Saturday, January 30, 2021

Obama's Third Term. Racism Myth Leads To Power and Wealth. Why Big Government. Let 'Em Eat Cake. 52 Hours. Bad As It Is Worse Yet To Come.



Obama Says He Wants a Third Term

Obama Admits He's Getting a Third Term Through Biden

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Progressives, Democrats, liberals have lied their way to power for eons.  They have perfected it to the point that it has become a consistent key to the door of The White House, power and personal wealth.  Pelosi, Waters ,along with many others, have enriched themselves beyond anything they could have earned/accomplished from their raw talents.

At one time or another, everyone in America, and in all nations throughout the world, have been abused, taken advantage of, discriminated against. That's life. Is it right ? No. Should it be tolerated? No. Has any nation done more than America to change? No. So why perpetuate the myth? Because it leads to power, to winning and wealth.


Posted by Larry Horist 


During her presidential campaign, former First Lady Hillary Clinton traveled to the primarily Black Howard University and told the students that they were victims of a rigged system.  She was peddling the false narrative of pandemic racism in America.

Convincing Blacks that America is universally and systemically run on a philosophy of white privilege has been part of the Democrat political playbook since they discovered that lynching was no longer a viable means of controlling the Black vote – suppressing it in those day.

The ability of Democrats to convince Blacks that they face a uniformly hostile white supremacy culture – except for white liberals of course – is the means by which they maintain an 80 to 90 percent vote majority with Black voters. That and keeping millions of Black folks segregated, dependent and uneducated.  That is why Democrats use the race card at every opportunity.  In fact, they maintain a full deck of race cards.

The extreme dishonesty of their false racist narratives is directly proportionate to the Democrats desperate need to maintain those unnaturally high vote margins among blacks in order to succeed as a political force.

There is racism in America, and we will get to that further down.  But it is important to understand that (1) it is NOT endemic to the contemporary American culture . (2) it is NOT pervasively systemic. And (3) it does NOT reflect the hearts of the vast majority of Americans – including White Americans.


“If we take a fresh look at America, we might just discover that we are not a nation of racists after all, but rather the victims of racial baiting by politicians and the mainstream media.  We should keep in mind that billions of times every day … yes, billions … black and white Americans smile and nod to each other as we pass on the streets.  We serve each other in restaurants and stores.  

We work side-by-side in factories and offices.  We do favors for each other.  We come to each other’s aid. We cheer alongside each other on both sides of every sports arena.  We play on the same teams.  We chat on social media.  We die alongside each other in battle.   We become lifelong friends. We adopt each other.  We fall in love and marry each other. We laugh together at the same movies and we weep together at shared tragedies.”

Again, that is billions of times every day all around us – at work, at play and in our homes.  When all those so-called civil rights leaders cite the need for “a dialogue on race,” they mean a monologue.  Not only do they not consider the diversity of opinions regarding racism, they deploy their cancel culture to silence or malign those who do not agree with their scripted narrative.


“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

They are actually not “another class of coloured people,” but more like a privileged class within the Democratic Party who gain their fame and fortune from perpetrating the left’s false narratives of pandemic racism.  They are the Al Sharptons, the Jesse Jacksons  of the world. And the many other Black panelists and contributors who are paid handsome fees and provided position of power and prominence in return for spreading the left’s false narratives in the media.  They are the ones the Booker T. Washington warned against.

So, the first great racist lie of the leftwing is that America is a deeply racist nation.  And upon that great lie is predicated a galaxy of racist lies on almost every aspect of American life.  The deceit is given an undeserved imprimatur from the media by promoting the specious claims of academicians like Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude and Vanderbilt’s Professor Michael Dyson. They suggest that ALL questions of election fraud are based on White supremacy and racism.


If you want only legal immigration, you are both xenophobic AND racist.  If you are unwilling to defund the nations local police forces, you are a racist.  If you oppose abortion-on-demand or government funding of Planned Parenthood, you are racist.  If you want investigations of vote fraud, you are racist.  And on and on.

These folks lie about voter suppression – claiming that there are systemic efforts to keep Blacks away from the polling booths.  They incredulously make this claim even as Black citizens vote in record numbers in the very places that they claim the suppression occurs.  And at the same time, these Democrats sweep under the rug their own history of brutal Black voter suppression in the 100 years they controlled the former Confederacy.


Since the Great Migration of Blacks to non-southern cities, Democrat political continued to impose de facto racist policies against Blacks. They do this by forcing them into under-served segregated ghettoes – that still exist to this day.

Convincing the Black population that the Democratic Party has been the benefactor is perhaps the greatest successful political fraud in American history.

Lincoln once noted that you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time.  It is time for Blacks to stop being fooled by the snake oil of Democrat beneficence.  It is time to get outside the echo chamber of pandemic racism and see America more fully for what it is.  It is time to transform that dialogue on race into a debate and not a one-sided monologue.

It is time to focus on those places where the residual of systemic racism still exists.  And when we do, we see the Democratic Party exclusively in charge.  Let’s start there with a dialogue on race.

So, there ‘tis,


Making government bigger is the key to power for the elite so they can enslave all remaining citizens regardless of ethnicity, color etc. :

Government is big business.

In 2019, about 14.84 million people were full-time employees of U.S. state and local government. More than half of all Americans receive some sort of government assistance. Business and industry from farming to manufacturing get massive infusions of corporate welfare.

It's nigh on impossible to go through a day without some sort of forced interaction with some aspect of government.

The political Kabuki over funding government lends one to think that government doesn't work. I say government does work. But who does it work for?

Government is a masterpiece of corporate cynicism, propaganda perfection and people control. It was not created for the people, by the people nor of the people. It was created or at least evolved for the power and benefit of the elite and their politicians and bureaucrats.

Government is not haphazard and bungling. It does everything with careful calculation for the benefit of government and the concealment of its fraud upon the people. It plays one economic class against another, one race against another, and it prostitutes the intellectual elite to conceal the nature of government and its purpose.

Government creates the public mind and the public will. It programs and channels human thought, human energy and human production and wealth to itself.

Government does work. It works perfectly for the elite. It is organized crime and organized force at the national and international level. It just doesn't work for the people, it works against them.

The people have come to depend upon government from cradle to grave. They are taught from early on to look to government for all their sustenance. Government wants to funnel every dollar through itself so that its denizens can skim and leech from the producers and savers.

People no longer shrink from a handout from Uncle Scam, and the stigma once attached to doing so is fading. In fact, we have reached a time in America where most people consider handouts from government as something that they deserve as a right rather than a privilege because of their financial hardship or unemployment — in today's case, both of which were created by government power grabs under the guise of "a public health emergency."

As a result, the two false sides of the political aisle are fighting over whose idea it was to "give" people $2000 "stimulus" checks "from the government." As if anything should ever come "from the government" since the government is supposed to be of the people, for the people and by the people.

But the people now think they're "getting checks from the government." This is how governments want people to think. That the people are separate from the government. That government is a self-contained entity that rules over them and "grants" them rights, and privileges, and $2,000.

That, instead of realizing that government is there to administrate itself and do the will of the people. That money is theirs to be made and kept, not confiscated by government. That their lives are their own. That they can and should think and do for themselves. And that they are allowed to, and the government has no "right" to take away that right.

It is very difficult to get the truth about this, or any truth in America, from the politicians or the controlled media. It is risky to believe anything official.

Generational government wealth

There are now several generations of people who have only known government handouts for their income. They depend upon government for their food, housing, transportation, entertainment and healthcare. This is part of the national collectivism designed and perpetrated by politicians on both sides of the aisle ... the "creeping fascism" move from a benevolent to full totalitarianism. Only it's not just creeping anymore, it's up to at least a fast walk and getting quicker by the day.

The Founding Fathers would be appalled at what the nation has become. James Madison, the author of the Constitution, told the House of Representatives that welfare is not the duty of the federal government. "[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."

Benjamin Franklin once said, "I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course, became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

He also wrote, "Repeal that welfare law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. St. Monday and St. Tuesday, will soon cease to be holidays. Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them.

When the government "shuts down," it's not really shut down. Always "essential" government services — payments to Congress members, military operations (though not always military paychecks), etc. — continue. But things like park access are restricted and Social Security checks are delayed; anything that can make the American public feel pain is done. It makes for good theater even if it is bad governance. The more pain the people can be made to feel, the more they think they need government.

Growth not government

The only way for true economic growth is by the transfer of services, goods or wealth between people (or businesses) who actually produce something. In other words, if someone provides a service and gets gold or silver (actual wealth) or widgets for compensation, both the service provider and widget maker have benefited and each has something that has bettered his standard of living.

Americans need all those "authorities" and the government to get out of their personal lives, their health, their jobs, their businesses, their religion, and their personal preferences and choices and let them decide for themselves whether to go out, whether to stay in business, and what to do with their own money.

The American people don't "need" $2,000 of their own money sent to them. They need to be able to earn it for themselves, then keep it, and not have the government and every leech in the parasite class siphon from it until there's nothing left.

What the American people need is for bankster Steve Mnuchin not to take $350 billion of the CARES Act money and stash it in a slush fund. What the American people need is for corporate America NOT to get $12,000 per American sent to them from the Fed.

Americans need to stop advocating for their own financial slavery. Don't advocate for and fight over the scraps from Longshanks' table while he still rules with an iron fist.

And, as always, protect yourself with precious metals. The long dry spell because of manipulation in silver has caused extreme underappreciation even at $25 per ounce. The only negative is time. No one knows when silver will rise up to where it should be priced, so this uncertainty has kept investors from buying. But some of us see this as the perfect opportunity to buy more.

I always like U.S. 90 percent silver coins minted before 1965. They can be purchased in bags of $1,000 face amount or in smaller increments — even individually. (Find a local, reputable coin dealer with a good rating with the Better Business Bureau and a history in the community.) Buy for great price explosion upward as well as for survival coins.

Yours for the truth,

Biden: To "deplorables," "let 'em eat cake."

Stories from the people, lives and communities devastated within moments by the stoke of a pen 

By Salena Zito

On the morning of Jan. 20, every room of the two-story Stroppel Hotel in Midland, SD, was filled with men and women who work on the Keystone XL pipeline. Most of these union laborers, welders and pipefitters started their day over a cup of coffee in the hotel’s common room before heading out to their jobs. 

By 4 p.m., the entire place was cleared out, leaving the historic hotel silent for the first time since owners Laurie and Wally Cox took it over six months ago.

“Our whole world turned upside down with the stroke of a pen,” Laurie said.

Click here for the full story.


50 plus hours of Biden and what have we got?



 Biden Update....

2 PM yesterday marked Biden's 50th hour in office. How are all of my liberal friends feeling ?


Let's take a look at the Biden/Harris administration --It's now

Monday morning and another "sad" day in America.

Scary Folks....Hang on to your seatbelts ! Scroll Down

 A loss of 52,100 jobs in oil.

Ended energy independence for the United States.

Canada and Texas are suing Biden.

Antifa (just an idea right), continue to riot and burn down Portland and Seattle.

Sent our troops that were in DC to sleep on the floor of a parking garage, in freezing temps, with cars parked there ��and one bathroom. But the WH made them cookies 

Created a new glass ceiling for girls to hurdle, ruining so many chances for scholarships with his "progressive" transgender programs allowing boys to compete against girls.

Created a new federal property mask mandate, which he broke countless times already.

Is now allowing illegal immigrants to be counted for representation in congress.

A complete halt on student loan forgiveness that he promised.

A complete halt on the $2000 stimulus program he promised.

He shot down a Trump admin order to lower the cost of insulin.

He shot down a Trump admin order to lower the cost of epinephrine.

Rescinds Trump order banning Chinese Communist involvement in US power grid

$1.6 billion in gross wages lost.

And JUST TODAY - 8 Chinese bombers, 4 fighters, and 1 sub-hunter just breached Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone, crossing the Taiwan Strait.

Gas is up 50 cents a gallon here since election day based on speculation. $1.60 here at most gas stations on election day. Now $2.09.

Everything they've done in THREE DAYS has benefitted other countries and hurt Americans.

But HEY, at least Biden hasn't tweeted mean words. And, we have a woman Vice President.


If the "Black Lives Matter" radical organization means something then the "Nobel Peace" organization is worthless.


This is what truly matters:

 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL  DONE. 

"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." 

2. My mother taught me RELIGION. 

"You better pray that will come out of the carpet." 

3. My father taught me about TIME TRAVEL 

"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" 

4. My father taught me LOGIC. 

" Because I said so, that's why ."  

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC . 

"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT. 

"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident." 

7. My father taught me IRONY. 

"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about." 

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS. 

"Shut your mouth and eat your supper." 

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM. 

"Just you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!" 

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA. 

"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone." 

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER. 

"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it." 

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY. 

"If I told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate!" 

13. My father taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE. 

"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out..." 

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION . 

"Stop acting like your father!" 

15. My mother taught me about ENVY. 

"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do." 

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION 

"Just wait until we get home." 

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING. 

"You are going to get it from your father when you/he get(s) home!" 

18 .  My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE. 

"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way." 

19. My mother taught me ESP. 

"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?" 

20. My father taught me HUMOR. 

"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me." 

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT. 

"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up." 

22. My mother taught me GENETICS. 

"You're just like your father."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS. 

"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?" 

24. My mother taught me WISDOM. 

"When you get to be my age, you'll understand. 

25. My father taught me about JUSTICE . 

"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!" 

 This should only be sent to the over 60 crowd because the younger ones would not believe we truly were told these "EXACT" words by  our parents. 


Elephants are more giving than  donkeys:


I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1954 and in 1961 I began to make a modest annual contribution which I quit sometime in the early seventies when the school began to become overly PC.  Now that the U of P is a branch of the Chinese Communist Party I not only will never consider giving them a dime I would encourage anyone  who is to stop.

Biden’s Opportunity to Expose the Truth About Chinese Influence Operations


By Newt Gingrich and Claire Christensen

This week, three House Republicans sent a letter to the President of the University of Pennsylvania demanding the release of the Penn Biden Center’s funding records to “shed light on the depth and breadth of the potential improper influence” of Communist China.

In their letter, Reps. James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Virginia Foxx wrote that over approximately three years before the announcement of the Biden Center on Feb. 1, 2017, U of Penn received nearly $21.2 million from China.

But then, over three years after the announcement of the Biden center, China flooded the University with more than $72.2 million. This is an increase of more than $51 million (or 342 percent) over approximately the same amount of time.

What exactly changed in the minds of the Chinese benefactors after the Biden center announcement that made the University of Pennsylvania an irresistible investment opportunity?

This is more than a University of Pennsylvania problem. Money pouring into US universities from Communist China is a nationwide national security problem. It’s a way to for Communist China to buy influence, while American institutions refuse to report foreign funding – even though it is required by law.

We don’t know how much of this foreign money – namely the millions from China — went from the University of Pennsylvania to the Penn Biden Center. We don’t know if some or all of this money was used to gain influence with President Biden, Secretary of State Tony Blinken (who was the Managing Director of the Penn Biden Center), or any others involved.


The worst is yet to come:

Biden’s Worst Executive Order Went Almost Entirely Unnoticed

I & I Editorial Board

The order also seems harmless enough, going by the seemingly innocent title “Modernizing Regulatory Review.” Except this order isn’t about modernizing regulations. It’s about unleashing the regulatory state with a ferocity never before seen in this country.

Biden’s order – which didn’t get released to the press until late in the evening of his first day – aims to effectively toss the cost-benefit analysis that for many decades has served as at least a modest brake on the ambitions of regulators. In the past, regulations where the cost of compliance far exceeded the benefits could be stymied by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Biden wants the review process instead to be “a tool to affirmatively promote regulations” and “to ensure swift and effective federal action” on everything from the pandemic, to the economy, to racial inequality, to the “undeniable reality and accelerating threat of climate change.” In other words … everything.

Clyde Wayne Crews, a regulation expert at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said that Biden’s order is “likely to do away with cost-benefit analysis by elevating unquantifiable aims as benefits and deny costs of regulation altogether.” In doing so, it will “put weight on the scales of whether or not to regulate such that the answer will always be in the affirmative.”

The leftist Huffington Post cheered the news, calling Biden’s order “game changing” and saying “the memo could unleash a wave of stronger regulations to reduce income inequality, fight climate change and protect public health. Among left-leaning experts on regulation, it’s a signal that Biden could break with 40 years of conservative policy.”

The site quoted James Goodwin, a senior policy analyst at the Center for Progressive Reform, who said “I realize what I’m about to say to you sounds absurd. It has the potential to be the most significant action Biden took on day one.” 

Biden took other actions to re-regulate the economy, including issuing an order revoking various policies President Donald Trump put in place, such as the order that regulators eliminate two regulations for every new one enacted.One of Trump’s biggest – unsung – achievements in the White House was his effort to rein in the regulatory state. A lifelong businessman, Trump understood – in a way lifelong politicians cannot – the avalanche of regulations that fall on a business and the enormous costs they impose. One of his very first actions was the two-for-one order.

CEI’s Crews says that Trump actually exceeded that goal, with agencies getting rid of 4.3 rules for every new one.

The Trump administration’s Council of Economic Advisers calculated that the deregulatory measures taken over the past four years saved households an average of $3,100 a year. And while there’s some debate over the extent of the benefits from Trump’s efforts, the undeniable fact is that he slowed the regulatory current.

Even so, the regulatory state today imposes $1.9 trillion in costs, according to CEI. That is an enormous hidden tax on families. In fact, if our regulatory state were a country, it would be bigger than Canada’s entire economy. The idea that we are getting more than $1.9 trillion in health and safety benefits from these rules is laughable.

Unfortunately, with this one executive order, Biden shows that he’s intent on giving regulators carte blanche to impose massive new rules on businesses and households, on virtually anything and everything they do, regardless of costs. There’s little else Biden has done so far that will have as wide-ranging an impact.

Throughout the presidential campaign, we warned that Biden was hiding his agenda from voters because it was far more extremist than he let on. Now that he’s safely in the White House, he is taking the wrappings off.

We hate to say we told you so, but we told you so


Black lives matter if you are not employed and are dependent.  If you are working and have some self-respect you are not worth much to Democrats because they want you dependent and thus, enslaved.

Black Man Who Lost His Job Thanks to Biden's Executive Order Spree Has a Message for Him By Matt Vespa

It has been something to watch the Biden White House rule by executive decree up to this point. We’re less than two weeks into his administration and the man has doled out more executive orders in the first eight days than the last five presidencies combined. He’s done over 40 in eight days. Regarding the cessation of the Keystone pipeline and the border wall, he’s gutted thousands of jobs right there. His climate change agenda will do more harm to jobs in the natural gas sector as well. Remember when he said Biden and Kamala said they wouldn’t ban fracking but were caught on tape saying that they would but for some odd reason people still voted for these clowns—well, here’s your answer. They’re going to do it. they have to—the environmental Left is the one group of folks that you have to pay back in full if you’re a Democrat. 

For one black man, he says he lost his job with the stroke of Biden’s pen. He said he just bought a new car that he’ll probably have to sell because he can no longer foresee himself being able to make the payments he set up in his plan. He worried about not being able to pay the mortgage. That’s his message to Biden for what his agenda has done to his life. It’s nuked it. 

“America last,” he shouts. He also goes on about how the presidency was taken from Donald Trump. Our friends at Twitchy has more.

It’s what’s happening or what’s going to happen to scores of American families under this president. The natural gas sector was a prime source of good-paying jobs for rural Americans. The coal industry is another great source of income for these folks; whole communities are built around it. And now, with Democrats in charge, the regional economic genocide is about to begin. John Kerry, Biden’s climate clown, recently remarked that these people who’ve lost their coal jobs could simply go and make solar panels. These people are in a bubble, that’s contained in a larger bubble that’s under an iron dome protective covering.  


For the state of Pennsylvania especially, I don’t know why voters here thought the Biden-Harris’ talk of killing fracking was just campaign talk. It’s a prime target for the progressive Left who needed to turn out and win this last election. That’s a huge obligation that, again, must be met immediately and paid in full—no payment plan here. On anything climate-related or relating to natural gas development, expect the Biden White House to always make a job-killing decision. They have to if they want to have another term in office.


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