Monday, August 23, 2021

Taliban To Joe - Vamoose. Back To Square One. History Lesson.

C'mon Man!

Taliban: No negotiations! You have 8 days to leave our country or face the consequences!

Full Story Here


 Breaking: Joe Biden, Sinking into the Sand



HORRIBLE: Kamala Has No Shame
› Let's find out...


Why Joe Biden can't resign,
or be removed — or die
By Clayton Spann - American Thinker

In the wake of the Afghanistan debacle, demands have arisen in Congress for President Biden to resign or to be removed via the 25th Amendment.  Elements of the formerly pro-Biden media have joined in the condemnation.
Many silent Democrat officeholders likely want Biden out, as they fear that the systemic incompetence of his administration will bring them down come 2022.
But Joe cannot resign or be fired.  The Democrat high command will not let either happen, no matter the short-term political cost.
On the surface, that makes little sense.  Joe's resignation or removal would not alter Democrat control of the presidency and Congress.  If Joe leaves, Kamala Harris becomes president.  She is incompetent, too, but no more so than Joe, and is on board with the administration's radical agenda.
So.  Why can't Joe quit the office or be removed? 
Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided."  The current Senate is equally divided with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.
As soon as Kamala Harris takes the presidential oath, the vice presidency is left vacant.  In that case, a tie vote means that the legislation, resolution, or confirmation under consideration fails.
A Senate chamber without a vice president puts Mitch McConnell in the catbird seat.  He can kill all Democrat initiatives, including any nomination to refill the vice presidency.
The Democrat agenda goes up in smoke.  The 3.5-trillion-dollar budget reconciliation bill is blocked.  The For the People bill is blocked.  The Green New Deal is blocked.  Packing the Supreme Court is dead.  As is any attempt to scuttle the filibuster or grab guns.
Therefore, the Democrats will keep Joe in office.  Even if he's reduced to talking gibberish and eating Jell-O.  Kamala also stays where she is, and the Democrat dream of fundamental transformation remains alive.
OK.  But what if Joe Biden dies?  This 78-year-old man is certainly at risk.  When Joe was three decades younger, in 1988, he suffered two brain aneurysms.  Doctors at the time gave him a 50-50 chance of surviving.
"He's not a healthy guy," said Dr. David Scheiner in 2020.  Dr. Scheiner was concerned about Biden's potential for a stroke. Biden receives treatment for an irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol.  Joe has also undergone surgeries for gallbladder and partial prostate removal, and on his sinus and nasal passages to treat sleep apnea.
If Joe dies, Kamala automatically vacates the vice presidency.  The Democrats again face the throttling of their agenda.  Mitch again rules.
The Democrat high command are not stupid.  Indeed, as they proved during the last presidential election, they are quite willing to do whatever needs to be done.  We must assume they have contingency plans in place.
If Joe were to expire while addressing the United Nations or during a live press conference, that would be one thing.  His death must be acknowledged and the consequences accepted.
If Joe passes while out of sight of the public, that is something else.  The something else would probably go like this:
His body is secretly transported to Camp David or the family compound in Delaware.  His sudden disappearance is explained by announcing that an assassination plot (by Islamic terrorists, or better, by white supremacists) has just been discovered.  The president will remain at an undisclosed location until the threat is neutralized.
Biden's existence and whereabouts can be easily faked, so the pretense could be kept up a while.  Also remember that a president need not actually sign a bill for it to become law (if Congress remains in session ten days after passage).
With Joe presumably alive and Kamala able to break Senate tie votes, the Democrats have a window of about sixteen months to enact their agenda.  Only recalcitrants Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema stand in the way.  The party that plays the hardest ball ever seen will go to work hard on those two.
The window ends Jan. 3, 2023, when the new Congress convenes. Almost certainly the GOP will control the next House, and the Republicans stand an increasingly good chance to take back the Senate.  If not passed, the Democrat agenda is truly dead as of that date.
While the window remains open, Joseph Robinette Biden must remain president.  Whether he serves honorably or dishonorably, whether coherently or incoherently, whether alive or dead.
Niall Ferguson On Why The End Of America's Empire Won't Be Peaceful
by Niall Ferguson via The Economist

[Subscription Required] As it leaves Afghanistan in chaos, America’s decline mirrors Britain’s a century ago. It may also invite wider conflict, warns a historian.


If Biden Were A Republican, Dems In Congress Would Have Impeached Him. They Should
by Victor Davis Hanson via Fox News

Biden keeps repeating that he was bound by Trump’s planned withdrawal. Really?


Dispatch Michigan: James Craig: Whitmer has made it all about her

By Salena Zito

“The people who are in charge of governing our state need to make decisions that are in the best interest of the state,” Craig said in an interview with the Washington Examiner. “They need to include the people who live in vulnerable communities, who, by the way, happened to be people of color, and nobody speaks to them. The same can be said of the isolated rural communities, both of which, by the way, share many of the same problems.”

Click here for the full story.


Enlightening and interesting but fails to justify this amoral act because nothing can.

A Short History of Slavery | PragerU


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism. 

Afghanistan Didn't Fall: It Never Existed - Frontpagemag

"Afghanistan's collapse: Did US intelligence get it wrong?" ABC News asks. "Afghanistan Is Your Fault," barks Tom Nichols at The Atlantic. “Why Afghan Forces So Quickly Laid Down Their Arms,” Politico ponders.

The one thing that the Taliban's conquest of Afghanistan is good for is more media hot takes.

Afghanistan didn't fall because it never existed.  The Afghan army laid down its arms because it also never existed. And not just because many of the 300,000 soldiers were imaginary. Its Pashtun members surrendered to their fellow Taliban Pashtuns, or fled to Iran or Uzbekistan, depending on their tribal or religious affiliations which, unlike Afghanistan, are very real.

The Afghan army was there because we spent $90 billion on it. Much like Afghanistan with its president, its constitution, and its elections existed because we spent a fortune on it. When we left, the president fled, the army collapsed, and Afghanistan: The Musical closed in Kabul.

Afghanistan isn’t a country. It’s a stone age Brigadoon of quarreling tribes, ethnic groups, Islamic denominations, and warlords manned by young men with old Russian and American rifles. Unlike the fiction of a democratic Afghanistan, that is something they will die for.

And in the coming years you will see some of those same soldiers who laid down their guns fighting and dying for  tribes and warlords, even fighting the Taliban, in the real endless war.

The forever war isn’t something we invented after 9/11: Afghanistan has always been at war.

Americans are impressed that the Taliban held out for 20 years. They shouldn’t be.

There’s no time in Afghanistan. Two decades of war are horrifyingly incomprehensible to Americans. To Afghans, it’s the way things have always been. We stepped into a place that has been a war zone for centuries, took sides, supplied weapons, and then left as everyone knew we would. The British and the Russians came and went. After us, the Chinese will come and go.

And the forever war will go on endlessly.

Before us, the Russians wanted the Afghans to pretend to be Communists. We wanted them to pretend that they were Democrats. But the Afghans aren’t ‘Afghans’, they’re Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Balochs, Hazaras, Sunni and Shiite Muslims, everything else is just a temporary costume.

The Taliban, another Pashtun bid to seize power, will be met with resistance, not by the proponents of a free and democratic Afghanistan, but by rival tribes and warlords.

We’ll probably end up funding some of them. And maybe this time we won’t be stupid enough to ask them to hold elections or any of the other nation-building nonsense from Foggy Bottom.

Our Afghanistan campaign after September 11 was fast, clever, and ruthless. The men who conducted it understood the society. They worked together with warlords to crush the Taliban. Their goal was a quick and dirty victory that would make an example out of the Taliban.

Our allies were anyone whose current factional interests in the endless power struggle aligned with ours. As the years went on, some of our allies became enemies, and some enemies became allies. The Taliban were the bad guys, but just like in Syria, so was everyone else. There were plenty of innocents caught in the crossfire, but innocents have no power.

The average Afghan rural villager doesn’t think of being a citizen of some country called Afghanistan. He cares little for elections and his elders confuse Americans with the Russians and sometimes even the British. The elites in Kabul are happy to dress up their power grabs in presidential titles and constitutions that no one else in the country cares about. USAID pays girls in Kabul to play at feminism and college graduates to talk about international relations.

None of it mattered a damn in the vast majority of the country as we are now finding out.

But, Afghanistan didn’t become a complete disaster for us. Until Obama.

American forces peaked at 25,000 under Bush. Obama quadrupled them to 100,000. That’s the year more American soldiers were wounded than during the entire Bush administration.

1,200 Americans died during Obama's Afghanistan surge, not just because he quadrupled the number of soldiers, but because the military was told to stop trying to defeat the Taliban.

Our soldiers became community organizers with guns who were told not to fight.

No hearts and minds were won. But cemeteries filled up with boys from Texas and West Virginia who weren’t allowed to shoot back because Obama wanted to win Muslim hearts and minds.

The military brass who embraced Obama’s strategy buried and crippled a generation of young men. Countless men and women came home wounded inside. They overdosed or killed themselves.

The surge receded. The military brass pulled back to secure the cities while the Taliban secured the rural areas that we spent so many lives on. All they had to do was wait for us to leave.

The speed with which the Taliban took the country only seems magical to CNN viewers.

The country was theirs for the taking. The Taliban fought few battles. The various warlords and leaders began switching sides when Biden announced his withdrawal to join the winning team. That’s the Islamic team backed by Pakistan, China, Turkey who are the big boys still standing.

But that doesn’t mean that they won’t switch sides next month or next year.

The hated government in Kabul was backed by our money and our air power. We’re out, so are they. But the locals will hate the Taliban too. And as the Chinese come in to set up mines, run roads, and offend the locals, they’ll find out what we, the British, and the Russians learned.

Afghanistan doesn’t belong to anyone. It’s its own forever war of quarreling tribes.

The forever war will continue whether or not we’re there. But we’ll probably be there in one form or another. We never really understood Afghanistan or Iraq. And so we can’t escape them.

Al Qaeda and ISIS will operate out of Afghanistan. So will countless other Jihadi fighters.

Americans didn’t invent the forever war. It’s been going on in the Islamic parts of the world for over a thousand years. It’s unfashionable and politically incorrect to mention it. That’s why the media carefully describes the Taliban as “religious students” without naming the religion. It’ll refer to Sunni and Shiite infighting in Iraq while leaving off the “Islam” part of the group.

We came to defeat the Jihadists behind September 11 and we stayed behind to reform Afghanistan. But what were we reforming it from? We couldn’t name the problem.

And when you can’t name a problem, you never come up with a solution.

Having failed to fix Afghanistan, the process is now underway to bring as many Afghans as possible to America. The old plan to bring 100,000 “interpreters” and their family members has been vastly expanded to make any Afghan who did any work for American organizations, from aid groups to the media, eligible to come to America. By the time they’re done, we may end up with a million Afghan refugees in America. Some of them will become Islamic terrorists.

The final act of fighting terrorism is bringing the terrorists to America to create more terror.

The real tragedy of Afghanistan isn’t just that we lost so many of our best and brightest in the dust, it’s that we learned nothing from the experience. Nothing except to blame ourselves.

We didn’t fail Afghanistan. Nor did we lose Afghanistan. It was never ours or anyone’s.

Afghanistan wasn’t our forever war. It’s the forever war of the warlords and tribesmen who will keep on fighting it until the water dries up, the cattle die, and they all move to Fremont where 25,000 Afghans already live. Our mistake was not recognizing what Afghanistan was.

Americans like to believe that everyone is like us. It’s an easy trap to fall into. Wherever we go, the people speak English, listen to our music, and wear Nike shirts. They have opinions about our presidents and want to know how easy it is to move to Fremont. And we cheerfully supply them with more Nike shirts, bad music, worse movies, and try to persuade them to create a United States of Iraq or a United States of Afghanistan. Then when it doesn’t work out, they move to Fremont, Minnesota, or New York City, run for Congress, and tell us they hate us.

If we learn anything from Afghanistan, from Iraq, and from September 11, let it be this.

There have to be boundaries, physical and conceptual borders, between us and the rest of the world. American exceptionalism can’t be a narcissistic belief that everyone ought to be like us. If everyone could become us, there would be nothing exceptional about us. Our exceptionalism is that the rest of the world isn’t like us and never will be. And that if we want to protect ourselves, we have to stop trying to define the world or allowing the rest of the world to redefine America.

We could have won in Afghanistan, swiftly and decisively, and left, if we hadn’t been seduced into believing that Afghanistan could be America and that Afghans deserved to be Americans.

Likewise, Iraq.

Victories became defeats and cemeteries filled with the dead because we lost sight of the truth about Afghanistan and about ourselves. The more we think about Afghanistan or any place in terms of ourselves, the less we see it for what it is. And that can be a deadly illusion.

Americans have spent the last century trying to turn the world into America. Let’s spend this century making America what it was always intended to be: a refuge from the rest of the world.

We won’t win wars anymore because we can no longer remember what we’re fighting for. Unable to draw boundaries between the enemy and ourselves, between our nation and the world, we’ve lost touch with the fundamental purpose and even the concept of what a war is.

To win a war, we have to remember what we’re fighting for. Ourselves.

The Afghans understand that concept. Perhaps they understand it too well. But it’s time we learned it too. If we can’t go to war for ourselves, not for democracy, human rights, or so that Afghan girls can go to school, then we will lose soldiers, lose wars, and lose our nation.

All wars are endless and forever when you don’t understand what it takes to win.


This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader and sometime tennis partner: 

We are back to square one when Obama refused to allow government bureaucrats and our military to use the phrase radical Muslim terrorists or Jihadists. Words have meanings and when linked to actions the meaning become more evident.  When you deny linkage of words to actions you are in denial and increase the prospect you will eventually become victim of that denial.

Obama was an empty suit but he knew what he was about. He re-located Somalians so they could become Radicalized Congresspersons. He apologized for America's past in the hope it would birth divisiveness and  start organizations that would eventually attack our grade level education system knowing our universities had already become petri dishes for socialism. And he obviously intended to seed the attacks on American culture claiming we are a systematic racist nation.  This from an alleged  light weight College Constitutional Law Professor.

Since we no longer teach history we are destined to repeat mistakes we no longer have any familiarity with - how cool can you get.. 

Obama did everything he could to make sure his party would downgrade our relationship with Israel while elevating the prospects of a nuclear Iran and so it goes. 

Now we have elected Obama's sidekick VP as our president who made sure Biden's Presidency/Administration  was sprinkled/saturated with holdovers loyal to Obama so Obama's policies would endure while Biden disrobed the nation of any clothing labeled Trump.

Wake up America the time is late, events are fleeting and the ship is taking on water at  rate beyond Bilge Pump Biden's ability to bail.


Eighty Four Percent (84%) of those who receive this Email will probably not completely read it, if they read any of it at all.

Ten Percent (10%) will read it, but they will choose not to forward it on to others.

The remaining 6% most likely will forward it.


The War started in the 7th Century and lasted through the 17th Century.  Many will contend it never stopped; the Facts below are Historically correct.

That is why many of us choke when we hear someone say we will defeat or contain these Islamic Terrorists in a few Years, or even "30 Years" as has been stated by Leon Panetta. If the latest batch of Murders, Beheadings, and killing of Innocent Christians has at all shocked you, it is time for you to read this Compilation of Historical Facts about the Intense Hatred that Muslims have for ANY and ALL who are NOT Muslims!


In 732 A.D., the Muslim Army, which was moving on Paris, was Defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell.

In 1571 A.D., the Muslim Army/Navy was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to Attack Southern Europe in the Battle of Le panto.

In 1683 A.D., the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally Defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

This Nonsense has been going on for 1,400 years!?? The SAD thing is that more than half of all Politicians do not even know any of this.

If these Battles had not been Won, we would most likely be speaking Arabic.  And Christianity could be Non-existent.  Judaism certainly would NOT exist!

Reality check: A lot of Americans have become so Insulated from Reality that they Imagine America can Suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

Think: The following events are true historical facts.?? It has been many years since 1968, but History keeps repeating itself.

1.  In 1968, Robert Kennedy was Shot and Killed by a Muslim Male.

2.  In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, Israeli Athletes were Kidnapped and Massacred by Muslim Males.

3.  In 1972, a Pan Am 747 was Hijacked and eventually Diverted to Cairo where a Fuse was lit on Final Approach.?? Shortly after Landing, it was blown up by Muslim Males.

4.  In 1973, a Pan Am 707 was Destroyed in Rome With 33 People Killed, when it was Attacked with Grenades by Muslim Males.

5.  In 1979, the United States Embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim Males.

6.  During the 1980's, a number of Americans were Kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim Males.

7.  In 1983, the United States Marine Barracks in Beirut was Blown up by Muslim Males.

8.  In 1985, the Cruise Ship Achilles-Lauro was Hijacked, and a 70-year-old American Passenger was Murdered and thrown Overboard inhis Wheelchair by Muslim Males.

9.  In 1985, TWA Flight 847 was Hijacked at Athens, and a United States Navy Diver, who was trying to Rescue Passengers - was murdered by Muslim Males.

10.  In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim Males.

11.  In 1993, the World Trade Center was Bombed for the First Time by Muslim Males.

12.  In 1998, the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were Bombed by Muslim Males.

13.  On 09/11/01, FOUR Airliners were Hijacked. Two of the Planes were used as Missiles to take down the World Trade Centers. One Plane Crashed into the United States Pentagon, and the other Plane was Diverted and Crashed by the Passengers. Thousands of People were Killed by Muslim Males.

14.  In 2002, the United States fought a War in Afghanistan against Muslim Males.

15.  In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was Kidnapped and Beheaded by you guessed it - a Muslim Male (Plus two other American Journalists who had just recently been Beheaded.)

16.  In 2013, the Boston Marathon Bombing resulted in Four Innocent People, including a Child, being Killed and 264 other People injured by Muslim Males.

NO, I really do not see a pattern here to justify profiling.  Do YOU?  So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone - particularly Fanatics intent on killing US - Airport Security Screeners will NO longer be allowed to Profile certain people.

So, ask yourself: "Just how Stupid are we?!?!"

Have Americans completely lost their Minds or just their "Power of Reason?"

As the writer of the Award Winning story "Forrest Gump" so aptly put it, "Stupid is as Stupid does."

You now have the Opportunity to send this on to other Email Contacts. Please do that!

Or you can just sit back, keep complaining and do nothing.




BREAKING: U.N. Drops DEVASTATING Taliban Report - Please Read This
A devastating discovery >>



Iran has doubled forces on Israeli border since 

2018, report claims

Istanbul-based Jusoor research institute, which has close ties to 

Syrian opposition forces, says the number of bases used by pro-

Iranian militias and Iranian satellite Hezbollah has increased 

from 40 to 88 since 2018.

Iran has doubled forces on Israeli border since 2018, report claims

The Iranian presence on the Syrian-Israel border is a well-known fact, but a new report from a 

Syrian research institute reveals just how deeply Iran has entrenched itself on Israel's northern 


The report was compiled by the Istanbul-based research institute Jusoor for Studies, which 

maintains close contact with the forces that oppose Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.

According to the report, in the two years since Russia, the US, Jordan and Israel signed a 2018 

agreement promising to lessen Iran's presence on the Syrian Golan heights, the Iranian military 

presence in southern Syria has more than doubled, and it is deployed in preparation for a future 

confrontation with Israel.

The report claims that from 2018-2021, the number of military bases and outposts of pro-Iranian 

militias and Hezbollah in southern Syria has increased from 40 to 88. It also reveals that bases of 

the Syrian Army, particularly the 90th Brigade deployed from southern Syrian to Damascus, serve 

a  logistics backing for the pro-Iranian militias in the country.

In addition, the report claims that the militia personnel includes fighters from Afghanistan, 

Pakistan, Iraq, and Lebanon, and that its command echelon is mostly comprised of members of 

the Revolutionary Guards Corps serving in Syria disguised as militia members or Syrian army 


The report presents two main lines of bases belonging to the militias, Hezbollah, and bases used 

by both groups. One line is located very close to the Israeli border and the center of it is located 

near the Druze village of Khader in the northern Syrian Golan. The second line runs for some 30 

km. (18.5 miles) eastward, and its purpose is to supply equipment and launching sport for rockets 

and artillery fire for frontline fighters.

According to the report, the forces loyal to Iran in Syria also help the Assad forces oppress the 

local population, which in July led an uprising near the city Daraa.


The buck does not stop on top of the Oval Office Desk.  It extends wherever it wants to in view 

of a president who is hopelessly incapable.

How Biden's Afghanistan failure has emboldened Iran

Iranian military

Anyone with even a small amount of knowledge on world politics knows that America's hasty

retreat from Afghanistan will have geopolitical consequences for years to come. And it looks 

like some of those consequences are starting to materialize.

Thanks to the increased instability in the region, Iran now plans to hold joint military drills 

with Russia and China, according to Russian and Iranian leaders.

That's a worst-case scenario for the US, as three of our nation's fiercest enemies are banding 

together as the power vacuum grows stronger in the Middle East.

It won't be long before the countries stake claims in Afghanistan. And that doesn't bode well 

for American interests around the world. And our allies will quickly blame us for this mess as 

it gets worse.

But Joe Biden refuses to admit that he messed up the Afghanistan withdrawal as he 

continues to claim it was the best he could do.

Our political standing on the global stage will continue to fade as this problem 

encourages our enemies and forces our allies to think twice about helping us in the future.


I have consistently maintained inter marriage will not solve all of man's problems but it will go a long way 

toward making those who engage in such realize we all basically seek the same thing regardless of our color

and heritage except for tribal peoples and those consumed by religious hatred.

Love across the color line

by Jeff Jacoby - The Boston Globe

Relationships in the United States don't stop at the color line. Today, 1 in 6 American newlyweds marries someone of a different race or ethnicity.

TRUE OR FALSE: The white population of the United States decreased between 2010 and 2020.

If you saw any of the coverage this month about the release of detailed data from the 2020 census, that 

question may seem like a no-brainer. Nearly every news outlet played up the dwindling of America's white 

population as the most important finding of last year's national enumeration, and most put it right in the 

headline. A handful of examples:

"Census data shows widening diversity; number of white people falls for first time" (Washington Post)

"Census data shows white population shrinking below 60 percent" (Politico)

"Census: US sees unprecedented multiracial growth, decline in the white population for first time in history"

In reality, the population of white Americans increased modestly over the past decade. According to the 

Census Bureau, the number of people who checked the box marked "White" on the census questionnaire 

grew from 231 million in 2010 to more than 235 million in 2020 — a rise of 1.9 percent.

What all those headlines were referring to was the 87 percent of white respondents — 204 million — who 

listed themselves only as white and nothing else. If you count just them, the "white" tally was down 

considerably from 10 years ago, when it totaled 223.5 million. But why would you count just them? To put it 

the other way around, why would you not count the 31 million people who identified themselves on the 

Census questionnaire as being both "White" and one or more other races?

Set those questions aside for a moment, and consider a different one: In 2010, only 7.5 million respondents 

checked the "White" box along with one or more others. How did that number more than quadruple in just a 

decade? Populations change, but rarely do they change so quickly. What happened?

The answer is twofold.

First, the population is changing, dramatically and for the better, because relationships in America doesn't 

stop at the color line. "Nearly three in 10 Asian, one in four Latino, and one in five Black newlyweds are 

married to a member of a different ethnic or racial group," scholars Richard Alba, Morris Levy, and Dowell 

Myers wrote in The Atlantic in June. "More than three-quarters of these unions are with a white partner. For 

more and more Americans, racial integration is embedded in their closest relationships."

When the Supreme Court ruled in the 1967 case of Loving v. Virginia that laws against interracial marriage 

were unconstitutional, only 1 in 33 newlyweds married someone from a different racial background. Today, 

1 in 6 newlyweds intermarries — so many that by now, fully 10 percent of all marriages in America are 

between partners of different races. The wholesome disregard for color modeled by these adults naturally 

becomes the standard for their children. Today, 1 in 9 American kids is growing up in a household with one 

white parent and one nonwhite or Hispanic parent.

"This proportion is well above the number of Asian-only children and not far below the number of Black-only 

infants," writes Alba, a sociologist at the City University of New York, in his recent book, The Great 

Demographic Illusion. A new multiracial mainstream is gradually emerging, one that is neither "majority" 

nor "minority" but simply American.

But — and here's the second part of the answer — the surge in our "mixed" population wasn't captured by 

past censuses, because earlier questionnaires didn't make a point of encouraging respondents to claim all 

the racial categories with which they identify.

On the 2010 questionnaire, the instructions did allow people to "mark one or more boxes," but only one

 check box apiece was provided for the racial categories of "White" and "Black." On the 2020 questionnaire,

 however, that changed. Now the instructions read: "Mark one or more boxes AND print origins." Not only

 was that crucial word "and" printed in all-caps, italics, and boldface, but room was provided to supply

 additional background information. The invitation to self-identify as multiracial was much more explicit, and

 the results reflected the new emphasis. A decade ago, 9 million people identified themselves as multiracial. 

This time around, the number of Americans claiming more than one racial identity skyrocketed to nearly 34

 million — a jump of 276 percent. But most of that seeming jump, as the Census Bureau itself acknowledged,

 was "largely due to improvements in the design of the . . . questions for race data collection.

Nearly every media outlet reported that America's white population had dwindled since 2010. But that isn't 

what the census data showed.

Which returns us to those 31 million US residents who specified that they are white and some other race(s). 

The reason not to exclude them from the total white population is that census data are based entirely on self-

description, and they described themselves as — among other things — white. As long as we have a

 census system that asks people to label themselves by race, the only consistent way to report the data is to

 take them at their word.

Granted, that may not yield a scientifically precise analysis of America's racial makeup. But then, race has

 no scientifically precise reality. It is a social construct, not a genetic fact. The DNA of Blacks cannot be 

distinguished from the DNA of Asians or the DNA of whites — or the DNA of all of them combined.

For all our talk about "people of color," the term has very little objective meaning. In the 1750s, Benjamin 

Franklin railed against the influx of German immigrants to the colony of Pennsylvania, describing them as 

being of such a "swarthy complexion" that they could never hope to assimilate into mainstream America. To 

our minds, Franklin's racial distinction between "swarthy" Germans and white Anglos is ridiculous on its face. 

But what racial category isn't equally ridiculous?

The census questionnaire used to distinguish solemnly between "Negroes," "mulattoes," "quadroons," and

 "octoroons." In 1930, it designated "Mexican" as a separate race; then it eliminated that label in 1940. All

 that  can be said with certainty about these and all the other racial hair-splitting with which so many

 Americans have been obsessed for so long is that none of them has any empirical authenticity. The same is

 true of the current fixation with classifying Americans into "majority" or "minority" races and assuming that

 one group's gain must mean another's loss.

"The view of American society as cleaved into two discrete blocs by race is too simplistic to describe the

 likely future of the country," writes Alba. The best evidence of that is in the soaring numbers of young people

 of racially mixed backgrounds. Their numbers continue to climb, as ever more of us meet, marry, and

 become mothers and fathers without regard to racial divisions. Loud and influential voices — in academia,

 politics, and the media — keep telling us how important race is. But tens of millions of Americans, who love

 and are  loved across the color line, know better.


 Israel could teach Biden a few things.  First never trust the word of radical Muslims. Never cede territory believing that will calm the beats. Radical Muslim culture is totally different than western culture. They are more suited to live in cages along with other wild animals.

T. Belman.  Why is Israel appeasing Hamas.  Why is she negotiating. There shouldn’t be any dilemma here.  The stronger you are, the less you should negotiate.  The violence is intended to bring Israel to the table. Don’t let the violence win.

Hamas went ahead with mass rally and inevitable riots, even after deal to resupply Qatari funds; Bennett, just like his predecessor, has to carefully gauge Israel’s response


Palestinian protesters lift national flags gesture during a demonstration by the border fence with Israel, east
 of Gaza City, to denounce the Israeli siege of the Palestinian strip and express support for Jerusalem’s 
Al-Aqsa mosque, on August 21, 2021. – (Photo by SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Israeli troops fired live rounds at Palestinian protesters who hurled firebombs and burned tyres from behind 
the Gaza Strip’s border fence, with medics reporting 23 Palestinians injured. The protest called for by the 
Palestinian Hamas movement that rules Gaza marks the burning 52 years ago of Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa 
Mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam.

While the knee-jerk reaction to the violence on the Gaza border Saturday, including a Palestinian opening 
fire at point-blank range and critically injuring a border guard, would be for a forceful response against 
Hamas, it is doubtful such action would lead to calm or have any other desirable effect for Israel.



E3 Statement on the JCPoA: 19 August 2021

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

We, the governments of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, note with grave concern the 

latest reports by the IAEA confirming that Iran has produced uranium metal enriched up to 20% 

for the first time, and has significantly increased its production capacity of uranium enriched up t

o 60%.

We reiterate that these are serious violations of Iran’s commitments under the Joint 

Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA). Both are key steps in the development of a nuclear 

weapon and Iran has no credible civilian need for either measure. Our concerns are deepened by

 the fact that Iran has significantly limited IAEA access through withdrawing from JCPoA-agreed 

monitoring arrangements and ceasing application of the Additional Protocol.

Iran‘s activities are all the more troubling given the fact talks in Vienna have been interrupted 

upon Tehran’s request for two months now and that Iran has not yet committed to a date for their

 resumption. While refusing to negotiate, Iran is instead establishing facts on the ground which 

make a return to the JCPOA more complicated.

Iran must halt all activities in violation of the JCPoA without delay. We urge Iran to return to the 

negotiations in Vienna as soon as possible with a view to bringing them to a swift, successful 

conclusion. We have repeatedly stressed that time is on no-one’s side.



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