Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Inevitable Is Lamentably Getting Closer. Rice Is Obama's Spoon. Holder Remains Obama's Wing Man. Does Joe Even Know? More Disunity.


Black voters need to wake up and smell the garbage.


I have been writing war with a nuclear Iran is unavoidable. However, never will know the timing but it is lamentably nearing. 

Perhaps Israel is heightening the rhetoric to force Biden out of his torpor?

IDF Chief: Israel Prepping For Possible Iran Strike

Growing regional concerns »


Holder is the radical Obama chose to wreck the Justice Department and he keeps on being a threat to what once was a law and order society and now has become a land of domestic terrorism , rioting, looting,  tragedy and challenged to feckless Democrat Mayors and Governors.

Both Obama and Holder know what they are doing and this is another reason why Biden and Kamala are their chosen puppets. 

Even if Biden knows unity is the correct choice, Susan Rice is there to keep it from happening. She is the spoon with which Obama stirs.

Eric Holder Urges Democrats To Pack Supreme Court; Schumer Considering It

Former Attorney General Eric Holder has urged Democrats to pack the Supreme Court to seize full control of U.S. politics. While speaking at the Brookings Institute on Monday, the Obama-era official claimed the high court is not liberal enough and said it may block Democrat policies from moving forward.


Does Joe Even Know?

Does Joe Know?  

He is, effectively, a hologram.

By Lisa Schiffren

For those of us watching this made-for-TV special in which a totalitarian cabal at the core of the Democratic Party takes over America while we are locked at home, one question arises: Does the mentally impaired Joseph R. Biden know that he was put into the presidency by a small committee* of hard Left operatives, and is currently serving as a figurehead, as all decisions about policy and personnel are made by others? 

Or does he think that he really is “the president,” with all that usually entails? 

Does he believe that 81 million adult American citizens voted for him after he failed to answer basic questions about what he would do in office, while hiding in his basement all summer? When he thinks about his support across this great continent, does he see the faces of those who showed up to signal assent? The crowds? The four or six or 11 people in tiny yards, in random places? How could he not know, you wonder . . . ? But, ego.

Does Joe know that he is, effectively, a hologram—a 3D projection in space, retaining outward signs of being a sentient human— whose mental processes have been taken over by the committee? That earpiece he wears, who is speaking into it? Remember, he wore it at the debate, too. How does that work? It’s hard to just repeat words as they come into your ear, with anything like normal inflection. Those dark contact lenses he is wearing—what does he see?

When he sits at the Resolute desk, with a stack of executive orders to sign for the cameras, and the sheets of paper he is signing are blank… surely he knows. Unless he sees something else. 

And let’s discuss the content of those EOs for a second: Joe Biden is an unprincipled panderer, but he is not personally hard Left. He swore up and down at his second debate that he would not end fracking or shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, putting tens of thousands of American union members out of work, thus ensuring a steep rise in energy prices. Yet he signed that order on day one. Would the real Joe Biden have signed EOs allowing China to meddle in the U.S. energy grid?  Or agree to destroy women’s sports?

The key question is, does Joe know the timeline for his departure? We can’t be sure, but the satirical news site the Babylon Bee gives him 100 days, as of January 22.  

Some observers give Joe two years, so Kamala can have a full two terms—which seems pedantic and “Q”-ish. While Harris must be eager, she, too, is a figurehead. She may be marginally smarter than Joe was, at his peak. But she got zero votes in the Democratic primary, and still giggles when confronted with questions of substance. Once she assumes the presidency, all bets are off for whether there is ever another election again. Does Xi bother with elections? Has she ever evinced loyalty to American law or people? Placing her on the ticket was the committee’s first big move.

Since the 25th Amendment is still in the air, it can be used to remove Joe when convenient. That is, once the new power structure is firmly in place, including laws that make dissent and protest against whatever is handed down from the Capitol punishable by prison and worse. Laws that forbid self-defense, or encrypted communications between those not friendly to the regime. Laws that allow China to meddle in our grid, our economy, and our politics. 

But using the 25th makes “Dr.” Jill look bad for putting her demented husband through two years of campaigning, either for her own First Lady ambitions, or at the behest of the committee, when he could have been napping, or playing with the dogs.

Perhaps the committee will remove Joe in the old-fashioned Soviet way: A surreptitious needle in the arm that produces a heart attack? An aneurysm? At night, while asleep? Or in broad daylight and full public view? COVID—a terrible strain the vaccine didn’t cover? In addition to the political and policy commissars on the committee, there must be a movie director, who knows the plot and has to figure out which twists the public will buy. 

Might the director decide that they have enough audience buy-in to frame a right-wing Army veteran, the stock, grizzled “patriot” figure, with Q-Anon connections, for a shooting death, which makes Joe a martyr, and gives ample cause for locking down Trump supporters?  Daring. But it gets them to their police state goal so much faster. And how daring really, when that was the ending of the British version of House of Cards

My bet is that Joe does not know. Why? Because committee frontman and marketing director Barack Obama in a recent interview with Stephen Colbert explained his ideal third term: “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or frontman or frontwoman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.”


One more disuniting stupid idea from Biden that will perpetuate further discord. C'mon Man!

Richard — President Biden is now in office and facing a country that is hurting economically. He has supported $10,000 in student loan relief and already paused loan payments until September. But petition starter Alan thinks that won’t be enough for the 1 in 5 Americans burdened by student debt. Alan is pushing for cancellation of all student loans – something Biden could do with the stroke of a pen. Add your name and help Alan reach one million supporters asking for economic relief.


More radical Democrat stupidity.


It actually began in Trump's Oval Office with help from Putin and Russian Banks:


Brandon Smith sees a silver lining.  You be the judge and decide yourself.

Bob Livingston Alerts

There are many millions of Americans today in the post-election environment that feel uneasy about the fate of the country given the rise of a Biden presidency. And though I understand why this tension exists, I want to offer a possible "silver lining" ... a different way of looking at the situation:

With Biden in the White House, there is no longer any ambiguity about what conservatives (and some moderates) need to do and need to accomplish. Now we know where we stand, and now the stakes are clear.

With Trump in office, a lot of conservatives and liberty minded people became a little too comfortable to the point that they were inactive. They actually believed the system could be repaired and corruption ended from within without much effort on our part beyond our votes. Trump made many conservatives lazy.

Then there was the Q-anon-sense floating around on the web which also misled some liberty activists into thinking that people much higher placed or "smarter" than us were fighting the good fight behind the scenes and that the globalists would be swept up in a grand 4D chess maneuver. This was a fantasy; it was never going to happen. Finally, everyone knows this, and we can get on with the business of fighting the real battles ahead.

I think we are reaching a stage in the conflict between freedom advocates and collectivist tyrants when many illusions are going to melt away, and all we will be left with is cold hard reality. Now is the time when we find out who is going to stand their ground and fight for what they believe in, and who is going to cower and submit just to save their own skin. Now is the time when we find out who has balls.

The last four years and the election of 2020 have revealed that political solutions are out the window. A lot of conservatives should have known better, but maybe it takes a perceived disaster to shock some people out of their waking dreams. Elections, voting, potential third parties... it's all Kabuki theater. It's all a facade to keep up docile and under control.

The liberty movement cannot revolve around a single political figure. We cannot bottleneck out efforts into the hands of one man or political party. The fight is up to us — each of us as individuals. It was always up to us.

A different form of organization needs to happen if Americans are going to protect our freedoms, a grassroots approach from the ground up rather than the top down. There will of course be people who stand out as teachers and leaders, those that lead by example. But overall, the movement will not be acting on orders from on high. Rather, it will be acting according to self-motivation. The liberty movement is not driven by personalities, but by shared principles which take on a life of their own.

I'm not worried about Biden. In fact, his presence may be the best thing to happen to conservative unity in well over a decade. The only thing I worry about, as noted, is who is going to stand their ground, and who is going to give in?

Biden may also be a wake-up call for any moderate democrats out there who thought that by voting for a hair-sniffing corporate puppet they might put an end to the division and civil unrest in the nation. I think they will discover that Joe will attract even more civil unrest by Antifa and BLM during his administration than Trump did, by the simple fact these insane people will assume that Biden will be malleable and easy to exploit.

Biden himself is not all that important; he is nothing more than a foil for bigger events and a proxy for more nefarious people. His presence signals that the "Great Reset" agenda is fully greenlit. This agenda has a pretty obvious set of goals, many of them openly admitted to by the World Economic Forum, and some of them strongly implied by the extreme political left and the media. They include:

1) Perpetual pandemic lockdowns and economic controls until the population submits to medical tyranny.

2) Medical passports and contact tracing as a part of everyday life.

3) The censorship and de-platforming of all voices that oppose the agenda.

4) Greatly reduced economic activity in the name of stopping "climate change."

5) Greatly increased poverty and the loss of private property.

6) The introduction of "Universal Basic Income" in which the government becomes the all-powerful welfare provider and nursemaid for a generation of dependent and desperate people.

7) A cashless society and digital currency system where privacy in trade is completely erased.

8) Creation of a "shared economy" in which no one will own anything, and independent production is outlawed.

9) The deletion of national borders and the end of sovereignty and self-determination.

10) The centralization of global political power into the hands of a select few elitists.

Now, you would think that most sensible people would be opposed to such an agenda. It would inevitably lead to mass death in economic terms, as well as war. Unless you are a psychopath that gets a vicarious thrill from the brutal oppression of millions of people, or you are a globalist that stands to gain immense power, there is nothing about the Reset that benefits you.

That said, there will still be millions of useful idiots that support totalitarian policies, and they will act to enforce them. Some of them will be convinced that they are serving the greater good, and others will think that they can "earn a place at the table" if they lick the boots of tyrants long enough. Bottom line? It's not just the globalists we need to worry about, it is also the contingents of zombies they have duped or bribed into serving the Reset.

The information war is about to take a backseat and a new fight is about to begin. But how will it start?

I believe the first test for conservatives will be Biden's pandemic response. Do not be misled by calls from Democrats to reopen the economy; there are strings attached.

When New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stated that the state needed to reopen, or there would be "nothing left," he also consistently hinted that vaccination numbers needed to improve. There are two big lies involved in this narrative. The first is that the vaccination rollout has failed on a technical level. They want us to believe that only around 30 percent of vaccine doses have been administered because the state and hospitals failed to get them to citizens fast enough. The truth is, as we've seen in numerous polls of Americans and medical staff, millions of people do not want to take the vaccine. The situation in New York and across the country is not a bureaucratic failure, it was a propaganda failure.

Second, Cuomo's statements hint that though lockdowns are destroying the economy, vaccine saturation is paramount. The message is this — "Take the vaccine, or the economy will crash." The pandemic response is a carrot and stick approach: The lockdowns are the stick, and the reopenings are a carrot.

Of course, even if most people get vaccinated and submit to medical passports and contact tracing like good slaves, this does not mean life will go back to normal. On the contrary, things will get much worse.

As I have noted in past articles, the globalists have admitted that the COVID mandated and controls are going to be in place for many years, perhaps forever. Elites at MIT and the Imperial College Of London have written extensively about a strategy I call "Wave Theory," in which governments constantly batter the public with waves of lockdowns followed by brief windows of partial opening and limited freedom.

The reopenings are a trick, a way to release public tension like a steam valve and make everyone think that the crisis is almost over. Then, the draconian mandates are brought back once again. This will never end. The only way to stop it is to remove the globalists from power and crush the Reset agenda.

A new narrative is already being injected into the mainstream media that even vaccinations will not lead to freedom. Anthony Fauci and others have argued that those who are vaccinated still need to follow lockdown mandates and wear masks. This policy completely ignores the scientific fact that the death rate of COVID is only 0.26 percent for anyone outside of a nursing home. It ignores the fact that masks have been consistently proven to do nothing to stop the spread of the virus. It ignores the fact that asymptomatic people are not capable of spreading COVID. And it ignores the fact that the vaccines are barely tested experimental cocktails that even the former VP of Pfizer has warned might cause dangerous autoimmune reactions and infertility.

On top of this, more and more stories about "COVID mutations" are hitting the news wire. They are supposedly more infectious and more deadly than the original (which runs contrary to the natural evolution of the vast majority of viruses), and the mutation in South Africa is also supposedly unaffected by existing vaccines. There is no concrete proof to support any of the claims, but I think you see where all of this is headed, right?

My guess is that in about two months the CDC and WHO will announce an new global outbreak of a more deadly strain of COVID. They will say the current vaccines are ineffective, and that lockdowns must continue. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are savvy to the old COVID-19 scheme, so the elites are going to introduce COVID-20, COVID-21 and COVID-22, etc.

Biden will call for Level 4 lockdowns similar to those implemented in Europe and Australia, and this is where conservatives must draw a line is the sand and announce that we are not subject to unconstitutional restrictions, that we are breaking free. This will be our first major test.

It's not enough to simply say "I won't submit" when the consequences are minimal. One must be willing to fight back even when the consequences are dire. Being willing to lose everything for what you believe, being willing to possibly die for your values and principles means you are no longer a spectator in history, but an actor that can affect the future. Anything less is not enough to win the war that is coming.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith


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