Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Iran Can Become Biden's Tar Baby. My Two Articles. The First Leaves Me Conflicted. The Second, Saddened. What Do We Do With AMEN?


Will Iran acquire nuclear weapons?  That is the pressing problem Biden will face and I have no faith in his or Kerry's desire to stop them.



The two articles I am writing are not easy because I admit I am conflicted. The first is complex and the second , avowedly, involves generalities while at the same time includes equally complex realities.Please indulge.

What justifies Trump's recent behaviour?  It is no secret Trump has done many things that leave, even me, shaking my head in both disbelief as well as despair.  I know he is narcissistic, insecure and self-centered. I also know he is not above lying or slanting the truth as he would have it known.

I also believe some of his behaviour is driven by negotiating tactics.

Specific to pre and post election events, I believe Trump correctly warned Democrats were seeking ways to defeat his likely re-election and one was to encourage and support changes in voting behaviour and regulations. 

We  know Democrats engaged in despicable activities in order to wreck his administration, so they could impeach him.

Therefore, when hundreds of voters proved willing to file affidavits claiming  fraud and misbehavior and state judges decided they could ignore their own legislators and constitutions, that cannot be totally dismissed.

That is a fact.  Why none of these  allegations were never explored in a proper judicial setting I cannot understand.  Swearing an alleged activity, in an affidavit, if intentionally done falsely carries risk. Therefore, these allegations should have been explored if only to resolve doubt and to assure further elections are honest and believed as such.

Having said that and the fact that Trump and his advocates were totally rejected carries some weight but also  this does not satisfy that every rejection was justified. We know the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is liberal and the justices decided their own legislature had no standing with respect to making laws. There were at least several other states whose actions are questionable and should have been explored.

Consequently, Trump is justified in believing something rotten occurred,  has every human right to feel aggrieved and the election was stolen because that was the Democrat's goal all along.

Where the conflict occurs is whether his current  is something I both can understand and support. If Democrats have perpetrated the theft of a presidential election, as many claim they have, this would be a tragedy as well as a dangerous precedence in this nation's sordid political history.

Therefore, I come to two conclusion:

a) It was always Trump's to lose because his policies and ideas worked. However, his own personality, response to bizarre events like the pandemic and the mass media's purposeful manipulation of voter attitudes against him cannot be ignored.

b) Trump apparently decided to burn the house down in order to roast the pig.  He has elevated a schism within the Republican Party. In doing so, it may replace the schism that already existed in the Democrat Party. 

Consequently, Trump's attacks on those within his own party for their failure to support his efforts to resist the alleged and unproven theft of his re-election may have some merit on a very personal level but when viewed in the larger scope of what is involved it also could be overkill.

Do I side with Senator's Cotton and Mc Connell or with Senator's Cruz and Hawley?  Do I ignore both and side with Trump?  What is the correct decision and in the best interest of my nation?

The second article traces my views of the Democrat Party and liberals in general.

All parties are a composite of many holding different political views.  When Sam Nunn was a Senator, Democrats included segregationists, moderates and northern/eastern liberals and progressives.

A Republicans began their political rise it had an impact on Democrats who began to move further left.

Today the Democrat Party consists of truly far left radicals, and some centrists and lingering progressive liberals. The radicals seems to have become the face and voice  of the party as their influence has grown.

The segregationists are now extinct.

My problem with Democrats is, like most politicians, they are hypocrites.  Some more so than others.

Their policies are predicated on appealing to retaining/creating  loyal voting blocs through identity politics and this causes fractured loyalty and the nation loses in the process.

Democrat patronage to unions results in lost educational opportunities, particularly for black Americans.  By keeping blacks less educated it remains easier to convince them Democrats care all the while blacks continue being used and abused.  Trump actually did more for blacks by instituting policies that made the economy expand so jobs and higher wages were the resulting consequence.

Hispanics have been convinced Republicans are elitists and yet Democrat policies of open borders increases competition for jobs and lowers wages for work many Hispanics perform.  There has been a shift in who is now served by The Chamber of Commerce. Corporate America is now overwhelmed with  liberal billionaires who run technology companies.

What about radical demands of defunding police? Certainly crime has ballooned and that does not serve the interests of the beleaguered whom Democrats profess they care about. In fact sanctuary cities and disregarding enforcement of many former crimes does not serve the entire nation's interests regardless of race and color. Here again, it was Trump who addressed and eliminated certain egregious penalties unfairly directed at blacks.

Is life better off when Democrat mayors and governors tolerate rioting and destruction of public property including police stations?

When Democrats multiply nomenclature pertaining to how males and females are defined what benefit accrues to the nation?  Does the elimination of the word "amen" protect us from the rise of China's navy (PLAN) and desire to control the seas or does it reduce domestic prejudice?(See below.)

When Democrat anti-Semites attack our relationship with Israel and ignore what Trump, his son-in-law, and our ambassador to Israel accomplished with the Abraham Accords what benefit accrues to world peace?

Will today's election of two radicals seeking Senate Seats and  giving Democrats control of the three branches of government serve the better instincts of the Founding Fathers who sought checks and balances in governance?

What interests of our society are served by the embrace of socialism, more government control over our lives and our health?

I once found much that appealed to me about Democrats. That was when the Democrat Party , in my opinion, served the interests of the nation.  Then the party began to weaken our militarily, our trade  position, thus,  a diminished middle class,  raise taxes in order to support backward and radical social policies and you know the rest.

Perhaps my 1950's  education at Wharton turned me against Democrats because I was taught about Capitalism,  discovered Ayn Rand, Hayek and others who challenged my thinking and opened my eyes to the  opiate Democrats  were serving the masses. Whatever it was, I no longer have much respect for liberals and what they profess. I visited some mid-western cities where American values still rule their way of living, comprise their core values and dictate their thinking. Patriotism still is something admired, serving the nation is something treasured.

I found I related more to the core beliefs expressed in our Constitution  when I attended law school than the nonsense liberals wanted me to swallow. That does not mean I embrace the Republican Party because they too have drifted away from their professed values, fear fighting for their beliefs and disgust me when they talk a good game about spending and then act like kids in a candy store. 

So I am a man without a party in a sense as I independently pick and choose. However,  the offerings are getting thinner/slimmer and the pickings less attractive. I still love my country but no longer am confident it will survive as it was intended nor is capable of standing up to the Chinese menace.

I admit to being a pessimist and hope I am proven wrong.  Meanwhile, Trump did a lot to convince me America  could change course but Democrats and their (m)ass media friends (see below) and Obama holdovers made it difficult for him to achieve all he could and his own unorthodox ways and personal peculiarities cost him immeasurably because far too many were directed to focus on his warts.

Today's election results may not be known quickly because delay suits the goal of Democrats and we seem to have too much infighting within those who are at the top rung of State Government.

I hope Republicans retain the Senate and voted accordingly only because Biden , in my opinion, will prove to be a disaster, will not serve his full term and Kamala is Obama's Edward Hyde.

Time will tell.  It always does.


Billions a year are spent using tax payer dollars to pay for pet projects of those in Congress whose campaigns are then laundered and no one has the guts or desire  to stop this abuse. This is why unions and salaries of local and state employees exploded under Andy Stern's control and have grown in proportion to average wages.  Their increased wages are preferred status has been used to fund the political campaigns of those who voted favorably for this occurrence.  

Yes, we have the best government money can buy and this is why we are, in part, in the current mess.  There is far too much money in politics.  Over $600 million will have been spent in todays campaign in Georgian alone.  That is sinful.

PBS: This Segment PROVES PBS Hates Republicans And Trump


As it hopes for long-term truce, Israel prepares new battle doctrine for Gaza
Fresh capabilities, in addition to re-evaluating offense and defense, are coming into play in the IDF, which assumes that in five years, its enemies will possess much greater abilities.
This is insane.

Dear Richard

I’m sure you saw the news. The end of the opening prayer of the new Congress ended with “Amen and Awoman.” Amen, incidentally, isn’t even a “gendered word” - it’s not about men at all. The left will crush anything that we hold dear, even prayer, to virtue signal. It’s sad and disgusting. That’s why we started CaucusRoom.com, an online community just for conservatives.

We need a place to organize and communicate with like-minded conservatives. We're facing a full-blown culture war, and we need our own war room from which to fight back - that's CaucusRoom.com. CaucusRoom.com is a place where you can network, organize, and communicate with other conservatives.

Stay up on the latest news and fight back against the incremental march leftward. At CaucusRoom.com ou're naturally oriented to your neighborhood, so you can connect with local conservatives and make a difference. Connect with people who aren't afraid to say AMEN at CaucusRoom.com.
Matt Knoedler



The media thinks you’re stupid. They present themselves as impartial observers, yet their relationship with government and big business is incestuous. To begin, 6 corporations (CBS, Disney, GE, Newscorp, Time Warner, and Viacom) control 90% of American media. These billion-dollar enterprises publish content for nearly 300 million Americans daily. It’s silly to pretend that these businesses are agnostic to government policy. To the contrary-they are highly invested in government policy and are determined to have government work on their behalf.

Perhaps this explains the disproportionate number of corporate media talking heads who once worked in government.


Here are a few:
  • George Stephanopoulos was the White House communications director during the Clinton Administration after working for the Clinton presidential campaign. After his departure from the Clinton administration, Stephanopoulos landed a gig as an anchor and political correspondent on ABC News.
  • Joe Scarborough was a Congressman from Florida who resigned from congress after his 28-year-old female staffer was found dead in his congressional office. It didn’t take Scarborough long to reinvent himself as a liberal and marry Mika Brzezinski, daughter of LBJ and Carter advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, in a ceremony performed by Maryland Democrat Elijah Cummings.
  • Bill Kristol’s father was well known journalist Irving Kristol. Bill started his career in Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s office and taught politics at Harvard and University of Pennsylvania. Kristol served in the Reagan administration before he lobbied for the war in Iraq. As war in Iraq raged, Kristol presented himself as an expert in foreign relations and furthered his media career as a commentator first for Fox, then for ABC. Kristol was also a columnist for various newspapers including the New York Times.

The list goes on… Andrea Mitchell is married to former Chair of the Fed Alan Greenspan, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, Christiane Amanpour is married to former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs in the Clinton Administration James Rubin. To drive the point home, Erick Erickson detailed the Obama era conflicts of interest citing:  

Jay Carney went from Time to the White House press secretary's office. Shailagh Murray went from the Washington Post to the Veep's office while married to Neil King at the Wall Street Journal. Neil King has left the Wall Street Journal to work for Fusion GPS. Linda Douglass went from ABC News to the White House and then the Atlantic. Jill Zuckman went from the Chicago Tribune to the Obama Administration's Transportation Department. Douglas Frantz went from the Washington Post to the State Department and Stephen Barr went from the Post to the Labor Department.

Ruth Marcus, who heads the Washington Post Editorial Board, is married to the Obama Administration's former Federal Trade Commission Chairman. Jonathan Allen had been at Politico before going to work for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then back to Politico before going to the left leaning Vox. Now he is at NBC News. Andy Barr worked for Politico before leaving for Democrat politics. Michael Scherer was at both Salon and Mother Jones before going to Time. Laura Rozen was at Mother Jones and the American Prospect before Foreign Policy magazine. Even Nate Silver had started out at Daily Kos. Then, of course, there is Matthew Dowd, who worked for scores of Democrats before working for George Bush. That, though he later washed his hands of Bush, bought him street credibility with ABC News to become its senior politically analyst alongside George Stephanopoulos, formerly of the Clinton Administration.

What’s apparent are the numerous conflicts of interest among our nation’s leading journalists and the individuals and organizations they pretend to report on. The majority of these individuals served Democrat administrations before working at "objective" outlets. They are invested ideologically, monetarily, and in many cases are family.

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