United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks at the UN headquarters in New York City, US, before a meeting about the conflict in Gaza. https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/12/06/un-chief-poses-danger-world-peace-has-reached-new-moral-low-latest-gaza-war-decision-israeli-officials/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ European Jews will be gone by 2050 Country by country, the numbers are collapsing. “There is no future for them here..." says Dutch author By Leon de Winter. Op-ed. The Strasbourg synagogue was built in the heart of the city in the 1950s to replace the old building on the Quai Kléber, sacked and burned by the Germans in 1940. On its monumental door is engraved this quote from Zechariah's book: “Stronger than the sword be my spirit." But that of Harold Abraham Weill, chief rabbi, is not the first tragedy: “When you have suffered other attacks, you don't react like everyone else; you feel a form of déjà vu that invades you", says the rabbi who comes from Toulouse, present during the murders perpetrated by Mohamed Merah at the Ozar Hatorah school, which left four children and a teacher killed in March 2012. The environmentalist mayor of Strasbourg , Jeanne Barseghian, removed the Israeli flag from the facade of the city hall after October 7, thirty-six hours after having raised it. Just read a thrilling investigation by Le Figaro: Yaël*, 31, is still in shock over what her hairdresser said on November 9, in Gagny, Seine-Saint-Denis: “You're Jewish, so I won't do your hair”. A few days after the Hamas attack, a family from Tel Aviv, LeCanard enchaine revealed, was turned away at Orly airport by a taxi driver. “Dirty Jew! If I had caught you, I would have massacred you, your wife and your children”. Leon de Winter is one of the best-known Dutch authors living in Amsterdam, whose parents survived the Holocaust in hiding. De Winter, 69, just said that European Jews will disappear by 2050. “I think Jewish life in Europe will be a thing of the past by 2050,” says de Winter. “There is no future for them here and their desperate love for the old and beloved continent will die. This is inevitable. But even I, a pessimistic realist, did not foresee that the situation would get out of hand so quickly in so many cities. I did not expect. It's happening very quickly. Europe will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz." Country by country, the numbers are collapsing. France. Since 1972, 106,000 French Jews have left for Israel. A quarter of the total Jewish population. In 2021, 3,500 French Jews emigrated to Israel (not counting those who left for other countries). At an average of 3,500 Jews per year, another 100,000 Jews will disappear in less than a generation. Norway. “Norway risks becoming a country without a Jewish population,” reads an editorial in Aftenposten. Denmark. The Jewish community has lost 25 percent of its members in the last 15 years. Belgium. Joël Rubinfeld, president of the Ligue belge contre l'antisémitisme, reveals to Paris Match that "there is a good chance, in twenty years, of ending up with a jüdenrein Belgium". Holland. 7,000 Jews have left for Israel. England. A recent survey reveals that half of Jews are thinking of leaving the United Kingdom. Samuel Hayek, president of the Jewish National Fund, shocked England: “Jews have no future in the United Kingdom,” said Hayek, who has lived in the United Kingdom for 40 years and is one of the country's most famous philanthropists. England's Muslim population could triple in the next twenty years and reach 13 million by 2050. But to understand and see the future of that Europe you have to go to Bobigny, just 9 kilometers from the center of Paris. Bobigny is the municipality from which trains left for Auschwitz and where today the former station has been transformed into a Holocaust memorial. The Journal du dimanche reports that the Islamic mayor (yes, an Islamic mayor), Abdel Sadi, organized a conference against Israel. The investigation by journalist Eva Szeftel, entitled “The Mayor and the Barbarians”, recounts the conquest of the city. "I have witnessed an increasingly marked presence of political Islam. Municipal politics has favored the creation of an Islamic ecosystem. A sports hall with separate opening hours for men and women, subsidized by the municipality, has been opened in the center of the city. It is a Koranic school was installed, inaugurated by the town hall. A Muslim elected official had the bad idea of smoking a cigarette during Ramadan on the town hall square. They told him that one should not smoke during Ramadan. It is a city where it is increasingly it is difficult to drink alcohol. In Bobigny the Islamists are in power". Clandestine Islamic schools have been closed by the police. There were veiled girls as young as 3. 30 percent of the population is Muslim. In the Europe to come, very few Jews will remain, there will be a lot of Islam and few but strong remnants of Christianity that have escaped this chaos that is engulfing the West. Giulio Meottiis an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of 20 books, including "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone Institute and Die Weltwoche. He is also a Middle East Forum Writing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DEI Drives Campus Antisemitism - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/dei-drives-campus-antisemitism-harvard-ivy-ackman-israel-bds-b19ebd12?mod=opinion_lead_pos5 +++++++++++++++++++++ Dear President MaGill I write to inform you of the severe distress and outrage that your congressional testimony caused me today. I am a proud undergraduate alum from the Class of 83 and the Law School Class of 1986. My father Stephen H. Joseph graduated with an undergraduate degree from the Wharton School in the Class of 1953. My sister Janis Joseph graduated in the Class of 1985 and the Class of 1986 from the Graduate School of Education. Janis’ husband Dr. Albert Ritter graduated in the Class of 1984. My wife Dale Grayson graduated from the Penn Law School in the Class of 1987. My son Michael Joseph graduated from the Penn Law School in the class of 2014. We are a three generation Penn family. Your testimony today, without hyperbole, was one of the most chilling utterances that I have heard in my lifetime. The president of the University of Pennsylvania testified under oath that advocating genocide in an on campus demonstration was not, in and of itself, a violation of the University’s code of conduct, but was a matter of “context.” You presumably justify such a statement by the importance of free speech and academic freedom. I might understand such a misguided view from a non-lawyer, but you are a distinguished lawyer who knows that as a matter of Constitutional law, only the federal and state governments, through the 14th Amendment, are prevented from regulating speech. However, even the First Amendent is not absolute, as threats and exhortations to commit violence are not protected speech. The Supreme Court ruled when I was young that the government couldn’t prevent actual Nazis from marching through the predominantly Jewish neighborhood of Skokie Illinois on First Amendment grounds. And as odious as that march was, I agree that, in the United States, the government does not and should not have a role in regulating such speech. Even though many of the residents of Skokie Illinois were actual holocaust survivors. But, to state the obvious, Penn is NOT the government. It is a private entity, devoted to education and the high ideals and morality. Indeed, its very motto is “Laws Without Morals are Useless.” And it also has an obligation to protect vigorous academic and political debate. But the advocacy of genocide on campus by students and faculty is not academic, and genocide is not political. Particularly given the annihilation of millions of Jews in the last 80 years, advocacy for the genocide of Jews is particularly egregious. This is especially true given that the October 7 terrorist attacks resulted in the largest massacre of Jews since the holocaust. The University of Pennsylvania can certainly commit to protect and encourage vigorous and robust academic and political debate and still draw a bright line at advocating genocide. To say that whether advocating genocide of Jewish people is a matter of context, and that it does not violate the code of conduct unless it constitutes “harassment” or “bullying” is nothing short of astonishing. Is it possible to have student demonstrations at Penn that advocate genocide of Jewish people that do NOT constitute harassment, intimidation or bullying to Jewish students and faculty? The answer to that (what should be a rhetorical) question is that there is no way to advocate for genocide of Jews that does not bully and intimidate the Jewish students at Penn. And this harassment has played out in outrageous and terrifying conduct and antisemitic vandalism. Your testimony is also patently disingenuous as it is dangerous. Can you state with a straight face that the University would not have swiftly disciplined students if they demonstrated advocating lynching of black people in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd? It is beyond doubt that any such demonstration would have been met with swift action by the University, and deservedly so. To say that it would depend on “context” would be laughable, if it weren’t so deadly serious. I have listened to the debate. I gave you the benefit of the doubt after you revised your initial statement to rightly characterize the attack of October 7 as a terrorist act. But after your disturbingly callous, mendacious and immoral testimony today, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that you are the wrong person, at the wrong time at the wrong institution, and that if you care at all about Penn, you should resign your position as President. Rest assured that I will be in touch with my network of alumni to work hard to make that happen. We cannot have a President that cannot stand up to those that advocate genocide against any race, ethnicity or religion. John N Joseph, CAS 83/Law 86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weimar America We may be headed for a 1930s nightmare By Victor Davis Hanson Posted By Ruth King https://amgreatness.com/2023/12/04/weimar-america/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Pure Evil of the Democrat Party By Derek Hunter ++++ I did not listen to the debate but "Ronnie" must be turning over in his grave. Fourth GOP Debate Could Summed Up With These Three Words By Matt Vespa The fourth Republican debate in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, was another entertaining spectacle despite all four candidates having no chance of beating Donald Trump in the GOP primaries. It is what it is, folks—Donald Trump will be the 2024 Republican nominee whether we like it or not. Still , that doesn’t mean these four didn’t mail it in regarding this melee. To the contrary, it got downright nasty. But one thing was clear: everyone hates Nikki. The most obvious reason for everyone hurling mud at Ms. Haley is simple: she’s been surging in the polls. Okay, it’s not a tsunami, but it has garnered more than a few stories in the press. Second, her past political positions pretty much make her a carbon copy of Hillary Clinton. The ads about this, which were shown during the commercial breaks, were brutal Haley was also dragged for her remarks about gender mutilation surgeries. Madeline wrote about this trip-up. Vivek Ramaswamy was the one who delivered the nastiest haymakers, calling the former South Carolina governor hopelessly corrupt, ignorant of foreign affairs, and a rogue neocon. The only candidate not participating in the pile on was former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was nearly invisible for the first 20 minutes of the debate. It was not intentional, but Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis’ attacks on Haley and her subsequent responses led to Mr. Christie being left out. +++++++++++++++++++++++ PMW Bulletins at a Glance Special War Edition Dear Richard, PMW has been actively involved in Israel’s war efforts from the very start of the Gaza War, both on a global scale and with Israel’s government and security services. PMW is supplying Israeli security services with vital information on a daily basis. PMW closely monitors hundreds of Palestinian social media sites and shares critical information regarding terror in real-time with Israeli Army Intelligence. When the Army asked PMW to investigate four terrorists, PMW quickly sent them a detailed report. The Army’s response was: “Amazing, amazing, amazing …. The information is excellent.” Over the past few weeks, I have traveled thousands of miles and spent many hours speaking in parliaments throughout Europe. Last week, I spoke at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and at the Norwegian Parliament. Yesterday I gave a Zoom lecture to members of the Italian senate, and next week I will speak at the European Parliament in Brussels and at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Israeli ambassadors have also called PMW for information to use in their lectures and PR for Israel. In my presentations, I focus on the PA/Fatah’s support of Hamas’ slaughter on October 7, as well as their calls to Palestinians in the West Bank to join the terror war. I also urge countries to accept Israel's position that the PA cannot be the replacement to run Gaza once Israel destroys Hamas. It was the PA’s messages that PMW has been warning about for years that generated the support for Hamas that led to the October 7 atrocities. I am giving between 1 and 4 interviews a day to the Israeli and foreign media. Fox News reported on the financial rewards the PA will give the terrorists and the Wall Street Journal published my op-ed this past Monday. PMW’s activities with the army, internationally, and with the media have expanded significantly and our critical role in supporting Israel’s war effort has stretched PMW to the max. To continue to fulfill all these and Israel's expanding needs daily, we must urgently hire additional staff and urgently need additional funding to do so. Please contribute today to PMW. Your support is needed now more than eve Shabbat Shalom, Itamar Marcus, Director +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Israel’s 62nd Day of War By Sherwin Pomerantz 62 days into the war, 88 of our troops killed, almost 400 killed since the morning of October 7th with thousands of others injured. The news this morning seems to indicate that we have surrounded the Gaza home of the main architect of the October 7th massacre and, hopefully, that will prove to be true. But the story of the war is told in the human experiences of the people it has affected. My colleague at EDI posted the following piece on linkedin and I thought that today, as I travel to the US for a family event, I would share his words with you…..they follow here: I had the great privilege of hearing from the amazing Jon and Rachel Goldberg Polin this morning. Jon & Rachel’s son Hersh was kidnapped and badly injured by the evil Hamas on October 7th. Jon and Rachel reminded us that today is day 61 of this incredible tragedy and that the 138 hostages are still being kept from their families. They reminded us that the hostages are #Christian and #Buddhist and #Muslim and yes #Jewish. They reminded us that those being held in miserable conditions are #American and #European and #Asian and #African They reminded us that those being kept in unbearable conditions are citizens of 33 countries and yes that includes Israel. Jon and Rachel reminded us that the captives being imprisoned by barbarians are white and black and brown and yellow. They reminded us that every hostage regardless of their religion, regardless of their nationality, regardless of the color of their skin must be released and returned to their families. They reminded us that the work being done by the #United States, by #Israel and by many other countries “is not working well enough – it is not working fast enough.” They reminded us that the 138 hostages, including Hersh, “must be out this afternoon, they all do.” Rachel and Jon reminded us that “Congress is going on break – we are not going on break” and are promoting the ONE MINUTE A DAY campaign to save lives. If you are American use the link to easily contact your elected officials in Washington. If you are not American – take a few minutes and get in touch with your representatives and remind them that the hostages must be brought home. Lastly, Jon and Rachel reminded us that in this season of light there is hope – there is hope if moral and thinking people speak up and take action. Learn about the Planet of Tears that Rachel, Jon and the families of all of the hostages are living on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFOe9x7nft4 and #BringHershHome #BringthemHome #BringThemHomeNow. I could not have said it better As we light the first candle of Chanukah tonight, the holiday that marks the rededication of the Temple after the defeat of the Greeks, let’s hope that the light will bring a new perspective on the war and bring us to a victorious conclusion. May it be so. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The false moral equivalence of ‘settler violence’ There is no culture of Jewish violence in Judea and Samaria. By DOUGLAS ALTABEF At a time when Israel is reeling from the monstrous Oct. 7 Hamas massacre, it is distressing and more than a bit surreal to see a newfound effort by some to create a moral counterweight to Hamas in the form of “settler violence.” This obsession has mesmerized many sanctimonious finger pointers, from U.S. President Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken to a conga line of commentators desperate to claim: Yes, Hamas is bad, but let’s face it, they’re Palestinians, so what do you expect? But, they say, the Jews, who are trampling the rights and usurping peace-loving Palestinians, are not only morally reprehensible but pose a grave threat to the entire region. Let’s look at this a bit less hysterically. There are half a million Jews living in Area C of Judea and Samaria. Per the Oslo Accords, Areas A and B are judenrein. No Jews are even allowed to set foot on them. Area C is controlled by Israel and reserved for Jewish residence, although preexisting Palestinian Arab communities live freely there as well. Contrary to widespread misunderstandings, Judea and Samaria were never Palestinian lands. Not just because there was never a “Palestine,” but also because there were no “Palestinians”—other than the Jews of Mandatory Palestine, who were called “Palestinians” by the British—until the PLO was formed in 1964. Prior to that, the Palestinian Arabs were simply the Arabs of Greater Syria. According to international law, Judea and Samaria are disputed territories, having last been under the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate. So, while viewing the Jews’ presence there as illegal land usurpation might seem like feel-good wishful thinking to some, it is completely inaccurate both legally and historically. The Jews living in Judea and Samaria are largely non-ideological. They see the area as a great real estate arbitrage, with many vibrant communities within commuting distance of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Many Palestinian Arabs have worked across the Green Line in pre-1967 Israel. In recent years, there has been a huge effort to create Palestinian Arab “facts on the ground” through illegal construction of tiny communities, many of which are funded by European governments or NGOs connected with them. The purpose of this activity has been to thwart the contiguity of Jewish communities and create a critical mass of Palestinian Arabs in these areas. This is no great secret, as illegal construction has been widely documented by groups such as Regavim and reported to the Israeli government. In some cases, action has been taken against it, while in a great many others, it is tolerated in order to avoid international tension. There have been constant waves of terror attacks directed at Jewish residents of Area C. According to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the first four months of this year alone, seven people were killed and 18 were injured in such attacks. There has also been a spike in terror activity in large Palestinian cities such as Jenin. It is no secret that Hamas, having displaced the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, views Areas A and B as fertile ground for challenging the authority of P.A. chief Mahmoud Abbas. At the same time, the security structure that the P.A. developed has collapsed. Is there Jewish violence in Judea and Samaria? Yes. Most of it is in response to Palestinian violence against Jewish communities. But is there a culture of Jewish violence in these communities? No. The wave of sympathy for Israel in the wake of the Hamas massacre was breathtakingly brief. Within a matter of days, much of the world, especially the international media, returned to the tried-and-true tropes of “disproportionate” Israeli “oppression,” which in other international contexts is regarded as normal self-defense. Part of this effort to limit empathy for Israel and excuse Hamas atrocities has been to point to the straw man of “settler violence.” Biden in particular has seized upon the issue as a way of maintaining his bona fides with his progressive, anti-Israel supporters. A few weeks ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu felt compelled to make a brief, obligatory condemnation of settler violence as a sop to the president. Israelis understand this. If we were not so immersed in the existential struggle to uproot Hamas, we might consider the settler obsession silly. But we are under attack now, and we have little appetite for the absurd. So, we would ask our friends around the world to stop trying to make mountains out of molehills or searching for dirt under our fingernails that they can point to and equate with the blood dripping from the hands of Hamas. The canard of settler violence is a distraction from the great task at hand: destroying a monstrous, genocidal terrorist organization. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My random thoughts and comments on a variety of topics: +++ 1) Pressure mounts on Israel and Biden calling for Israel to stop it's attacks on Hamas. Seems Biden is preparing to cave because his re-election is likely to drive his decisions. (I am taking a course pertaining to Israel's war policies. Based on the Bible, Israel adheres to 4 basic policies and circumstances that allow them to attack when threatened. They have been modified over the years as war and weaponry change. a) If your enemy seeks monetary gain and here an example would be the closing by Egypt of the Straits of Tiran. b) Nasser's removal of the U.N's "peacekeeping force." In other words the elimination of a deterrent. c) Nasser's massing of his army on Israel's border which was preceded by threats to annihilate it's population. The next step is fairly well determined. d) Poisonous messaging and threats, ie. c above.) The IDF is basically a defensive military structure. it's weaponry is basically designed to deter or respond, ie. "The Iron Dome." In less than a year Israel will have laser ray type weapons that will be cheaper, even more accurate etc.. 2) Israel always finds itself in a no win situation, ie. damned if they do and damned if they don't When Israel destroyed Iraq's nuclear plant they were roundly criticized. Years later it was evident they did the world a courageous favor and attitudes softened. I maintain they should attack Iran's current nuclear facilities. Based on the 4 above criteria and the verbal threats espoused by their Ayatollah's, Israel has been threatened, Iran has the capability and weaponry and Iran is attacking Israel through surrogates. No government can withstand repeated Nov 7's. 3)There is no army in the world that is as protective of adversary civilians than the IDF. They bend over backwards to avoid casualties. It is ingrained in their training, written in their manuals and enforced by sever punishment. 4) As for the rise in anti-Semitism, which I knew would eventually surface but did not know when or what would be the trigger. I am not as pessimistic as some others. Yes, it might even get worse for a while. However, eventually the vast majority of Americans will begin to stir, albeit very late. They are not Nazi like. They will bury anti-Semitism. However, it will probably resurface faster. That said, the damage will have been done and American Jews, particularly the liberal ones, with have been shocked and dispirited and some may even change their politics but most will return to the fold and re-trap themselves ideologically. As for their children, that might turn into a different story because their roots were not in Socialist Europe like their parents and grand parents. The key will be whether we are able to shake ourselves free of what neo-Marxists and fascist Islamists intended to do, actually accomplished and still continue to do in terms of altering our culture. If we are not successful, then the greatest experiment in democracy will simply become another log on the world's pile of former great and powerful nations. That would be sad but not inevitable. Leave a car outside, don't wash and wax it and it will rust away 5) In time, the three presidents who testified regarding anti-Semitism on their campuses will eventually leave or be fired as they should be. Their reasoning showed a total lack ofmorality, humility and was stupid. If this is the best of the supposed premier universities in our nation then we are truly in a hopeless position. 6) America's progressive women also come in for some serious knocks for sitting o their behinds regarding their lack of a timely response to Hamas' raping Israeli Women etc. I guess selective rapes are what motivate them and Israeli's don't count. Pathetic. 7) America collectively needs to look in the mirror and take stock of what we have allowed to happen to our nation, to our cultural entities, to education, to our professions, to our capitalists, to our military and the list is endless. because it is truly a sad state of affairs. We are not capable of defending ourselves, of leading the democratic world, of helping attacked allies or even living within our means, protecting our orders and, again, the list of failures is endless and suggest we are in decline. 8) Obviously since Truman, Eisenhower and Reagan we have not produced much by way of Oval Office Leadership. Bush 41 was a decent man but not the best politician. Too patrician and preppy. His son was not as smart as the times demanded nor did he understand the significance of various Islamist sects. Clinton was a clever politician but a Lothario. Obama was a total disaster and we are paying for his underhanded destruction as I type and history will view Trump as a better president than his many enemies and detractors will give him but he also lowered Oval Office standards and then we come to the most corrupt, incompetent president in my life time. A nation is known , in part, by it's leadership and our reputation reminds me of a ripped, tattered and droopy flag. 9) The fact that the mass and social media have lost their way, in terms of their mission and responsibility is a dangerous tragedy. We need sides on our crib and they no longer serve that purpose. Their job was to investigate and reveal corruption and keep the "servants" in line and be balanced in their objectivity. Instead they have become biased handmaidens. It is as if no one is minding the store. 10) As for the war itself, the IDF has brought special forces into the fray. They are trained in close encounter warfare and they seem to have gained the upper hand. The battle has moved to the second largest Gaza city and a key Hamas operative apparently lives there. His home is being targeted and will be destroyed and the IDF will seek to flush him out in the open so he can meet his proper death. Apparently well over 30,000 Hamas clad terrorists have been killed. 11) Likud members, I read, had a very caustic/contentious meeting and Bibi is being blamed for the intelligence blunder. Though this might not be factually fair it is the story about where the buck stops. His detractors believe his career is finished but have no desire to force him out at this time. 12) Finally we come to the pitiful state of our "public servants." They seem totally incapable of holding the tray steady so as not to spill red wine on white fabric. Our political class has lost sight of the fact they are servants and not masters. Part of the problem is we have lost all respect for them collectively but keep returning "our's," so to speak. This is particularly and disproportionately so among the black caucus community. Too many are scoundrels, intellectually incompetent and see their positions as an opportunistic way to build wealth. If truth be told, they have learned well from their white contemporaries like Pelosi, Feinstein and Menendez etc, As government grows political power grows commensurately and the more their power grows the less prone they want to relinquish their awesome power. Their offices have become like permanent prison cells and few trustworthy are in charge of the cash register which keeps ringing higher and higher. +++ Most nations have a defense system, right? From border security to vast military battalions and an arsenal of weapons, a defense of some sort is needed for any nation to remain intact. It’s a basic fact that both history and logic tells us. And yet, when it comes to the nation of Israel, thousands are saying they don’t have the right to defend themselves. Apparently, when anyone, including Palestinian-based terrorists, attacks them, they are supposed to just lay down their defenses and let them do what they will. We want your opinion on the matter. Should Israel stop defending itself? Or does it have every right to be just like the rest of the world? ![]() And: What Were the Hamas Monsters Thinking? American Greatness By Victor Davis Hanson We know the multifaceted strategy of the monstrous Hamas operation of October 7. In pre-civilizational fashion, it wished to kill and mutilate the most vulnerable of all Israeli civilians and thus to shock the world that it was capable of—and proud about— anything, from decapitation to necrophilia. Such animalistic savagery, in the reckoning of Western therapeutic society, was supposed to be seen as forced upon Hamas murderers by the “occupation.” The killers felt they would shock the Israelis into concessions given their eagerness to commit the unspeakable. They took captives for tripartite reasons: to barter children and the elderly for their kindred terrorist murderers in Israeli jails; to use captives to force the Israelis to grant cease-fires and pauses in their retaliation; and to bank them as shields to protect Hamas kingpins from retaliation. Hamas invaded during a holiday in the early hours, in a time of peace, and on the iconic 50th-anniversary of the Yom Kippur surprise Arab attack. They aimed to prove that Israeli soil was for the first time porous and 2,000 killers could enter sacred Israeli ground with impunity and kill in one day more Jewish civilians than on any day since the Holocaust The terrorists shot thousands of rockets into Israel to overwhelm the Iron Dome and terrify the entire civilian population. All these tactics were aimed at long-term strategic goals: ü stop the Abraham Accords; ü obey the directives of Hamas’s Iranian terrorist masters as payment for their arms; discredit the radical Palestine Authority and Arab moderate nations as anemic in their opposition to the supposedly shared hated Zionist entity; ü and prompt an Israeli response that by necessity would involve collateral damage to human shields, and schools, mosques, and hospitals atop subterranean Hamas headquarters Yet if we know their despicable methods, aims, and strategies, why did they think the civilized world would support their barbarity or at least excuse i One, Hamas assumed anti-Semitism was prevalent throughout the West and was canonical in the Middle East. Palestinian authorities count on the fact that being an enemy of the Jews of Israel wins them empathy of the world and creates their own unique rules of passive-aggressive victimhood. So Palestinians demand to be the only “refugees” in the world—not Greek Cypriots, Eastern European Germans, Prussians, Kurds, Armenians, and certainly not a million Jews cleansed from the Arab Middl Israelis are to be “settlers,” not millions of Middle Easterners who surge and settle into the West, form resistance communities, sneer at integration and assimilation, and use Western liberality to protect and project. Second, Hamas relies on useful Western idiots. It understands its terrorists repel the majority of Americans. But it figures Western and globalist institutions—academia, the media, popular culture—in their wealth, ignorance, and self-importance, alleviate guilt and find resonance by mouthing the shibboleths of the “underdog. In particular, Hamas understands that the Palestinian cause has fused with the leftwing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion industry. Thus Hamas becomes the Middle-East counterpart to BLM, aggrieved minorities, and, more preposterously, the trans/gay/feminist movement. Meanwhile, Israelis are recalibrated as the demonized Western “colonialist” white supremacists. Third, the Islamic expatriate populations of Europe and the U.S. have soared. In the strange logic of the Middle Easterner in the West—on a green card, or a student visa, or either as an illegal alien or a first-generation immigrant—he will envision the magnanimity of Americans and Europeans who offered him refuge from the violence, hatred, tyranny, racism, sexism, terrorism, and violence of his homeland all too often as weakness to be manipulated, not as generosity to be appreciated much less reciprocated. Middle Eastern expatriates brag of their growing numbers and the political clout that Islam accrues in liberal democracies, without a clue of their hypocrisy of supporting illiberal tyrannies whose violence drove them out to the West in the first place. So, we watch Middle Easterners in the U.S. trying to ruin iconic events such as crashing “Black Friday” shopping, disrupting the New York Thanksgiving parade, or tearing down American flags on Veterans’ Day. Only in America would the Iranian terrorist theocracy’s ex-ambassador to the UN, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, be accorded a professorship at Oberlin or a former top diplomat for the Iranian regime Seyed Hossein Mousavian land a coveted billet at Princeton. From such perches, these expatriates are free to promote pro-Hamas, Iranian, anti-Semitic—and anti-American—agendas. They consider their hosts not so much tolerant as stupid, in the sense that any American expatriate in Iran who whispered criticism of the theocratic regime would either be hanged or used as a barter hostage. Why would those whose careers were devoted to demonizing and harming the United States from their coveted billets in Iran even wish to move to the Great Satan, while keeping warm relations with their theocratic kingpins in Tehran? Four, behind all these considerations, is the reality of terrorism and the fear it instills in the West, given the 21st century history of Middle Easterners slaughtering thousands of Americans and Europeans. In crude terms, Hamas and its terrorist affiliates signal us, “damn Israel or be prepared for another 9/11.” Five, Hamas is a death cult, an updated terrorist version of the more organized SS—with the qualifier that it broadcasts rather than hides its savagery. Radical Palestinians brag that they love death more than Israel loves life. So they count on Israel giving up three convicted terrorists for one elderly or young captive, on targeting civilians with rockets while Israelis drop leaflets warning of their bombing attacks, on coercing human shields that they assume Israel will avoid, on sanctioning raping, mutilating, and beheading in a way Israel would never conceive of reciprocating in kind, and on and on. So will all these tactical and strategic methods work? For all the UN, media, and globalist support for Hamas, still perhaps not. October 7 was a declaration by Hamas that all barbarity imaginable was now fair game. Yet its sheer evil has unleashed the IDF that perhaps not even Joe Biden, hostages, and “world opinion” can permanently stop. For all the boasts about loving death, it was Hamas who cowardly murdered the unarmed, scampered back to the safety of their tunnels, and used their own kindred Gazans to shield them from death—delivered to them by supposed nerds who love life too much. Europeans also have had it with unlimited immigration from the Middle East. Restrictionist politicians throughout Europe are ascending as never before, in Greece, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Holland, Spain, and Sweden. They all reflect growing public anger that Europeans are hated by the very people who seek them out and wish to destroy their Enlightenment institutions by manipulating and discrediting them. The thousands who hit the streets to cheer on October 7 and damn their hosts only confirm a growing global consensus—in the West, Latin America, Asia, and even throughout the Middle East—that admitting migrants from Palestine or Gaza, or their supporters, is a veritable death wish. Pro-Hamas protestors calling Joe Biden “Genocide Joe” and boasting about the Arab or Muslim vote in Michigan is incoherent. Not only do harassing Thanksgiving shoppers and parades, disrupting iconic American holidays and events, swarming highways and bridges, and preying on Jews alienate Americans. But also taking credit for ensuring Biden’s defeat will only distance the Democratic establishment, such as it is, from its embarrassing, loud, but ultimately relatively impotent Islamic constituency. Shouting for mass death “From the River to the Sea” does not endear the pro-Hamas crowd to half of their fellow Democrats, much less unabashedly strutting their anti-Semitism. The current overt support for Hamas, in other words, has revealed to the nation the bankruptcy of the entire pro-Hamas/DEI base of the Democratic Party and will do much to ensure a conservative president in 2024. And that president will likely deport anyone on a green card or student visa promoting Hamas terrorism, or violating U.S. law while ensuring a travel ban from terrorist supporting regimes in the Middle East. Such measures will win overwhelming public support, despite media and academic outrage. Strategically, Iran, Hamas, and the Palestinians may seem to have flummoxed Israel into endless concessions by metering out hostages for serial pauses. But again, no Israeli government can retain power by allowing the mass murdering Hamas to survive and so it will not. Despite all the blood-curdling rhetoric of Hezbollah and Iran, neither will attack Israel or U.S. assets in force, given no American president could afford not to retaliate disproportionately. And “disproportionately” would mean rendering Iran’s military and Hezbollah to something akin to the current status of Hamas. So for now, Hamas and its American-residing apologists are full of themselves and feel they are leveraging and manipulating the West. But such haughtiness may be a delusion. Hamas in the Middle East and its enablers in Europe and America have done more to harm the Palestinian cause and the idea of Middle Eastern immigration to the West than at any time since 9/11. It is hard to anger Westerners but continue the death chants, the violent demonstrations, the creepy anti-Semitism, and the proud support for the Hamas bloodwork of October 7, and they will be surprised at the growing anger of otherwise postmodern Europeans and distracted Americans. Just as Israel realizes that there is no living with Hamas killers, so the West is learning that it can no longer sustain universities that despise the culture that nourishes it or Middle Eastern immigrants, visiting students, and residents that use the gift of freedom and tolerance to promote their abhorrent anti-Semitism, violence, intolerance—and, yes, hatred of their generous hosts. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
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