Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Ram It Through. Valid Points. Op Eds. Biden Family Video.

                                  Some interesting factoids for those who are interested in planes:

Makes perfect sense in a vulgar manner
Joe Biden wearing a mask

Image Source: Fox News

According to a White House official, President Biden is set to advocate revisions to the Senate filibuster on Tuesday in order to push through federal voting rights legislation, warning that the instrument has "injured the body enormously" and led to "abhorrent" GOP resistance of the bill.

The president is scheduled to speak at the Atlanta University Center Consortium on the campuses of Clark Atlanta University and Morehouse College on Tuesday.

Biden is scheduled to "forcefully advocate" for defending "the most bedrock American rights: the ability to vote and have your vote counted in a free, fair, and secure election that is not tainted by partisan manipulation," according to a White House official.

If Democrats wanted to set a new filibuster standard, they'd need 51 votes - all 50 Democrats in the Senate plus Vice President Harris to break the tie.

However, party leadership has failed to get much done due to a few of Democratic holdouts.

I have no idea what Democrats are thinking right now, but this should be an interesting development.


Valid points but could be so divisive and he is uncontrollable and as bad as Biden is American's might not want more trauma.  Trump never ran a national campaign either but he had name recognition. Also a wing of the Republicans Party would not vote for  him.

Why it must be Trump in 2024

By Douglas McBroom

There's been a lot of bumper-sticker sloganeering and non-strategic thinking from some quarters in the Republican Party that it's time to make Donald Trump emeritus.  That would be a fatal mistake.

Although Florida's Ron DeSantis is a fine governor, he has never garnered a single vote outside Florida.  He has never run a national campaign.  He has never had to formulate a foreign policy.  He has never dealt with, nor does he have any currency with, world leaders.  In other words, there is a massive learning curve for DeSantis that Trump has already learned.

Further, our friends with the bumper-sticker mentality are certain that the problem of Trump's "baggage" would disappear with another candidate.  They misguidedly believe that the Dems, and their Amen Corner in the media, would suddenly see the light and start playing fair and square, engage on the issues, and not launch vicious personal attacks if only that means Trump would go away.  Horse pucky!  The Dems and their media partners will come after any Republican nominee with every weapon in their arsenal.  Only Trump has proven that he can take everything they throw and keep moving forward.

Clearly, the Dems think Trump is the most dangerous opponent, or else they would not still be gunning for him.  If the left thought Trump was a sure loser, they wouldn't be holding the 1/6 hearings, which are solely constructed to try to take Trump out of the picture.

Trump has the singular ability to bring a populist coalition to the party.  The blue-collar former Democrats decided to vote Republican not just because of fungible policies and a track record of broken promises.  No, they came over because of Trump.  They believe in him.  Then Trump did something no other Republican president has ever done before: he kept his promises!  Trump received more votes than any Republican in history.  He got 20 million more votes than Reagan.

In 2016, with Trump being a non-politician and coming from the outside, he had to start from scratch.  He had to rely on Washington insiders for key positions, and he brought people with him who were wholly unsuited for the Washington internecine hurly-burly.  But he's past that stage now.  He has his own Rolodex.  He knows where the bodies are buried and how to deal with the long knives.  The almost unbelievable thing about all of this is that Trump managed to achieve all that he accomplished with a RINO swamp that was even more evil than the Democrats.  Trump exposed Paul RYANO for the swamp creature he was, as well as the rest of his ilk, like Mitch McConnell.

Trump also had to operate under the constant pressures of nonstop investigation and impeachment.  He had to survive an attempted coup, led by the Obama-Hillary axis of evil, with a mighty assist from the intelligence services and the FBI.  No president in history faced such an awesome onslaught of power and remained standing — undaunted, fearless, still optimistic about America and her future.

Almost everything that President and Ex-President Trump said and/or predicted has come true.  His stature, competence, and incredibly conservative accomplishments now stand even taller in comparison to the disaster that is Team Joey.  The Democrats have proven, in just a scant year, that their vision of America is a lawless, Marxist, winner-takes-all Stateocracy — a country in which opposing ideas are crushed.  A world in which you bow to the State or pay an enormous price.

The stakes are simply too high to place our bets on the come.  You don't replace Tom Brady with a young upstart who looks good.  You dance with them what brung ya, especially if he can defeat the forces of evil we face and has proven that he has the right stuff to get the job done, both at home and abroad.

Imagine a Trump administration with a Republican House and Senate, bereft of most of the RINOs, without endless Democrat investigations, complete with a tested Team Trump, delivering on the promise of a Main-Street, America-first, conservative agenda, based on the ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers and enshrined in the Constitution.


What Liberals Did During COVID That’s Now Blowing Up in Their Faces 

By Matt Vespa


If Your Insurrection Last Longer Than Four Hours, Consult Your Doctor

By Derek Hunter


The Layers of Media Failures with Their January 6 Obsession

By Brad Slager


Save the Children, Fire the Teachers Unions

By Stephen Moore


Bringing back McCarthyism:

Jan. 6 Committee Isn't Defending Democracy. It's a McCarthyite Witch Hunt



The Jan. 6 Committee established by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last July is no mere investigation into the disgraceful events of that day. It is a far more ambitious undertaking.

The committee has embarked on a fishing expedition that has little to do with ascertaining any unknown facts about an event that took place live on television—leaving few, if any, unsolved mysteries for Congress to explore.

It's clear the committee exists to justify the hyperbolic claim that the riot was an "insurrection" or an attempted coup. What happened that day was clearly a chaotic and appalling mess, but not an orchestrated plot. But the committee is determined to find a conspiracy, even if it has to manufacture one. It has spent its time cobbling together a narrative from events and opinions that reveal nothing more than a common desire on the part of former president Donald Trump and some supporters to find a legal stratagem to deny the presidency to Joe Biden.

Open-ended investigations are always problematic. But this one has been made worse by the fact that it was formed to do the will of the majority with none of the customary limits imposed by the presence of members of the minority.

The selection of the committee's membership was unprecedented. Pelosi rejected the House Republican conference's choices for membership in the body. Instead she chose two anti-Trump Republicans—Reps. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), who were eager to assist the speaker in attacking not just the former president but also the party with which they are now only loosely associated.

There is, however, a precedent for how the committee has been proceeding: the hearings conducted by the House and the Senate in the late 1940s and early 1950s that are broadly lumped together under the term "McCarthyism."

The House Un-American Activities Committee and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations chaired by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisc.) were the primary engines of McCarthyism. Their probes into alleged communist subversion were not illegitimate in principle. Though their liberal critics often spoke as if there were no American communists, the Soviet Union's archives have since confirmed that party members were spying for Moscow and or had attempted to influence policy and culture at its behest.

But the McCarthyite probes were a parody of anti-communism. McCarthy's efforts often targeted people who were not actual communists, and allowed accusers to publicly shame and ostracize victims, ruining many lives.

We should have learned to avoid giving partisan demagogues the ability to use congressional power in this manner. Yet McCarthyism is being repeated in the rush to justify treating Jan. 6 as if it were, as Democrats continue to assert, as bad as the 9/11 terrorist attacks or Pearl Harbor.

Like McCarthy, who sought to treat his foes as soft on communism or even complicit in treason, the Jan. 6 Committee has a political agenda. It appears less interested in the actions of the actual rioters than in finding a way to link Trump, his supporters, congressional Republicans and more or less all of those who voted to reelect the 45th president, to a mythical insurrection plot.

No one has been indicted for conducting an insurrection nor, despite the whining of liberal pundits and activists to lock up Trump, is there a conceivable rationale for such an indictment. Trump's claims that the election was stolen were irresponsible. But they were not illegal. He didn't urge violence or for anyone to attack the Capitol at the "Stop the Steal" rally from which the rioters broke off.

Little, if any, of this matters to the committee. As The Washington Posreported, it is engaged in a far-reaching investigation into any effort to question the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. That agenda is leading it far afield from an examination of the specific circumstances of how a group of people wound up pushing their way into the Capitol on the day Congress certified the Electoral College vote.

It's also straying from the object of normal congressional activity, which is to assemble information intended to aid in the writing of legislation. Instead, the committee is taking on aspects of a criminal investigation—something beyond the scope of any congressional committee—and a partisan witch hunt with unknowable consequences.

The committee is casting a wide net to drag in a large cast of Republicans and conservatives who are, to all indications, unconnected to the riot for testimony. That includes White House aides, Fox News personalities and even Republican members of Congress who, like the Democrats, went scurrying for safety when the rioters entered the Capitol.

That amounts to a search for a conspiracy rather than a sober investigation. As with the communist hunters of the past, anyone the Jan. 6 committee deems an unfriendly witness will have to endure assumptions of guilt by association, regardless of the truth of any allegations against them. That truth won't matter to media figures eager to depict the investigators as patriotic heroes and their victims as treasonous conspirators.

The McCarthyite witch hunts largely ignored actual spies as its leaders went after more vulnerable and politically profitable targets. The Jan. 6 committee is similarly focused on an amorphous and likely mythical conspiracy. Its breadth will justify the Democrats' desire to make the insurrection a permanent feature of American politics. But that won't make the committee a legitimate use of congressional power. Far from defending democracy, the Jan. 6 Committee is embarked on an exercise to ensure that its political opponents are silenced.


Who gives a damn about America?

Republicans Sue To Stop Non-Citizens From Voting in New York City

By RUSSELL PAYNE, Special to the Sun
January 10, 2022  


Most certainly who gives a damn:

President Biden and Vice President Harris will appear in Georgia today. Biden is expected to give a speech renewing his push to get Congress to protect voting rights. He'll urge the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.


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