This past Friday, the United States suspended aid to UNRWA, followed by Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Finland. As we are all painfully aware, the events of October 7th constitute some of the worst human crimes against humanity, and certainly the blackest day in Jewish history since the holocaust. Israel has filed intelligence briefings to the United Nations accusing several of UNRWA’s employees of being directly complicit with the acts of October 7th.
UNRWA claims to have fired 12 of these employees after Israel filed its implicating evidence.
Many of the barbaric atrocities, or the incitement leading up to atrocities such as those documented on October 7th, have been enabled by various UN agencies, such as UNRWA, who have been purporting to represent humanitarian assistance and human rights. How much of this assistance has been diverted to help the construction of the massive Hamas terror tunnels underneath Gaza? Which agencies have been assisting the Hamas control and command centers embedded in mosques, schools, hospitals, and homes from which missiles are launched? What is being taught in the UNRWA schools how are the professionals in these schools being vetted, and by whom?

We’re at that 1938 moment
by John Mills
Leon Trotsky, founder of the Red Army and Stalin’s archrival said words to the effect, “You may not be interested in war. But war is interested in you.” In 1940, Trotsky found war personally when he was assassinated in his well-guarded compound in Mexico City by one of Stalin’s people. Currently, the ungoverned spaces of Mexico are the domain for Chinese overseers of the Drug Cartels as they wage war into America via Fentanyl, killing 10,000 Americans a month. We may not want war, but it is finding Americans.
This direct, deadly war projected into America, comes across the open southern border by Chinese personnel, possibly Special Operators from the People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (SSF). The SSF foray into America is but one of many developing regional conflicts and flashpoints that are now the foundation for an already in-progress World War III. If you asked an “expert” in 1938, “Is the world at war?” they likely would have said no and explained there were disconnected regional conflicts in Asia, Europe, and Africa, but nothing to worry about. By 1939, the “experts” changed their tune. We’re at that 1938 point, again.
Graphic by PIAT LLC
Regional conflicts in Europe and the Middle East
There appear to be at least fourteen regional/sub-regional conflicts or very flammable flashpoints in play around the world. Regional Conflict #1 is Ukraine. This bloody war must be looked at in the context of the “No Limits Agreement” established by China and Russia to topple America.
The Middle East Theater of the current World War is expanding rapidly beyond Hamas. Iran is the direct war manager of the Middle East Front as the proxy for China. Iran is overseeing the largest assault on merchant shipping since the Battle of Atlantic in World War II. Iran is also directing a concerted effort to eject America from special operation base camps in Iraq and Syria through increasing levels of rocket and ballistic missile attacks. [and the administration is looking for a way to leave the area] Rounding out the European/Middle East theater is the very possible thrust by Russia to establish a land bridge across Poland and Lithuania to Kaliningrad which will ignite full warfare across Europe.
Graphic by PIAT LLC
Multiple flashpoints in the Western Pacific and Asia
China takes Taiwan before a Trump second term, they need to execute their “railway timetable” of logistics preparation immediately to ensure a beachhead in Taiwan, the Philippines, or another location by April. The typhoon season starts in June. North Korea has revealed a “Poseidon” like, nuclear powered, nuclear armed, drone, and seems focused on destroying South Korea and Japan.
China is being very assertive in its orchestrated mobocracy of fishermen, militia, and naval vessels essentially taking over Philippine shoals well within the Philippine economic zone. The Malacca Straits – the very narrow passage way for 25% of world trade and 50% of Chinese energy imports is one of the deadliest Chinese chokepoints. With pipelines from Iran to China still years away, China must secure this passage point which means a forced presence in Singaporean, Indonesian, and Malaysian territory.
Graphic by PIAT LLC
Most concerning – an invasion across the southern border and dumpster fires in the Americas
Returning to America, the presence of Chinese special operators muscling in on “legal cannabis” operations provides the opportunity to skim the cash rich operations and fund domestic rioting on a far larger scale than 2020. This is in addition to the killing fields of Fentanyl. The open border is providing masses to destroy Blue Cities such as San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. China has also established spy operations and military training in Cuba, which means “defensive” missiles may already be in place,
World War III is in progress whether we like it or want it. The “experts” missed World War II, they are clearly missing the data points on World War III (unless possibly they are willfully enabling the world contagion hoping no one notices).
Israel and South Korea: A Growing Partnership
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