Thursday, August 5, 2021

Inane Comments From Dense Liberal. Op Eds. When The Animals Are Returned To Their Cages The World Will Be Safer.


From time to time I note I receive inane comments from a tennis friend and alleged memo reader who is not only
 extremely liberal but dense but then that is oxymoronic isn't it?.

 This is his latest response to the article I posted by Victor Davis Hanson who is a respected conservative 
historian. I have re-attached the article.

"Why are republicans so much against Fauci? Don't they have enough lies from Trump about
how the outbreak of the virus was administered by him? Blaming Fauci is so much simpler,
Than taking responsibility! J."

Often I simply ignore his prattle. This time I made this measured response: "I guess Fauci lied to everyone and made a lot of money as a government employee over the years. Me"

Had my friend actually read what Hanson wrote he would not have written what he did which is typical of hypocrite
liberals who attack the source but never rebut because they are only capable of regurgitating what the mass media feeds them. 

Therein lies one of the major reasons why America is in deep s---. Over half the population can't reason, are incapable of articulating what they profess to believe.

As I have often said, America has become a bar bell or book end nation.  Both New York and California are 
off the chart tails seeking to wag their socialist dog.  Perhaps since the Governor of New York is in deep trouble as is the idiot parading as Gov.of California, there is hope some semblance of reality is dawning.

There is growing evidence Hispanic Citizens are becoming disaffected, a Rep. in Congress and strong admirer of Sen. "Bernie" was just defeated and there are signs Biden and Kamala are slipping in the polls. The clouds are gathering as the Mid-Terms approach.  The problem, however, remains, ie.  Democrats will attempt and do anything to win and, most likely  will resort to voting and legislative shenanigans again.

Time will tell.

Vaccination Weaponization

The Biden Administration should look in the mirror before casting stones at others.

By Victor Davis Hanson

 It was always going to be Herculean to inoculate, with an untried vaccine, a multi-ethnic nation of 330 million, across a vast continent—in an era when the media routinely warps the daily news. 

Some minorities understandably harbored distrust of prior government vaccination programs. 

Nearly 40 million foreign residents in America are from countries where corrupt governments had long ago lost the trust of the population. 

The anti-vaccination movement was distrustful of what the government said was safe—given the rush to produce previously untried mRNA inoculation methodologies. 

Rural and inner-city poor were sometimes not so easily reached, much less persuaded. 

Yet politics played the most obstructive role early on. Candidate Joe Biden talked grandly of reviving the World War II war production board. He deliberately omitted that it was Donald Trump who emulated FDR’s mobilization of private enterprise under government auspices. 

Trump offered legal protections for companies to accelerate their research and development—in hopes that competition, profits, and public oversight would result in COVID-19 vaccinations just 10 months after the pandemic hit. 

And it worked. Mostly safe and effective vaccinations were rolled out shortly after the election. Some 17 million were inoculated by the time of Joe Biden’s January 20 inauguration. 

Yet Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the days when he still posed as a bipartisan professional, had dismissed the idea of any viable vaccination in the election year 2020. Joe Biden publicly doubted that Trump’s vaccination efforts would either work or be safe. 

In a nationally televised debate, vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris shamefully said she would never be vaxxed with any shot associated with President Trump. All that proved disastrous messaging for an already skeptical nation. 

Pfizer had promised a breakthrough vaccination announcement in late October on the eve of the election. Then it mysteriously went silent—only to suddenly announce its successful  vaccination, just a few days after the November 3 voting. 

Joe Biden continued the politicization of the vaccination program by bizarrely and falsely declaring on CNN that there had been no vaccinations given until he entered office. Yet Biden himself was first vaccinated on December 21 on live television. 

Soon Biden grandly promised that all those who were vaccinated would be safe from infection from the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus. And thus they could resume normal lives without masks, quarantines, or social distancing. 

Those who refused vaccinations were almost immediately equated in the media to Trump supporters, reviving the Left’s clingers/deplorables/irredeemables/dregs/chumps narrative of uneducated, white, and idiotic resistance to government. 

The truth was that apart from Asian Americans, whites were percentage-wise the most vaccinated of the population. Elites charged that backward southern states like Alabama and Mississippi were not just lagging in their inoculation rates, but endangering vaccinated Americans by resuscitating a now constantly mutating virus. 

Again, in truth, low vaccination rates among African-American populations in the South were a chief but unspoken reason why majorities there were not inoculated.  

Once the so-called Delta variant arrived in force in early summer, the government’s earlier assurances that the vaccinated were now free to resume a normal life lost credibility. Weekly confused and mixed messages followed—simultaneously both downplaying and exaggerating the efficacy of the vaccinations. 

In reality, most who were vaccinated were almost assured that they would not become seriously ill from COVID-19, would likely not need hospitalization, and almost certainly would not die from it. 

No matter. The media-government fusion now blame-gamed unvaccinated “super-spreaders” for sometimes infecting those already vaccinated—as if the over 100 million adults still not fully vaccinated were red-state rubes who packed honky-tonk bars and motorcycle rallies. 

Yet the reality was quite different. 

Last summer over 1,000 medical providers had given blanket exemptions solely to BLM protestors, dangerously to mass in the streets for weeks on end to demonstrate. 

Currently, two million illegal aliens are scheduled to cross the southern border in the next year—with legal impunity, but without vaccinations, or COVID-19 tests, or lectures from Washington. 

A recent breakout of COVID-19, among even the vaccinated in Provincetown, Massachusetts, was not due to alt-right Neanderthals. It was attributable to the annual gay pride celebrations where some thousands of partiers swarmed bars, clubs, restaurants, and hotels. 

Former President Barack Obama was scheduled to host 500 guests and 200 staffers at his Martha’s Vineyard estate—when the government was again insisting masks be worn almost everywhere. 

Don’t look to COVID-19 czar Dr. Fauci to clear things up. He has already confessed he had lied about masks and herd immunity—allegedly for the people’s own good. Fauci still denies he helped fund dangerous gain-of-function viral research at the Wuhan virology lab—at ground zero of the later coronavirus pandemic. 

If the Biden Administration cannot vaccinate half of America, or assure vaccinated Americans that COVID-19 mutants won’t seriously hurt them or rekindle the earlier pandemic, then it might first look in the mirror before casting stones at others. 


Liberals Hate That You Have Rights

Kurt Schlichter


New Survey Destroys the Left's Narrative About Voter ID

Leah Barkoukis



If Biden Is Serious About Covid, He’ll Protect the Border

The government releases migrants, untested, to live in tight spaces alongside scores of strangers.


Until these animals are returned to their cages the world will not be safe from their vermin..

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators in Brooklyn Call for Worldwide Violence Against Jews



On Saturday in Brooklyn, a few hundred supporters of the Palestinian cause held a rally that demonstrated how overheated the Left’s rhetoric has become: Demonstrators weren’t even trying to hide their bloodlust and thirst for violence. And they went away, no doubt, nevertheless believing themselves to be on the side of righteousness.

The demonstration, which was organized by a group that calls itself “Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine,” featured banners proclaiming: “Zionism is terrorism,” “We will free Palestine within our lifetime,” and “Globalize the intifada.”

“Intifada” means “shaking off” or “rebellion,” and refers to armed struggle against Israel, including Israeli civilians. The Jerusalem Post notes that “during the Second Intifada from 2000-2005, Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and some affiliated with Fatah, carried out hundreds of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and security personnel, killing more than 1,000.”

What would it mean to globalize an intifada? It is hard to escape the conclusion that it would mean violence against Jews the world over, as we have seen recently. Around the time of the recent conflict between Hamas and Israel, Palestinian Muslims and their supporters committed acts of violence against Jews and supporters of Israel all over the United States. In New York City, a Muslim mob screaming “Allahu akbar” attacked a Jewish man in midtown Manhattan. Also in Manhattan, Palestinians threatened violence and screamed anti-Semitic slurs at Jews. One threw a mini-firebomb. Pro-jihad protesters stormed a restaurant and spat on Jewish patrons; one of the thugs threw a bottle. A Muslim, Waseem Awawdeh, was arrested for viciously beating a Jew in Times Square.

In Los Angeles, Palestinian protesters asked people dining at the Sushi Fumi restaurant if they were Jewish, and proceeded to attack them with knives. Elsewhere in Los Angeles, two cars festooned with Palestinian flags chased a Jewish man down a street as he was leaving his synagogue. In Florida, a van also bearing a Palestinian flag and emblazoned with the slogan “Hitler was Right” drove past a pro-Israel demonstration. In Skokie, Illinois, a pro-jihad vandal wearing an Arab headdress smashed a synagogue window and left a Palestine flag and a pro-jihad sign inside. And in Boston, an anti-Semitic Muslim migrant named Khaled Awad approached a rabbi outside a Jewish day school and stabbed him eight times.

From the looks of all this, the intifada is already well on the way to being globalized. Meanwhile, when the protesters declared their intention to “free Palestine within our lifetime,” they made it very clear that they were not referring to the establishment of a Palestinian state that would live in peace with Israel, as so many presidents have fondly hoped for. Rather, they had in mind the total destruction of Israel, which would necessarily involve the violent deaths of millions of Jews. The demonstrators made this clear when they screamed, “We don’t want no two states, we want all of it.”

They also declared their readiness to do violence to get what they wanted, screaming: “If we don’t get no justice, then they don’t get no peace,” “Intifada, intifada,” “There is only one solution, intifada revolution,” “Mobilize the intifada,” and another slogan that would require Israel’s total destruction: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Whatever else the global Left may be, it isn’t coy. The demonstration in Brooklyn comes amid an increasing normalization of violence among Leftists. First, mainstream Leftists asserted that it was altogether fitting and proper to “Punch a Nazi,” and then we discovered that in their eyes, we’re all Nazis. Kathy Griffin parading around with Trump’s severed head, and affecting victim status when called out for it, was just another signpost on the way to our present plight.

Every step of the way, instead of meeting with indignation and rejection, those who normalized violence were excused, and their anger declared righteous. The forces that espouse violence saw that no one seemed to have the will to stand up to them. And so now demonstrators in Brooklyn can call openly for what amounts to a new genocide of the Jews, and they know they will suffer no personal or professional consequences as a result. All the political currents are moving in a favorable direction for them. But their victory is not yet assured: It may yet happen that the forces of freedom will reassert themselves and reestablish the acceptable parameters of a free society. It couldn’t come a moment too soon.


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