in the sentencing of Michael Flynn could be an indicator of something very big happening
Something very strange, and possibly extremely significant, happened yesterday, with no explanation and little notice from the media. But two different writers for the same DC-insider publication rushed to be the first to note this barely-noticed move, suggesting that they know something big is happening.
To my deep sorrow, the skills of a Kremlinologist – the people who specialized in interpreting small signs, such as who stood next to whom reviewing military parades in Red Square, to figure out the real power structure within the secretive upper ranks of the USSR – are necessary to figure out what is going on in the Deep State attempts to take down the Trump presidency. The two writers rushing to be the first to break the story work for Politico, the publication that specializes in DC insidership. They rushed to be the first to note the case of the curious recusal. First was Sean Davis, whose tweet went up at 5:23 PM yesterday:
If we put on our Kremlinologist hats, “nobody knows why” translates to “Something big could be happening!” and implying “I was the first to note it.”
A mere 15 minutes later, his colleague at Politico, Josh Gerstein, published an article on that site with more background, but no explanation of why:
Judge Emmet Sullivan was randomly assigned to take over the case after Judge Rudolph Contreras recused himself. (snip)
Sullivan is an appointee of President Bill Clinton, and Contreras was appointed by President Barack Obama.
When it comes to assembling evidence, creating timelines, and inferring what is really going on beneath the veneer the public is allowed to see, nobody is better than Sundance of Conservative Treehouse. He writes:
As soon as CTH saw the name Judge Rudolph Contreras our spidey sense alarm bells began ringing. You know why?…Those FBI FISA warrants are now coming under scrutiny.
Judge Rudolph Contreras is one of a very small group of FISA Court Judges. –LINK–
My instincts tell me that Judge Contreras was most likely the judge who signed off on the FISA warrant that led to the surveillance of Donald Trump’s campaign officials, that included National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn
It would be EXPLOSIVE if it turned out that the FISA warrants were gained by deception, misleading information, manipulated information, or fraud…. and that warrant led to the wiretapping and surveillance of General Michael Flynn was authorized by Contreras…. who would now be the judge in Flynn’s case.
Yes, the conflict of interest would be beyond stunning
That FISA warrant, of course, is the potential Rosetta Stone of the suspected plot to surveil the Trump campaign for president. Spying on the opposition by using the most feared surveillance capacity in the world, provided by US taxpayers. And, it is reasonably suspected (but not proven because everything is under wraps) that the bogus “dossier” produced by Fusion GPS with the help of Russian sources was used to obtain a FISA Court warrant to use the NSA’s universal surveillance of electronic communications to “unmask” first Carter Page, and subsequently an unknown number of staffers in the Trump campaign.
In a lengthy post elsewhere, Sundance laid out the timeline and inferences about how the FISA warrant was obtained after first being rejected by the FISA Court (something that happens very rarely). I will not attempt to summarize it here, but a key figure (and White Hat) is Admiral Mike Rogers.
The Inspector General of the DOJ currently is investigating these matters, and his report, expected early next year, may answer all these questions. Or it may not.
So we are left with straws in the wind, and our suspicions.
If and when the details are exposed and prove out Sundance’s (and my) suspicions, this will make Watergate look like the “third rate burglary” it was characterized as by President Nixon’s allies. A sitting president and his candidate to succeed him weaponizing the nation’s intelligence agencies to sabotage the opposition. You cannot exaggerate the magnitude of the consequences.
Hat tip: Mike Ford
I'm Done With the Sex Scandals
I'm pretty much done with the sex scandals. They were fun, but they're just going to have to carry on without me. If someone broke the law and you can prove it, prosecute him. If someone violated the rules of his organization, eject him. Other than that, if women have forgotten the fine art of slapping a man in the face, there's not a whole hell of a lot society can do for them. You keep silent for forty years and then ruin a man's career with an unprovable allegation — and that makes you a hero? Not to me.
Look, I think Al Franken is a nasty little piece of corruption. I'm not even sure he actually resigned at all. I think he may have just faked it so Democrats could make a lot of hypocritical noise about Roy Moore down in Alabama. I suspect, after the Alabama election is over, if Moore loses, Franken will retract his intended resignation and it'll all pass away. But beyond that, the truth is, I don't care whether he grabbed a couple of bottoms or not. I already know he's a creep. Any woman he grabbed should have smacked him a good one and told him to knock it off at the top of her lungs. When did women become such helpless little flowers? Slapping is a very good system of justice in these cases. Slap him, shout at him, then let the voters decide.
I don't like Roy Moore either. I don't like the way he inflames people's prejudices or the way he wields the Bible at his political enemies and at gay people. I think he's a hypocrite. But you know what? If he legally dated and kissed teenagers when he was in his thirties, I truly do not think it is any of my business. One woman says he attacked her violently, but her story has some serious holes in it. One woman says she was only fourteen when he felt her up, but he denies it and it was so bloody long ago who the hell knows?
Either way, I don't think voting for Moore is going to bring about the moral apocalypse, and I don't think it means the Republican Party is going to hell. There are other issues on the table. I don't want to retract the Declaration of Independence because Jefferson took advantage of a slave girl. I'm not going to surrender to Germany because Eisenhower cheated on his wife. Sex makes people do bad and stupid things. Again, prosecute, eject or slap. Otherwise, I'll take each case in context as it comes.
Anyway, that's how I see it, but, according to our media elites, the rules are different. According to them, Democrats can run interference for an accused sex abuser and his complicit wife for 25 years, they can call a priapic woman-slaughterer the lion of the Senate, but one make-believe resignation speech from a handsy comedian? Then the Democrats' worst problem is that they're "too pure." As for Republicans: they shouldn't decide elections on the issues but should instead fly into a moral panic the moment the mainstream media charges their candidate with anything, whether it's traveling with his dog on the car roof or dating a girl too young for him forty years ago.
As far as I'm concerned, there's one sex act the media elites can all go perform with my complete approval. For the rest, I'm going to mind my own business — which is voting for what's best for my country.
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