Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Two Books: My Autobiography And Raising A Child In A Conservative Manner



The next four memo's will be the same and devoted to my autobiography, which I was encouraged to write by my son, as well as a previous pamphlet I wrote regarding  raising children by conservative parenting which, under current circumstances,  I could not have totally predicted but did fear was on the horizon, at the time I wrote .

The link was prepared by my Canadian computer guru who also helped in the editing of both missives. 

My autobiography is written mainly for family and particularly future members who may never get to know me well or at all.  If you decide to read it, I hope you find it interesting.

As for the pamphlet on raising children in a conservative manner, in a world fraught with liberal illogic, political power grabs and, thus, constant potential disasters, it was written to raise money for "The Wounded Warriors."

Now that radical liberals have imposed their dangerous ideas pertaining to raising children and then subjecting them, educationally, to embrace concepts of self-hate and racial discord under such tag names as CRITICAL RACE THEORY, CANCEL CULTURE and an assortment of  equally dangerous theories, so future generations of Americans can live on their knees under the flag of Socialism, you might even find my "pamphlet" more interesting.

Both are at least timely.

I always invite comments and try to be an open book..

Stay well, be safe.


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