Tonight the SIRC had a meeting and most of the various Republican candidates running for office introduced themselves and then Russ Peterson, the evening's Master of Ceremony and Chair of the SIRC, made some thoughtful comments about my book. I brought a few copies and wound up selling them all.
Sales have gone well and the Wounded Warrior Project is closing in on receiving $1000.
Marketing has really just begun and I am working towards loftier sales. If you have not participated please do so. It is for a worthy cause.
This book is not political though the title might sound that way. I have written about raising children from the perspective of some one who believes in Capitalism and approaches life in a Conservative Manner. If that is political so be it!
"A Conservative Capitalist Offers: Eleven Lessons and a Bonus Lesson for Raising America's Youth
Born and Yet To Be Born"

By Dick Berkowitz - Non Expert
I wrote this book because I believe a strong country must rest on a solid family unit and that Brokaw's "Greatest Generation" has morphed into "A Confused, Dependent and Compromised Generation." I hope this book will provide a guide to alter this trend. Dick Berkowitz . . .
“Dick, I read your book this weekend. I hardly know where to start. You did an excellent job of putting into one short book a
compendium of the virtues which only a relatively short time ago all Americans believed. It’s a measure of how far we have fallen
that many Americans, perhaps a majority of Americans, no longer believe in what we once considered truisms. I think your father
would have agreed with every word, but the party he supported no longer has such beliefs.” Mike
"Dick, I indeed marvel at how much wisdom you have been able to share with so few words. Not too unlike the experience in reading
the Bible. I feel that with each read one will gain additional knowledge and new insights…" Larry
You can order a printed book that will be shipped to you. -- The book only costs $10.99.
-Printed Book
OR . . . You can order a PDF version that you can download right away and read on your computer, or even print out if you want. The PDF book only costs $5.99.
Please Buy My Book - Half The Proceeds Go To "The Wounded Warrior Project!"
About The Author:
After completing his formal education in 1960, Dick Berkowitz began his professional career
as a stockbroker in Atlanta, joining the nation's largest Southeastern Regional NYSE Member
Firm - Courts and Co. becoming a general partner in seven years. Dick subsequently resigned
after Courts merged and he opened an institutional office for Burnham and Company. Twenty
years later, after Drexel Burnham closed its doors, he moved his staff to Oppenheimer in 1990, retiring in 2009
During his business career he served on The President’s Commission on White House
Fellows ’90 – ‘92, The Board of Visitors St John's College ’95 -2001, The Board of Woodrow
Wilson International Center for Scholars '97 - '98, The George Bush for President National
Finance Committee ‘98.
Dick also was a Founding Member Univ of Ga. President’s Club and Chaired Blackburn Park
Master Plan Committee ‘98.
Re-locating to Savannah, where he now lives with Lynn, his wife of 40 years, he continues to manage money for a few clients,
remains active serving on The Board of Visitors of the State of Ga. Museum of Art. He also began The JEA Speaker Series, serves
on The Board of The Savannah Federation Investment Foundation, The Advisory Board of Spine and Sports and more recently
The Board of The Skidaway Island Republican Club - 2012.
Dick Berkowitz also publishes his thoughts on The Middle East, politics and economics which can be found at: or
Please Buy My Book - Half The Proceeds Go To "The Wounded Warrior Project!"
You can order a printed book that will be shipped to you. -- The book only costs $10.99.
-Printed Book
OR . . . You can order a PDF version that you can download right away and read on your computer, or even print out if you want. The PDF book only costs $5.99.
Feel free to forward this to anyone on your own e mail list and encourage others to order a copy.
Our 'boob' of a president misspoke again regarding Planned Parenthood and mammograms:
Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader: "We urge you to watch this powerful new film - released yesterday - about the nuclear threat from Iran.
Listen to an articulate, educated Iranian woman, who escaped Iran after the
Islamic Revolution, tell her story. She speaks the truth about Iran's intentions
- past and present.
Find out the real dangers not only for Israel but for the entire world. And
learn about a peaceful way to stop Iran.
Tonight, President Barack Obama and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney face off in the last presidential debate of the season. Join PJ Columnist and "Vodkapundit" Stephen Green as he provides up-to-the-minute analysis and commentary.
For what it is worth here are my thoughts:
a) Both accomplished their objective in that Obama continued to repeat straw men assertions, mostly stretching the truth, if not actually false, and then proceeded to knock them down.
Romney was beefier in his responses and arguments and dodged whatever bullets were sent his way so, in that regard, he came across as the winner.
b) Obama just cannot defend a record of falling short domestic and economic accomplishments.
c) Obama was petulant at times and was actually condescending when he responded to putting Romney down regarding Romney's understanding of submarines etc.
Our fleet is shrinking and is not capable of defending our foreign policy commitments. I have consistently written about this time and again using articles drawn from The Naval War College Quarterly to support this fact.
d) Obama paints a picture of his foreign policy successes that belie reality.
e) Iran is four years further down the road towards becoming nuclear and I did not understand Obama's response about Romney having a Chinese oil investment.. That was a petty pissy fanny crap response that a kid would use in a debate and is unworthy of a response by a president regarding a serious problem and dangerous threat.
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