Sunday, March 27, 2022

Israel Hosts Key Summit While Biden Continues To Destroy Relationships And Makes A Fool Of Himself. Just Another Day In The White House.

Kamala Proves the Peter Principle

Most of my life, I assumed that we elected serious politicians and appointed competent people to deal with the country’s complex problems -- the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, the economy, immigration, terrorism, foreign policy, natural disasters, etc. -- major problems that required competent people, serious about addressing (and fixing) the issues.
That was then, this is now. America is no longer a serious country, and the West is not a serious culture. Proof of how far we’ve fallen -- boys claim they’re girls, girls claim they’re boys and we must accept the new biology or be cancelled; racism is openly taught in public schools under the lie called Critical Race Theory (thank you, teachers unions); schoolchildren are taught to hate the country’s very founding claiming more racism; the military is focused on white rage (not defeating our enemies); and we installed an imbecile (as president) who mumbles the words his handlers put on the teleprompter. Vice President (VP) Kamala Harris is further proof that, as a nation, we’re unserious.
Watching Kamala, Biden, Tony Blinken, Pete Buttigieg, etc. it’s obvious that the Peter Principle is at work. The Peter Principle says that people rise to the level of their incompetence. During Obama’s presidency, everyone joked that he selected Biden for VP because Biden’s incompetency insured that Obama would never be impeached. Yes, Obama was bad, but Biden would be worse. Now that Biden’s the president, that joke was 100% correct. Sadly, he’s multiple times worse than anyone imagined. Biden has more failures in one year than most presidents have in a lifetime – the Afghanistan debacle and surrender, huge crime spikes due to Democrat “defund the police” insanity, actively working to destroy the petroleum industry while supporting Russia’s, soaring inflation, open support and deference to China, and his weakness being directly responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine -- to name just a few epic failures. As bad as Biden is as president, it’s obvious he selected Harris for the same reason that Obama selected him -- to insure he’s never removed from office. If you think things can’t possibly get worse, just look at Harris and you instantly realize – yes, they can. She would be multiple times worse than Joe.
It’s difficult to believe that Biden could find someone less competent than himself, but he did. Among the vast numbers of very unintelligent politicians, VP Kamala is perhaps the least competent and least intelligent of them all. Her diminished mental acuity is Biden’s insurance against replacing him. Kamala’s incoherent statements are legendary. Following are some examples:
She told us her pronouns are “she, her, and hers.” What should a woman’s pronouns be? Oh, that’s right, in Democrat world, boys can be girls and vice versa. Only Dems and Leftist understand such nonsense.
Months after Kamala was appointed the immigration/border security czar, she was challenged why she had not visited the Mexican border. Her snarky response, “and I haven’t been to Europe either.” Say what?
January 2022, Harris was asked if it’s time to change COVID strategy. Kamala responded, “It’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things available to us.” I have no clue what she said. Unfortunately, neither does she. 
Last month, at a NATO conference held to discuss Russia’s massed troops threatening to invade Ukraine, Kamala made the following comment, “Perhaps this is a moment, as life presents us with these moments, that challenge us to ask what is our reason for being? I think we all know the history of NATO and its reason for being. The spirit behind this term we use “the transatlantic community”, the word community meaning a collection, not a collection of individuals who see themselves as a collection, than as one.” Despite such incoherent babble, Putin invaded Ukraine two days later.   
When NBC asked her about sanctions on Russia’s oil industry, Harris said, “As it relates to what we need to do domestically as well as what we need to do in terms of this issue generally, we have, as the president said, reevaluated what we’re doing”
Finally, further proof that Biden is not serious, he appointed Kamala as point person on Ukraine. Why not Biden, you ask? Good question, but he goes home to Delaware most weekends; perhaps that’s why he delegates war and Ukraine to Kamala. To demonstrate her superior knowledge on Europe (she’s now been once), a radio show asked her to explain the Ukraine situation to its audience. Harris said, “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically that’s wrong.”
Yes, those were her words. Her condescending answers tell us everything about her. She belittles the audience. She can’t talk normally to people because she thinks we’re too dumb to understand the situation. Then again, who’s surprised? Our elite leftists (Hillary, Obama, NY Times readers, academics, Hollywood, the media, etc.) think we’re beneath them because we haven’t been educated at Harvard or Yale. They demand we defer to their superior education to save us uneducated bumpkins out here in places like rural Georgia. With Kamala, Biden, and his entire administration, the Peter Principle is alive and well. Between Biden’s and Harris’ constant idiotic statements, it’s almost impossible to quantify which one is the least capable.

However, we still have three more years for one or the other to rise (or fall) to their ultimate level of incompetence.
Image: National Archives

Some Israeli straight talk:

Weekly Commentary: Mr. Blinken Don't Be A Condescending Jerk
Dr. Aaron Lerner March 25, 2022

Mr. Blinken, don't be a condescending jerk.

Pretty extreme words but well earned.

Condescending because he joins his equally condescending jerk, Ambassador
Nides, in telling us what to do in Israeli Palestinian relations based on
the presumption that he knows so so much better than we do as to both what
our interests are and what is realistically viable.

When we meet with someone who talks on and on about the "two state solution"
with a sovereign Palestinian state we smile and politely decline to explain
why they are clueless ideologues.

Basically we relate to this talk as we would to someone talking about their
odd religious beliefs or a child discussing the tooth they left for the
Tooth Fairy under their pillow.

If this did not impinge on policy it wouldn't matter.

But your State Department is now offering almost a million dollars to NGOs
to engage in lawfare against us.

And you are planning to push us to forfeit any semblance of rights on the
Temple Mount - for the period of Ramadan and onwards (after Ramadan arguing
that resumption of Jewish visits would only make trouble).

And to make many other concessions.

These are magnitudes less in importance than your efforts to screw us and
our Sunni allies with the deal with Iran.

Nor, for that matter, the disturbing remark by CENTCOM Commander Gen. Frank
McKenzie that while "Iran [is] dedicated to the destruction of Israel" that
"I worry about exchanges between Iran and Israel because many times, our
forces are at risk". As if we should not act against a country dedicated to
destroying us?

We are not alone in being subject to this condescending jerk approach. The
Saudis have suffered from being subject to an incredibly selective moral
standard exploited to raise into question the American supply of critical
equipment along with an American refusal to recognize the Houthis for the
terrorists that they are. This as the Houthis engage in round after round
of attacks against Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Blinken, we are on the right side of history. Get on the right side of history.

Biden's White House in disarray? When Trump was firing and hiring the mass media were all over the story.  Now, not a peep from them because it is Biden who is having staff  issues

Biden Threatened To Fire Harris’ Staffers


( A forthcoming book, co-authored by two New York Times writers, Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns, peels back the curtain and gives a glimpse of the ongoing drama in the Biden white house.

Titled “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future,” it paints a picture of a White House that is more fraught with tension than they allow revealed in public.

Kamala Harris has been beaten up in the polls, her approval ratings in the dumper, and according to the book, the president threatened to can anyone that was caught leaking any stories that spoke ill about the beleaguered vice president.

Biden was on high alert, as alert as he can be, after stories began cropping up last June that Harris staffers were dissatisfied. The president gathered senior staff into the Oval Office and informed them, in very harsh tones, that if “he found that any of them was stirring up negative stories about the vice president, they would quickly be former staff!”

The first year of the Biden/Harris regime was seething with leaks that the Harris’ staff was miserable. What followed was a ceaseless run of resignations from the vice president’s office as staffers and aides ran for the hills.

Notable departures included:

-Communications director Ashley Etienne

-Press secretary Symone Sanders

-Director of press operations Peter Velz

Coupled with reports of exasperation between Harris’ office and Biden’s and Harris’ lagging approval ratings, the white house is in turmoil.

The exits continued into 2022. In January, Vincent Evans, who served as the vice president’s deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental vice president’s office, high-tailed it.

According to authors Martin and Burns, Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s communications director, grew weary of the criticism that Biden could not control Harris

and was mismanaging her. She would have none of it; Bedingfield put the blame squarely on Harris, herself.

The book also notes that “In private, Bedingfield had taken to noting that the vice presidency was not the first time in Harris’s political career that she had fallen short of sky-high expectations: Her Senate office had been messy, and her presidential campaign had been a fiasco. Perhaps, she suggested, the problem was not the vice president’s staff.”

Bedingfield has denied the claims made in the book.

“The fact that no one working on this book bothered to call to fact check this unattributed claim tells you what you need to know,” she informed Politico.

“Vice President Harris is a force in this administration, and I have the utmost respect for the work she does every day to move the country forward.”

Damage control by a damaged White House?

Amazing how years of building coalitions can end so quickly when  an idiot is in charge:

America is dismantling the pillars of its own empire - Saudi editor
Ex-editor of Al Arabiya English writes that America is failing the region and siding with Iran while dismantling the last 70 years of regional order.

The Saudi-US relationship is in the throes of a crisis. As a Saudi who went to college in the US, loves America and wants to see it strong, I am increasingly disturbed by the unreality of the American discussion about the subject, which often fails to acknowledge just how deep and serious the rift has grown.

A more realistic discussion should focus on one word: “Divorce.”  When President Barack Obama negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, we Saudis understood him to be seeking the breakup of a 70-year marriage.

How could we not?  After all, the flaws in the deal are well known. It paves a path for Iran to a nuclear bomb. It fills the war chest of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has spread militias across the Arab world armed with precision-guided munitions to maim and kill people who formerly looked to America to help guarantee their safety. 

This past weekend, Secretary of State Antony Blinken joined a conference in the Negev, hosted by Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and attended by a number of Arab foreign ministers. Blinken used this occasion to paper over the rift that the nuclear deal has created by presenting an image of regional solidarity, but the region is not deceived.

Sold disingenuously to the American public as an arms control agreement, the deal is an assault on the regional order that the United States established in the aftermath of World War II. Explicitly hostile to Saudi Arabia, to say nothing of America’s other greatest ally in the region, Israel, the deal replaces the former American-led regional security structure with a concert system in which Iran, backed by Russia and China, become America’s new subcontractors while America’s former allies—the Gulf States and Israel— are demoted to second-tier status. 

Most importantly, to its authors, the deal takes the United States out of the business of containing Iran, which in response has further ramped up its attacks on regional peace and stability.

Last Friday, as Blinken prepared for his trip to at David Ben Gurion’s old kibbutz of Sde Boker, the Iranian-backed Houthi militia launched a rocket attack against Aramco in Jeddah. This attack was only the latest in a long series of brazen attacks that Iran has conducted, either directly from its own soil or indirectly through proxies.

During the Obama and Biden administrations, Iran’s aggressions have been met with American calls for “de-escalation” and frequent blaming of the Kingdom for a conflict we did not seek with terrorists on our borders backed by Iran — a foreign power which the Biden administration is promising to enrich with hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief. Russia will also get a cut, which will no doubt go towards funding its war in Ukraine. 

It was not that long ago that the United States presented itself to its allies as their shield against all actors who sought regional hegemony. The watchword of the alliance was collective defense. 

The pretense of “balance” put forward by Obama to justify the deal never made much rational sense. After all, if a friend promises to “balance” your needs with the needs of your enemies, it seems fair to conclude that he is no longer very interested in being your friend.

Instead of friendship, America seems more inclined to use its old friends as human shields for Iran. Earlier this month, when Iran conducted a ballistic missile strike near the US consulate in Erbil, Iraq, it falsely claimed to be targeting an Israeli facility. A senior Biden official then confirmed the Iranian claim. While other officials later denied it, the damage was done. An American official had assisted Iran in getting the most out of its propaganda by action.

For Arab states in the region, and especially for Saudi Arabia, this weird spectacle was an edifying one. If the Americans won’t side with Israel against Iran, what’s the chance they will side with us?

It was not that long ago that the United States presented itself to its allies as their shield against all actors who sought regional hegemony. The watchword of the alliance was collective defense. 

These days, the United States depicts military deterrence against Iran as a slippery slope to war—on behalf of “ungrateful allies.”  While this attitude is most prevalent among Democrats, President Donald Trump also failed to help Riyadh deter Iran after the attack on the Abqaiq refinery in September of 2019. Combined with his statements of intention to leave the Middle East, this abandonment of deterrence made Saudis wonder if the Republicans, too, weren’t aiming for a divorce.

But it is the Biden administration’s determination to resurrect the Iran nuclear deal that has most convinced Saudis that America is determined to dismantle the regional order that it created, no matter what demons it may unleash.

Seemingly nothing will deflect the White House from its goal. During the negotiations in Vienna, attacks from Iran have grown ever more brazen. Not even an attack by Iranian proxies on American forces in the Tanf region of Syria and repeated attacks on the American embassy in Iraq have deflected Biden from his goal of delivering hundreds of billions of dollars to the IRGC.

The incoherence of this policy is stunning, as is the scale of the human and economic destruction it has already caused over the course of the past decade.

In Riyadh, it is not forgotten that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 was followed swiftly by the rise of a Russian-Iranian alliance in Syria that leveled most of the major cities of that country and awarded Moscow with a military base on the Eastern Mediterranean – cementing Russia’s first foothold in the Middle East since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

When the Saudis protested  Obama’s passivity, he told them they must “learn to share the region with Iran.”  And it is not lost on America’s regional allies now that, even as Biden asks Saudi Arabia to raise oil production to help support the campaign against Russia over Ukraine, he is granting sanctions waivers to Russia so that it can continue to guarantee the nuclear deal with Iran that it helped broker — in part by husbanding Iran’s uranium reserves and protecting its underground nuclear facilities filled with illegal centrifuges spinning material for weapons.  

Why should America’s regional allies help Washington contain Russia in Europe when Washington is strengthening Russia and Iran in the Middle East?

The guiding American assumption here, if there is one, is that the country’s old regional allies have little choice but to eat whatever is served to us for breakfast, and to eat it again for lunch. This  assumption is arrogant and false. 

While American policy is beset by baffling contradictions, Chinese policy is simple and straightforward. Beijing is offering Riyadh a simple deal: Sell us your oil and choose whatever military equipment you want from our catalogue; in return, help us to stabilize global energy markets. In other words, the Chinese are offering what increasingly appears modeled on the American-Saudi deal that stabilized the Middle East for 70 years.

What is not yet clear is whether the Chinese can be helpful in deterring Iran, or whether they share the American belief in “balance.” But Xi Jinping will visit Riyadh in May. It is a certainty that Saudi leaders will ask him if Iran’s rocketing of the oil facilities of the world’s most reliable oil producer is in the interest of China and, if not, can Beijing make stop?

The writer is a fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington D.C. and the former Editor in Chief of Al Arabiya English.
Hanson discusses sheer left madness:

The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left
Victor Davis Hanson 

— The Bridge on the River Kwai

With that exclamation, director David Lean ended his epic film about a dutiful but vainglorious British officer who sought to display to his Japanese captors superior British discipline and morale in a prisoner of war camp. As proof of British engineering superiority, he pursues his agendas by ordering his POWs to build for their Japanese captors a strategic bridge that otherwise they could not have built—only to try to destroy the efforts of fellow Allied soldiers sent to blow-up his masterpiece. For the delusional ideologue, reality must never intrude.

So it is now. When the rock of green and woke ideology hits the hard place of reality, sheer madness always results.

The world prices of oil and natural gas are skyrocketing. At the time of a major war in Ukraine, the Western democracies have framed the conflict as existential, with a Russia/Mordor on the attack against a declining West/Gondor. 

A subtext of the struggle is that the world’s illiberal regimes—fossil-fuel exporting Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and the various Middle Eastern autocracies—are getting richer by the day while destroying Mother Earth, as noble gas and oil importing green Western nations can scarcely afford to drive or heat their homes. 

Normally, the mad Left would not object terribly to the ensuing fuel price hikes. Remember, Joe Biden bragged on the campaign trail that he would end fossil fuels during his tenure. 

Obama’s soon-to-be Energy Secretary Steven Chu said during the 2008 campaign he wished to see American gas prices match those in Europe (i.e. $9-10 a gallon). And then President Obama himself did not disagree. He meekly added that such increases should be “gradual.” He had also warned that his cap-and-trade initiatives would necessarily “skyrocket” electricity prices—without suggesting that his off-guard brag was even a gaffe of unexpectedly telling the truth. 

So green orthodoxy dictates that the highest possible fossil fuel prices are good. Unaffordability will hasten the end of gas and oil, ensuring currently subsidized but uneconomical green energy as the only remaining alternative. 

But like most leftist top-down agendas, the details and consequences are usually hidden. After all, green wokeism usually exempts the lifestyles of its elite advocates. The Obamas currently are building a most un-green luxury Hawaiian beach mansion (their third such estate). And Al “Earth in the Balance” Gore got rich selling his failed cable outlet to a carbon-fueled Al Jazeera. 

Nonetheless exorbitant gas and heating prices are toxic politically to the middle class. Worse yet for the Left, we are currently in a Biden-created inflationary spiral, in the middle of a savage Ukrainian war, and facing a catastrophic Democratic wipeout in the upcoming November midterms. 

The result of green theory meeting cruel reality is sheer madness. As a good green, Joe Biden in one of his first acts sought to cancel the critical EastMed pipeline that is planned to feed over 10 billion cubic meters per year of natural gas into southern Europe. That clean burning fuel would enhance the suppliers, our allies Greece, Cyprus, and Israel. 

Yet Biden also dropped all sanctions against the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 pipeline, enriching Vladimir Putin with profits from global exports. Biden talked a good game, Corn Pop-style, to Putin—but acted in ways throughout 2021 that would appease Russia until it subsequently invaded Ukraine. 

What other than sheer madness is the logic of helping enemies like Putin and hurting our Mediterranean allies? 

When Biden entered office, the United States was the largest gas and oil producer in the world. Yet he immediately began jawboning the oil and gas industry about their fated doom on the horizon, pressuring lending agencies not to aid the American frackers, canceling pipelines, ending ANWR, and stopping all new federal gas and oil leases. 

So Biden achieved his goal of higher prices and less U.S. production. But now politics wars with green dogmatism. And madness once again ensues. As a result, Biden has variously in the past months begged, but been rebuffed by Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela to help out the Democratic cause by pumping their filthy, smelly, hot gas and oil, all of which we too have in abundance, but are too clean and too noble to tap. Finally, after trying to destroy the U.S. natural gas industry, he is on his knees begging it to export American supplies to fuel-starved green Europe—that has also mostly outlawed fracking.

Here in California, Governor Gavin Newsom has gone mad. He reigns over the most expensive gas and diesel prices in the history of the United States, at over $6 and $7 a gallon respectively in most parts of the state. 

Californians suffer under the highest gas taxes in the nation and are shutting down nuclear plants. They seek reductions in clean burning natural gas generators at a time of drought when hydroelectric production is constrained. 

So what does Newsom do? To fuel his state, and keep a shrinking middle class sustainable, does he tap California’s huge gas and oil reserves? They are the seventh largest of the 50 states and might bring down prices in a state that consumes more fossil fuels than any state but Texas.

No, that would be green heresy. So instead Newsom has proposed spending $11 billion in subsidies to drivers—at $400 per registered vehicle—so that the state’s drivers can buy more smelly, dirty gasoline and diesel fuel that they otherwise would not at the prohibitive, but secretly desirable, $6-7 a gallon price.

Post-reset Democratic orthodoxy now says Putin and the Russians are evil. That narrative fueled the Russian collusion hoax, the Alfa-Bank hoax, and the Hunter Biden Russian disinformation hoax. 

But what if sealing a new “Iran Deal” is critical before the midterms to show something—anything—of substance after a string of Biden foreign policy disasters? In other words, which agenda reveals the greatest clout: Biden’s demonization of Putin as a “killer,” “bully,” “war-criminal,” and “butcher” or positioning Putin as the suddenly needed Iranian Deal 2.0 fixer? 

That is a tough call between Joe’s foreign policy “accomplishments” and Putin slaughtering Ukrainians. But in the end, nonetheless, we have asked the Russians to adjudicate a new Iran deal that almost certainly will pave the way to an Iranian-fossil-fueled nuke. 

Remember that Obama in 2012 invited the Russians into the Middle East after a 40-year hiatus. Biden will trump that disaster by ensuring Putin becomes the nuclear protector of the old Obama vision of a Persian-Iran-Shiite-Syrian-Lebanon-Hezbollah-Axis from Tehran to the Mediterranean—likely to be protected by nuclear Russia as an apparent counterweight to U.S. allies in the Gulf and Israel.

Enraging Contradictions 
The southern border since late January 2021, for all intents and purposes, has ceased to exist. That is unless we are talking about Cuban and Russian refugees who seem to the Left to be too politically independent to embrace as victim constituents needing left-wing permanent government patronage. 

Yet the midterms loom. One of the most unpopular of Joe Biden’s initiatives is his welcoming of nearly 2 million impoverished, unvaccinated, unaudited, and untested illegal immigrants to cross the southern border. By any fair measure, Biden deliberately violated his oath of office by failing to enforce U.S. immigration laws. Political agendas outweighed his own promises to uphold the sanctity of federal law.

Yet he fears polls. Of all the Biden failures, the southern border and illegal immigration seem to infuriate Americans of all persuasions the most. 

So what to do? Spring is here. Warmer weather ushers in a huge new influx. Over 140,000 illegal immigrants entered in a cold February alone—at an annualized rate of nearly 1.7 million that will likely soar even higher over the summer.

The collapsing world economy and stagflation will send record numbers northward. They will simply walk illegally into U.S. sovereign territory anywhere the detested Trump wall remains (intentionally) unfinished. 

Homeland “Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has shackled the border patrol and destroyed its morale, turning a once effective border deterrence force into agents of their own humiliation as they watch thousands simply walk past them. 

Adding insult to injury, Biden—in the fashion of his rush-to-judgment support of the faker Jussie Smollett—was quick to condemn his own federal employees as mounted criminals who “whipped” illegal aliens from their horses. 

There was clear evidence that the agents were trying to block entry, did not whip any illegal alien, and were using long reins to maneuver panicking horses. No matter: Biden shot off the cuff with, “I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.”

Mayorkas then piled on against “those people” as weaponizing their horses.

So how is that circle squared? On the one hand, Biden must encourage more illegal aliens from the south, but he also must alter the optics of such a summertime flood of illegal immigrants on the eve of the midterms. 

Or in starker terms, how does one galvanize a border patrol that the president had promised will pay for their purported sins when he temporarily needs such good team players to pose as orderly accommodators of the new influx for a few months?

Answer? Mayorkas is calling for an emergency “DHS Volunteer Force” that will provide the appearance of “order” to an otherwise riotous mob-like scene at the border.

Stranger still, the Left is demanding an end to a “Title 42” provision—the public health order during the COVID-19 pandemic that allowed for a quicker deportation of illegal aliens right at the border. 

Yet, at the same time, federal health officials and many in the administration are warning that COVID-19 is not over. With his accustomed gloom and doom, Dr. Anthony Fauci warns that the new variants of the Omicron wave may threaten to send us into yet another cycle of pandemic social distancing, masking, and quarantining. 

Who wins this left-wing agenda war—the Faucites who want permanent COVID-19 emergency powers, or the coalition of the La Raza-istas, the hard Left, and labor-hungry employers who want millions more of illegal aliens—when their shared open border agendas spell catastrophe in seven months at the polls?

These contradictions that lead to insanity enrage Americans. They believe the fiascos of 2021-2022 were almost a case study how to destroy a great nation economically, materially, culturally, socially, politically, and militarily in just 14 months. 

Yet madness is predictable when the unchecked left-wing’s demand for limitless and endless power collides with a hated, but unremorseful ideological agenda utterly divorced from reality. Put simply, when ideologues demand power but cannot maintain it politically because they are cruel ideologues that destroy what they touch, expect more of their insanity to follow.
Biden goes off script and makes a fool of himself:

Biden's four-day gaffe trip requires multiple cleanups and walking back 

HeadlineAfter Biden Sparks "Global Uproar" With Regime Change Comment, Blinken Awkwardly Tries To Walk It Back

The First take: Let's see... Biden told our troops they would see the Ukrainian devastation in person (really?) and he called Putin a "butcher" who "cannot remain in power."  It kinda feels like Joe Biden's gaffes have taken a very dangerous turn. 




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