Wednesday, March 16, 2022

EMET Reveals. WW 3, China Vs America In Ukraine. Supply Demand. White Shoe anti-Semitic State Dept. Flying.



Dear friend of EMET,

Last week, Gabriel Noronha, a heroic former State Department on the Iran desk, published an earth-shattering tweet. He wrote, “my former colleagues from the United States Department of State, the National Security Council and the European Union were so concerned with the concessions being made by Robert Malley [during the Iran negotiations] in Vienna, that they allowed me to publish the details in the hope that Congress will act to stop the concessions.” 

This is why EMET is here. We have spent countless hours educating policymakers and their staffers on Capitol Hill about the details of what is about to be negotiated away to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Prior to our meetings, many staffers were focused solely on Ukraine, and were totally oblivious to the details of what, if agreed upon, would constitute an almost irreversible assault on the national security interests of the United States, our Sunni, Gulf allies, and Israel. 

What came out was appalling. Mr. Noronha wrote that one former colleague warned him, “What’s happening in Vienna is nothing short of a disaster. The entire negotiations have been filtered and essentially run by Russian diplomat, Mikhail Ulyanov.” 

It has become abundantly clear through Russia’s war on Ukraine (which they have been warning of for months), that Russia is not on our side. Putin has threatened the United States if we get involved in the war in Ukraine regarding what might happen to our military convoys if we transfer weapons to Ukraine. 

As you know, the United States was not even allowed in the negotiating room. To have a sworn enemy of the United States be our water carrier in these delicate negotiations would be risible if it were not so tragic.

A viral video shows Ulyanov gloating about his wins for the Islamic Republic, saying “Iranian clerics are fighting for Iranian nuclear, national interests like lions.” (His emphasis.)  “They fight for every comma, every word, and as a rule, quite successfully...I am absolutely sincere in this regard. Iran got much more than it could expect, much more….Our Chinese friends were also very efficient and useful as co- negotiators. We could rely on each other on many, many points.” 

Here are two sworn enemies of the United States serving as our water carriers in very delicate negotiations. 

And what exactly might be negotiated away?  

The US will lift sanctions against 112 of the world’s worst terrorists and human rights abusers, including Brig. Gen. Hussein Deghan of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), who was responsible for the 1983 Hezbollah bombing of Beirut, killing 241 American service members while they were asleep in their barracks.   

Sanctions would be lifted as well on Mohsen Rezaei and Ali Abkhar Veleyati who were responsible for planning Hezbollah’s 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 85 civilians and maiming hundreds of others. Also lifted would be the sanctions against Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, “the butcher of Tehran,” who presided over sham trials of over 5,000 dissidents that, according to Noronha “typically lasted only a few minutes before the guilty verdict was delivered.”   

Sanctions would be further lifted on Ahmad Jannati, a cleric described by Noronha as “pure evil,” and “routinely pushing the regime to kill protesters.” Jannati admitted that, when told that a prison in the Khuzestan province was getting overcrowded, he “volunteered to go serve there as a judge.” Both he and Raisi are responsible for the blood of thousands of dissidents and LGBT people.  

Noronha also revealed that there will be a $7 billion signing bonus for Iran from assets in South Korea, they will reportedly receive an additional $90 to $100 billion.  

None of this money will trickle down to the people. It will pay the salaries of Iran’s terrorist proxies around the globe and toward their missile development and their nuclear program. 

When Secretary of State Antony Blinken sat before the Senate for his confirmation hearings, he promised “a longer, stronger deal.” What we have gotten is a shorter and weaker deal with tremendous concessions just to have Iran sign. 

There is absolutely no attempt to address Iran’s malign behavior throughout the region and the globe, the sunset clauses (one of which has already passed last October), or its missile development program. 

When we meet with Congressional staffers, we explain that past performance is the best predictor of future behavior. Iran has tried to deceive the IAEA nuclear inspectors countless times, and although they committed to only enrich uranium to 3.65% purity, they already have two tons at 60%, which is an easy stretch to 90%, the level necessary for a nuclear bomb. 

These points have all been cited extensively as fatal flaws of the 2015 JCPOA. 

And today, news broke that Russia received written assurances from the United States regarding its ability to trade with Iran and resume the nuclear talks. This came out the same day we are threatening China not to deal with Russia in an attempt to isolate Russia over its horrific war on Ukraine. 

We have asked our congressional contacts to be sure and abide by both the letter and spirit of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, an act of federal law that stipulates that any agreement made with Iran must be submitted to Congress for a full and open public debate within five days. 

Countless staffers and members of Congress from both sides of the aisle have sincerely thanked my colleagues and me for our exhaustive knowledge of the issues and details of the deal of which they had been unaware. 

 Since we have begun our work, 49 Republican senators sent a letter to President Biden saying they would not support such an agreement. Last week, 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans also sent a joint letter to the president, saying that they could not support such a deal. 

On Wednesday night, Jews will celebrate Purim, which commemorates our survival in ancient Persia in light of plans to destroy the Jewish people. We all know that modern-day Iran is hard at work trying to destroy the modern-day Jewish state. 

It is “for such a time as this” that EMET is here. Please support the tireless work of EMET to the very best of your ability. 

Thank you very much. 

Warmest regards, 

Sarah Stern 


World War III is here and it’s America vs. China in Ukraine

by Brandon Webb

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has kicked off a proxy war that has western ideologies of the US, Europe, and the UK, battling authoritarian ideologies of Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China.

Putin sees weak political leadership in America, and it’s not just Biden. Democracies are always at a functional disadvantage against authoritarian states initially because dictatorships act on the authority of a single ruler while democracies dither and debate. Like a good chess player who sees weakness on the board and an opening for an attack, Putin took it.

 President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin participated in a tete-a-tete during a U.S.-Russia Summit on June 16, 2021, at the Villa La Grange in Geneva. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

World War III is here, but nobody wants to admit it. It’s a war of sanctions, military hardware, defense tech, and cyber warfare on top of a very conventional war being fought on the ground and mostly uncontested air to ground.

While it’s clear Ukraine’s calls for a no-fly zone point out a major weakness for air superiority, this air war will mostly end when Russian troops become commingled with the fierce population of Ukraine, and missions by the Russian air force would be just as likely to hit their own troops as the Ukrainians.

Why is it WWIII?

Let me explain.

China will likely send weapons to Russia at Putin’s request to sustain his war effort, just as he has drawn on Syrian and Chechens as well. No doubt China also has military observers with the Russian army to observe and report back to Beijing on what is happening on the ground in terms of weapons effectiveness, logistical problems, and tactics.  China’s military is patterned after Russia’s in force structure and this war in Ukraine will teach them many things.

On the flip side.

America’s spy agency is surely involved as is their clandestine Special Ops units, and possibly Army Special Forces advisors.

Both the EU and the US are sending massive amounts of weapons and, along with the UK, have installed harsh economic sanctions against Russians, not just the Billionaire Oligarchs. This has resulted in the collapse of the Ruble and the inability for people to transact with Visa or Mastercard and many banking systems.

Over 2 million Ukrainian refugees have spilled into the countries of Europe, and Russia also sees its own population flee to Turkey, Georgia, and other states with open borders.

 Ukrainian refugees crossing into Poland (, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

It’s been crippling to everyone inside and outside of Russia, and the one thing nobody is talking about is who benefits. I’ll give you a clue, and it rhymes with China.

The Chinese can now push their own Pharma (e.g., cancer drugs have stopped flowing into the country from the West), banking services, and more on Russia who are forced to replace western companies who vanished in the night.

China also benefits from the distraction this war creates for its own objectives in Taiwan. This is a great experiment for them, and they will come out stronger regardless of the outcome as they did with COVID.

China and Russia are allies wary of each other too, neither one will want to take a backseat to the other and there are places in Europe where their interests can and do conflict.  Hard as it may be to believe, China may be hoping to see Russia fail in Ukraine because diminished prestige for Russia enhances China’s standing as well. Don’t be surprised to see Beijing try to step in at some point to try and broker a peace deal to raise their profile on the international stage.

On a strange side note, I was personally involved in a high level conversation with Hollywood execs when they asked for a plot change in a fictional tv series to replace a Middle Eastern protagonist. I said, “Easy, just sub in China.”

The response shook me to the core.

“We can’t do that, there’s too much Chinese money tied up in American studios, anything anti-China would be financial suicide.”

Let that sink in for a bit while your kids give up all their personal data on TikTok to Xi Jinping.

 Russian President Vladimir Putin with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping during a tour of the Moscow Kremlin, 2019. (, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The World is a battlefield. All countries on the globe will feel the aftershock of Putin’s invasion for years, and most major western powers are pitted against Russia, China, and Iran. Whether we want to admit it or not, this is what World War III looks like in 2022.

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Brandon(@brandontwebb) is a combat–decorated Navy SEAL turned entrepreneur. As a U.S. Navy Chief he was head instructor at the Navy SEAL sniper school, which produced some of America’s most legendary snipers. Webb is a multiple New York Times bestselling author, avid pilot, whisky drinker, and founder of SOFREP. He served with SEAL Team 3, Naval Special Warfare Group One Training Detachment (sniper cell) and the

Bill interviews an economist who believes Biden does not understand these simple explanations as relate to supply demand forces.
Our white shoe anti-Semitic State Department continues to spend tax payer money on anti-Israeli information:

ZOA Appalled: Demands Cancelling State Dept. Grants of $1 Million to Demonize Israel

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Government Relations Dan Pollak released the following statement:

The ZOA strongly condemns and is appalled by the Biden administration's grant to pay NGOs to demonize Israel and to provide "accountability" for "atrocities." According to a grant notice posted in February, $987,654 is to be supplied to an NGO by the Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) to charge Israel with human rights abuses in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. This is the same State Department bureau which is to be headed by Sarah Margon, an anti-Israel activist and former executive with the outrageously biased Soros-funded Human Rights Watch (see Zionist Organization of America | Biden Appointments Watch - Zionist Organization of America ( The grant proposal is proof that even before Margon is confirmed, there are major issues in the Biden administration with vicious anti-Israel animus.

The actual grant notice published by the Department of State has disgraceful content. It includes a "focus on [...] survivors of atrocities." The only atrocities the United States government has ever documented are terrorist attacks on Jewish civilians and human rights violations by the terrorist dictatorship Palestinian Authority which pays Arabs to murder Jews. The grants are supposed to be 'locally led,' which is Washington-speak for affiliated with radical elements in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Israel recently took action against six NGOs with direct links to terror organizations, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said:

"One million dollars of taxpayer money for anti-Israel propaganda is outrageous, but this is unfortunately typical of the policies inside the Biden Administration. ZOA has documented the numerous Biden nominees and appointees who are overtly hostile to Israel in the Department of State, USAID, and frankly throughout the executive branch of government. Once the anti-Israel NGO produces a report funded by this grant, it will be used as supposed justification for BDS and other measures against Israel from the Europeans and at the UN. Congress did not intend for any funds to be used in this way. A robust Congressional reaction is required to cancel this program and investigate the administration officials who are responsible for this U.S. government antisemitism.

“Why is nominee for U.S. antisemitism watchdog, Deborah Lipstadt, deafeningly silent. Yet when the great Ambassador David Friedman was nominated for the U.S. Ambassadorship to Israel, Lipstadt was screaming against this exceptional Zionist’s confirmation, while she was defending the extremist anti-Israel New Israel Fund.

"These payments are symptomatic of the larger problem with administration policy towards funding the anti-peace Palestinian Arab regime, and violating the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits such funding. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being sent directly and indirectly to the corrupt terrorist dictatorship of the Palestinian Authority, which continues to pay terrorists generous lifetime pensions to murder Jews with fungible monies supplied by European and American governments. This must stop. Representatives Pelosi and Hoyer, and Senator Schumer and others, must speak out forcefully and relentlessly. Jewish and Christian leaders must speak out immediately. Senator Ted Cruz said of this policy simply and powerfully: ‘This is a disgrace.’”

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