Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Biden Slays Mouse. K On Drugs? Biden's History. Democrats Must Be Crushed. The Nation's Needs Must Come First.

Biden's inflation kills mouse

Was she on drugs? Was computer purposefully slowed? Either way, what is her message?
The various law suits brought against Trump are intended to accomplish through the courts what Democrats were unable to achieve through impeachment. Second, because they are brought for the purpose of disrupting Trump's preparation running for the 2024 election, it is obvious these gum shoe prosecutors are depriving him of his rightful due process.  SCOTUS should stop it. Third, what Trump is accused of is his legal thoughts pertaining to his right to question because he believed there was fraud in the election and that  is not unlawful.
Meanwhile, Biden's Atty Gen. and The FBI have done everything in their power to slow walk various opposition law suits, prevent opponents from investigation, questioning witnesses  etc. 

Furthermore, Jack Smith consistently stretches the law and should be fired as a federal attorney. 

As for Trump, he was an outsider and these indictments smack of payback by  elites' who feared he was capable of taking away their power.

As each deceitful charge is brought, Trump's popularity rises. I assume, among conservatives, because they realize it is simply a lot of piling on by deranged Democrat prosecutors.
Meanwhile, China loves to trick the world and in the process they defraud their own.

Vietnam War relief package – Verified on Google


In 1975, President Ford was left to manage the difficult ending of the Vietnam War. President Ford went to Congress for a relief package to allow American personnel and our allies to evacuate. However, there was ONE US SENATOR who opposed any such support. The result was the embarrassing and hurried evacuation from the roof of the American embassy in Saigon

  This senator reveled in the embarrassment and did everything he could to leverage it politically against Ford.  Despite the efforts of this U.S. Senator--President Ford managed to  rescue 1,500 South Vietnamese allies prior to the country's fall. Had President Ford not acted quickly, these people would have been  targeted and slaughtered for their support for America . When they arrived in America , President Ford asked Congress for a package to assist these refugees to integrate into American society.

That SAME troublesome SENATOR TORPEDOED ANY SUPPORT for these shell shocked, anti-communist, Americans and our helpers, the refugees.

Instead, President Ford had to recruit Christian organizations to offer assistance on a voluntary basis.   As he did so, the Senator belittled those efforts.   What kind of person would oppose President Ford's tireless work to do the right and humanitarian thing?   Who would want to play politics with the well-being of innocent people who stood by America in the tragic Vietnam War?


From the book - "When the Center Held." by Donald Rumsfeld  in 2018.(biography)
In the 2024 Election, the Democrat Party must be totally destroyed if our republic is to survive and "we the  people" remain free.  The elitists and radical progressives must be sent a clear and un-mistakeable message they have gone too far. 

Their disregard of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and their weaponization of the law, court system and politics must be brought to an entire standstill. The Office of The President's use of executive subversion must end and the legislative process must be restored. Congress must restore its authority and attacks on The SCOTUS and Justices must also end.

The vote must give overwhelming authority to The GOP so they can rule and demonstrate they can address many of the pressing problems staring America in the face and tearing at the nation's fabric. 

If the GOP cannot prove to voters they are worthy of the opportunity then they too must be routed out of office.  

Our deficit is crippling, SS and Medicare are heading for bankruptcy and our military must be strengthened. Time is short, the demands are critical and must be addressed.

The nation's needs must finally come first.  Party loyalty must be put aside.


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