Friday, January 22, 2021

Fry In Hell. Salena's Different Perspective. Stop Shopping a At Wal-Mart and Bed Bath and Beyond. Outside The Box Thinking.Col. Kemp A Christian Mensch.

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I  know Biden's press secretary was thrown soft balls and, as matters
progress, they may get even softer but I was impressed with  the
way Jen Psaki handled her first such conference. Would it not have 
been nice if the same reception had been given Trump's choices?

One day those who were engaged in smearing Trump, his
folks, his family will regret their actions and they will eventually fry
in hell.



Op-Ed By Mike Vasppa


As expected, the Communist News Network and MSNB-Senile fawned over President Basement’s inauguration speech.  (Chris Wallace) said it was  “the best inaugural address I ever heard.” Ridiculous.  The speech was twenty minutes of false platitudes and phony gestures. Joe Biden says he wants unity. But then why is he pushing for liberal policies? Why isn’t he letting Republicans pick some of his cabinet? If Biden really wanted unity, he would’ve conceded in November when he knew that him assuming office would be so controversial.


Here’s what Conservatives don’t understand: The Left isn’t interested in unity. The Left hates you.  It consumes them. The Left spends all day thinking about how much they hate you, and at night they turn on cable news to watch rich, pampered  blowhards tell them how much to hate you.  It’s heartbreaking, if it weren’t so destructive.


Now here’s what the Left doesn’t understand: 75 Million Americans voted for President Trump. That. Is. A. Fact. The unimaginative reply: “Well, 81 million people voted for Biden.” The dishonesty is galling, if it weren’t so blatant. Democrats think that just because they “win” more “votes” than Republicans, that means they should hold power. But if most of their votes are illegal, which they verifiably are, then their power is fraudulent; their victories a literal crime.


We were once the United States of America. But Democrats ruined that. How can we unite with those who seethe with resentment? Who reside in a bubble? Who slavishly follow politicians who are selfish, lazy, and ignorant,? And most of all, how can we unite with those who only think an election is legitimate if their own side won? Democrats should be ashamed. If that’s the poisoned fig leaf of “unity” they offer us, then, respectfully, I’m fighting on.  


Salena has a different report from the Inauguration:

My very different report from the inauguration 

By Salena Zito

Click here for the full story.


Rabid Democrats and their media and corporate friends are busy punishing those who aligned themselves with Trump like the "Pillow Guy," Mike Lindell, who has been told by several merchants they will no longer carry his pillows. This hatred will continue but it will eventually fade but initially might prove unsuccessful. It can end sooner  if enough of those who voted for Trump exact their pound of flesh.  Stop shopping at Wal-Mart and Bed Bath and Beyond for a start.


The following story is brought to you courtesy of The Next News Network. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories.

Pat Droney from Law Enforcement Today reports, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is warning that the incoming Biden administration will use national security to go after political opponents, he told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity.


You may not remember but sore losing Democrats pounced on Trump and his folks from day one, even before he sat down in the Oval Office desk chair.

If turn about is fair play, do the Republicans have the stomach for responding in kind?  Should they?  You decide.

Welcome to the Resistance!

By Derek Hunter

|Democrats spent so much of the last four years talking about “norms” and how they were being “violated” that you’d think they were extras on the set of “Cheers” talking about the latest revelations about Michael Jackson and some pre-teen kid. But, no, they’ve been whining about how President Donald Trump didn’t do things the way politicians did things – like constantly telling people only the things they wanted to hear. It’s a huge part of why Trump won in 2016, and why his supporters are so loyal – people are sick of being talked down to, demonized, or having so much smoke blown up their rear ends by politicians that they risk colon cancer. However, since “norms” are so sacred to Democrats now, conservatives need to make sure we continue the traditions they started during the Trump administration. With that in mind, welcome to the resistance.

It used to be that former presidents would leave the national stage and allow their successor room to operate without public second-guessing and criticisms. While George W. Bush remained silent as his successor blamed him for everything for the next eight years, Barack Obama proved incapable of leaving the spotlight. It didn’t take long for Obama to start whining about everything Trump was doing; after eight years of being treated like he couldn’t take a bath because he can only walk on water, not sink in it, he had to chime in on everything. Trump should too.

You can’t blame Obama, he’d worked so hard to prevent a Trump presidency that he’d violated his Oath of Office, the law, and any semblance of decency, when he ordered the powers of our national security apparatus to be trained on Trump through the people around him. He deliberately set in motion the Russia hoax, used by Democrats, either elected or in the media, to lie repeatedly to the public (and Democrats to fundraise off of), and hindering the “peaceful transition of power,” something sacred now. Another “norm” destroyed. Probably Trump’s fault.

Since we shouldn’t deviate from “norms,” Barack Obama should be impeached. Democrats have impeached Trump and hope to hold a trial in the Senate even though he’s left office, why not Obama too? It doesn’t have to be now, Democrats in the House would never vote for it, but if Republicans retake it in two years – game on. It’s a “norm” they’ve just established, that clearly means they want it.

Beyond impeaching narcissistic demigods, there are some other “norms” Democrats instituted that should be honored.

First, Joe Biden needs to be impeached himself. Impeachment talk started on Inauguration Day in the pages of the Washington Post. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t done anything, he existed wrong and had to go. Biden exists wrong; articles must be introduced, over and over.

Joe Biden must also be referred to as Hitler at any and all opportunities. Democrats spent the last four years redefining words in real time – “preference,” for example – that it would be wrong to not embrace their chosen verbiage for a president you disagree with. Besides, Hitler was a man of the political left, after all.

Also, everything is racist. Everything. Biden has a history of racism, which means anything that could be interpreted as racist should be. It probably is, anyway.

So is everything. When some backbench media-created “progressive” leader stands up in the House and whines about “systemic racism” or whatever they make up next to impose their will on people, call them racist. Don’t debate, don’t qualify it as just what they said being racist, they are racist. It’s the “norm” Democrats created, embrace it.

Also, if you happen to work in government as a permanent, non-political appointee, leak like a sieve. But don’t go to the Washington Post or New York Times, go to conservative outlets. Be smart about it, don’t get caught, but the public has a right to know everything, including private conversations with the president or with people who spoke to the president, or phone calls with foreign leaders. It’s the new “norm.” Do it in person, don’t use any devices – the Obama administration spied on reporters to find their sources, expect Biden to do the same.

Finally, don’t be civil. This one will be hard for conservatives, but it is a “norm” Democrats started, so they must want it. Treat media and elected Democrats the way they’ve treated conservatives the last four years. Meals aren’t private anymore, so don’t be afraid to say “hello” to them when you see them out with their loved ones or side-pieces. Film it, too.

 And warm up to the idea of boycotts. When some idiot on MSNBC says something offensive, make a note of what companies are advertising on that show and let the world know what they’re subsidizing. And be prepared to sustain drawing attention to it, enlisting others, and don’t buy their products. Democrats try to destroy anything that does not toe the line of their philosophy, honor this standard.

For years, Republican leadership has prided themselves for “taking the high road” when it comes to partisan, personal attacks. They’ve also racked up loss after loss on everything but tax cuts, which always expire in 10 years anyway. The only thing the “high road” has given Republicans is a nice view of their defeats. Follow the lead of Democrats, honor their “new norms” and see how they like it.

Remind Lincoln Project liberals of their enabling and enriching of a sexual predator, badger advertisers on liberal websites and TV networks, if the liberal mob goes to a Republican’s home, swing by and say hi to a Democrat. Point out their racism, constantly. Being civil is such an old-fashioned way of conducting politics; confrontation, rudeness, and doing everything possible to destroy your opponent – no, your enemy – is all the rage now. These are the “norms” Democrats embraced in the last four years, it would be rude to not hold them to the standards they so clearly love. Viva la resistance!

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


Politicians are superb at repeating mistakes in the hope they will eventually work. Trump likes to think outside the box because he enjoys being successful. It is good for the country and nourishes his ego. I prefer Trump's approach than Carter's, Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's and Kerry's. Call me a white supremacist

Ten gains, losses for Israel under US President Donald Trump

In a way, it could only have been an out-of-the-box politician like Trump who could have taken the stands he took on Israel.

(FROM LEFT) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump, Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdullatif al Zayani and UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed wave from a balcony overlooking the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, after a signing ceremony for the Abraham Accords on S (photo credit: TOM BRENNER/REUTERS)

The Capitol riots cast a moral stain on many of US President Donald Trump's supportive policies toward the Jewish state, which had already been undermined by his initial refusal to concede the elections.

In the normative course of events, Trump would have immediately accepted his November defeat and then worked for two months to shore up his four-year legacy, including attempts to help cement them with bi-partisan support.

But Trump lost crucial time by fighting the election results, rather than focusing on maximizing his remaining moments.

This would have been particularly important with regard to his policies on Israel. The Jewish state had benefited from his go-it-alone, US cowboy attitude, which allowed him to ignore international and domestic opinion in pursuit of policies he believed were right.

In a way, it could only have been an out-of-the-box politician like Trump – willing to throw away the rule book and buck the international community when needed – who could have taken the stands he took on Israel.

Past politicians, no matter how supportive, were never able to vary far from an internationally proscribed script on Israel, particularly when it came to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

That worked well when Trump was in office. Had he been re-elected, the extra time could have cemented some of the actions which drew “Israel’s best friend ever in the White House” accolades while in power.

But the absence of international and bi-partisan support combined with his shortened tenure now means that there may be little international and/or domestic will to carry those policies over into a Democratic presidency.

Any right-wing Israeli government will have a hard time in the coming years pressing the Biden administration to uphold policy decisions made by a Republican Trump administration.

In light of the Capitol riots, now it will have to argue that the international policies of a president who struggled to discern how the actions of the Capitol rioters were problematic, should still be respected when it came to Israel. 

As a result, gains Israel enjoyed during Trump’s four years could easily be erased. Then there are actions by his administration which in and of themselves created problems for Israel, in spite of Trump's supportive stance.

Here is a list of six gains:  

1 - The Abraham Accords

Trump was the first US President since his predecessor, Bill Clinton, under whom agreements were signed to normalize ties with Israel’s Arab neighbors. In its last months, the Trump administration brokered the Abraham Accords, under whose rubric normalization deals were reached for the first time with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan. Ties were also re-established with Morocco after they were severed two decades ago.

The Accords ended the 18-year freeze the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative had placed on such ties, which insisted that Israel could only have relations with its neighbors upon resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Now, Israel is free to publicly pursue regional alliances.

These accords have wide support within the international community and have also been viewed positively by Biden and the Democratic Party. They are most likely to remain one of Trump’s most significant policy achievements for Israel and the one with the best chance of survival in the coming years.

2 - Iran

In 2018, Trump pulled the United States out of the Iran deal reached three years prior under the Obama administration between Tehran and six world powers. It was designed to curb Iran’s ambitions to develop a nuclear weapons program.

Israel opposed the deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, because it believes that it left Iran in a position to become a nuclear power and did not address its ballistic missiles program. It also held that the removal of sanctions provided Iran with necessary cash to support regional and global terror. The US also reimposed crippling economic sanctions against Iran as part of a maximum pressure campaign.

The US and Israel were alone in this stance and were never able to galvanize international or European support. Biden has already spoken of his desire to return to the Iran deal. 

3 - Jerusalem

Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, without geographical distinction as to which part of the city he was referring to. Many in the international community believe that Jerusalem is not part of Israel. Those that do, solely extend that recognition to west Jerusalem, without simultaneously holding that it’s the country’s capital. Most foreign embassies are therefore located in Tel Aviv. 

The US in 2018 relocated its embassy to Jerusalem, a move that Biden is unlikely to reverse. Only Guatemala followed America’s example and moved its embassy. The Dominican Republic, Honduras, Brazil, Serbia, Kosovo and the Czech Republic have all spoken of opening embassies in Jerusalem.

This year, the US allowed American citizens born in Jerusalem to register their country of birth as Israel if they so choose, a move previously prohibited.

Trump was the first sitting US President to visit east Jerusalem, making a historic stop at one of Judaism's most sacred sites, the Western Wall. Trump, however, never officially recognized Israeli sovereignty over east Jerusalem, which had been under Jordanian control prior to the 1967 Six Day War. Israel applied Israeli law to the eastern part of the city after the war and formally annexed it in 1980. No country has acknowledged that sovereignty.

In his peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Trump recognized that Israel had a right to retain most of Jerusalem within its sovereign borders in any final status arrangement for a two-state resolution to the conflict with the Palestinians. That plan, along with other policy decisions by the US, is often viewed as a form of de facto recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the city.

4 - Golan Heights

In 2019, Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which Israel captured from Syria during the Six Day War in 1967. Israel formally annexed that territory in 1981. No other country, save for the US, has supported that declaration.

5 - The United Nations

Trump is the only US president under whose tenure the UN Security Council failed to approve any anti-Israel resolutions or issue any statements of condemnation.

The US is one of five permanent members of the 15-nation body, and has veto power over resolutions and unified statements. Trump used that power to block any anti-Israeli resolutions at the UNSC.

Until his tenure, former US president Barack Obama had the most positive track record at the UNSC. Obama, who was a two-term president, blocked all anti-Israel resolutions at the Security Council for seven years. It’s the longest period the UNSC has ever gone, since the creation of the state, without approving a resolution against Israel.

Obama broke his own record, when in December 2016, a month before leaving office, he instructed the US to abstain on UNSC Resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlement activity.

During Trump’s four years in office, the US stood with Israel in every UN forum and voted against every resolution against it. Its officials spoke often about UN bias against the Jewish state. To underscore this point, the Trump administration withdrew from two of the UN bodies with a contentious history on anti-Israel votes: the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

The Trump administration, however, was not able to touch the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is the primary body for Palestinian refugees. Its mandate is under the control of the UN General Assembly where the Palestinians have an automatic majority. The US, however, halted its funding to UNRWA, which had amounted to $350 million annually and had made it the organization’s largest single country donor.

6 - West Bank settlements

The Trump administration dismissed the policy long held by past administrations that West Bank settlements were a stumbling block to peace. It was a stance that went far beyond stopping all criticism of such activity to actual supporting Israel's historic and religious rights to portions of that area.

Trump's support for Jewish presence in the West Bank was spearheaded by his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the ideology behind it was named for him. It overturned past understandings of Israeli activity as illegal as expressed in the Hansell Memorandum of 1978, a State Department memo that claimed Israeli settlements violate international law, and determined instead that it was not inconsistent with international law.

This legitimization of settlement activity, often spoken of as the Pompeo doctrine, included US officials referring to the area as "Judea and Samaria" rather than the West Bank. The Trump administration envisioned Israel retaining its settlements rather than evacuating them. As such, past terms of reference such as "settlement blocs" versus "isolated settlements" were eliminated from the diplomatic lexicon, as was the idea of the pre-1967 lines as a relevant geographical term.

The doctrine stated that in its dealing with Israel, it would not distinguish between territories on either side of the Green Line in the West Bank. This included allowing Jewish product exports to the US that were produced over the pre-1967 lines in east Jerusalem or the West Bank to be labeled as made in Israel.

US Ambassador David Friedman was the first US official in this position to break past taboo on crossing over the pre-1967 line, visiting Jewish areas of east Jerusalem and the West Bank. Pompeo, in his visit to Israel, became the highest-ranking US official to visit a Jewish area in the West Bank, when he went to the Psagot Winery in the Shaar Binyamin Industrial Park. 

Here is the list of four losses: 

1- Israeli-Palestinian talks

Trump was the first president since Clinton not to launch direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians. The impasse had occurred during the Obama years, when Israeli-Palestinian negotiations fell apart. Obama was not able to revive them, and neither was Trump. He unveiled his peace plan late – only in January of last year.

The Palestinians rejected it, as has the international community. Biden is expected to react similarly to it, and as such, it will likely be permanently shelved. This includes its supportive stance of Israel’s eventual annexation of 30% of the West Bank.

2 - Israel's Qualitative Military Edge

Israel's ability to defend itself in the region has relied on the American commitment to helping it maintain its Qualitative Military Edge, by exclusively providing it with the most advanced military weaponry in the region. The US pursuit of a regional alliance against Iran in the Middle East – and the arms sales agreement it signed with the United Arab Emirates on the sidelines of the Abraham Accords – raised questions with respect to the commitment of the Trump administration to what had been one of the sacrosanct pillars of the Israeli-US relations.

The Biden administration has already said that it would review Trump arms sales agreements to the region with an eye to ensuring that Israel's QME is maintained. 

3 - Bi-partisan US support for Israel 

Trump's pro-Israel policies and his tight alignment with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government reaped positive benefits for Israel, including sending a global message to the country's enemies that one of the strongest countries in the world had its back.

But the manner in which those ties were handled helped erode bi-partisan support for Israel. For decades the Jewish state has maintained its close ties with the United States, by placing it above partisan politics, rather than making it a Republican or Democratic issue. Trump, however, attempted to align the two, stating that Jews who voted for the Democratic Party were "disloyal."

4 - Israel's ties with US Jews

Trump's use of populist language and his failure to condemn the extreme right in the United States, including those who participated in the march in Charlottesville, Virginia, is cited as helping create a climate of antisemitism. According to the web site Statista, antisemitism in the US had been rising since 2014, but it jumped 57% during Trump's first year in office, when compared with just the previous year. The numbers remained high during his time in office.

Israel's tight relations with the administration that made US Jews feel so vulnerable, as well as Netanyahu's failure to call Trump on the matter, strained Israel's ties with one of its more significant allies within the United States, the Jewish community. American Jews had long felt that the Jewish state was important to ensuring its security both at home and abroad. During the Trump years, it seems as if the needs of Jews in Israel and those in the United States were divided rather than united, making Israel seem less relevant to US Jewry.


Col. Kemp is the Christian equivalent of Britain's Lord Sacks (emeritus and now deceased Chief Rabbi.)

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