Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I No Longer Recognize Our Republic And What Democrats Are Doing To America. No April 1st, Joke!

Makes you wonder if the CIA is actually working for us -- or themselves based on their political preference!

I have posted this before but believe it is relevant because of what is going on at Disney.

The "WOKE" attack on Disney and the caving by Disney's Chairman has three aspects to it.

The first aspect has to do with corporate executive's inability to stand up against shakedowns. Disney's Chairman chose to join the ranks of Coke and Delta's top executives.  It is no mistake American Icon Corporations  are in the sights of radical "Wokers." It fits hands in glove with CRT attacks.  The more radicals can attack America as a racist nation or an unwelcoming nation when it comes to diversity the more it weakens our nation.

The second aspect is a purposeful attack on Gov. De Santis by distorting the nature of he legislation he supported because Democrats fear him as a potential presidential candidate considering the amazing governor he has been and job he has accomplished.  

The third aspect has to do with causing increased discord between segments of our population and particularly within the ranks of our military units.

If Disney is so concerned with the issue of LGBT why has the Chairman spoken about China?  Is it possible the money Disney makes from being in China has silenced his morality?

One of my conservative black friends has chosen to reveal more evidence the hypocrisy of Democrats


Star Parker Headshot

Democrats Spend Low-Income Americans Into Poverty

I have been writing for years about how progressive policies championed by the Democratic Party and served up under the guise of caring about low-income Americans wind up hurting these very communities.

The latest chapter in this saga is the newly unleashed round of inflation, the worst our country has seen in 40 years.

Two important points here are that first, we can lay responsibility for this inflation directly at the doorstep of the Biden administration, and second, those being hurt most by this inflation are the very low-income Americans that this administration claims to care so much about.
In a previous memo I suggested the Biden family may be one of the most corrupt ever to engage in American politics. I forgot The Clintons rank pretty high but their family numbers are smaller.
One last matter about how Pelosi and her radical Democrats have turned our government into one aligned with Russia's Gulag approach. 

Those accused of attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6, are still being held in jail pending either trials or formal accusations.  More recently one who did nothing, was basically exonerated, was still  continuously harassed and committed suicide because of the effort to elongate a sentence that should never have been imposed except for political reasons.

Government intolerance has been exacerbated by Democrat accusations calling for Justice Thomas' resigning because of attributing his wife's comments to him. 

I no longer recognize our country and what the Democrat Party has done to it and how it has sought to undo the Constitution's mandate.

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