Saturday, August 28, 2021

For Sale. Biden Scapegoats? Hypocrite Democrat Liberals Love Smearing Particularly Conservative Blacks. America No Longer Reliable Partner. Ross Rants


I'm selling my white privilege card. It's over 70 years old but is in mint condition. It has never been used, not even one time. Reason for selling is that it hasn't done a damn thing for me! No free college, no free food, no free housing, no free anything, I actually had to go to work every day of my life while paying a boatload of taxes to carry those who chose not to work! If you are interested, I prefer cash but would be willing to do an even trade for a Race Card which seems much more widely accepted and comes with countless benefits if you fit the profile.
Interested? Contact me on my cell phone that I pay for every month.
Serious buyers only!


I always anticipate the worst for two reasons.

a) If it happens I won't be surprised 


 b) If it doesn't,  I will be happy.

Apply this to Biden's disastrous evacuation and this is what I fear:

a) . Among the Afghans the State Department brought to America are a whole lot of terrorists.

b) A plane will be shot down while taking off.

c) More  deaths from terrorist attacks.

If any of the above does not happen I will be ecstatic and Biden will be able to move on to his next screw up, which I am confident will happen.


Biden Prepares to Scapegoat Americans He Abandoned in Afghanistan

Katie Pavlich


Psaki Dodges Question from Reporter on Why the White House Should Be Trusted

Landon Mion


Democrats, particularly hypocrite liberals, love smearing reputations and will do anything to apply this tactic to conservative blacks.

Larry Elder, Leading California Gubernatorial Recall Candidate, Won’t Be Charged For Alleged Domestic Abuse And Gun Brandishing

By Bruce Haring

In this article:

Talk show host Larry Elder, considered one of the leading candidates to potentially unseat Gov. Gavin Newsom in the upcoming recall election, will not be prosecuted for alleged domestic abuse and gun violations.

Los Angeles prosecutors declined today to pursue his former fiancée’s allegations that he brandished a gun and engaged in domestic abuse six years ago.

More from Deadline -

There is a one-year statute of limitations on misdemeanor cases, so prosecutors could not pursue the accusations made by Alexandra Datig, who split with Elder in 2015.

Datig claimed in media interviews that Elder brandished a .45-caliber revolver during a 2015 argument about breaking up. She also claimed Elder pushed her in 2014.

“From the beginning, Larry has said that he will stay focused on the issues that animated over 1.7 million Californians to petition for a recall of Gavin Newsom,” Elder’s campaign said in a statement.

The recall election will take place on Sept. 14. Talk show host Elder, a Republican, is one of the front-runners.

In the recall election, voters will be asked two questions. First is whether Governor Gavin Newsom should be recalled. Second is whether, in the event that he is ousted, who should replace him.

Others running to potentially replace Newsom include former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, reality TV personality Caitlyn Jenner, and businessman John Cox.


According to this link from my English girlfriend America is no longer a reliable partner:!preferred/0/package/688/pub/688/page/73/article/204832


“SHAME”: Biden Likely To Leave Thousands Of Americans Behind In Afghanistan


Ross Rants:

There is a chance things in the stock market might turn more positive by mid September. Delta will be peaking in the next couple of weeks, or sooner in some states, as more get vaccinated, and more get infected, and, therefore, immune. Vaccinations are now over 1 million a day again, 30 million or more over the next month. That is 33% of the total unvaccinated. Add on those getting infected, and we could be down to maybe less than 50 million (15% of the total population) at risk by mid- September. Deduct another group of very young kids, and it seems reasonable to project Delta will be diminishing rapidly by mid-September. It continues to make a dent in return to the office, but not to trips to national parks and other venues. The impact is not going to be large, and would be less if the politicians would get out of the way. One good outcome is it forced tens of millions to get vaccinated sooner. Banks, corporations, and consumers are overflowing with cash and credit. That is the key. Once Delta diminishes, and people feel freer to travel and go out to restaurants and stores again, the economy will pick back up from whatever slowing is now happening.

However, there is a huge black swan circling called Afghanistan and Taiwan. Before long something really bad is going to happen due solely to Biden and Blinken. People are going to die soon in Afghanistan, and it is all Biden’s fault when it happens. So far the market is ignoring these events, but soon it will not be able to when a really bad thing happens. I listened to Biden’s speech Tuesday evening and got enraged. He spent the first 40% of the time on a purely political speech about his left wing agenda and how corporations don’t pay their fair share, instead of on the people he will leave to die in Afghanistan. We are doing what the Taliban tells us to do, and we are running from the airport because ISIS may attack. Never in American history have we run away like this. That is why we have a highly trained army and air force. To kill those people. Never before have we been made to look so weak and impotent. Never have we abandoned American citizens and close allies who risked their lives for us. Biden and others in the administration are lying about everything. This has become by far the worst debacle in American history. Miley has a duty to resign and refuse his orders. The terrorists are gathering, and we and the EU will see them appear next year. The whole over the horizon BS is just nonsense. It isa not effective. Biden really is stupid when he compares Afghanistan to other terror locations around the world. He is clueless, and America, and the world, are going to pay a high price in dead victims of terror attacks. Whatever good relations he and the media thought Biden was bringing with other nations, has turned into anger and disgust. Even the Germans who got Nordstream as a gift, are outraged. Be aware, the black swans are back and swarming now. The reason Pelosi is in such a rush to pass her socialist agenda is she knows in a few weeks the polls will be so bad she will not be able to get anything done. The Dems are going to be obliterated in 22, and she knows it. Afghanistan has sucked the air out of everything, and it will get much worse in the next ten days.

As to stocks, there is still no alternative to the stock market. Some people will play with crypto, but it remains a tiny faction of the investable funds available. Emerging markets will remain in problem as they are far from getting vaccinated in many places, and as China slows further as a market for them. While the EU is recovering and getting on top of the virus, it still has a long way to go, and remains with major banking sector and fiscal issues. Anyone who buys Chinese stocks is stupid if you do not see what is happening to the top public companies lately. Jack Ma and Johnny Li have disappeared. The risk of investing in those companies is enormous. All this leads us back to US stocks. On the flip side is the major drop in consumer confidence, and Jackson Hole when Powell will let it be clear tapering is going to begin sooner than many thought. That may get delayed now with Afghanistan and Delta putting a damper on things. Add on the debacle in Afghanistan and the complete loss of faith in the administration, and all of that could easily undo the positives.

It remains my view that the Bernie tax and spend bill is not going to pass, or if it does, it will be a shell of what Bernie and Nancy wanted. I could be very wrong, but every very knowledgeable source I have has said the end result will be zero to a max of $2.5 Trillion bill, with many of the tax increases eliminated. Without the taxes, the spend has no justification, so the bill is in real trouble. Now Nancy has the issue that the far left will be furious because they can’t get what they demand, and the moderates saying they can’t get reelected if they pass these tax changes and increases. Now that Biden has become completely without credibility, and has no power to push anyone on anything, the White House is neutered. Voters will not care to listen to anything Biden says about anything anymore. The disaster in Afghanistan is just beginning, and is going to get much worse even if we do get everyone out, which is highly unlikely now. It will continue to consume the news cycle and bury any ability of the Dems to push their Congressional agenda. If I am right, we will see it by mid-September, and if there are no, or minimal new taxes and spend, the stock market will respond favorably. While several of my very smart friends are increasing their cash positions as a hedge, I remain fully invested for the moment. My position is high risk, but for me it is OK for now. If you are very risk averse you may want to sell some stocks now and have more cash available as a hedge.

3 million people retired in 2020 mainly due to the pandemic. That made a big dent in the productive and experienced workforce. Then, came the ramped up unemployment payments, and now they just increased food stamps by 30% so that someone on food stamps gets more free food subsidy than the average middle class family spends on food in a month. You can’t get evicted if you do not pay rent, and the government says it will pay your rent. Then you get $300 a month per child. So why don’t people go back to work? This is the main cause of the labor shortage, and it may not improve a lot in September even with the elimination of the $300. Inflation is not going to go away, eating into whatever increases in wages that may be paid. Democratic governors will play games on the $300. They are being encouraged by Yellen and others to use the $350 billion from the March give away to continue the $300.. Short story, in Dem states there will still be less incentive to go to work. In red sates that ended the $300, unemployment is back below pre-pandemic, and in blue states it still runs around 7.4%, yet the press and some in academia claim the $300 has no effect. It actually has huge impact.

It is now 18 months since the lockdowns and millions have gotten very comfortable working from home. Five days a week in the office is never happening again for many, except for certain professions like traders, healthcare, factories, construction, and lab researchers. Two days a week or maybe three will become more the norm. Some companies will demand five day weeks, but they might find that creates a situation where recruiting for some occupations becomes harder. One big result of WFH is no cost to commute, nor eating lunch out. That saves an average worker around $500 a month, more or less, depending on how they commute. That is real money to many that will go to savings, investment in stocks, or to going to a restaurant. Many who commute found that instead of getting home at 6:30 or 7, and then not wanting to go out to dinner, they are already home and so are ready to go out at 6 or 6:30, and are not tired and stressed from the trip home. This means more eating out and more money to spend on other things. It is a major change that is not going to be reversed for many. They are finding they are more productive and enjoying a less stressed life. Two to three days a week in office is plenty to do team building and training in many professions. Many companies and professional firms are finding their profits have soared as their expenses for travel and entertainment are near zero, but revenue has still grown. Big law and accounting firms and investment banks where T&E was huge, are spending near zero and pocketing that money. It is a boom for many. They are not going to rush back to spend the way they did, and so business travel will be permanently impacted.

The way to keep general peace in the world is to be the strongest, and have the will to use the military and covert power. Trump being so unpredictable, was scary to our enemies. They never knew what he might do, and when he killed Soleimani he sent a giant message to the bad guys, nobody is safe from the US killing you. Trump showed he was not afraid to use lethal power to kill anyone if it was in US best interests. Biden has shown he will not use US power even to save Americans. When Lloyd Austin said publicly we don’t have the resources to go out of the airport and save Americans, he sent a horrible weakness message to the whole world. He should have been fired that day. Fox News just saved 24 Afghans by its own means, whatever that was, but 6000 combat troops at the airport can’t be allowed to go out and save one American. Our allies may have hated Trump, but everyone feared him, and that is how super powers maintain control. A world leader needs to be feared, not loved. There is no place for love in geopolitics. Fear and military strength, and most of all, the will to kill is all that matters. Now the entire world is a much more unsafe place with the bad guys empowered to do really bad things on the assumption Biden will do nothing, and our defense budget is being reduced while the risk is dramatically increasing.

If the Afghan heroes can get themselves to Mexico they can come to the US with no docs at all, even if they have a bad Covid infection, but if they try to go through the airport in Kabul they need extensive papers they can’t now get from State, so they are stuck, and will get murdered. If that is not disgusting, what is. It is the perfect story of the Democrats and their priorities. We leave the Taliban our best weapons, but take guns from Americans because they are deemed dangerous.

On August 8 the US embassy told all Americans to get to the airport immediately, and be on the next plane out. Leave NOW. That was over two weeks ago. It appears the message did not get to everyone, or they did not pay attention. Biden, Blinken, Miley and Austin however seem to not have gotten the announcement, and they now claim they did not know things were so imminent. The incredible thing is 41% of voters still think Biden is doing a good job even though the same voters by 75% say he is not competent to do the job when it comes to Afghanistan. One might conclude there is a major disconnect. We all know about the lack of validity of polls.

I have said this before, but it is worth repeating. The disastrous political and social situation in the US is all traceable to Obama and Holder in 2008. Ferguson was the turning point when they used that very local one off shooting, where a thug tried to kill a cop, to turn everything into race. Floyd was just the spark that set the fire that Obama and Holder had set smoldering. Blacks by 2008 had made huge progress since 1960, and it culminated by the Obama election despite his being totally unqualified and left wing. Blacks were getting into executive positions and were taking control of major cities and police forces. By 2019 blacks were being widely employed, with their unemployment rate being at a historic low, despite the poor education, high 70% unwed birth rate, and high incarceration rate so many had. 2019 was the best of times for blacks in history. At the same time universities and the press became radicalized since 2008 and the financial collapse. Thus began the blame Wall St and big corporations for being greedy, and the rich for not paying their “fair share”. Students became indoctrinated, and history was replaced with ethnic and gender studies, and anti-American rhetoric. .

In the effort to be “inclusive”, blacks were admitted to schools they were not qualified to attend, and courses and grades were downgraded to meet the inability to meet the original standards. The indoctrinated university students went forth into the business world, and the press rooms of the media, and took their radical ideas with them along with their having been shown in college that all they had to do was make demands and the administration would cave. So they demanded CEO’s cave, and Jeff Sonnenfeld told the CEO’s they should cave, and so they did. So we had the press, and then social media run by left wing CEO’s, and combined with Larry Fink at Blackrock, pounding on the CEOs to comply and apologize. The Business Roundtable further compromised the situation by stating that it was no longer the pursuit of return on investment and cash flow for the owners and risk takers, but it was the duty of corporations to comply with all the various constituencies of society, that pushed things over the edge. When celebrities and business leaders began to apologize for something they said, they simply sent the message to the far left- attack and the other guys will fold, so of course we got everyone getting attacked who did not adhere to the far left ideology. Few had any balls. A bunch of wimps who just encouraged even more “woke” insanity the more they apologized and showed weakness. It was topped off by the NASDAQ requiring quotas of women, blacks and unknown sex on boards as opposed to people who might actually help the business prosper. Then the state courts said most arrestees were to be let out until trial, and cops were told don’t dare touch a perp, or you might get fired or charged.

One more of my, put things in perspective issues. Trump was impeached because of a phone call to Ukraine. Biden is not impeached for the worst geopolitical debacle in modern history, and wrecking US foreign policy for years, or maybe decades.

Here is what the smart tech savvy kids do now in their spare time. A friend’s son who is 26, and 2 friends, developed an algorithm to be able to predict the order in which individual players in a particular sport tournament would rank. They came in second in a promotion that was run by Draft Kings and won $500,000. All three have full time, high paying jobs, and they did this as a fun gig hobby thing. This is the new world. I have no idea what they did other than use AI plus their own knowledge of sports to select the winners


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