Friday, January 8, 2021

Can You Relate? Melanie One Smack -on Girl. Give That A Thought.

Can you relate?  I can.  Gas Stations At Midnight


Melanie, smack-on girl! She has the guts to say it as well.

A disaster and a tragedy for America, Jews and decent people everywhere

Those defending constitutional order against the left have been grievously undermined.


Declaration of Independence; John Trumbull, 1819

If freedom is indivisible, so are the rule of law, constitutional order and respect for the democratic process.

That’s why the appalling events that took place on Capitol Hill on Wednesday are so shattering to one group in particular.

Of course, every person who supports those orderly principles — the core of any civilised society — will have looked on aghast as a violent mob stormed the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to fling themselves to the floor in terror as the process of certifying a president was brought to a halt.

Everyone who regards America as the standard-bearer of western values will have been appalled by the spectacle of the constitutional order being so violently breached. Whatever the provocation, however strong the belief may be that the election process was fraudulent, the only way to resolve this is through lawful and democratic means. There is no cause that can justify violence in a free society.

But the people who are perhaps the most distraught by what happened are those who feel most betrayed by the person who bears responsibility — not just for the disorder itself, but also for having now undermined the increasingly desperate defence of good against evil.

That person is President Donald Trump. And among those who are so very distressed, the people who now have most cause to fear for the future are the Jews who supported him, towards whose interests as a people he was arguably the most sympathetic president there has ever been but whose trust he has now so wantonly squandered.

Many of Trump’s Jewish supporters, like others who voted for him, disapproved of his manifest personality and temperamental flaws. Nevertheless, those who backed him understood that he was arguably the only significant bulwark against the enormous threat posed by the left to the west’s core democratic and social values.

Such people watched America being defamed in schools and universities as intrinsically racist. They watched as their history was rewritten by propaganda falsely casting their nation as springing from evil and oppression.

They watched as conservative thinkers were hounded off university platforms or out of academic posts for having views that did not conform to the left-wing consensus.

They watched as the Democrats backed the thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, even as they burned and trashed American cities. They watched as the Democrats gave illegal immigrants convicted of even major crimes “sanctuary” from law enforcement.

They watched as the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was disrupted by left-wing activists.

They watched as Trump was subjected for most of his term to an arguably illegal and certainly subversive attempt by an alliance of administration officials and Democrat politicians to lever him out of office through a campaign of baseless smears.

Yet in an Orwellian inversion of reality, the Democrats and their propaganda mouthpieces in the mainstream media accused the president himself of being a threat to the constitution and the rule of law.

Now, though, Trump has appallingly proved them right. Until this week, he had confined himself to constitutional means to press his charge that the election had been fraudulent.

On Wednesday, however, he utterly destroyed his claim to be upholding constitutional order against those who threaten it. Urging people to “take back the country,” as he did at his morning rally for thousands of already wound-up supporters, was an open call to insurrection.

His belated exhortation to obey the rule of law was risible considering he had set these unlawful events in motion. And even after he finally called on his supporters to go home, he actually justified and excused the violence.

The results of his behaviour are incalculable. It has made it unlikely that any Republican will now have the stomach to subject the evidence of election fraud to proper investigation.

And with the Republicans having lost control of the Senate in this week’s Georgia runoffs — for which, absent proof of further claims of election fraud, Trump’s behaviour must take the blame — an ever-more extremist Democratic Party will no longer be constrained by congressional checks and balances.

All decent people should now be alarmed. Jews have particular cause to be so. For the party that now has untrammelled power poses a threat to the security of both Israel and American Jews.

Not that most American Jews see it that way. They are, however, part of a gathering tragedy for which the Georgia run-offs provided a cameo.

One of those elected to the Senate, Rev. Raphael Warnock, has a record of supporting hateful and irrational positions on Israel. The other new senator, Jon Ossoff, belongs to the majority section of the Jewish community which supports the Democratic Party despite its increasing toleration of such positions.

It is disturbing, for example, that the Democrats ever selected Warnock as their candidate.

In 2019, he signed a letter by faith leaders which referred to “the heavy militarisation of the West Bank, reminiscent of the military occupation of Namibia by apartheid South Africa.”

In a 2018 sermon, he said after a visit to Israel: “We saw the government of Israel shoot down unarmed Palestinian sisters and brothers like birds of prey.” Brushing off Palestinian violence, he referred to young Palestinians “struggling for their very lives, struggling for water and struggling for their human dignity” against Israel.

These are boilerplate lies on the left that incite murderous hatred of Israel and Jews around the world. Warnock subsequently doubled down on his remarks by claiming that he was “speaking to the issue of activists and human rights and the ability of people to be heard.”

Moreover, he has supported the extremist pastor Jeremiah Wright, who infamously said “God damn America,” blamed “them Jews” for not being able to be in contact with his former congregant, former President Barack Obama, and stated that “ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza.”

Yet in 2008, Warnock said: “We celebrate Rev. Wright in the same way that we celebrate the truth-telling tradition of the black church, which when preachers tell the truth, very often it makes people uncomfortable.”

Given all this, his subsequent protestations that he loves America, supports Israel and believes in its security appeared opportunistic and disingenuous.

Tragically, though, as so often in Jewish history, there are Jews who are actively helping this onslaught against truth, justice and decency. Liberal American Jews have supported Warnock, with the Jewish Democratic Council of America circulating a petition claiming that he was the victim of “baseless claims and attacks.”

Such Jews have continued to support the Democrats regardless of Obama’s hostility to Israel or his empowerment of Iran. They continue to support them regardless of their embrace of the poisonous Jew-hater, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan, and “The Squad” of Democrat Congresswomen who are given to anti-Israel or anti-Jewish statements.

And now, with the Democrats unconstrained, we will all be forced to watch as the arguably criminal conspiracy to destroy a president is buried; as the anti-white, anti-west, anti-Jew Black Lives Matter movement is invited to set the social agenda; as the Palestinian Arabs are again empored and incentivised to resume their campaign to exterminate Israel; and as America allows two of the most lethal threats to the free world — Iran and China — to walk all over it.

The moral case against the Democrats had been solid and overwhelming. But now, with Trump having betrayed the rule of law and constitutional order, those trying to defend these principles against the left have been grievously undermined.

What a disaster. What a tragedy — for America, for the west and for decent people everywhere.

Jewish News Syndicate


I am cynical. Therefore, I expect bad things will happen.  I expect the worst when crowds gather to protest even when everything begins peacefully and intentions are honorable. I accept the fact that humans are flawed and are likely to do bad things. I am never surprised how depraved people get, how evil they can be and how willing they are jump to the gun. (Obama jumped the gun quite often and in one specific instance popped some cold beers - man, he was a cool dude president and the mass media loved him and therefore, would not lay a hand on him.)


Yet, I am willing to acknowledge a tragedy for what it is but I also am far more drawn to someone who writes(see below.) this kind of synopsis. He writes about reality, the way the world really is and not the world those who are hypocrites would have you believe that they are objective and truly suffer because they "feel your pain." or actually care.

Trump always needs an adversary to kick, a doll to stick a pin in but so do others.  He is not exclusive in that department. He made a beautiful and unifying speech at Mount Rushmore and those who hated him did not give a damn.  He told us he was not colluding with Russians but because he wanted to do business in Russia when he was a private entrepreneur real estate developer  the haters could not accept his word and some of my more liberal friends cannot wait for him to be indicted and jailed for cheating on his income taxes.  They offer no evidence yet, attack him for lacking evidence about his claim of fraud in the most recent election and they become speechless when I ask them do they feel the same way about Hunter and possibly the president they just helped elect.

Yes, Trump loved to attack the press but the press deserve what they get because a vast majority of Americans no longer trust them either and that negative trend was set in motion  long before Trump became president.

None of what I write is meant to whitewash Trump's acts of self immolation.  I just long for balance and recognition there are generally two sides to most debates and far too many hypocrites are unwilling to allow those they oppose to be heard.

This possibly had as much to do with frustrations felt by MEGA "Deplorables" than anything Trump did. Should the frustration(s)of 70 plus million Americans be dismissed because 80 million have a different slant? Are those who listen to FOX really dumb and deserving of being besmirched and abused because they were driven there by their disgust with the prattle and bias of the (m)ass media? 

"Do unto others..." might be a road out of the trap Trump Hatred has us in but that requires a lot of soul searching, attitudinal changes and moderation.  I do not believe liberals are capable of such transformative thinking and perhaps I display my own bias for believing thusly.

Frankly, I believe it will not be too long before we tire of Biden and Kamala.  Not that we will long for Trump but Trump's accomplishments are a symbolic, if not real, rock climbing mark which  I do not believe Biden is capable of scaling because he is too steeped/mired in the ways of an inbred politician and lacks a truly creative mind that thinks outside the box.  Biden thinks in ways that box him in if his undistinguished record of 47 years in government  means anything.

Finally, how would you feel if every time you had a view point you were mocked , if every time you said something it was purposely mis-interpreted, if  every time you accomplished something it was ignored, if every time you did something wrong you were berated  unmercifully. Is it conceivable you might be too dispirited to even go to Disneyland? 

 Hell, if you were Trump, you might be eager to go so you could pick a fight with Mickey.  Give that a thought.


Washington’s Revenge of

 the Nerds 

By Tom Tradup

Our nation’s capital is often referred to as a swamp (as in “drain the,” etc.), but I think of it more like a Middle School playground. You know...with the pecking order including cliques of “cool kids” and the less popular nerds.

Washington, D.C. operates much like that adolescent caste system: you have a powerful, towering presence like Donald J. Trump and then pretty much everybody else. But the “everybody elses” know if they can just lay low and bide their time, sooner or later the “big guy” will stub his toe and they’ll all rush in to pile on. As we’ve seen this week.

Until a group of malcontents broke away from the tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators supporting President Trump’s call for a delay in certifying Electors from the 2020 balloting until a commission could give a full examination of the irregularities which took place in multiple states, you couldn’t find enough people in “official Washington” to fill a corner booth at the Old Ebbett Grill who were willing to oppose him.

But once the “pro-Trump goons” (as most hysterical cable TV anchors referred to them) breached the doors of the Capitol, it was Game On for the Revenge of the Nerds. Little people of all stripes including Congressmen, Senators, former U.S. Presidents and even CEOs of major corporations outran even Chuck Schumer to get in front of TV cameras and denounce the one man who they flatly declared was personally responsible for the spectacle: Donald Trump.

Mind you, most Trump supporters I know do not make it a habit of wearing professional riot helmets. Or stupid Viking hats with buffalo horns sticking out of them. They don’t pack military MRE’s or batons with which to attack law enforcement officers. And they don’t carry huge plexiglass shields with which to smash glass doors and windows.

That kind of stuff usually is the trademark of…..nah, CAN’T be THEM! Less than 24 hours after the Capitol grounds were secured, The Washington Post website confidently blared this headline: “No, there’s no substantive evidence that the Capitol riot was spurred by antifa.” Backed up by their own investigation including experts in “facial recognition” who surely would know if Antifa had been instigating. Nope. They declared that it was Trump who was the villain.

It brought to mind the old fable of the trembling mice wanting to nullify the threat of a marauding cat…so one proposes placing a bell around the cat’s neck to warn them of his approach. But they had a problem: who would bell the cat? At that point, everyone had an excuse why they could not act.

So when folks illegally ran through the halls of Congress—I foolishly thought a Joint Session of Congress would have been fully secured by Capitol police but I digress—and banged on doors and (gasp) put their feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk (!!) brigades of the formerly spineless suddenly got up on their hind legs and formed, um, their OWN mob.

“Use the 25thAmendment to remove him immediately,” demanded back-benchers like Adam Kinsinger from New York. “Articles of impeachment are in order,” yammered Speaker Pelosi who—incredibly—at the height of Wednesday’s unrest, placed an urgent phone call for help to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam! Personally, if people need to wrap their neuroses around a “Constitutional Crisis,” how about the woman 3rd-in-line for presidential succession turning to the self-styled “Governor Blackface” when her safety was in jeopardy?

The mass hysteria is unabated. Facebook and Twitter have “locked” President Trump’s accounts until his term ends “to prevent him from posting incendiary messages.” Something called Shopify has unilaterally shut down e-commerce sites for the and because their policy “prohibits retailers from promoting people that promote violence.” This is real rubber room stuff, and let’s pray Shopify doesn’t also operate the Raphael Warnock online store…or good luck buying your shirt reading, “I ran over my wife’s foot with my car and all I got was this dumb Senate seat.”

Bottom line: Washington sure loves to kick a guy when he’s down. And right now, President Trump is clearly having a bad week. Every lower-echelon knucklehead tucked away in some lonely corner of various Federal Government departments can have his or her 5-minutes of fame on MSNBC or CNN by bashing the president and saying they were “against him all along”...or dreaming of nutty acts like removing him with the 25th Amendment.

But these nerds would be wise to remember: this DJT cat has nine lives. And a long memory. And the support of millions who will never abandon his mission to Make America Great Again……again.

Tom Tradup is V.P./News & Talk Programming for Dallas-based Salem Radio Network. He can be reached at


More thought provoking commentary from my long time friend and fellow memo reader. I worked with people this thought provoking and articulate for decades. What a unique blessing:

"t’s the biblical principle of reaping what we sowed. You sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind: same in kind, but greater in quantity. And eventually with quantitative changes, qualitative changes come.

Perhaps, we got no better than we deserved, certainly no worse. The moral decline over the past few decades in America is mind bogglingly deep and broad.  J--"  


Is this worth a thought?

SOLVED: Why Did The President Call For A Rally On January 6 And Say It Would Be “Wild?”

 By dannielleblumenthal

President Trump issued a vague call for a rally in order to bait the traitors into planning a false flag. Please read the analysis below. 


 “Want to fill in some blanks for those thinking how bizarre the situation at the Capitol was and for those who haven’t been following the finer details of this attempt to overthrow the U.S. government the past years. And that situation at the Capitol was really bizarre particularly if you’re not on to how these groups operate and how incredibly evil and corrupt the mainstream media has become.

Best to start with the question why people were able to get into the Capitol and onto the floor that easily.

Here’s what happened…

This is fascinating, took a while to piece together, it also shows again Trump smarter than he lets on.

They very publicly announce a schedule for the day, protest at Ellipse then protest at the Capitol, Trump was very very vocal about get as many MAGA people in DC on the 6th as possibly the rally at began with a bunch of speakers but the President was 30 mins behind schedule speaking the Ellipse. This threw off everything in terms of tin as he waited to speak until pence began the process in capital. If you watched the proceedings on the senate floor they had these weird pauses at took random breaks, they were stalling too. By being 30 mins late for speaking , the President protected the supporters and stalled their march to the Capitol, hundreds of thousands of MAGA people were in th Ellipse when the riots started. The agitators who stormed the Capitol also disrupt peaceful protests by BLM, Breanna Taylor, George Floyd, and Trump rallies over the summer and into fall, they have continually gone into areas where peaceful protests have occurred, they incite violence and use legal protesters as human shields, they blend in because like yesterday in DC they dress in appropriate garb to blend in. The people in government buildings were 95% political radical activists and actors.

Had the President gone on stage on time , had he not talked for an extra 25 minutes everything would have been on schedule. He waited for the process on the Senate floor to play out, Pence betrayed him, at the point the crowds from the Ellipse should have be at the Capitol building but they were still listening to the President stall and go on in circles.

Where was the National Guard ? The mayor of DC called them in. Why were they not fortifying the Capitol? So the betrayal is complete. The radical dressed MAGA people are let in and the President wraps up his speech the second they’re opening up the Capitol to the rioters. Without the stall the MAGA march would have bee there at the same time….Herd mentality, they would have been emboldened by the actors and political radicals dressed as MAGA, the Capitol would have seriously been overwhelmed, it would have looked like complete and utter chaos and anarchy.

Instead, within the government buildings it’s basically just the paid actors and operatives. Because there’s no broad-scale coordinating going on via radio to what have you (too risky) the timing and plans go on according to the very public schedule displayed by both Congress and the President. As the Capitol is being run through by antifa and actors you see these staged photo ops of cops being chased but they are actually all working together, this was all staged but it’s missing the key ingredient it’s missing the hundreds of thousands of angry MAGA protestors to really incite the violence with sheer numbers.

 This starting to make sense? Its one big movie set except the key piece isn’t there as the 500k MAGA supporters are still at the Ellipse being stalled by the President so it’s just the costumed radicals storming the unguarded Capitol. They had counted on this looking like the President ordered an overthrow of the government after Pence’s betrayal. And believe me, the mainstream media attempted to run with it anyway.

Instead of absolute mayhem requiring the mysteriously absent National Guard and an order to execute the 25th Amendment, it just exposed the operatives dressed as MAGA people raiding the Capitol on their own. President Trump pre-recorded a call for peace and to uphold the law, to go home and be safe. Facebook and twitter are blocking and banning and deleting this part but it’s out there.

I’m speculating here but what was supposed to happen was the National Guard under the orders of either Pelosi or Pence would arrest the President for trying to “overthrow” the government, the 25th amendment would remove him as sitting President.

This is why the National Guard, ordered by the DC mayor wasn’t on the steps of the Capitol like they should have been. They were surrounding the millions at the Ellipse, watching the President wrap up a 1 hour delayed speech while political radicals and antifa stormed the Capitol without the hundreds of thousands of MAGA people that should have been with them.

Pence is a traitor. Pelosi is a traitor.

The President avoided walking into their trap as the Capitol was overthrown by actors.

Instead the hundreds of thousands of MAGA people and Trump were far away and hours behind completely in the clear, calling for peace .

So where is Trump now? He and his family flew to Texas, they’re in Abilene at the National Defense Command Center preparing to defend this country from the next step of this ongoing 4 year attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.

Grab your popcorn, the greatest movie ever has a killer ending.”



By Dr. Dannielle Blumenthal. All opinions are the author’s own. Public domain.



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