Wednesday, August 25, 2021

What The Hell Is Going ON?


 My oldest daughter comes in Thursday (today) later in the evening . She leaves Monday.  I have already written a lot of memos which have been pre-scheduled for sending. So you will continue to receive memos but I will not be writing and/or sending any new ones while she is here.

Obviously there is a lot happening, much of which I and others have been predicting for weeks on end. Not specific as to the nature of the actual  event but more general in terms of my lack of confidence in Biden, my belief he was a disaster all along and now the volcano is erupting.

Once this withdrawal began I never believed Biden had a solid plan but was hoping to be able to showcase the fact that on 9/11 he had ended our involvement in Afghanistan. It was meant to e political showcasing. It has not backfired and there will be many tragedies as a consequence.

This marks the third war/confrontation our superb military have, because of political interference, not been allowed to win and claim  mission accomplished. The mass media must share some of the blame because they have been dishonest in their investigative reporting and shielded mostly Democrat presidents due to  their insipid bias.

Most of the blame lies at the feet of Democrat and Republican Presidents for a variety of reasons. In virtually every instance military personnel were frequently sacrificed because of political second guessing and worse, allowing politics to dictate what was allowed or not allowed  on the battlefield. This has to stop. 

Like anything in life, one must never undertake that which he either knows is unwinnable and/or has no intention and/or commitment to carry through to the end and quickly.  Finally the best brake on folly is it must be paid for through taxation.

Viet Nam could have ended had Johnson been willing to bomb and flood the north. Afghanistan was won  by our special forces and Bush and Brimmer chose to pursue the unachievable because they never quite understood the nation was a cesspool of tribal hatreds.  Like the Colonel said "In The Teahouse of The August Moon,"  "I will teach them democracy if I have to kill everyone of them.'

The best thing Biden can do is recognize Obama's policy toward Iran has always been based on a false premise. I seriously doubt Biden is capable of dong so particularly since his administration is infused with Obama loyalists.

We  soon will be facing the return of stateless enemies that are marvelously equipped with American weapons ( those who prefer sanitized language say assets) as if weapons become less deadly when called assets. Remember Obama eliminated calling Islamist terrorists who and what they are. Biden wants to humanize the military. Why doesn't he demand they put tea in their canteens and make them eat K Ration "crumpets"with their pinkies held high.

 Any senior officer that tolerates this nonsense should be thrown out and/or resign.

I once posted a cartoon showing a  U.S Army tank with a side board changing table.

What the hell is going on?



Never-ending disgrace: Biden admits he can't extend the evacuation deadline because he fears the Taliban!

Full Story Here


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