Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Breaking News. Biden Revealed. My Predictions AI/Productivity. Biden Vs. Trump.. 5 Must Do's. Prager. Biden All Wet.



The special counsel obtained a search warrant in January for Donald Trump’s Twitter account as part of the election interference investigation.

The court papers, which emerged from an appeal by Twitter challenging the judge’s decision to issue the warrant, did not reveal what prosecutors were looking for in Mr. Trump’s Twitter account.

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I am not gloating but most everything I feared has either happened or has begun to occur. One of the most ominous is interest on the federal debt is now 15% of federal income.

The Mexican War Lords are getting bolder and their impact on our society will only grow.

Biden swore to defend our nation from enemies within and without and if he cared about his oath he would employ our military and do Mexico and our nation a favor by ridding us of this scourge.

However, he would rather open our borders believing illegal entrants will vote for Democrats etc.

The man's personal history reveals he is a born liar, has few if any moral scruples and should never have been elected president.


Hoover Daily:

AI And The Productivity Imperative
by Michael Spence via Project Syndicate

As it stands, the global economic outlook for the next decade appears grim. But a broad-based surge in productivity – fueled by the targeted development and application of generative artificial intelligence – could substantially change this picture.
If the 2024 election actually comes down to two candidates that have high negatives then between Biden and trump I will vote for Trump and hope he will not spend the next four years being a peacock.  A vote for Biden would be a vote for a crook and this I will not do.

I realize voting for nominating Desantis is probably a losing one but, in my opinion, his achievements, as governor, are outstanding. Scott as his VP would make a solid team but I doubt that will happen either.

As a minimum the five things any incoming president must do are:

1) balance the budget
2) Strenghten the military
3) restart energy development
4) close our border and wipe the Mexican Cartels off the face of the map.
5) End all support of woke nonsense including attacking police, parents and DA's who uphold established laws; this also includes firing the head of the FBI and the current ATTY Gen. among other senior agency heads of the Biden Administration.
Biden went on the Weather Channel for his news interview and he was all wet.  Everything he said turned out to be a lie.

I went to the gym today and for some reason I could not do this.



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