Monday, August 23, 2021

I am listening to some of the news and it is Monday, Aug. 23. Obviously I could be wrong but hearing The Taliban  telling us our departure  is carved  in the sand and at the same time The Taliban are tearing up travel orders and passports suggests to me they are prepared to present Biden with a lot of hostage demands.

They are not fighting back when the English, Brits, French and Germans rescue their people because
they are masters at imagery propaganda and want to rub Biden's nose in his own excrement.  

To make matters worse we now have evidence his cabinet and State Department are not in synch with what Biden is saying.

If the situation deteriorates, as I suspect it will, I fear we are going to watch the mass media pussy cats will become wolves and the attacks on "Uncle" Joe will become very vicious.

They ran cover for him when he chose to remain in his basement and now they are looking foolish and they will not allow that to happen so, I suspect  they will turn on him in an unmerciful way.


Taliban Issues Direct Threat to America

We have crossed several very dangerous thresholds with Joe Biden leading the United States as president. For starters, our nation’s border is wide open, allowing any and everyone to pour right on in with no vetting whatsoever.

Secondly, America is facing economic and crime crises on President Biden’s watch. Inflation is through the roofs and projected to remain this way for quite some time. Meanwhile, crime is surging in countless localities, thanks to Democrats defunding the police.

Unfortunately, this is far from the worst of it. Earlier this month, Biden led to the rise of the Taliban when he removed American troops from Afghanistan without first evacuating U.S. citizens.

Now, this week has started off with the newly emerged Taliban issuing a direct threat against President Biden — and by extension, the United States of America, as Washington Examiner confirms.

The Latest Threat from the Taliban

In a nutshell, the Taliban told Sky News that President Biden has until the end of this month to fully evacuate American troops. The Taliban furthermore stated that no extension will be granted past the August 31 deadline. Finally, the Taliban declared that if Biden does not get all troops out of Afghanistan before this month ends, “consequences” will follow.

This latest threat from the Taliban comes as they are throwing fire on women, forcing little girls to become child sex slaves, executing people with Bibles on their phones, and more. The Taliban feels emboldened enough to threaten the United States because they know Biden is a weak and feckless president.

In another unfortunate turn, the Taliban has also been lashing out violently against Americans seeking to get to the Kabul airport. There are now Taliban checkpoints surrounding this airport, making it next to impossible for Americans and U.S. allies to safely get past these checkpoints.

A Disgraceful President

As of this morning, “#BidenIsADisgrace” trended on Twitter. Many Americans are not happy about the Taliban threatening the United States on Biden’s watch. This president has shown nothing but weakness and subservience to the Taliban, both of which are dangerous in situations such as this.

If Trump were still in office, American troops would have never been yanked out in the way they were. Furthermore, Trump as president would not tolerate the Taliban issuing threats against the United States. It is very much apparent that Biden is way in over his head.

Biden can’t handle the Taliban; however, he had no issues with sticking the federal government onto Republican governors who want parents to determine whether or not their kids wear face masks in classrooms.

What do you think about the Taliban threatening the United States? Do you think Biden will take any meaningful action whatsoever? Let us know below in the comments section.

Is the rush to judgement for political reasons over and will we ever return to a nation that respects and enforces the law as well as the rights of defendants ?

I am in the process of composing my thoughts on this matter and will post in a future memo.

Roger Stone and Alex Jones Vindicated by FBI


( – Democrat claims of an organized plot to overthrow the government on January 6 have collapsed after an FBI probe found no evidence of a conspiracy. It’s another blow to their campaign against former president Donald Trump.

On August 20, Reuters reported the FBI found no evidence indicating central coordinated planning of the January 6 riot at the Capitol, according to law enforcement sources. Four law enforcement officials briefed on the probe say there’s no reason to believe this was an organized plot to reverse the result of last November’s election by seizing the Capitol and taking hostages.

One of the sources said 90-95% of those involved in the riot were individuals, and the rest were internally organized militia groups – but not part of an overall plot. He said, “there was no grand scheme” involving Roger Stone or Alex Jones… “to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”

The FBI believes groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys did intend to break into the Capitol when they assembled in Washington but says there’s no evidence they’d planned what to do if they succeeded. Now the question is whether congressional Democrats will accept that conclusion. They’ve formed a committee to “investigate” the riots, and the FBI will present their findings to them. But will they want to listen?


 Meanwhile I want to respond to my friend who posed these two questions:

1. We as a nation are spending significant time and resources to find and prosecute those who participated in the activities of Jan. 6, yet have done NOTHING to find or prosecute those who burned, looted and destroyed (despite more than ample video evidence)

Answer: When politics is involved , when winning at any cost is the goal, as in war, truth is the first casualty.  

2. Why is there not more of an outcry that Congress can fast track $2.5 billion for Capitol security, but still cannot allocate resources to defend our borders?

Answer:  Speaker Pelosi was in total charge and she had the legislative  power and chutzpah to have her way.


Goodman provides a balanced  explanation of what is the problem when liberals begin to think and use their tormented minds:

The Liberal Mind

By Joel Goodman

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

The emotional outpouring from Liberals for the people trapped in Afghanistan, the fact that Biden was actually being criticized, nearly excoriated by the Liberal establishment  left me confused.

My Los Angeles actress friend wasn't. She understood what was happening..

She supports Biden, albeit she is incrementally understanding more and more about the negative aspects of the Liberal agenda. She no longer supports unbridled welfare after having seen the results through the eyes of a successful hard working Black friend when visiting her friend's welfare supported family, and saw her friend take to task family members for doing nothing except sitting around waiting for the welfare check. Through constant coaxing on my part to finally do some research, she finally saw Black Lives Matter as the anti-Semitic group they are.

My friend doesn't pay much attention to international politics, and so had no predisposition about Afghanistan before it hit the news this past week. At first she just felt that Biden made a mistake, and some people died. I believe she will eventually understand more as she reads more about the story, some from corporate media  - and that  is where this story began for me.

Liberals and the Liberal Corporate media turned on one of their own - Joe Biden. They were upset and blaming Joe Biden for what just happened in Afghanistan

I wasn't prepared for this reaction. Dating back to 2000, and intermittently somewhat before, according to the Liberal establishment nothing the Republicans did was right and nothing the Democrats did was wrong.

Of course this perverted political hypocrisy grew exponentially during the Trump administration. Trump's many  accomplishments were either ignored, ridiculed or diminished. Putting the two impeachments aside, if that is possible, the Corporate Media refused to accurately report the Russia Hoax or even fully investigate it. 

Reporting on Trump's trade policies with China was couched in terms of impending war, and Trump's decision to finally implement the 20 year old decision to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem was accompanied with cries of  imminent  doom and increased hostilities in the Middle East. And, when Trump brokered the  Abraham accords, which normalized Israel's relations with several Arab nations, it was given little positive attention in the news.

The news was distorted and Ant-Trump when reporting his policies that led to America being energy independent for the first time in generations. When he pulled the U.S. out of the  Paris Climate Agreement that punishes the U.S. and rewards China, the Left looked the other way as China outpaces the entire world when it comes to coal fired energy. When Trump convinced our NATO partners to cough up what they owed it was reported that he had stressed our relations with Europe.

 And, right before the 2020 election the news media refused to report on the Hunter Biden  scandal that implicated Joe Biden in dirty dealings with China. Ultimately, after the election was stolen, an unruly disturbance at the Capitol was exaggerated into a major insurrection as large as the South firing on Fort Sumter or the Japanese bombing Pearl harbor. Whether the latest news that there was no planned insurrection will be fully disseminated remains to be seen, especially since the Reuter's story covering the release of  FBI conclusions was basically another anti-Trump opportunity, and called the “attack” on the Capitol the worst since the War of 1812, ignoring other actual bombings and shootings that occurred inside the Capitol.

When Joe Biden got into office, nothing he did was seen as bad  The invasion by  illegal aliens and the ensuing humanitarian crisis at the Southern border was invisible to the corporate media, and nary a word of derision was heard from the Democrats in Congress . In fact the Liberals supported the invasion, in which over a million illegal aliens have entered the United States in the past several months; and that 15% tested positive for the China Virus, and that everyone was released into the US - many being transported at taxpayer expense to all parts of the U.S., mostly to the Republican South, it was okay as long as Biden continued to tell us to wear masks and get vaccinated.  There is no concern for the security of the United States, even though among the throngs of  Mexicans, South and Central Americans are people with terrorist ties. 

So, when Liberals complained about the fiasco in Afghanistan, I was confused. Not only did they complain about the situation in general, but they complained about Joe Biden - their leader.

I have always assumed that ignoring the obvious threat to national security - in all  its   ramifications - from culture to national cohesiveness, to actual  security from an attack - well, that is something the Dems just don't care about - or only care if it's a Republican that may be responsible for a security breach.  

So, with the Southern Border in mind, I discussed what was happening in Afghanistan with my friend and said I was surprised that Liberals suddenly cared about the threat now developing because of what Joe Biden did. I referenced  the emboldened better armed Taliban and the threat of future terrorism with Al-Qaeda  and ISIS now free in Afghanistan, and a weakened U.S. posture in the world, and causing seriously harmed relations with NATO Allies because of not keeping them informed about the sudden pullout.

She corrected me, saying that their anger it's not about any of that - it's about the humanitarian crisis that Biden caused - all those people being left there. They should have been taken out much earlier. 

I mentioned the Southern border for contrast - that Biden could get 1,000,000 people across the Southern border, but couldn't get 100,000 people out of Afghanistan, and she once again said that I didn't understand. The Liberals still  think it's good that all the people that want to come to the U.S., get to come.  It's a humanitarian issue.

It appears that the support for the people trapped in Afghanistan is very simply about that. So, in the eyes of the Liberals, the illegals coming across the Southern border and people needing to leave Afghanistan are the same.

I guess I'm kind of astounded. Liberals are really that narrow minded. 

I told her a story about a time I was descending Mt. Whitney and saw three people off the trail - in the middle of a snow field. They were lost and almost freezing. They only had on sneakers and lightweight clothing. I explained to her that I gave the little I had in my pack, but not what I was wearing. It was essential that I stayed warm and functioned well, otherwise we'd all have died if I became cold and weakened.

Liberals don't see survival that way.  They don't understand what America First means; that our government's obligation is first to Americans, and that if we falter or fail or collapse, there's no place left  strong enough to keep freedom alive in a very ominously dangerous world.



Biden Loses It After a Reporter ‘Hurts His Feelings’

Author: Bruce Densboy

President Joe Biden was at a loss for words when a reporter pressed him about a new poll which revealed that the majority of Americans believe he is no longer competent enough to do his job.

During a press conference on Sunday, a reporter brought up a newly released CBS News poll that showed the American public’s worsening opinion of the president.

The poll was conducted after the administration had been hit with criticism and backlash from all over due to its disastrous pullout of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

“A new poll out today shows Americans wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan, but they disapprove of the way you’ve handled it,” a reporter said to Biden. “The poll also found that based in part on what’s transpired in the last week, a majority of Americans, and forgive me, I’m just the messenger, no longer consider you to be competent, focused, or effective in the job.”

“I haven’t seen that poll,” Biden immediately responded.

“It’s out there,” the reporter responded.

The awkward exchange can be seen here.

Many have publicly suggested that the Democrat leader is borderline senile – and certainly not fit to lead the United States of America.

Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician under both Presidents Obama and Trump, called on Biden to resign during a Fox News interview last week, saying that Biden is no longer “cognitively prepared” to be President of the United States.

“We’re looking horrible right now on the world stage; this is an absolute national embarrassment,” Jackson said. “And instead of being out in front of this and talking about what’s going on, and what went wrong, and what the plan was, and what we’re gonna do next, Biden’s just been in hiding again, as he always has.”

“Biden, once again, has failed us. He’s embarrassed us internationally,” Jackson continued.

“And, you know, honestly, it is time for him to leave. I’ve been saying this for a long time. I’ve been saying that he’s not cognitively prepared to be our president. And this is just another example of his failure. And I think a lot of this is relevant to his cognitive ability. But he’s created a national security disaster for this country right now. And it’s time for him to move on, and somebody else needs to do this job. He is not fit to be our commander in chief. It’s time for him to resign.”

Jackson added that Biden has avoided increased scrutiny over the matter because “people have cut him slack because they know he’s got these cognitive issues, and he’s older.”

“I think that he’ll resign or [I] think his own party will remove through the 25th Amendment as the days advance, because there’s just too much liability with this man,” he continued. “They can’t cover for him anymore.”

“So as we sit here today, you think the 25th Amendment will be invoked by the Democrats in congress against Joe Biden?” a Fox News host asked Jackson.

“I absolutely think that’s what’s gonna happen,” Jackson answered.

“I’ve been talking about this for about a year and a half. I’ve been saying even when he was candidate Biden, that he wasn’t cognitively fit to be our president. I’m telling you, as the days go on, it won’t be Ronny Jackson talking about it, it’d be the Democrats talking about it, because he’s failing on all fronts.”

“And when he gets up in front of the camera, he’s an absolute embarrassment. He is so unprepared for what’s going on in this country. And every time we’re confronted with something like this, it just becomes more and more obvious that he cognitive [sic] and cannot do this job. And I think that at some point, they will have to address that. And they will have to take care of it.”


Wokeist like Black "Lies" Matter folk are frauds.  But, tell me something new. 

 I understand it often takes a "happening" to bring people around to what they were unable/unwilling to see even if it was hitting them  squarely between their eyes. That said, I still hold the mass media professionals to a higher standard because they have an obligation to act as ombudsmen, to uncover and report on public servants doing wrong etc. Little wonder the mass media have reached a historical level of distrust.  We need honesty in reporting, we need objective reporting.  Op Eds fall in a different category.

Wokeists are all about power or money, plus denigrating whites: `feminist' writer demands donations after attacking white woman's Asian cookbook

If a decent person ever thought that radical leftists and Marxists deeming themselves to be “social justice warriors” and politically correct “moral crusaders” have anything to do with justice or morals, that time is as gone as the age of the dinosaurs. Because the fact of the matter is that ...

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 Submitted By George McClellan

It appears everything in Washington is crooked and on the take. Not just Congress but the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Pentagon, the Generals, literally everyone in Washington including those in the past administration. Add to all this Silicon Valley and the social media, cable news, a biased media, and foreign intervention. These groups amalgamated to become the Deep State.

President Trump didn't have a chance. He walked into this mess four years ago and tried to clean the swamp. But the swamp monster ate him alive piece by piece starting on Day 1. Unfortunately his actions in disputing the election had a small roll for the events at the capital. All the good he did over the past four years was wiped away. He's a marked man for the rest of his life. So where does he go now? Where can he live? What is the impact on his family. As one top general said, he's a great leader without a country.

The changes that are coming will have time to affect senior citizens and will impact their children and grandchildren. The coronavirus impact on our country is mild compared to what lies ahead.

Now you understand why there was never any action against the Clinton's or Obama. How they destroyed emails and evidence and phones and servers, how they spied and wiretapped, how they lied to the FISA Court, had conversations on the tarmac, sent emails to cover their asses after key meetings, how Comey and Brennan and Clapper never were brought to any justice, how the FBI and CIA lied, how the Steele Dossier was passed along, how phones got factory reset, how leak after leak to an accomplice media went unchecked, why George Soros is always in the shadows, why they screamed Russia and pushed a sham impeachment, why no one ever goes to jail, why no one is ever charged, why nothing ever happens.

Why there was no wrongdoing in the FISA warrants, why the Durham report was delayed. Why Hunter will walk Scott free. Joe will give his whole family pardons) Why the FBI sat on the laptop. Why the Biden's connection to China was overlooked and then they unleashed the perfect weapon, a virus that could be weaponized politically to bring down the greatest ever economy and usher in unverifiable mail in voting.

Why the media is 24/7propaganda and lies, why up is down and down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right. Why social media silences the First Amendment and speaks over the President of the United States.

This has been the plan by the Deep State all along. They didn't expect Trump to win in 2016. He messed up their plans. Delayed it a little. They weren't about to let it happen again. COVID-19 was weaponized, Governors helped shut down their states, the media helped shame and kill the economy, and the super lucky unverifiable mail in ballots were just the trick to make sure the career politician allegedly with hands in Chinese payrolls that couldn't finish a sentence or collect a crowd, miraculously became the most popular vote recipient of all time.

You have just witnessed a coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, the end of our constitutional republic, and the decline of capitalism into the slide toward socialism. What will happen next?

Expect the borders to open up. Increased immigration. Expect agencies like CBP and INS and Homeland Security to be muzzled or even deleted. Law enforcement will see continued defunding. The electoral college will be gone. History erased. Two Supreme Court Justices might be removed. The Supreme Court may be packed. Your 2nd Amendment rights will be attacked. If you have a manufacturing job or oil industry job, get ready. If you run a business, brace for impact. Maybe you'll be on the hook for slavery reparations, or have your suburbs turned into Section 8 housing. Your taxes are going to go up, and businesses will pay more. I could go on and on There is no real recovery from this. The elections from here on will be decided by New York, Illinois, and California.

The Republic will be dead. Mob rule and appeasement will run rampant. The candidate who offers the most from the Treasury will get the most votes. But the votes voted won't matter, just the ones received and counted. That precedent has been set. "Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, 'Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?'" Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." 

Ladies and gentlemen, you will now lose your Republic. You turned from God. You turned from family. You turned from country. You embraced degeneracy culture. You celebrated and looked to fools. You worshiped yourselves selfishly as you took for granted what men died to give you. You disregarded history and all it teaches. On your watch, America just died a little. It's likely she'll never be the same again. Some of you have no idea what you've done. Sadly, some of you do.

And who has the guts to share this with friends and family that voted for Biden?

"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority"~ Booker T. Washington



Cleaning Up After Biden on al Qaeda

Biden’s falsehoods show a misunderstanding of the continuing threat from Islamic terrorism.

By The Editorial Board 


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