Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Our Strident Demagogic President. Will Tyranny Win? The Comeback Retread. Chinese Continued Theft. New Book. Much More.

A strident demagogic Biden came to Georgia and was very strident. His intent is to get Democrats to ram down voter law changes, which I believe, are patently unconstitutional. He was surrounded by blacks but Stacey was missing due to a claimed conflict. What gives?

Are You With Joe Biden, or Jefferson Davis?
The President’s speech on voting rights is divorced from reality.
By The Editorial Board 

Every official in America, President Biden said Tuesday, has a choice: “Do you want to be on the side of Dr. [ Martin Luther ] King or George Wallace ? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor ? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis ?” Seriously, he said that grandiloquent nonsense.

Mr. Biden’s speech in Georgia was a call to bulldoze the Senate’s filibuster to pass a rebranded version of H.R.1, a bill that would impose a federal election code on all 50 states, including forcing them to count late mail ballots that lack postmarks. If you happen to think that’s a bad idea, or that it’s unconstitutional, or that nuking the filibuster would hurt the Senate, well, then apparently you’re against Abraham Lincoln.

Mr. Biden’s demagoguery is all the worse because he continues to distort state voting laws like the one in Georgia. “Voting by mail is a safe and convenient way to get more people to vote,” he said, adding “they’re limiting the number of dropboxes and the hours you can use them.” Georgia had zero dropboxes before the pandemic election of 2020, and now they’re enshrined in permanent law. This isn’t “ Jim Crow 2.0,” no matter how many times Mr. Biden uses that incendiary phrase.

People disagree about the security of stand-alone dropboxes, but voters can also put absentee ballots in the mailbox. As for Georgia, all of its residents can request a mail ballot without giving an excuse, unlike in New York or Delaware. And here’s a figure Mr. Biden should know: In 2020, the Census Bureau says, black voter turnout in Georgia was 64%, compared with Massachusetts’s 36%.

Mr. Biden also sketched out how he thinks the GOP plans to steal the next election: “The Georgia Republican Party, the state Legislature, has now given itself the power to make it easier for partisan actors, their cronies, to remove local election officials.” He said that passing the Democratic Party’s latest version of H.R.1, now called the Freedom to Vote Act, would prevent this kind of “election subversion.”

Yet if you read the Senate bill he supports, it has a provision saying that states could not suspend local election officials except for “gross negligence, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.” The Georgia law that Mr. Biden is attacking features an almost identical standard. Before the state can oust a local election official, it must show, by clear and convincing evidence, “nonfeasance, malfeasance or gross negligence” over a period of “at least two elections.”

Mr. Biden’s filibuster foray is likely to fail amid bipartisan opposition, but the more he fails the more partisan and distorted his speeches get. It’s a bad presidential look.

Racist indoctrination is being forced upon children

Dear PragerU Supporter,


Are we going to let America slip away?


Government agencies are picking winners and losers...deciding which private businesses can be open and which must stay closed. 


Bureaucrats are infringing on our children’s schooling...forcing kids to comply with ridiculous restrictions that make learning and extra-curricular activities nearly impossible. 


Perhaps most frightening...political elites now feel they have the power to decide on the personal healthcare decisions of others. Regardless of how you feel about vaccines, I know you value freedom. Shouldn’t our medical decisions be our own?


Small business is being ruined, jobs are being destroyed, families are suffering, and our children are learning to be afraid and compliant. 


Big government is the enemy of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. 


Americans—especially young people—have been brainwashed by the left into believing big government cares about them and will keep them safe. The slide to socialism is getting steeper by the second. 


Mandates are causing the most rapid loss of individual liberties in modern history. Once our freedoms are gone, they won’t come back. 

Flashes of liberty are happening across America. We must make them brighter!


PragerU needs YOU to help us. Only with your generous support can we influence enough young people to defeat the radical left.


Tyranny will win if good people do nothing. 


Your PragerU Team 


Will we be subjected to The Bitch and The Narcissist again or can/will new blood emerge?  Don't Forget Doug Schoen is pro Clinton and ran one of their campaigns.

If Democrats nominate Hillary it suggests they have no future vision and it would expose them to a slew of unanswered negatives about her relationship to the "dossier," her cell phone, and contempt for the "deplorables" etc.

She could team up with Stacey and cover all the bases. That would raise the question of whether Stacey could hold two jobs since is is already Gov. of Ga.

Hillary Clinton’s 2024 Election Comeback

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become unpopular. It may be time for a change candidate.

By Douglas E. Schoen and Andrew Stein


So what's new?

Chinese Communist Researcher Stole U.S. Monoclonal Antibody ‘Secrets’… In 2015


( )- We’ve reported many times already about the Chinese Communist Party’s plot to steal American trade secrets and scientific innovation, and today we have more for you. A third scientist employed by GlaxoSmithKline, a global healthcare company that manufactures vaccines and medicines, has pleaded guilty to stealing American trade secrets.

Among those secrets? The science behind several COVID-19 treatments.

Lucy Xi and three other defendants pled guilty to stealing information from GlaxoSmithKline after setting up Renopharma, a Chinese pharmaceutical firm that was backed by the Chinese Communist Party. The scientists positioned their research operation as focusing on developing and researching new anti-cancer drugs.

Xi and her colleagues worked at the GSK base in Upper Merion, Pennsylvania, and stole trade secrets from the company during their time there. Court documents and a statement from the Department of Justice reveal how in 2015, Xi sent Yan Mei a document from GSK that included trade secret data and confidential information.

According to the Justice Department’s notes, an email sent by Xi to her colleague “provided a summary of GSK research into monoclonal antibodies at that time.”

In the body of the email, not the attached file, Xi told her colleague:

“You need to understand it very well. It will help you in your future business.”

Well, that’s not obvious…

Jacqueline Maguire, the FBI Special Agent who runs the Philadelphia Division of the Bureau, said that pharmaceutical companies like GSK invest huge sums of money and time into developing new drugs, ensuring they were safe, and then bringing them to market – so when people steal those trade secrets, it’s a threat to the company and beyond.

“After all, innovation like this propels the U.S. economy,” Maguire added, and reiterated the FBI’s commitment to “enforcing laws that protect the nation’s businesses from such theft.”

Just another example of China stealing American intellectual property and trade secrets…what is President Joe Biden going to do about it?

The Freedom to Cheat Act: The Radical Left’s Latest Attempt to Undermine Our Democracy

By Ken Blackwell


"I have begun reading: "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy"

The author begins with the establishment of the penny newspapers telling stories of the "blue class" underclass and how the print industry eventually split into two types of newspapers as defined by The New York Times which catered to the cultured class. In time the owners of the NYT's realized they could make fortunes off retail ads which catered to the monied. 

As the NYT's progressed the split widened as the paper began to hire writers more educated and sophisticated and who were expected to offer their opinions.  The author suggests the Kennedy Era, Watergate and the post Viet Nam period accelerated and widened the gulf as it dawned on newspaper writers they had the power to bring down a president and Jack and Jacqueline brought "culture" to The White House and the "opinion makers" embraced "Camelot."

Post Vietnam, the NYT's newsmakers separated from those who wrote for more regional and local papers and whose readership was more likely to favor the war and the police etc. The print industry never was known for high salaries but even this phenomenon has modified.

Suddenly, after college journalism became more attractive, glamorous.  Entering salaries are not high and elite college costs are significant.  Thus more journalists today have family wealth which helps.  Finally, the more elite journalists are influenced by their college classmates and professors who are supportive of  the liberal and social aspects of America's changing society. They also began to attend exclusive colleges and universities.

This trend along with the influence of television pretty much ended reporting as a "blue-collar" job.  Journalism finally attracts elitists as reporters gained national power and changed their lifestyles.

Along with these changes an increase in journalists who favored affirmative action, were more pro-choice than the population as a whole and only 26% voted for Reagan in 1984 and 86% said they seldom  or never attended religious services. Secularism and liberalism had finally crept into journalism. Post Watergate, 70% identified as liberals and the trend toward homogeneity  and a cosmopolitan background continues to this day. The "muckrakers" who favored the "little guy" have mostly disappeared. By 2015, 96% who politically contributed did so to Hilary's campaign.

The local news business has collapsed and now journalism has become coastal centered. Revenue for print journalism dropped from $50 billion in 2005 to $20 billion in 2016, as 22,000 newspaper jobs disappeared.

Digital media has become the "norm" and is centralized in a few coastal cities where people are more liberal, educated, less religious and journalist' wealth is now more than the average urbanite.

Due to the above trends today's  journalist identifies with the rich and upper middle class rather than with the "poor."

Therefore, when you look from the top rather than the bottom journalists are more likely to identify with a different class of Americans and helps explain why many Americans feel alienated from mass media "blokes/snobs".

I am a long way from finishing the book but it is quite insightful and I believe some of my memo readers would find it fascinating.


The Democratic-media alliance gambled everything on 2020 but in corrupting democracy in the name of protecting the country from an enemy of democracy, they tied themselves to a sinking ship.

By Conrad Black, AM GREATNESS   

Almost no one seems to grasp the colossal irony of the current American political condition. The uniquequality of it is that the country is divided between two political forces which, in the tedious hyperbole of contemporary political jargon, view each other as an “existential threat to democracy.” The Democrats can’t sell the bunk that January 6 was an “insurrection;” they can’t wish away concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election. All they have is the tired claim that Trump is a threat to democracy, and in their advocacy of that falsehood, they have made themselves the threat to democracy.

Beer and dogs are man's best friend:


For leftists, your freedom is their misery — your slavery is their joy
By Brandon Smith

There is a certain level of madness required to reach the state our country is in today. I think most of us feel this and know this, but I want to dissect the situation a little so that we can see the guts of the thing and understand the mechanics of it. Insanity has a structure, believe it or not, and there are ways to analyze it and identify it.

I've previously explored the thinking patterns and predatory habits of the worst 1 percent of humanity and how they insinuate themselves into authority by blending in (until they have all the power and no longer need to blend it). What I want to talk more about is the other people, the 5 percent to 10 percent of the population that psychopaths exploit as a mob or army to frighten everyone else into conformity and help them achieve their goals.

Now, to be clear, almost any group can become an exploitable weapon used by psychopaths. There have been times in history where the elites within the Catholic Church used zealotry among Christians to dominate society to the point of torture and terror during the inquisitions and crusades. During the George W. Bush era, I remember well the lies about WMDs used to herd Republicans into pointless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, that is the past. Today the problem of zealotry is resoundingly on the political left.

What I find interesting is that leftists actually believe that they are the underdogs and that they are fighting a "revolution" against the establishment. This is a bizarre disconnect from reality. Every major institution of power and influence in the U.S. is on the side of the political left. How can you be rebelling against the establishment if all your values coincide with the establishment's agenda?

The mainstream media and Hollywood have gone hard line in favor of leftist propaganda from critical race theory to the trans agenda and identity politics to feminism to socialism and centralization. Nearly every commercial, TV show, and movie we see today reflects a far-left viewpoint or far-left imagery, even though the majority of the population has no interest in woke ideology. Clearly, leftists and their friends in media think that if they force their cultism into people's faces nonstop 24/7 that we will eventually capitulate and embrace it.

Big Tech and major social media platforms all operate according to leftist politics. All of their terms of service rules are enforced to protect leftists from criticism and to censor conservatives and any moderates that dare speak up. The evidence overwhelmingly shows a left-leaning bias in Big Tech censorship with conservatives being booted off platforms for nothing more than citing facts. We saw this recently with Marjorie Taylor Green, a Georgia GOP representative, who was banned from Twitter and called a "far-right conspiracy theorist" for posting links to the VAERS database.

For those unfamiliar with VAERS, it is a database run by the U.S. government to track the adverse effects of vaccinations including COVID vaccinations. VAERS has reported thousands upon thousands of deaths and side effects directly related to the COVID vaccines, but you aren't supposed to know about that. So, Greene gets booted from Twitter for posting the government's own data, which is now only accessible if you go through a maze of links to get to the downloads.

Social media is also commonly used as a weapon by leftists in order to "cancel" people that step out of line. An American Airlines pilot was attacked this week by a Twitter mob when a crazed feminist Karen took images of his luggage. His crime? A small sticker on his suitcase that said: "Let's Go Brandon." The woman and her Twitter cohorts called for the pilot to be fired and American Airlines is "investigating" the issue.

This is just one instance among hundreds of thousands in the past few years that illustrate the sheer rage leftists feel when they are faced with a free-thinking person. Their immediate reaction is to punish and destroy rather than accept and move on.

But where does this mentality come from?

I think it's a combination of a culture of narcissism and collectivism coupled with a desperate desire for weak people to feel as though they are powerful. Leftists are very commonly people you might call the "runners-up" in life. There are a lot of malcontents and socially inept failures in their ranks that grow up feeling powerless. Instead of improving their lot in life by improving themselves and achieving something of merit, they instead blame others and the world for their lack of accomplishment.

This mentality can also be seen with their academia which often exaggerates their own importance and the importance of their accolades. One can get a master's degree in social sciences or feminist studies, but how useful is that person to the world really? Being an activist alone is not a career and they produce nothing, so the only measure of their education and their life is how much they can destroy, not how much they can build and create.

Joe Rogan's latest move from Twitter over to GETTR is another big story that leftists are losing their minds over. They act as though they just want to be rid of conservatives from their "safe spaces," but in reality, this does not satisfy them. They don't want us to walk away, they want us to conform. They want us trapped within their echo chambers and going along to get along, or they want us erased.

Leftists also see people as property of the collective, and if you and millions of others walk away this reflects badly on their ideology, which is unacceptable. This is why they are constantly attacking or trying to take down conservative social media platforms. You would think they would be happy that GETTR exists, but they are miserable. Your freedom is their misery.

Think about that for a moment; there are millions of leftists out there that cannot abide your existence if you are free to express your discontent with their narrative.

When Joe Rogan contracted COVID, the leftists were jittery with excitement hoping he would die. When he beat the virus in less than three days without being vaccinated, they cried out in horror. It's as if they don't realize that most unvaccinated people have had the virus and have easily survived it (I had COVID for a week and then I was fine). Or maybe they are aware that the vaccines are mostly pointless. Maybe what really bothers them is that the unvaxxed are free and do not conform to the mandates or the fear-mongering? Maybe they are more concerned about the act of defiance rather than any issues of legitimate "health safety" ...

And this brings me to the relationship between the majority of government and the political left, which are working hand in hand to push forward COVID controls and vax mandates. I've said this before and I'll point it out again, there is no longer any debate about who the authoritarians are. If you want to be free from overt government intrusion and tyranny you go to a conservative red state. If you want to be a slave, you go to a progressive blue state. Red states value individual freedom, blue states do not. This is undeniable.

Leftists are not the rebels they seem to think they are. They are not the heroes, they are the villains. They are the empire.

I believe the vax mandate agenda in particular appeals to their innate desire for control over others. This is evident in their crazed rhetoric over the vaccination issue. The Los Angeles Times just published an op-ed titled "Mocking Anti-Vaxxers' Covid Deaths Is Ghoulish, Yes – But May Be Necessary" (originally titled "Why Shouldn't We Dance On The Graves Of Anti-Vaxxers?"), and it is this kind of dishonest and uneducated propaganda that truly reveals the extend of the political left's broken psychology.

The Biden Administration has been a key element in fear-mongering over the COVID pandemic, which has had an average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.27 percent, and now with the even less dangerous Omicron strain, the death rate is plummeting further. The vast majority of people have nothing to fear from COVID, yet leftists readily rally around Biden and his medical tyranny.

Furthermore, the idiocy of The Los Angeles Times is made clearer when we look at the actual data for breakthrough cases. Breakthrough cases are COVID infections and deaths among fully vaccinated individuals. For example, in the state of Massachusetts alone there have been over 262,000 fully vaccinated people who still ended up infected with COIVD and 1,054 deaths according to official numbers. That is an infection fatality rate of 0.4 percent, which is higher than the national average IFR of 0.27 percent.

The most vaccinated countries in the world are also suffering from the worst infection spikes in the world. In Ireland, for example, over 63 percent of recent COVID deaths were fully vaccinated individuals. In Israel, nearly 60 percent of COVID hospitalizations are fully vaccinated. Uruguay, Bahrain, Maldives and Chile all have overwhelming majority vaccination rates and all of them have seen spikes in COVID deaths and infections.

The average vaccine is tested for 10-15 years before it is approved for use on human beings, yet COVID vaccines were released within months with no long-term testing to prove their safety. It makes perfect sense for people to be concerned.

So, I would ask the hacks at The Los Angeles Times: Should we be dancing on your graves when you die from COVID despite all those miraculous untested vaccines? Or maybe when you end up dead and on the VAERS list due to vaccine side effects?

This is called logic and reason and science; it's outside of their grasp and they don't care. What they care about is control and nothing would bring them more joy than to see 100 percent conformity and slavery to their ideals. The pandemic paranoia, the lockdowns, the mandates, Big Tech, social media, cancel culture are all means to an end. Leftists pretend they are humanitarians that care about the greater good, but this is a facade. It's just another rationale to justify a deep-seated thirst to micromanage the lives of others. They are projecting their tyranny on the rest of us and calling us the bad guys. It's time to end the theater and call leftists what they really are. They are the dictators they claim they are trying to fight.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith


 My good friend Allen West is running for Governor of Texas.  It is an uphill battle but Allen, if any one can, has what it takes to win.  He is articulate, very bright, a true patriot and a very good man.

His e mail to me and his supporters:

Another busy week on the campaign trail! Keep on the lookout for our campaign bus riding through a town near you as we travel across the Lone Star State. Thank you to all who have supported the campaign so far! Here is a glimpse of what I have been up to this past week:

I had a blast last weekend with my good friend, Ryan Weaver, and his band during his concert at Marty B's in Bartonville. Thank you to all who came out and made the event so special! In case you missed it, you can watch a clip from the event as we honored Gold Star Families.

Click HERE and Click  HERE


Commission-generated map erases Michigan's black-majority districts 

By Salena Zito

“The city of Detroit has had at least one black member of Congress since the election of Charles Diggs in 1954. Since the adoption of the Voting Rights Act, the state has had two majority-black districts in every map. Now, with Tlaib running in the seat vacated by Lawrence and Thanedar running in the other Detroit seat, it is possible that there will be zero black Democrats from Michigan serving in the House for the first time in 68 years.”

Click here for the full story.
from Dr. Patrick Teefy, Cardiology Head at the Nuclear Medicine Institute University Hospital , London Ont.

I hope everyone can send this on as it is really important for everyone to know!







1.     Let's say it's 7:25 pm and you're going  home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job.




2. You're really tired, upset and frustrated.




3.       Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw.

You are only about five km from the hospital nearest your home.




4.     Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far.




5.       You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.






Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack without help, the person whose heart is beating  improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.




7.       However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.

A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.


A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.




8.     Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and  coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood  circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it to regain a normal rhythm.

In this way, heart attack victims can get help or to a hospital.


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