Monday, August 16, 2021

Recent Market Comments Proving Prophetic, Thanks To Doofus. Need For Teaching "Little Black Sambo." Leave It To The Brits!

OOOOPS lost another nation to China. Either China will destroy the Taliban or the Taliban might create issues for the CCP.  Both will certainly create problems for America.
Another Inflation Record Gets Broken As Biden’s Senility Hits Home

It’s difficult to assert that there is any positive news about inflation. However, it is just getting worse, with middle-class families witnessing the totality of the previous few years’ wage increase vanish in a matter of months. Producer cost inflation increased by 7.8 percent year over a year today, with no sign of a slight reduction. However, this surpasses the previous record set in June.

Producer cost inflation is generated from the producer price index, which measures product selling costs to retailers (wholesale costs) from year to year. In other words, they are costs that are directly passed on to the end-user. Because things are out of control, the PCI jumped by 1% between June and July. It is a figure that falls just shy of what it would typically take Americans a year to reach under normal conditions. The following is a rundown of some of the most notable recent climbs

 The following is a rundown of some of the more notable recent increases. How did Vice President Joe Biden respond to this? As a result, he went on television to boast that his rebuilt better projects were lowering rather than raising prices. It’s like he lives on some other planet.

Did anybody receive a tax break? Because the citizens don’t recall receiving a tax break. Maybe Joe Biden means to reestablish the SALT tax deduction, but that’s a handout to the wealthy in blue states with high-income taxes. Regardless, he isn’t helping to save expenditures. Instead, Americans are witnessing the inverse.

Moreover, the savings of people are fading away without spending a little of it now. And what exactly is Biden doing? He’s just having his ice cream for cameras and lying to people and eating chocolate. The optics and the reality of it all are both insanely surreal to witness.

Democrats are powerless to respond because their spending policies are to blame, and they are too entrenched in their current path to alter course. Rather than that, Americans observe absurd qualifiers as well as an increase in transitional claims. Meanwhile, Republican senators approved a $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, handing Democrats a significant win that would only increase inflation. To compound problems, Joe Biden is a senile older man who reads 40-font phrases written up by his far-left henchmen. Is he even aware of how ridiculous it sounds to claim cost savings as inflation continues to rise? Americans have their doubts.


Afghanistan President Flees the Country As Taliban Enters Kabul

In a Friday conversation, retired CIA Director/Military General David Petraeus described the worsening security environment in Afghanistan as “catastrophic” and “disastrous” for not only the United States, but for the entire globe.

Petraeus told The Rita Cosby Show on WABC News that this is a tremendous homeland security failure; he also said that is on the point of growing far worse until we try to take very serious action.

It’s all on Biden’s Withdrawal

The former commanding general of US and multinational troops in Afghanistan explained the cascading effect; this effect happened when the US withdrew the majority of its additional forces.

The departure of the United States triggered the immediate expulsion of all NATO soldiers and contractors, including some who were responsible for maintaining the Afghanistan air force.

Petraeus expressed concern “months earlier” about such a “psychological breakdown” that would happen if Afghan forces discovered they couldn’t maintain the amount of help they’d come to expect in battling the Taliban.

We’re now in a scenario where militants are attempting to surround Kabul, a city with five or six million people, before tens of millions of refugees stream in, he said.

We can put an end to this if we successfully communicate with insurgents that they must cease what they are doing or face the full force of the US Army.

It is All Coming to an End Very Quickly

The insurgents have made significant gains in recent weeks, seizing control of 240 of the country’s 421 provinces.

The rebel organization also took control of the second-largest cities in Afghanistan, Kandahar, and Heratt, previously this week; this raised fears for Kabul’s security as Taliban fighters approach on the Capitol.

President Biden ordered a major withdrawal of thousands of American diplomats and Afghan translators; he did this by bringing in tens of thousands more troops to supplement the 1,000 currently stationed at the Kabul airport and embassies.


 In a memo already sent I made a few market comments that, I am sorry to say, are proving prophetic.

First .August, historically, is one of worst market months and 2) the domestic and international picture, I feared, would not be psychologically positive. 3) Biden is a disaster and has been wrong, since birth, on most major issues.


The Afghan Allies Left Behind

Fear and chaos in Kabul as the U.S. fails to get loyal friends out.

By Editorial Board


Biden Is Failing Cuba’s Uprising

The White House is so far unwilling to challenge the U.S. left that likes the regime.

Mary Anastasia O’Grady 


What they need to learn is go in, finish the job quickly and depart or don't go.  Also, they need to learn when and when not to undertake even if they plan to go in and out quickly.

I seriously doubt they make students at the various military academies read the book about that black kid, named Sambo, who got stuck.

Israel, other US allies in Mideast, must learn from Afghanistan

Only the Brits,  This from my lovely British girlfriend:


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