Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Deprogramming? They Are Serious. A Laugh To Prepare Us For A Soporific Presidency. Barr Continues To Slam. Brandon Smith Truly Pessimistic But ...


Democrats are serious about deprogramming those with whom they disagree. This is why they are a sick  and pathetic group and will run this country into the ground if allowed to do so and I suspect Republicans are too weak to stop it from happening.


Wednesday  Biden will be inaugurated and that means we need a good laugh so watch below.

Sad and unfortunate ending of a president who will go down in the history books as truly transformative.

Barr continues his comments  regarding Jan. 6, as as a result of an interview:

Former U.S. Attorney General Slams Capitol Hill Riots

By Gabrielle Seunagal

The insurrection that rocked Capitol Hill 13 days ago remains part of America’s top conversations. Trump supporters, seeking to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, stormed the U.S. Capitol, destroyed public property, and engaged in conduct engendering multiple deaths and arrests.

Ramifications of this month’s insurrection are far from over. With Trump set to leave the White House tomorrow, top leaders across the nation are still discussing the riots and the aftermath remains ongoing. Multiple individuals involved in the insurrection are also now suffering the consequences for breaking the law and breaching security.

Yesterday, former U.S. Attorney General William Barr spoke about the Capitol Hill riots and all the chaos in the aftermath, per Newsmax.

Former A.G. Barr on the U.S. Capitol Riots

While speaking with ITV News, Barr declared that disputes regarding the 2020 presidential election set the stage for January 6’s riots. Yesterday, the former attorney general declared that breaking into Capitol Hill and seeking to stop Biden’s confirmation “went far beyond” the use of First Amendment rights.

Barr additionally told ITV News that regardless of one’s political views, allowing violence to interfere with government proceedings cannot happen. Interestingly enough, the former attorney general also stated that loss of trust in the media and elections process coupled with free speech suppression will engender violence from citizens.

A Fractured Trump-Barr Relationship

Barr’s remarks to ITV News arrived after the fallout of his relationship with President Trump. The 45th president and now-former attorney general didn’t see eye-to-eye on disputes about the 2020 presidential election.

In December, the former attorney general resigned from his post after election disagreements. Last month, Barr also directly contradicted Trump’s claims about the most recent presidential race being rigged or stolen.

After the events on Capitol Hill almost two weeks ago, Barr squarely blamed Trump. The former attorney general stated one day after the insurrection that the 45th president “betrayed” his base and the office of the presidency.

Prior to 2020 election disputes and the U.S. Capitol mobbing, Trump and Barr were considered very strong allies. With the 45th president leaving the White House, there’s no indication that his relationship with Barr will improve.


This is what it is all about:



Pacific Legal Foundation invites you to join us for a virtual discussion series examining the critical issues at stake in America.

Coming Together or Breaking Apart: The Case Against Cancel Culture
January 22, 2021
Virtual via Zoom
 3:00 p.m. EST/12:00 p.m. PST

Featured Speakers
Jonathan Haidt; New York University 
Nadine Strossen; New York Law School; Former President, ACLU 
Eugene Volokh; UCLA Law; The Volokh Conspiracy 

Freedom of speech is a core value in American society. It’s no mistake that it is protected by the First Amendment to our constitution. Both our intellectual and economic lives depend on the exchange of ideas and information.

Yet today, individuals on both sides of the aisle are calling for the “cancelling” and “de-platforming”—the removal of an individual’s access to public platforms and from positions of power—of those who don’t agree with them.

Dissent is what makes democracy strong. Free speech pushes individuals to exchange ideas and allows for opinions to evolve—after all, being cancelled or shamed rarely changes a person’s opinion. Join Pacific Legal Foundation as we examine the ways free speech serves as a central tenet of innovation, community, and civil society, and how we can preserve and protect this fundamental value.


If you are curious who Trump pardoned etc.,navigateTo,fragment,handshakepoll,cid,replaceUrl,fullReplaceHistory



Our new fearless leader has two choices.  He can continue to allow gasoline be poured by the Democrat hate Trump derangement parade to which he has made his own contributions or he can be a mensch.

Actually he can take a third course. He can mouth platitudes and then proceed on the course dictated by the radicals.  Stay tuned and follow the bouncing ball.

I expect we will have to endure a soporific presidency.


When IPO's double on the offering day you have to ask yourself were they mispriced or does it reveal the history of past impending collapses? Basically it usually indicates a tulip bulb mentality  is driving the market and generally ends badly.  As Biden and Yellen pour trillions down the drain the first 6 months to a year , theoretically, should be ok unless already discounted.  Time will tell.


If Biden is serious about about healing the nation the first thing he can do is make sure social media companies are regulated. They have too much power over citizen liberties and rights.

The second thing he must understand is why Trump was elected in the first place.  A large number of Americans were displeased with the nation's direction, wanted someone who would do what he said, would turn the economy around so jobs would be available and seek reasonable solutions to our many problems.  In that regard Trump succeeded masterfully. In 2020 he gained more voter support, particularly among Hispanic and black voters,  but lost some of his original voters because of his un-presidential  manners and rhetoric.

Biden is not Trump, he is not a strong leader and he has no record of achievements that build confidence.  He also is a typical politician so the prospects are dim that he will meet the desires of Trumpians. 

Time will tell.


A very dire outlook but conservatives must not deny there is a great deal of logic and merit in Smith's views and conclusions. His secession comments are far less embraceable but there will be serious consequences and this is why I believe the America we have come to love will be no more. I read and posted this article after I had written what I did above:

Over the past few months, I have written a handful of articles that discussed what would probably happen if Joe Biden actually entered the White House and launched his administration. My initial belief was that Trump would refuse to concede and that this would be a trigger for national chaos, but I have also noted that Biden's entry is almost just as disruptive, as it sends a signal to the political left that it is "open season" on conservatives.

Of course, conservatives are not going to simply sit still and be purged and abused, they are going to strike back, and this sets the stage for a number of events and outcomes, some of which are completely unpredictable, even for establishment globalists.

First, we need to address how Biden and the globalists are going to create chaos so that they can then demand their own brand of "order."

In an article I published in October, I outlined why the ongoing economic crisis will accelerate in the wake of a Biden takeover. More specifically, I predicted that one of Biden's very first actions will be to implement a federal COVID lockdown, similar to the Level 4 lockdowns implemented in Europe and Australia. Such a lockdown, if Americans submit, would mean an even larger spike in unemployment, a loss of hundreds of thousands of small businesses as well as a huge loss in tax revenues for some states (mostly blue states).

Another scenario is that Biden leaves the lockdowns in the hands of states, but pursues a nationwide program for medical passports. The passport, of course, would require people to take the vaccine and accept contact tracing apps on their phones before they can receive one. At least 30 percent of Americans have said in polling that they will refuse the vaccines outright. Another 60 percent have said they are wary of the vaccines and need proof of their effectiveness. So, the medical passports will lead to millions of people being denied participation in the economy and collapse happens anyway.

In other words, the elites are going to try to hold the economy hostage while telling the public that if we don't accept medical tyranny it will be our fault if the system breaks down.

The economic crisis, however, started long before the pandemic, long before Biden and long before Trump. It has been building since the credit crash of 2008, and in the 12 years since, the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been pumping out trillions in stimulus while encouraging non-stop debt accumulation. Right before the beginning of the pandemic, the U.S. was suffering from the highest corporate debt in history, the highest consumer debt in history as well as the highest national debt in history.

What we are witnessing right now is the final phase of a collapse scenario that was more than a decade in the making, and Biden is about to help finish the job.

Biden will no doubt seek to hyperinflate the dollar in the name of offsetting the losses and keep things afloat for a short time, but the real agenda will be to trigger price spikes in goods as well as eventually killing the dollar. No amount of stimulus will stop the crash that has already been set in motion; the bailout measures from this point on are Kabuki theater, a show put on for the masses to make us believe that the government and the banks "did everything they could" to save us. The elites have no intention of stalling or stopping the collapse; their "great reset" demands it.

One's initial assumption would be that Biden would then take the blame for the economic crisis, but it appears that the establishment is going to set up a Herbert Hoover narrative and lay all the blame squarely on Trump and conservatives. In the past, I have noted that Trump's trajectory was very similar to Herbert Hoover's, in that he was a business mogul and Republican that pushed for corporate tax cut policies and also extensive tariffs.

Hoover also took the blame for the crash of 1929 and the advent of the Great Depression, even though the crash was primarily caused by the Federal Reserve's ultra-low interest rates and easy money, followed by a series of rate hikes (a fact which former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke would later openly admit to in 2002). This launched the three-term dominion of Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of the most communistic presidents in our history and the initiator of socialist programs that have since buried the American public in Quadrillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities.

Biden's latest statements indicate he will be introducing numerous executive orders to "correct the mistakes of the Trump administration," thereby implanting the idea that whatever happens next is Trump's fault. The "Reset" globalists and their central banking partners will have to bring down the U.S. economy very quickly under a Biden White House. Why? Because if they wait, or if they try to drag out the collapse and the worst happens a few years down the road, Biden and the globalists will get the blame. They must crash the old-world order now so that Trump and conservatives get the blame.

The strategy seems to be set up like this: Demonize conservatives as much as possible as quickly as possible so that our purge can be rationalized. When we are incapable of defending ourselves in the public sphere because we have been removed from the internet, the establishment and leftists can blame us for everything going wrong. The public would have no access to any other points of view or contradictory facts and evidence because the alternative media will be gone. We become the monsters... the bogeymen... and the source of all American suffering.

We didn't fall into the trap of supporting martial law measures during the BLM riots, so this must be Plan B

Will this plan work? I doubt it. Just as the globalist rollout of the pandemic lockdowns and medical tyranny is failing to gain traction in the U.S. as huge numbers of people refuse to take the questionable vaccines, I suspect millions upon millions of Americans are already savvy to the propaganda schemes of the establishment and will not buy in. But that doesn't mean the elites won't try it anyway.

In early November I war gamed the Biden scenario extensively and concluded that if he were to enter the White House it would have to be followed by a massive erasure of conservative media platforms from the internet. I stated that:

If Biden does indeed enter the White House and take control of the presidency, expect certain consequences right away: A complete full spectrum censorship campaign of conservative news sources will be undertaken by tech companies and government. There is no way Biden and the democrats could keep control of the situation while conservatives are able to share information in real time. Do not be surprised if web providers suddenly start kicking conservative sites off their servers, just as Bitchute (a YouTube alternative) was kicked off their server for 24 hours on election night.

This is already happening, and Biden hasn't even stepped foot in the Oval Office yet. The coordinated effort by Big Tech to remove Parler, a Twitter alternative, from the web completely was not all that surprising, and it's only going to get worse from here on. Biden will support and defend the censorship efforts by Big Tech and the marriage between government and the corporate world will be complete.

As noted, the globalists have to silence us before they can effectively demonize us. The truth is on our side; facts and logic are on our side. They can't win the war of ideas if we are allowed to speak, so, they have to silence us.

Sweeping gun control measures would be issued by Biden, but only after the conservative purge from the internet is close to finished. If conservatives are isolated from one another in terms of communication, this makes it harder to organize a defense against aggressive gun confiscation. Biden will most likely try to assert Red Flag gun laws first, this would allow him to declare anyone to be "a threat to public safety" without due process, and have their guns taken away.

There is an obvious outcome to all of these actions, and I don't think it's farfetched to suggest that conservative counties and states will demand secession. At the very least, conservatives are going to continue to relocate to red states and red counties, just so they can continue to do business and make a living without government interference. There's no way that most red states or counties are going to submit to any federal lockdown mandates or medical passports, and economies in conservative regions are going to remain stable because of this while blue states are going to crumble.

Undoubtedly, Biden will seek to retaliate against conservative controlled areas of the country in response.

There comes a point when it is impossible for those that value freedom, logic and reason to live side-by-side with those that are irrationally obsessed with control. The American constitutional framework, in particular, was designed to prevent collectivism from overriding individual liberties, but if the system is overtaken through subversion and the Bill of Rights is violated, then maintaining the system is no longer plausible.

The best option for a number of reasons is to separate. Secession is often referred to as "running away" from a cultural problem, but this is an ignorant way of looking at it.

We are reaching a stage right now in the U.S. where it will be virtually impossible to voice political concerns without risking retribution. If you are a conservative, you will be targeted.

If conservatives and moderates migrate away from leftist-controlled areas and congregate in "red states "or red counties, then it will be nearly impossible for leftists to attack you for voicing your views. If your employer is a conservative, then he's not going to care if a leftist mob demands you be fired. If you own a business in a conservative community, then the people that live there will continue as your customers regardless of what leftists say about you.

Conservative and moderates must start to physically separate from the political left because this allows us to remain free to think and speak as we like, and it takes all power away from leftists to hurt us by sabotaging our means of making a living.

Secession is a more extreme measure, but it will become necessary if leftists refuse to accept that we are no longer participating in their games of fear and subterfuge. Leftists are collectivist by nature, and collectivists see people as property. Walking away is not an option in their minds. So, though we might successfully separate, this would only be the beginning of the battle.

The important thing is to first make sure that conservatives know that there are places they can go where their rights are valued and defended. If conservatives feel completely isolated and alone, many will give up, go dark and pray they are not discovered. This is unacceptable.

The advantage of secession is clear; by separating, conservatives force the enemy to come to them, on the ground they have prepared. The leftists will be the aggressors. They will try to present the situation otherwise, but it won't matter. We will have the moral high ground as well as the superior strategic position.

There are multiple narratives that will be used to demonize the secession movement beyond the terrorism angle. In particular, I think the government and the media will try to tie secession to "foreign entities." In other words, they will claim the secession movement is being funded or supported by Russia, or some other foreign power. This is what almost every government in history has done when faced with a viable secession that could threaten their control. They accuse the people who want to separate of being agents for evil outsiders.

It doesn't matter.

Conservatives cannot live with leftists, their cultism and zealotry have made it impossible. And we will not live under a globalist tyranny built around their reset agenda. Separation allows us to consolidate for defense and protects us economically. It is the only way to ensure that we remain free. The globalists and the leftists will try to stop us; they can't help themselves. They are insane, after all. This will lead to a war many of us have been expecting for quite some time. At the very least, with separation and secession, we will be in the best possible position to stop them. If we remain isolated from each other, the fight will be over before it even begins.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith




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