Sunday, August 29, 2021

Kamala In Your Future? Marine Father's Feel Son's Betrayed. Atheist Ha"va'hd Minister. Biden Sleeps? Border Crisis Worsens. C'Mon Man. Biden Show Plus

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Would not be surprised if it happens but not right away.

Am confident this is something that would please Holder, Soros and Obama.  They will have more control over her than Biden who they manipulate more though planted operatives:

D.C. Insiders Start Talking About “President Harris” — See Why

It is very obvious that President Biden is breaking down just like Afghanistan is burning to the ground. Rumors are circulating about impeachment, and many people are demanding that he resign.

VP Kamala Harris has canceled her scheduled visit to help the endangered California Gov. Gavin Newsom fight his Recall, to go back to D.C.

Could this be the time that Harris has waited for?

Bo Snerdley asks the question on all the Washington insiders’ minds:

The truth is, currently, our country is leaderless. Despite the Biden White House, State Dept., and Jen Psaki’s words to the contrary, no adults are there. We are seeing daily the cognitive downfall of a man who would have never gotten elected to his office in the first place.

To Biden, even reading the teleprompter and repeating answers to pre-written questions is hard, and strains his falling faculties. So, his resignation—or impeachment—would mean Harris is brought in as the President of the U.S.

Much of her career has revealed that she cannot do this. Especially as VP, where she has lost every role handed to her.

Nevertheless, a U.K. publication is speculating about the possibility:

“VP Kamala Harris taking office from Biden has been said to be ‘more possible than any other time’ as the White House is hit by the crisis from Afghanistan.”

“She has long been seen as well placed to take power from the 78yo President. With Biden under pressure over the nation’s handling of the Afghanistan crisis as well as worries over the President’s mental reliability, political analyst Erol Morkoc has spoken about the chances of Kamala Harris coming into the role. He said to GB News the ways in which Harris might become the next President of the U.S.”

Political strategist Erol Morkoc took to the Great Britain Live network to help discuss the spreading speculation:

Canada First News also confidently weighs in on the issue.
In addition to n outraged mother, two fathers of Marines killed in Kabul believe Biden betrayed their sons: 

Thirteen US troops were killed in Thursday's attack in Kabul
By Samuel Chamberlain | New York Post

The fathers of two Marines killed in Thursday’s suicide attack at Kabul’s airport have expressed outrage at the U.S. government’s handling of the withdrawal of American forces, with one claiming President Biden "turned his back" on his murdered son.

"They sent my son over there as a paper pusher and then had the Taliban outside providing security," Steve Nikoui, the father of Kareem Nikoui, told The Daily Beast. "I blame my own military leaders. … Biden turned his back on him. That’s it."

Steve Nikoui told the website that he was notified of his son’s death by a group of Marines who showed up on his doorstep Thursday evening. The elder Nikoui said he had stayed home from work after hearing the news of Thursday’s attack and had been "glued to the TV" waiting for any word of his son.

Nikoui said the Marines who delivered the dreaded news were "more choked up than me."

"I was actually trying to console them," he said. "But at the same time, I just wanted them to get out as soon as possible so that no one from my family came back and saw them. I thought it appropriate that I be able to tell them."

Before being sent over to Afghanistan, Kareem Nikoui had been stationed at Camp Pendleton, near his family’s Southern California home. Steve Nikoui recalled that his son regularly made trips home on weekends, often bringing "10 or 15 other Marines" with him.

"My wife and I felt very honored that [since] these other boys weren’t around their homes, that we were able to provide some sort of family life for them," said Nikoui, who added that his son "really loved that [Marine Corps] family. He was devoted. He was going to make a career out of this, and he wanted to go.

"No hesitation for him to be called to duty."

But Nikoui told Fox News’ "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Friday that his son "had voiced some worry to the family" about the situation in Afghanistan and admitted that "the way that the Taliban had pretty much infiltrated the whole country so fast, and we were just kind of, it seemed, left to just this one little airport, really concerned me."

Nikoui went on to compare the area of the airport Kareem and his colleagues were patrolling to a "turkey shoot."

"Basically, it’s funneled into like a single-file type [of] entry point at which, you know, if you have any sort of chaos of any sort, they would all gather to that one funneled area [in] which they would all be susceptible, and I think that’s exactly what happened," he said. "It was just basically so chaotic and not really planned out. Now, I’m a carpenter and even I could spot that with my untrained military eye."

In Missouri, the father of 20-year-old Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz told radio station KMOX Friday he was "incredibly devastated" by his son’s death.

Mark Schmitz said that his son, who had been sent to Afghanistan from Jordan in recent weeks, had always wanted to become a Marine.

"I have never seen a young man train as hard as he did to be the best soldier he could be," he said. "And that’s a big part of, obviously, why we’re all devastated and sad, but there’s so much anger right now because he wasn’t even given that opportunity to demonstrate all the skills he had perfected and learned while in the Corps."

"He took his job very seriously," Mark Schmitz said of his son. "And somebody just came along and took the easy way out and ended everything for him and for us, and for those others that were killed."

When asked if he had a message for Americans grieving his family’s loss, Schmitz responded: "Be afraid of our leadership, or lack thereof. Pray every day for the soldiers that are putting their lives at risk and doing what they love, which is protecting all of us. I think they’re the only ones that we can honestly say have our backs."

Nikoui, Schmitz, and 11 other U.S. service members were killed when a suicide bomber attacked the Abbey Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport, where thousands of people have gathered over the past two weeks in a desperate attempt to get on evacuation flights out of the Taliban-controlled country.

In addition to the 13 who were killed, at least 18 other service members were wounded. Some 170 Afghans were also killed in the attack, which was claimed by the ISIS-K terror group.

The attack has touched off a new round of criticism over the botched pullout, with the Pentagon admitting Thursday that it is relying on the Taliban to provide security outside the airport via a system of checkpoints, where fighters have been assaulting and beating anyone who attempts to pass.

Click here to read more on the New York Post.
If lawyers do not believe in the law and see it as an impediment to get around  then why should ministers have to believe in God particularly in liberal Ivy League Schools who teach very little
of value but still charge a fortune.

Harvard University was instituted to train Christian preachers who could also teach literacy to their flocks, enabling them to read the Holy Bible. But now…the chief chaplain is an atheist.


New Harvard Chaplain Doesn’t Even Believe in God

Click here to read more on the New York Post.
Like our former Sec.of State once said:  "What difference does it make?"

Did Biden fall asleep during meeting with Bennett?

Social media storm erupts after video is posted on Twitter of the US president seemingly taking a snooze during remarks made by the Israeli prime minister.

300,000 more potential Democrat voters who happen to be criminals for breaking our laws, unregistered as well but as Hillary once said:  "What difference does it matter."

And as Lynn says:  Who cares anymore.

There is Still a Border Crisis – It’s Worse Than We Thought

As per a US Border services source, the amount of immigrants coming across the border without even being captured has risen to more than 340,000 thus far in Fiscal Year 2021. This number is an estimation of the number of migrants thought to have fled into the United States’ interior after being apprehended by Border Patrol personnel.

According to Breitbart Texas, the number of people who “went away” hit 300,000 in July. According to a source inside CBP who spoke on the condition of anonymity, upwards of 40,000 migrants have eluded capture in the last 35 days.

On a daily basis, 1,100 migrants elude capture. In 2022, it is anticipated that 69,000 migrants will evade being apprehended by the Border Patrol. Typically, the measure is not made public.

The figure is derived from the number of migrants who manage to avoid being apprehended, despite being detected by monitoring systems. Conventional sign-cutting techniques are also used by Border Patrol agents to detect footprints. Nevertheless, it is not a perfect investigative procedure, and sources claim that the actual number of those who have gotten away is usually larger.
C'mon Man!

Biden Drone Strikes White House After Vowing To Kill Those Reponsible For American Military Deaths In Kabul

WASHINGTON, D.C—President Joe Biden has finally stepped up delivering harsh remarks regarding those responsible for the deaths of our troops in Kabul. The President has authorized deadly force to deal with all who caused this tragedy.  

“We will not rest until those responsible for this senseless, avoidable crisis in Kabul have been removed from this Earth,” said a forceful Biden. “We will unleash everything within our military’s arsenal to stop those who allowed this to happen!”

Unbeknownst to Biden at that very moment, a US military drone was activated and given the White House as its target. Before Biden could finish his speech he was pulled away urgently and briefed on what he’d just done. 

“Aw c’mon man! I said kill the terrorists. Not us! What’s the deal, man?” said Biden. 

“I’m sorry sir, but unfortunately you said to kill those responsible, Mr. President,” said General Milley. “The drones are quite literal, sir. There’s nothing we can do.”

At publishing time, Biden had tried to give the drones new orders to kill those who wish to harm our country, but the drone’s path remained unaltered.
The Biden show
Summarizing the great article below –
Since Biden came into office we have had the following :
We fled Afghanistan in shame leaving people and $ billions of our best military equipment.
Our southern border which had been controlled is now a floodgate, of people unrequired to be vaccinated or checked for Covid.

Continued Federal spending has fueled inflation that we all see at the pump, grocery stores, in rents and real estate.
Our energy self-sufficiency has been neutered, by cancelling the pipeline and cancelling leases, and we are once again dependent on Mid-east oil imports.

Race relations have been blown up and the new credo is “whites are wrong…because of their skin color”.
Crime has exploded and inner cities are not places normal people feel safe in. Let’s defund and demonize more police (except for the politicians)!!
In short, it’s been an utter shit-show. Biden’s shelf-life is wearing thin, even to Lefties, and to the press who no longer can cover his senility and incompetence. Only left are those who hate all things Trump so much that they’d rather have the devil and America destroyed than acknowledge that the nasty tweeting son of a bitch Trump kept the Taliban at bay, made the southern border more secure, brought energy independence to America along with a great economy where women and minorities flourished, and was righting our country after too many years of left wing self-immolation and resultant hell, which we now get to experience…because a blind eye was turned to Biden’s laughable incompetence that was apparent for decades, and which now is on full display.
Eight Months in, Biden’s Cascade of Failure
A cognitively challenged Biden is pulled in every direction, by left-wing politicos collecting their debts, by his own spite, by his trademark narcissism, and by his hatred of all things Trump.


Almost everything Joe Biden has touched since entering office has turned to dross. None of his blame-gaming, none of his distortions, none of his fantasies and unreality can mask that truth.
The Afghan Catastrophe

Seven months ago, Afghanistan was relatively quiet—with about 10,000 vestigial NATO troops, including 2,500 Americans, anchored by the Bagram Airfield. They were able to provide air superiority for the coalition and Afghan national army. With air power, NATO forces, if and when they so wished, could have very slowly and gradually withdrawn all its remnant troops—but only after a prior departure of all American and European civilians, coalition contractors, and allied Afghans.

The transient calm abruptly imploded as soon as Joe Biden recklessly yanked all U.S. troops out in a matter of days. Many left in the dead of night, leaving no one to protect contractors, dependents, diplomats, and Afghan allies. In Biden’s world, civilians protect the last Western enclave while soldiers flee.

Three weeks ago, Joe Biden and a woke and politicized Pentagon were assuring us that Afghanistan was “stable.” Now the country is reverting to its accustomed premodern, theocratic, and medieval chaos. It will likely soon reopen as the world’s pre-9/11-style terrorist haven—an arms mart of over $50 billion in abandoned U.S. military equipment. Thanks to the president of the United States, terrorists and nation-state enemies can now shop for arms and train there without hindrance.

The NATO coalition-builder Biden also dry-gulched his European allies, whose soldiers outnumbered our own. The humanitarian “good ole Joe from Scranton” deprecated the thousands of Afghan military dead who had helped the Americans. The families of the American fallen and wounded of two decades were all but told by Biden that the catastrophe in Kabul was inevitable—no other way out but chaos and dishonor. Why did he not tell us that earlier, when he was vice president, so many dead and wounded ago?

“Get over it,” was Biden’s messaging subtext. If Americans want to hear the blame game, he told us to scapegoat Barack Obama, or all prior presidents, or especially Donald Trump, or the intelligence services and military, or the Afghan army, or we naïfs who somehow think things are a mess right now in Kabul—or anything and everyone but Joe Biden.

Was Biden’s idea simply to get the United States “officially” out of Afghanistan and let the abandoned 10,000-plus Americans manage as they can?

Was Biden angry over our 20-year presence and thinking the Afghans would deserve what followed? Was he so delusional that he really believed the NATO forces could easily deter the Taliban with sanctimonious lectures from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman? The latter is a former head of EMILY’s List and an architect of the Iran Deal, so were she and others especially scarifying to naughty theocrats when they warned they might lose their slot in the “rules-based world order”? Or did Biden believe the Taliban would be deterred by Sherman’s exclamations, such as her ominous warning, “This is personal for me!”

The Inflation Fiasco

In January, Biden inherited a rebounding economy that was fueled by $1 trillion in stimulatory federal red ink. Given natural pent-up consumer demand, why did Biden need to print yet another $1 trillion, seek to green-light another $2 trillion for “infrastructure,” and raise even higher unemployment compensation to the point of discouraging employees from returning to work?

At the same time, he has alarmed employers with braggadocio threats that higher capital gains, income, payroll, and estate taxes are all on the way. More lockdowns only further eroded small businesses. The result was price inflation of all the stuff of life—homes, lumber, gas, food, appliances—as well as historic shortages of everything from cars and houses to the work of contractors and electricians. Any increase in wages due to labor shortages was soon erased by spirals in the consumer price index.

So, what was Biden thinking or, rather, not thinking? By paying workers not to work he would be evening out the ancient score with employers? Did workers need a vacation from the quarantine? Printing money was a way to spread the wealth—and diminish what the rich possessed? Was a $2 trillion deficit and $30 trillion in aggregate debt a way of bragging to Trump that he doubled the Trump red ink in less than a year? Would he pile up more debt than both Barack Obama and George W. Bush in half the time?

The Border Disaster

Biden took a secure border, along with increasingly legal-only immigration, and then destroyed both. He stopped construction of the border wall, encouraged an expected 2 million illegal entries over the current fiscal year, promised amnesties, and resumed “catch and release.” He did all that at a time of a pandemic, exempting illegal aliens from all the requirements of COVID testing and mass vaccinations that he had hectored his own citizens about getting. With planned mass amnesties and millions more invited to cross illegally in the next three years, was Biden seeking to found a new American nation within the now passé old American nation?

Did he believe that Americans did not deserve their citizenship and newcomers from south of the border were somehow more worthy? Did he see the 2 million new residents as instant voters under new relaxed rules of balloting? Did he think in a labor-deprived economy they would supply nannies, gardeners, and cooks to bicoastal elites? We strain to imagine any explanation because there is no logic to any.

Energy Insufficiency

Biden did his best in just seven months to explode the idea of American self-sufficiency in natural gas and oil. He canceled the Keystone Pipeline, froze new federal energy leases, put the Anwar oil field off limits, and warned frackers their end days were near.

So, what drove Biden? Did he object that motorists were saving too many billions of dollars per year in decreased commuting costs? Or was the rub that we had slashed too many imports of oil from the volatile Middle East and no longer would launch preemptive wars? Or perhaps the transition to clean natural gas instead of coal as a fuel for power generation had too radically curtailed carbon emissions? Did Biden feel that Middle East producers, the Russians, or the Venezuelans could better protect the planet while extracting oil and gas than could American drillers?
The Race Calamity

Biden blew up race relations by greenlighting the new hunt for the mythical “whiteness” monster. Were a few buffoonish white rioters who stormed the Capitol the tip of the spear of a previously unknown massive white supremacy movement, the most dangerous, he swore, since the Civil War?

Biden took affirmative action and the Civil Rights-era “disparate impact” and “proportional representation” ideas and turned them into disproportionate representation and reparations on the cheap. Biden made it acceptable to damn “whiteness,” as if all 230 million white Americans are guilty of something or other in a way that the other 100 million “nonwhite” are not.

So why did Biden kick the sleeping dog of racial polarization? To stir up his left-wing base? To alleviate his own guilt over the Biden family’s long history of racist insults, from “clean” Barack Obama to “put y’all in chains” to the “Corn Pop” sagas to “you ain’t black” and “junkie” to Hunter’s n-word and Asian racism? Did Biden see countries like Iraq, Lebanon, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia as positive models for diversity emulation?

The Crime Explosion

After Biden entered office, violent crimes ignited from the embers of the 120 days of mostly unpunished looting, arson, and organized violence in the streets of America’s major cities during summer 2020. Under Biden, jails were emptied. Federal attorneys and emulative local DAs exempted offenders. Police were defamed and defunded. Punishing crime was considered a racist construct.

The result is that Americans now avoid the Dodge City downtowns of most of America’s crime-ridden blue cities. They accept that any urban pedestrian, any driver after hours, any commuter on a bus or subway can be assaulted, robbed, beaten, raped, or shot—without any assurance that the media will fairly report the crime, or that the criminal justice system will punish the perpetrators. In Biden’s America looters prance into drug stores and walk out with shopping bags of stuff, under the terrified gaze of security guards who guesstimate at least they did not steal more than $950 of loot.

Was Biden’s plan to let the people redistribute ill-gotten gains? Or was he convinced that disproportionate criminal activity was karmic payback, or penance for the death of George Floyd? Did he really believe that we were far too overpoliced? Did he believe that the general public should experience, at last, the crime of the inner-city to ensure equity and inclusion?

So why does Biden so willfully exercise this destructive touch that blows up anything he taps?
There are several possible theories:

1) Biden is non compos mentis. He has no idea of what he is doing. But to the degree he is alert, Biden listens—sort of—only to the last person with whom he talks. And then he takes a nap. When Afghanistan blows up or inflation roars or the border becomes an entry door, his eyes open, and he becomes bewildered and snarly—like an irritable and snappy Bruce Dern waking up in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.”

Biden has no clue about the actual destructive implementation of his toxic policies, and no concern upon whom these destructive agendas fall. He vaguely assumes a lapdog left-wing media will repackage every Biden incoherence as Periclean, and every daily “lid” as Biden’s escape for presidential research, deep reading, and intensive deliberation. Biden appears to be about where Woodrow Wilson was in November 1919.

2) Or is Biden a rank opportunist and thinking he will ride woke leftism as the country’s new trajectory? He resents his prior subservience to Obama, and now feels he can trump past signature leftist administrations as the one true and only socialist evolutionary. He is not so much the manipulated as the manipulator.

Biden fantasizes himself as a hands-on dynamic leader who bites at reporters, snaps from the podium, and issues his customary interjections. He is therefore “in command” for four or five hours a day. He enjoys acting more radical than Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, or “the squad.”—and especially being far more leftwing than his old and now passé boss Barack Obama. Joe is in control and that explains the dross touch. For the first time in his life, such an incompetent has complete freedom—to be powerfully incompetent. Biden is then not demented as much as delusionally running things.

3) Biden is unfortunately what he always was: a rather mean-spirited plagiarist, liar, and nihilist, from his Clarence Thomas character assassination infamy and Tara Reade groping to his foul racist talk and his monumental habitual grifting. His disasters are the same old, same old Biden trademark, performance-art screw-ups.

Biden likes the idea of conservative outrage, of chaos, of barking at everyone all the time. Biden accepts that no omelets can be made without broken eggs, and sort of enjoys screwing up things, as Robert Gates and Barack Obama both warned. “Wokening” the Joint Chiefs of Staff, encouraging hundreds of thousands to pour across the border, and abandoning our NATO allies in Afghanistan—who cares when tough guy, brash-talking Joe on the move jumbles stuff up? The disasters in the economy, foreign policy, crime, energy, and racial relations? Biden is just shaking things up, stirring the pot, baiting people to watch Mr. “Come On, Man” in action, as he blusters and preens and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake.

4) Biden is nothing much at all. He’s just a cardboard-cut out, a garden-variety Democratic Party hack, who is against anything conservatives are for. He assumes he will undo all that Trump did, on the theory it is simple and easy for him in his lazy, senior moments. And he is tired anyway of thinking much beyond such Pavlovian rejectionism. A closed border is bad; presto, open borders are good. Improving race relations is bad; deteriorating relations must be good. Energy independence bad; dependency good. Biden works on autopilot in his minimalist day job: just cancel anything that Trump did and worry nothing about the effects on the American people

5) Biden is a hostage of both the Left and Hunter Biden. His task is to ram down a hard Left agenda, in the fashion of a torpedo that itself blows up when it hits the target. The Left ensured the base would not bolt in 2020. So, he owes them. Biden, more or less, signed his presidency over to the squad, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and the Obama holdovers. They hand him a script; he tries to read it; and they follow up with the details. He is the old “Star Trek’s” tottering John Gill.

The Left may hope their own nihilist agenda sort of works. When it inevitably does not, then Joe, the delivery man, is blamed: so much more quickly, then, will be Biden’s necessary exit. They kept their part of the bargain by getting the basement denizen elected. Now he keeps the deal by handing over the presidency. Biden’s utility had about a six-month shelf life.

Now ever so slowly the leaks, the West Wing backstabbing, the furrowed anchor brows, and the unnamed sources will gently ease him out with 25th Amendment worries (e.g., “Perhaps President Biden might find taking the Montreal Cognitive Assessment of some value after all, for his own benefit, of course.”) Kamala Harris is not so inert as we are led to believe.

Hunter Biden, smeared and ruined with scandals of every imaginable sordidness, now embarks on his masterpiece con: peddling his kindergarten art at a half-million dollars per painting to “anonymous” quid pro quo rich foreign grifters. Why does Hunter pose such brazenness and unnecessary danger to his father, the president? Because the former addict can, and just for the f—k of it?

Hunter’s malicious behavior is an implied threat that if Joe’s staff slaps Hunter’s hand, he threatens to spill the “beans” on the “Big Guy” and “Mr. 10 Percent”—given he plays the wounded fawn as the underappreciated bad boy. Hunter was the bad-seed family money man without whose grift none of them would ever have lived in such mordida-generated splendor.

A cognitively challenged Biden then is pulled in every direction, by his own senility, by left-wing politicos collecting their debts, by his own spite, by his trademark narcissism, and by his neanderthal hatred of everything Trump was and did.

The problem for America is that theories one through five are not always mutually exclusive, but more likely force multipliers of the present insanity. At some point, some brave congressional representative or Senator will finally have to say to Biden, in the spirit of Oliver Cromwell and Leo Amery:

“You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and a Member of the Board of Advisors for both the Independent Institute as well as its quarterly journal, The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy.



No, only the kind manufactured by hypocrite liberals.

Larry Elder: Systemic Racism does not exist in America

Sent by a friend and fellow memo reader:
Awake ye "woker."

I think Bill Maher is an idiot, but even he is getting worried about where the Left Wing Liberal Socialists Woke culture is taking us!



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