Hillary Clinton’s Involvement in Russiagate Becoming Undeniable

The 2016 presidential election campaign might have been the dirtiest in our nation’s history. Dem candidate Hillary Clinton hired a renegade ex-MI6 officer to smear Donald Trump, and now, it looks as if her campaign staff could also have lied to the FBI.
New court filings suggest Special Counsel John Durham is now investigating allegations Clinton’s 2016 campaign team fed false information to the FBI in an attempt to damage Trump’s reputation with voters. In particular, Durham may focus on the fake Russia collusion allegations prompted by the dossier created by British mercenary spy Christopher Steele.
On January 27, Durham submitted discovery papers revealing he’s looking at further charges against former Clinton attorney Michael Sussman. The same papers show he’s also looking at several other former Clinton staffers. The legal net is drawing closed around Clinton; will she be caught in it?Former Clinton campaign officials insist – even under oath, in some cases – they and Hillary didn’t know what was in the 35-page dossier until after liberal media site Buzzfeed published its contents in 2017. However, court documents and other evidence suggest Clinton and her top advisers were closely involved with the smear campaign. In fact, Clinton used her personal Twitter account to spread anti-Trump allegations and brought them up in presidential debates – something that would have been difficult if she didn’t know what was in the dossier.
Copyright 2022, RightWing.org
John Durham Investigation Court Filing on DNC Attorney: ‘Active, Ongoing Criminal Investigation’
(RoyalPatriot.com )- Special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia prove made a new filing on Tuesday, and it made reference to an “active, ongoing criminal investigation.” Three times.
The filing was made in the case of Michael Sussmann, the Democratic National Committee lawyer who was charged back in September for making false statements to the FBI. He was found to have made a “materially false statement” to a federal official during the investigation into the false claims that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.
The filing also laid out the argument for the special counsel’s attempt to add additional time to the discovery period before the case goes to trial.
“The court should grant the government’s request to permit the production of any residual discovery on or before March 18, 2022,” it reads.
Sussmann’s attorney also requested that all communications, including communications with the FBI, relating to the Russian bank and collusion allegations be handed over as part of the discovery process.
The multiple references to an active, ongoing criminal investigation is interesting, as it refers to matters that have not currently been charged. It could mean that Sussmann is facing more charges, and it could mean that more people were involved with his (alleged) efforts to subvert the FBI’s investigation into the Russian collusion hoax.
Far too many radical things are happening in America which has become a lawless society and far too many people in authority and high offices capable of evil have been allowed to creep in and this is why I am concerned about our nation's diminished future. When good people fall asleep at the wheel anything can happen, even in a republic.
Soros Group Boasts of "Bullying" Justice Breyer Into Quitting
You may recall Demand Justice, backed by the Sixteen Thirty Fund's dark money machine, trying to harass Justice Stephen Breyer into quitting last year.
Demand Justice, an advocacy group led by a former top aide to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), is pressing longtime liberal stalwart Justice Stephen Breyer to retire from the Supreme Court.
“We are now firmly in the window when past justices have announced their retirement, so it's officially worrisome that Justice Breyer has not said yet that he will step down. The only responsible choice for Justice Breyer is to immediately announce his retirement so President Biden can quickly nominate the first-ever Black woman Supreme Court justice,” said Brian Fallon, the executive director of Demand Justice and a former top aide to Schumer.
Demand Justice has hired a billboard truck to drive around the Supreme Court with the message: “Breyer, retire. It’s time for a Black woman Supreme Court justice. There’s no time to waste."
The group also launched an online petition asking signatories to “Tell Justice Breyer: Put the country first. Don’t risk your legacy to an uncertain political future. Retire now.’”
If conservatives had been doing this kind of thing, there would have been an FBI investigation and congressional hearings about an urgent threat to democracy. Since it was not just lefties, but radicals backed by the big lefty money machine, there was just awkwardness. Justice Breyer released a statement dismissing such efforts at pressuring him to resign.
Now that he's quitting, Demand Justice is taking an obnoxious victory lap.
"Stephen Breyer, Shamed By Your Tweets, Will Retire From Supreme Court"
Stephen Breyer, an 83-year-old Supreme Court justice who dabbles occasionally in fiction writing, will retire at the end of the Court’s current term. A formal announcement is expected soon; whether it will acknowledge that our collective contributions to the gushing fire hydrant of bullying tweets is directly responsible for this outcome remains to be seen.
That comes from Balls and Strikes, a pseudo-Gawker blog written up by an alum of the Gawker hate factory and sponsored by Demand Justice.
Again, you don't have to imagine too hard what the response to a conservative site boasting of "bullying" a Supreme Court justice into retiring would be.
Behind Demand Justice is exactly the aspiring James Bond villain you expect.
Between April and June 2018, Demand Justice received more than $2.5 million from the Open Society Policy Center, a 501(c)(4) lobbying group founded by George Soros, for general support. Open Society Policy Center gave Demand Justice another sum of $87,000 between October and December of that year to support their advocacy efforts on judicial nominations.
Mind you, it's also run by a senior Priorities USA advisor who was Hillary's campaign press secretary and worked for Eric Holder and Chuck Schumer.
There are also Jen Psaki ties here.
In short, it's as establishment as it gets, despite the anti-establishment vibe. And a reminder of how extreme the so-called mainstream movement has become
From a dear friend, fellow memo reader and obvious friend of Bill Maher
And less we forget heartless, mean spirited, liar and racist. Oh, and while we are at it, a hypocrite, superficial and weak leader
Joe Biden and the Uses of Nihilism
By Victor Davis Hanson
America is battling an epidemic far worse than the Omicron plague.
Chaos is the new, the intentional, normal. A pandemic of nihilism has been unleashed upon the land. As in Lord of the Flies, when laws, rules, protocols, traditions, and customs are mocked and dismantled, primitive human nature in the raw is unleashed.
Madness now reigns in every quarter, from the iconic to the irrelevant to the fundamental. Statues of Lincoln, Douglas, and Jefferson are toppled or defaced. The rules of capitalization have been altered. We are told that 1619, not 1776, was our founding date—and this by a “civil rights” activist-journalist who had no idea of the date that the Civil War began.
Quite quickly after the revolutionary boilerplate, America began reverting to its natural Hobbesian or Thucydidean essence. If you dispute that, look at looted packages along the Union Pacific tracks in Los Angeles. Try walking the nocturnal streets of Chicago or Baltimore. Visit the sidewalk homeless of San Francisco. Fly over our constipated ports. Drive into our empty new car dealerships. Pull up to our European-priced gas pumps. Shop in the emptying shelves of our Sovietizing food and discount stores. The common theme of the upcoming Super Bowl halftime show, apparently, is that the entertainers must have written lyrics threatening the police, denigrating women, using the N-word . . . and are worth $100 million.
Of course, that is what the elites celebrate, as people struggle to buy food, gas, and cars. The police are under attack and being killed on the street. The public is bewildered about criminals not being punished, workers paid to stay home, and biological men commandeering women’s sports.
Abnormal is normal; normal is despised and discarded.
Friends and associates of all races and ethnicities are increasingly suspicious of each other. They are fleeing to the ancient refuge of tribal solidarity. Red states are hated, although they function , and are sought out; blue states are praised, even as they fail and residents flee . Our “leaders” are doing their best to confirm the age-old invective of our enemies that e pluribus unum simply cannot work.
Americans keep being pounded with “Vaccination! Vaccination! Vaccination!”—but never with commensurate advice on therapies, affordable drugs, and pragmatic protocols to survive COVID-19, as it often breaks through to the already thrice vaccinated.
Americans could tolerate the misinformation and the contradictions emanating from the CDC, the NIH, and NIAID. But only if the deceptions were issued with some humility and qualifiers, reminding us of our shared ignorance about the mysterious virus. Instead, pompous and insufferably sanctimonious bureaucrats sent out flurries of false knowledge, as if they were religious edicts, with implied medieval punishments for the apostates. Apologies never follow.
The public cannot fathom the border. Prior presidents hunting for cheap political gain (Republicans for more labor, Democrats for new constituents) were lax on immigration enforcement. Yet no president has ever deliberately invited in more than 2 million foreign nationals—entering illegally, impoverished, unvaccinated, untested, and without background checks. No prior president has not only violated his oath of office to enforce the laws of the United States, but simply and intentionally destroyed the law as it was written. Apply the Left’s 2019-2020 impeachment standard to Joe Biden’s first year, and he would be impeached the minute a Republican majority captured the House.
Americans sense the United States is losing all influence abroad, as allies gravitate to or appease China and Russia. The public does not lament the loss of global clout and prestige alone. Rather, the people also fear the end of the ancient American strategy of keeping foreign enemies far distant from the homeland.
As they figure out the themes of the present madness, Americans become troubled as they attempt to fathom the characteristics of the ongoing nihilism.
One, they see much of the sudden anarchy as self-induced, deliberate, agenda-driven, and as correctible as it was avoidable. In other words, the catastrophe of 2021 was no accident, but a tactic in service of a strategy.
Two, they conclude that the nihilism intentionally targets the despised middle class—those who tend to obey the rules, who pay their taxes, who don’t get arrested, who largely keep quiet—and who are standing in the way of a revolution. These Americans are underrepresented in crime, in upward mobility, and on most college campuses, but overrepresented in suicide rates and the death tolls in optional wars aboard.
For their part, hoi polloi conclude that the more that they are libeled as “victimizers,” the more they are becoming the actual victims . Indeed, the heroic “victimized” are the ones most often flouting the law, committing violent crimes, and tearing down the institutions that in bygone days provided security and prosperity for everyone.
Three, ordinary citizens feel the law has utterly vanished. Sometimes it simply is ignored, as we see with revolving-door criminals who kill, maim, and loot with near impunity. Sometimes the law simply is asymmetrically applied. Theadministration correctly jails those convicted of illegally entering the Capitol and trashing the chambers of government, but it then grants de facto amnesties to the thousands who deliberately injured, torched, and looted for 120 days of riots, death, and mayhem in 2020.
Joe Biden meanders through his photo-ops indifferent to American civilization collapsing around him. His first year was the most disastrous of any presidency in history. Should that calamity continue, Biden will be known by posterity as the most inept president to have held office.
So why does he not take to the bully pulpit to deplore the current smash-and-grab, carjacking, and murder epidemicnow reaching either all-time highs or levels not seen since the 1970s? Does Biden have a shred of empathy for the widow of a murdered policeman, the spouses and parents of those mowed down in Waukesha, the children shot dead in Chicago?
Joe Biden defended his policies by saying that automobile price spikes account for one-third of the spiraling consumer price index. So what? Does that mean inflation is somehow tolerable—as if citizens don’t drive a car most days of their lives?
Is Biden aware that his administration’s core inflation definition and the consumer price index itself exclude energy as well as food price increases? What the real inflation rate is no one knows—but all understand that what we see and feel every day is far worse than what we are told.
Biden has never explained to us the humiliation in Afghanistan—other than to whine that the generals failed to warn him of his own folly. Does he know why now Vladimir Putin again ponders attacking his neighbors— but did not between 2017 and 2020?
Did Biden ever consider the fast-tracking of pipelines, more fracking, a restoration of 2020 levels of oil and gas production, and more leases granted to avoid America’s continued dependence on the Russians and the Middle East? Instead, Biden begged Russia and the Saudis—both of whom he has derided—to pump more of the oil he despises, and which we have in abundance but will not use.
Did Biden once say stop the new racial tensions, or argue that Americans should worry first about the content of our character not the color of our skins? Has he ever worried about the racial cauldron he has lit and fueled? Not at all.
Instead, Biden has done his best to inflame race through his own vile racist slurs. The recent “you ain’t’ black,” “junkie,” “boy, “negro,” are added to his prior inflammatory repertoire of “clean African-American,” “put y’all back in chains,” and the racist Corn Pop saga.
Second, Biden demagogues race to win the support of his base of racialists. Has any president ever announced ahead of time that only those of a particular race and gender would be eligible for selection as his running mate and first Supreme Court nomination? At least Harvard keeps quiet about its racialism and does not flaunt the idea that it systematically discriminates against Asians.
So, in a vast multiracial democracy of tribal competition and tensions, Biden has done his best to turn Americans against each other—and has succeeded in a fashion that would have made his old Dixiecrat Senate mentors Robert Byrd and James O. Eastland proud.
The mystery is perhaps not that nihilism has swept through America as effectively as Omicron, but why the president and the Left unleashed it. So, what explains the madness?
First, Biden is cognitively challenged to the point of not being physically or mentally able to meet the challenges of the presidency. His handlers know it. The media knows it. And the public knows it, too.
Irony has become the Left’s enemy. After screaming that Donald Trump should be removed under the 25th Amendment, that he should take a mental competency test, and that everyone from the acting director of the FBI to Ivy League psychiatrists must scheme to prove he was nuts, they all have grown silent. The Left’s quiet reflects that they are terrified that anyone else might successfully do to a genuinely enfeebled and failed president what they themselves attempted to do to a cognizant and successful president.
Biden’s assigned task in 2020 was to put a familiar “centrist” veneer on a radical agenda. Thereby, the hard Left, with the help of COVID-19 and Silicon Valley, could push that agenda past an unsuspecting public. Upon election, Biden would not revert to old Joe from Scranton deploring the leftist tool that he had become.
The movers of the agenda are the hard Left of the Democratic Party, those who circle around Bernie Sanders, the Obamas, Elizabeth Warren, and “the squad.” The shock troops are Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the millions on the campus and the internet mob. The more confusion, chaos, and anarchy that follows , the more of their agenda they hope to push through, if not by legislative vote, then by executive edict, court decision, or simply ignoring the law .
The third catalyst of the woke chaos are the hyper-rich—the franchise owners of the Left. These are the huge donors who nourish the think tanks, the media, the PACs, and the legal teams—the Zuckerbergs, the Soroses, the Bezoses and the rest of the Silicon Valley plutocracy.
Equally important are the hypocritical professional classes—the tech upper-echelon, the media cohorts, the corporate lawyers and CEOs, the various university professoriate and administrations, the celebrities, the professional athletes, and the bicoastal movers and shakers. On the one hand, they are assuming that Americans won’t actually vote for their neosocialist utopias, which can be enacted only by changing the rules or demography or both. And on the other hand, they are hedging that their money, influence, and power will insulate them and their own from the stampede at the border, the growing criminality in the cities, price hikes that batter the middle classes, and the tribalism and racialism they helped to greenlight.
In normal times, such hard-left agendas have no resonance. But during a plague, lockdown, riots and arson, during murder and mayhem, chaos and anarchy?
The unimaginable can become the possible.
Obama Could’ve Ended All the ‘First Black’ Stuff
Actress' Tirade Against Cops During NYPD Funeral Ended with Her Hearing These Two Words
BY Matt Vespa
All it takes to bring out the nuts who control government and our lives is a COVID episode. They are lurking in the woods just waiting for an excuse to react, control and assert their authority. This is what bureaucrats conceive they are paid to do. Most are radical Democrats and now we can add their equivalent cousins in Canada.
Some recent reports have
analyzed the economic costs
of world wide shutdowns, due
to the extreme pandemic
reaction, including the
projected costs extending over
the next several years.They
are projected to mount into the
trillions and this does not
include the emotional human
costs which are incalculable.
Shutting down entire economies, retroactively speaking, is now seen as imposing unnecessary costs and burdens.
Furthermore, it provided an opportune time for radicals to alter entire life styles, change societal order and national structures.
A co-ordinated and active vaccination program was in order but crushing common sense with mandates simply caused a backlash re-action and created more resistance and did more harm than even the virus.
Reagan was right when he said beware of those who say: "I am from the government and am here to help you."
We are now about to witness a world unwinding from much of the imposed nonsense perpetrated by a handful of politicians and "experts," some of whom meant well but most who saw an opportunity for grabbing power, elevating their professional status and even profiteering etc.
Obviously deaths were the greatest tragedy but failure of mankind to pin the tail on the Chinese dog is a total sign of an amoral world cowed into submission by it's own pusillanimous shadow and Xi's intimidation.
Canada’s Government Tries Extreme Tactic to Stop Massive Trucker Protest
Around 50,000 truckers in Canada have been joined by their American brothers and sisters to oppose COVID tyranny in the Great White North
They reached Canada’s capital city of Ottawa on Saturday, where they honked, rallied, and listened to speeches against the Great Reset.
Meanwhile, Canadian globalist leader Justin Trudeau was driven away to a secret place once police said he was in danger. The hashtag #CowardoftheCottag began trending on Twitter to mock him for his fearful hiding.
Now, Canada’s government is moving into high gear to try to stop the revolt. Their laws look straight out of the Soviet Union and should chill any patriot, even south of the border.
Cracking Down on Canada
Nova Scotia is one of the provinces (states) in Canada. It’s located in the east, basically northeast of Maine. It has now passed a provincial law making it illegal to gather on the side of the road to support truckers.
According to the law, people gathering on overpasses and along roads puts them at risk and therefore has to stop.
Thousands of Canadians gathered to cheer on the truckers and wave flags as they made their way to Ottawa, shocking the world that Canada still has some patriots and resisters left.
Trudeau claimed only a “fringe minority” was actually taking part and the protests were a tiny and irrelevant event. Now, he’s hiding out somewhere and truckers have taken over his city.
Nova Scotia Goes Full Soviet
Nova Scotia’s leader is a leftist called Tim Houston. He recently said the ban on highway protests is justified and warned people to not even think about it.
The law is being passed under a state of emergency provision, which basically means your usual rights as a Canadian are cancelled.
If you protest on the highways or overpasses or try to interfere in any way with traffic, you will be fined $3,000 to $10,000 Canadian ($2,350 to $7,830 USD).
Nova Scotia is saying this is for people’s safety, but it’s obvious it’s in response to the trucker protests and their giant Freedom Convoy, which has so badly humiliated Justin Trudeau and his vaccine mandate Liberal Party.
The Freedom Convoy
The truckers’ Freedom Convoy wound its way from Canada’s West of Vancouver to the Capital of Ottawa, arriving on Saturday and protesting
Even though almost 85% of truckers are vaccinated, they stood up for the rights of free people to choose what medicine they take.
The protest happened when Trudeau said you would have to show proof of vaccine for US-Canada cross-border trade. The truckers’ demands are clear: they want COVID restrictions lifted.
Some of their more vocal members also have another demand: they want Trudeau gone. At this point, with him hiding in some cottage in the woods, it looks like he already is…
Why You Shouldn't Live In Fear
What happens when fear overwhelms reason? Dennis Prager offers much-needed perspective into how fear—specifically irrational fear—affects both the individual and society.
Why Not StaceyAbrams? She loves throwing her weight around and is plenty big enough.
Biden Promises To Replace Retiring Quarterback Tom Brady With A Woman Of Color
January 30th, 2022 - BabylonBee.com
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Legendary quarterback Tom Brady has announced his plan to retire from the NFL to spend more time carving little wooden toys for his grandkids. In response to the earth-shattering news, President Joe Biden has announced his commitment to replace the outgoing football star with a woman of color.
"Listen, folks, it's time," said Biden to the press. "In the hundred-year history of the NFL, not a single quarterback has ever been a woman of color. That's racist! We all know that poor women are just as smart and powerful as white kids. As president, I will nominate a new quarterback to replace Tom Brady that reflects America's diversity."
When told he doesn't have the authority to nominate quarterbacks to the NFL, Biden told his staff he would just sign the executive order and let the courts deal with it later.
"There's no excuse," said Biden. When I used to play Nine Pins with Jehoshaphat Jenkins and the townsfolk, we always used to let the black women play with us. I was a civil rights hero, darn it! It's time for the rest of the world to catch up!"
So far, candidates being considered for the empty position include Michelle Obama, Tyler Perry, and Colin Kaepernick in a woman's wig.
Talk about a melt-down!
‘The View’ Melts Down After Whoopi Claims the ‘Holocaust Isn't About Race’
ABC’s The View took an uncomfortable turn on Monday when moderator Whoopi Goldberg repeatedly insisted the Holocaust was not about race, prompting a heated discussion among the show’s roundtable.
Devoting one of the talk show’s “Hot Topics” to the recent controversy over Maus, the Pulitzer-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust, the hosts were largely in agreement that a Tennessee school board banning the book due to profanity and nudity was silly given the content matter.
“I’m surprised that’s what made you uncomfortable, the fact that there was some nudity. I mean, it’s about the Holocaust, the killing of 6 million people, but that didn’t bother you?” a baffled Goldberg said.
“I am not sure they don‘t use the naked part as kind of a canard to throw you off from the fact that history that makes white people look bad,” liberal co-host Joy Behar replied.
“Maybe,” the Oscar-winning actress replied. “Well, this is white people doing it to white people. Y’all go fight amongst yourselves.”
While those remarks didn’t initially draw the ire of her co-hosts, a few moments later in the discussion, Goldberg revisited her suggestion that there was nothing racial about the Holocaust—which was set in motion by the Nazis over their belief in the Aryan “master race” and desire for racial “purity.”
After several hosts agreed that the recent conservative push to ban so-called “critical race theory” from schools is creating “confusion” and leaving kids unprepared for “the real world,” Goldberg shot back: “If you’re going to do this, let’s be truthful about it because the Holocaust isn’t about race. No. It’s not about race!”
Though Behar immediately noted that the Nazis considered Jewish people “a different race,” Goldberg continued to assert that Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution” was not racial.
“What is it about?” Behar asked at one point.
“It’s about man’s inhumanity to man. That’s what it’s about,” Goldberg replied.
“But it’s about white supremacy,” co-host Ana Navarro retorted. “It’s about going after Jews and Gypsies.”
Goldberg, meanwhile, claimed that “these are two white groups of people,” prompting co-host Sara Haines to point out that “they didn’t see them as white” while Behar noted that the Nazis targeted Black people as well.
“But you’re missing the point! You’re missing the point,” Goldberg exclaimed. “The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let’s talk about it for what it is. It’s how people treat each other. That’s the problem.”
She continued: “It doesn’t matter if you are Black or white because Black, white, Jews, Italians, everybody eats each other. So is it—if you are uncomfortable if you hear about Maus, should you be worried—should your child say, ‘Oh my God, I wonder if that's me?’ No. That’s not what they’re going to say. They’re going to say, ‘I don’t want to be like that.’”
As the segment came to an end, the table seemed to agree on the concept that most children “don’t want to be cruel” and that learning about the Holocaust is necessary.
“To learn about man’s inhumanity to man, however it exposes itself,” Goldberg proclaimed as the show went to commercial break.
The Anti-Defamation League called out Goldberg's remarks on Monday afternoon, labeling them as a “dangerous” distortion of history that downplayed its impact on Jewish people.
“No @WhoopiGoldberg, the #Holocaust was about the Nazi’s systematic annihilation of the Jewish people – who they deemed to be an inferior race,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted. “They dehumanized them and used this racist propaganda to justify slaughtering 6 million Jews. Holocaust distortion is dangerous.”
In the 30th Jan 22 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
· Israeli scientists have discovered how pancreatic cancer spreads.
· Two Israeli startups partner to help the blind use public transport.
· Top Indonesian health official visits Israel for advice on pandemic.
· Dozens of Israeli tech innovations exhibited at CES in Las Vegas.
· Israeli startup prints amazing objects from recycled wood.
· DHL opens hi-tech facility to handle surge in Israeli business.
· Israel’s first Winter Paralympian is a female Lubavitch skier.
· An amulet found at Joshua’s altar in Samaria may have Biblical significance.
· If someone wishes to be added to the free email subscription list, they should either click here or send a request (with their name) to michael.goodnewsisrael@gmail.com
The next booster could be Israeli. The CEO of NRx - the US company in charge of trials of Israel’s BriLife coronavirus vaccine – said NRx is designing a Phase II study of BriLife as a booster to protect against COVID-19 variants. The study will be led by the research heads of Israel’s Hadassah and Sourasky (Ichilov) hospitals.
92% recovery after 3 days. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Maccabi Healthcare has treated 850 of its high-risk coronavirus-infected customers with the new Pfizer Paxlovid pills. 60% significantly improved on the first day, rising to 92% within 3 days. All recovered. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-692757
Pancreatic cancer breakthrough. (TY UWI) Researchers at Tel Aviv’s Sourasky (Ichilov) Medical Center studied the data of 17,000 pancreatic cancer patients. They discovered that a mutation resulting in the absence of two proteins P15 and P16 allows the cancer to spread to the liver. The findings can help treat such patients.
Non-invasive test for IBD. Israel’s Weizmann Institute, working together with Israel’s Sheba Medical Center can detect inflammation in the intestines by analyzing a fecal sample for the genes expressed in the cells. It can help diagnose gastric disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and monitor their treatment.
Look into my eyes. A great article about Israel’s Neurolight (see here previously) and its amazing ocular technology that extracts microscopic eye movement measurements to help diagnose neurological disorders. The platform aims to help developers of treatments for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis patients.
AI management approved for type 2 diabetes. Israel’s DreaMed (see here previously) has now received US FDA approval for use with Type 2 diabetes sufferers as well as Type 1. It will relieve the strain on endocrinologist who each have on average some 46,000 patients.
Israelis live longer. The latest report of life expectancy for Israeli men is 81 years – 8th in the OECD. For Israeli women it’s 84.8 – 11th in the OECD (see here for previous years). Both exceed the OECD average. Israel’s birth rate is by far the highest in the OECD and infant mortality is well below the OECD average.
Empowering the blind on public transport. (TY UWI) Israel’s Moovit (see here previously) has partnered UK’s WeWALK to enable blind and partially sighted users to navigate public transportation independently. It provides step-by-step guidance to bus and train stops, real-time arrival info, and audio / text “get off” alerts.
Promoting tech in the Arab sector. Israel’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Israel Innovation Authority have launched an economic program to encourage Israeli Arabs and minorities to enter the hi-tech sector. It includes NIS 225 million over 5 years for incubators, tech centers and local tech startups.
Peace through olive oil. (TY WIN) A new video featuring Israeli non-profit Sindyanna of Galilee (see here previously) in which Arab and Jewish women work together to produce and market fair trade olive oil. Instead of labels stating, “Extra Virgin olive oil”, they read “Extra Peaceful”, “Unified”, “Hopeful”, and “Positive”.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZAJMrpJ_CU https://www.sindyanna.com/
Afghan refugees meet their rescuers. (TY Hazel) 87 Afghan refugees, rescued by Israel’s IsraAID in October, finally got the chance to meet their rescuers in Albania, as they prepared to begin the process of resettlement in Canada. The refugees include judges, journalists, cyclists, families of diplomats, artists, police and scientists.
Teaching tech to girls in Ghana. (TY Hazel) World ORT’s Israeli Kadima Mada implements technology curriculums for disadvantaged populations in Israel and in more than 30 other countries. The Ghana program, first piloted in 2020, uses female instructors to teach young girls coding skills, game design and animation.
Indonesian delegation visits Israel. A delegation from Indonesia recently visited Israel to learn about its COVID-19 response. It included National Board for Disaster Management and National COVID Task Force head Suharyanto. Indonesia’s Defense minister previously said talks with Israel were in the national interest.
Israel shines at CES. Over 22 Israeli startups exhibited at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas. New to me (see below) were Cecilia, Iromascents, Moodo Air, Oorym, Visionary.ai and Tikbag, Others include Imagery (car awareness), Indoor Robotics (drone security), Resight (metaverse), and VBox (TV streaming).
https://www.israel21c.org/22-israeli-startups-that-shone-at-ces-2022/ https://www.indoor-robotics.com/ https://imagry.co/ https://resight.io/ https://vboxcomm.com/
Shaken not stirred. Israel’s GKI has launched Cecilia - the world’s first robotic bartender. The first youtube video is totally true. The second one is just humorous (hopefully you will appreciate it). A very amusing team.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnRk6kDoL24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_TwtHuaD0Q
https://cecilia.ai/ https://gkigroup.com/team/
They make scents! Israel’s Iromascents has developed a scent delivery mechanism that allows movie goers to experience odors connected with the action on the screen. The system also can also be used inside shops and even installed at home to enhance TV movies. Moodo Air is similar, controlled by smartphone, Alexa or Siri.
https://iromascents.com/ https://moodo.co/ https://moodo.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Moodo_MAIN.mp4
Seeing is believing. Israel’s Oorym has perfected smart glasses for viewing Artificial Reality (AR). The best visual quality, lightweight, low-cost, and simple manufacture. Based on the research of Yaakov Amitai, a graduate of Israel’s Weizmann, who invented the “waveguide” technology used in most of today’s AR systems.
http://oorym.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6IqsjeYE2k
See the unseen. Israel’s visionary.ai applies computer vision, artificial intelligence, and algorithms to improve the quality of images and videos taken from any camera. It removes blur, provides true night vision, and facial recognition. Visionary.ai has just partnered with Israel’s Inuitive to integrate with its cutting-edge AI processor.
https://www.visionary.ai/news/real-time-video-enhancement-reaches-new-standard-with-visionary-ai-and-inuitive-partnership https://www.visionary.ai/
Smart school bags. Israel’s Tikbag has developed interactive “smart bags” that monitor and notify the wearer via an app if the backpack is too heavy in relation to body weight. It can also check if the bag is unbalanced. Tikbag was developed to help schoolchildren avoid back pain and protect against future damage to their spine.
Environmental tech projects. Israel has awarded a total of NIS 5.3 million to five projects that benefit the environment. They are Agrint (pesticides), Daika Wood (wall cladding), Diptera.ai (mosquitoes), Clean Flare (burning gases) and Emma Sensing (corrosion in pipes).
https://www.oktopuscloud.com/terralab-daika https://www.cleanflare.co.uk/
Would you believe it? 3 billion tons of wood is wasted every year, but now it can be avoided. Israel’s Daika Wood recycles waste wood, molding or 3D-printing it into shapes that would be impossible to carve, even with machines. Imagine your computer keyboard made of 100% natural wood – now it can, with Israeli technology.
Vegan fish. Israel’s Plantish, unveiled the prototype of a plant-based whole-cut salmon fillet, announcing that it was developing a e for 3D printing - to make plant-based fish alternatives at a low cost and at scale. The structured, boneless salmon fillet has the same nutritional value as the actual fish. https://plantish.com/
TopGum. Israel’s TopGum launched its sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan line of “gummiceuticals” in 2021. It is investing $30 million in a new production facility to triple its essential vitamins, minerals, natural extracts, pre and probiotics, and superfood supplements to strengthen the immune system, vision, urinary health and more.
https://www.prnewswire.com/il/news-releases/topgum-triples-capacity-with-30m-investment-in-new-plant-301466415.html https://topgummiceuticals.com/
Precision agriculture. Israel’s Alta provides agricultural solutions for farmers using drone / UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) technology. These include crop surveillance, safe and cost-effective spraying, eradication of pests and rodents while reducing the use of toxic pesticides, etc. https://alta.team/en/2019/12/16/alta-is-the-biggest-company-in-israel-in-the-field-of-pesticides-application-in-agriculture-by-uavs/ https://alta.team/en/
Your personal electric plane. (TY WIN & I24 News) The CEO of Israeli start-up AIR describes its AIR ONE electric plane. It will be so safe and simple to operate that you don’t have to be a pilot to fly it.
Preparing to land on the Moon again. SpaceIL co-founder Kfir Damari discusses the Beresheet 1 mission, his hopes to spark children’s interest in space and plans for Beresheet 2 to launch in 2024 or 2025. Also, SpaceIL and the Parasol Foundation Women just co-launched a NIS 1 million program promoting women in space tech.
Israeli astronaut’s 35 experiments. During his mission on the International Space Station in February, Israeli astronaut Eytan Stibbe (see here previously) will perform 35 experiments, designed by schools, leading Israeli institutions, companies, universities, and hospitals. He will also give science lectures to Israeli schoolchildren.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/space-meat-and-hummus-israel-finalizes-experiments-for-upcoming-iss-mission/ https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3927811,00.html
Israel joins NASA’s human mission to the Moon. Israel is the 15th country to join the NASA-led Artemis space program. Artemis aims to land astronauts on the lunar surface in 2025 and establish a long-term human presence on the moon as a warm-up for future missions to Mars. A test flight is expected this summer.
Israeli investment keeps getting better. (TY WIN) Israeli venture capital firm Viola has just published its report “Israel Tech Ecosystem 2021: Breaking Records in a Record-Breaking Year”. It highlights that the $8.1 billion of funding in startups in the last 3 months of 2021 was the highest investment quarter of all time.
Boosting food security startups. Israel has awarded a total of NIS 8.6 million to six agro-tech startups engaged in ensuring the regular supply of fresh food (food security). They are BioFishency, Agrint Sensing Solutions, Tosaf Compounds, ALTA drones, FruitSpec and Salicrop. https://www.tosaf.com/ https://alta.team/en/
Direct flights from Philippines. Philippine Airlines is to launch a direct route to Israel in April and has already started selling tickets. Initially, it will operate two weekly flights between Tel Aviv and Manila. The expected flight time is about 11 and a half hours on the Airbus A350 aircraft.
Nvidia to expand Israeli R&D. US giant Nvidia, which acquired Israel’s Mellanox in 2020 for $7 billion, is to establish a new Israel-based design and engineering group. Its aim is to develop the next-gen Nvidia CPUs for powering the revolution in AI, robotics, autonomous vehicles, and virtual world simulations.
More partners to remove CO2. Israel’s Albo (see here previously) has now partnered with Israel’s Taranis to help farmers in the US, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, and Australia prove they are CO2 “sinks” and can receive carbon credits. Another partner is Tembo Climate of Mauritius, which works with Sub-Saharan farmers.
Growth for pure plant protein. Israel’s ChickP has doubled its annual production of concentrated allergen-free, non-GMO chickpea protein isolate. It has also opened a new R&D center, appointed Liat Lachish Levy as CEO, and raised $8 million of funds. It now plans to expand its marketing into the US, Europe, and Asia.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3927870,00.html https://www.chickp-protein.com/
DHL opens Israeli robotic sorting center. (TY WIN) DHL has just made its biggest Middle East investment – opening an $80 million automated processing center in Israel. It can ship 20,000 packages every hour – vital, due to the growth in Israel’s economy since the beginning of the pandemic.
This week’s Unicorn. Israel’s Firebolt, developer of cloud data warehouses for engineering teams, has just raised $100 million ($1.4 billion valuation) to join the Unicorn club of private companies worth over $1 billion.
Investment in Israeli startups: Redefine Meat raised $135 million; Immpact Bio raised $111 million; FireBolt raised $100 million; Island.io raised $100 million; Personetics raised $85 million; Hunters cybersecurity raised $68 million; Sayata raised $35 million; Walnut raised $35 million; Addionics raised $27 million; Portnex raised $22 million; DigitalOwl raised $20 million; Vanti Analytics raised $16 million; Honeycomb insuretech raised $15.4 million; SiteAware raised $15 million; Sensi.ai raised $14 million; Ridge raised $12 million; Redefine security raised $11 million; GetApril raised $10 million; Polar Security raised $8.5 million; ChickP raised $8 million; Scribe Security raised $7 million; Spring Games raised $7 million; Supersmart has raised