Sunday, August 6, 2023

Jordan Transition Coming. Disrupter Companies And Accelerated Returns The Future Trends?

I recently wrote, when the current leader of Jordan retires this new leader is going to succeed him and the relationship between Jordan's Palestinian population is going to radically change in terms of their relationship with Israel.


Will Abortion Politics Upend the Republican Presidential Primary?

By Rebecca Downs


Innovative technology and it's adoption is growing exponentially. It is difficult but critical for humans to recognize and embrace this phenomenon. Because of the law of critical return the same goes for wealth. Furthermore, more wealth is being created per employee. For instance, Snap Chat replaced Eastman Kodak etc.

Disrupter companies are the future and their stocks are the wave of this future for wealth accumulation. However, there are risks because of the rapidity of change. The key disrupter companies are creating accelerating trends and phenomenal opportunities.


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