Sunday, October 17, 2021

Teacher"s Union The Enemy? McAuliffe Misreading? Summer's Concerns. Good News Israel. Cowardice In, Courage Out? Abrams and Harris and IRS.

Yes, we've reached the point where The Teacher's Union wants to exclude parents from inquiring about what their children are being exposed to by way of curricula. American parents are getting a taste of what Germany's Fuehrer believed was appropriate behaviour. 

We have actually sunk so low. One would think, since unions are big supporters of The Democrat Party, Democrats would have the guts to speak out against and protest this type of educational terrorism. Their silence suggests they actually favor/support it.

Fellow American, 

Like many parents, one Rhode Island mom wanted to know what her daughter would be taught in school.


But now she’s the target of a lawsuit from the National Education Association (NEA) — the largest teachers’ union in the country — just for asking questions.


After enrolling her daughter in kindergarten, this mom asked the principal for more information about the curriculum. She wanted to know what would be taught about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender identity.


The response? This Rhode Island mom says she was told to file public records (FOIA) requests to get the information she wanted. She filed FOIA requests … and now a lawsuit from the NEA has followed.


Teachers’ unions shouldn’t bully, intimidate, or silence concerned parents, community members, or groups like Parents Defending Education (PDE) that want to improve their kids’ education. 


If you agree, please click here to sign the declaration right now -- and join over 50,000 concerned parents and taxpayers who are standing up for a healthy, non-politicized education for our kids.

Parents Defending Education is a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas. 


Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting for the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.


Right now, teachers’ unions are a major roadblock to making that vision a reality, and it’s time for parents to start wielding the enormous power we possess to reclaim our schools.


You can take the first step right now by signing this national declaration.


You and I both know there are many thousands of outstanding teachers across the country who work hard every day to educate students and put them on a path to lifelong success.


They’re the teachers who inspire your kids’ love of reading … or spark an interest in science that leads them to a rewarding career … or provide the mentorship and support that changes their lives.


But too often this year, you and I have seen teachers’ unions put politics ahead of students and classroom learning — and lash out against parents and groups like Parents Defending Education (PDE) for our involvement in our kids’ educations.


At PDE, we’ve experienced this firsthand.


This summer, the NEA passed a resolution at its annual conference to allocate more than $50,000 to “research” groups like Parents Defending Education. And although they used the word “research,” they really mean “investigate and smear.”


If they thought this “cancel culture” tactic would intimidate us — they were wrong. We’re more committed than ever to defending a healthy, non-political education for all students.


If you stand with PDE, as I believe you do, please add your name to this declaration to stand with students, parents, and classroom teachers over the political interests of teachers’ unions.

Thank you for your support.


Nicole Neily 


Parents Defending Education 


Our Kids Can’t Read, Write, Or Do Math, But Are No 1. In Critical Race Theory

Ilana Mercer October 16, 2021

Sending kids back to school won’t matter if they aren’t learning anything.

America’s crumbling education system is in the news. On October 5, Joe Biden managed to disgorge some dismal indicators as to the future prospects of America’s youth compared to the rest of the developed world. 

Joe didn’t quite say it, but America’s kids, the product of an obscenely well-funded school system, rank last in the developed world in reading, writing, and math, making homegrown stupidity a far more pressing problem in modern-day America than homegrown terrorism. 

Yet conservatives have continued to insist, throughout the COVID lockdowns and quarantines, that kids are missing out on an education. 

To paraphrase Joan Rivers, how can you miss out on a rash? (When Madonna accused Lady Gaga of stealing her music, the great, late, lady Joan wanted to know how you could steal a rash.) 

A particularly startling fact caught my attention in the Economist. “At 15, children in Massachusetts, where education standards are higher than in most states, are so far behind their counterparts in Shanghai at math, that it would take them more than two years of regular education to catch up.” 

This last fact is enormously telling and alarming. It tells you that America’s best schools and students can’t compete with the world’s best.

As the author further quipped cynically, “American children came top at thinking they were good at math, but bottom at math.”  

There’s no doubt that American kids are drowning in self-esteem. As someone who had warned, in the early 2000s, about unrealistic, dangerous levels of self-esteem, I would contend that inflated self-esteem and narcissism not only mask failure, but create pumped up nihilists, ready to unleash on their surroundings, unless met with palliative praise. 

Yes, self-esteem is the royal jelly upon which America’s children are raised. Our child-centered, non-hierarchical, collaborative, progressive schooling has produced kids who do not believe they can or should be corrected; and when they are corrected, they lash out in anger or bewilderment. 

Indeed, to listen to our university students speak is to hear a foreboding amalgam of dumbness and supreme confidence combined. Yet they are often high achievers in the kind of schools “tailored” for just such sub-par output. The achievement bell curve has been skewed. 

With welcome exceptions, the young can hardly string together coherent, grammatical sentences. They open their mouths and out tumble nothing but inane, mind-numbing clichés and banalities spoken in gravelly, grating, staccato tones. Vocal fry, the linguists call this loathsome sound. 

Once upon a time, linguists would have sent our Eliza Doolittles for elocution lessons. Make her sound less rough, more refined. 

Eliza, of “My Fair Lady” fame, was treated paternalistically, no doubt. Pedagogic paternalism can be fixed; not so a student’s studied ignorance. And these days, the Kardashian-style guttural growl is considered precious. Linguists name it and study it, instead of crushing it. 

In fairness to the kids, anyone under 50 seems to be similarly afflicted. This cohort can’t use tenses, prepositions, and adjectives grammatically and creatively, appreciate a clever turn-of-phrase, or conjugate verbs correctly. Has anyone noticed that the past perfect tense is dead in our country? People will relate that they “had went” to school or “had came back from the cinema.” Pidgin English is what the young, high school graduate now speaks. 

Inanities and redundancies make their way into compositions, too, where sentences are audaciously prefaced with. “I feel like.”

“Like, I want to give back.”

“Like, I want to make the world a better place.”

“I feel like it’s important to love myself” (teaching textbook narcissism).

“I feel like we need to unite.”

“Like, follow your passion.”

Hallmark cards are edgier, more original, and intuitively truer than the monolithic minds of America’s young, and those who’ve raised and taught them. 

Clearly, people even more illiterate than the students are setting these sub-standards, giving kids A’s for output that showcases an inability to distill, summarize and generate ideas, and ethically cite sources. In use is only the most rudimentary, emotionally evocative language, for lack of a solid, ever-accreting vocabulary, higher-order thinking, and proper restraint in affect. 

As to restraint: Not coincidentally, an asphyxiating hysteria simmers beneath the surface of the prose to match the vapid vocabulary, whereby breathy figures of speech are deployed to fit a febrile, emotionally overwrought state-of-mind: “Unbelievable, incredibly embarrassing, amazing, OMG!” In short, exclamatory utterances. 

As to edginess: America’s young have not been given the analytical tools with which to question received opinion. And, in tackling the “tyranny and arrogant authority” tied to COVID and critical race theory, the kids have been mostly establishment-compliant: 40 percent of millennials favor the suppression of insensitive speech. It is the oldies who’ve stood up. Young people, sadly, have been trained to accept and follow authority’s orders at all times. 

Language mediates thought . . .  and actions. You cannot express or develop worthwhile thoughts without a command of the language. 

I feel for the kids. They are not to blame. Their arrogant ignorance, inculcated in schools, is carefully cultivated and then reinforced with incontinent praise from pedagogues and parents alike, from kindergarten to university. 

Progressive schools and teachers—overseen by teachers unions—are responsible for the quantifiable rot; for the monument-smashing, monumental ignorance among America’s youth. 

As to the formative figures in the child’s life, more shocking numbers: “Less than half (48%) of all American adults were proficient readers in 2017. American fourth graders (nine to ten-year-olds) rank 15th on the Progress in International Literacy Study, an international exam.” 

“And only 12% [of us] are considered by the country’s health department to be ‘health-literate’. Over one-third struggle with basic health tasks, such as following prescription-drug directions.” The numbers come via the Economist. 

Conservatives like Candace Owens have equated keeping kids out of school with keeping kids dumb and compliant. How is that so, if schools are producing kids this banal, boorish and bossy?


WATCH: “American Kids Come Top At THINKING They’re Good At Math, But Bottom At Math, Reading, Writing”

About Ilana Mercer

Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian column since 1999. She is the author of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) and The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed (2016). She’s currently on Parler, Gab, YouTube and LinkedIn, but has been banned by Facebook and throttled by Twitter.


Maoist China Survivor Says DOJ’s Targeting of Parents Will “Backfire”


( – United States school board meetings have turned into battlegrounds in recent months. Concerns over mask mandates and the teaching of radical and divisive ideas like Critical Race Theory have pitted parents against each other and board members at various intervals.

Those events, along with threats lodged against school board members and educators, prompted a response from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and the US Department of Justice (DOJ).

A Virginia mother who lived in the People’s Republic of China during the reign of the infamous Communist leader Mao Zedong recently spoke to Fox News about similarities she sees between the actions of the NSBA and the DOJ.

Xi Van Fleet said she is very familiar with China’s age-old use of divide and conquer tactics. In Maoist China, the government worked to cancel traditional Chinese culture and destroy the nation’s rich heritage. “[That] is happening in here in America [now],” she warned.

Continuing, she said advocates first tried to portray parents concerned about the teaching of critical race theory as “racists.” Next, they tried to classify them as “domestic terrorists.”

“What’s [the] next step?” she asked. Is a crackdown like the world witnessed in Tiananmen Square around the corner? She concluded her remarks predicting the effort by the DOJ and NSBA to silence parents would “backfire.” If not, then America is already lost, she exclaimed.

The DOJ and NSBA’s Efforts to Silence Parents

The organized effort to push back on parents began with a letter from the NSBA to President Joe Biden on September 29. The Association claimed that America’s public schools, educators, and officials were under an “immediate threat.” The letter asked for assistance from federal law officials in thwarting what it called a “growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation” happening from coast to coast.

Then, on Monday, October 4, Attorney General Merrick Garland directed all US Attorney’s Offices and FBI Field Offices to meet with local, tribal, territorial, state, and federal law enforcement officials to address violent threats against school officials and teachers. He gave the offices 30 days to accomplish that goal.

Garland also issued a memorandum detailing upcoming DOJ efforts to combat “illegal” threats against public servants. Those efforts will include the creation of a multi-agency task force comprised of law enforcement agencies, US Attorneys, and other similar federal offices to utilize law enforcement tools to prosecute offenders and assist local law enforcement officials.

The strong language employed by Garland’s memorandum itself is cause for alarm. What do you think? Is Xi Van Fleet’s vision of Chairman Mao’s regime in the Biden administration accurate?

Copyright 2021,


Salena advises  Virginia Governor:

Terry McAuliffe is misreading what matters to Virginia voters

By Salena Zito

By SalenaZito

“There has been an immense change of attitude toward President Joe Biden, the man to whom Virginia voters gave a landslide victory just a year ago.

In particular, among voters who consider themselves independent, faith in Biden’s ability to govern as he promised — from the middle and without chaos — has collapsed.

If voters here back Youngkin, it won't be because they woke up and decided that they love Republicans again. It will be because the Democrats have pissed them off. Most of their answers will begin in 2020, when their children were quarantined at home at the onset of the pandemic and they realized the amount of control and power school boards have over what their children learn.

Parents realized they weren’t alone in their thinking that schools had become too indoctrinated in leftist cultural programs. Schools were obsessing over "equity" and promulgating critical race theory. They were exposing students to sexually explicit reading material and ramming policies down parents' throats that allowed gender-fluid students, including at least one alleged male rapist, to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their claimed gender identity. There were also diktats requiring teachers to refer to students by their preferred pronouns.

Even the stoutest of independent voters who have long forgotten how to vote Republican are now rethinking their sentiments with each overreach that culture and the Democratic Party, which are explicitly intertwined, try to force on their lives and their communities.”

Click here for the full story.


From a dear friend who has not investigated the veracity of this article, nor have I but many of our current problems were birthed by the stupidity hatched in the past. Too many legislators are lawyers, have little practical knowledge of the way business functions and far too many are economic progressives. Finally, most legislators seldom read the legislation they vote on and therefore, do not understand it's impact..

The reasons why cargo ships still remain offshore in CA

Not to worry, our Transportation Secretary, mother Buttigieg will be on it as soon as she gets back from maternity leave.

Would you like to know why there are many dozens of cargo ships full of goods parked off the California coast waiting to be unloaded?

Dont understand why there are shortages of  EVERYTHING in America right now?

Want to know what's causing the prices of consumer goods to skyrocket recently?

Here's the truth the news isnt telling you....

"The NEWS says the California port situation is caused by a driver shortage.

Not so fast: It is in part caused by a California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which prohibits Owner Operators.

Traditionally the ports have been served by Owner Operators (non union). California has now banned Owner Operators.

Long term, truckers in California are not investing in new trucks because California has a law that makes them illegal in 2035. The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist.

And in the words of Paul Harvey, “Now you know the rest of the story”


CARB to begin blocking certain trucks’ DMV registrations in 2020

Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020 or their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV, the state has said.

The new “health-based requirements” will need to be met before a driver is allowed to register his or her truck through the Department of Motor Vehicles, CARB says. A new enforcement tool used by the DMV beginning in 2020 will automatically block 2010 and older trucks from registration."

These ships full of goods are not being brought into port and unloaded because there are no trucks to take the goods away from the port. There are no trucks to take the goods away from the port because California law made all the trucks that take the goods from the port illegal. California's extreme environmental laws are creating nationwide shortages of consumer goods.

When you are voting in the next couple weeks, remember that all these hardships that Americans are now facing, these hardships are being directly created by Democratic leadership. Your suffering is their agenda.


Larry Summers has concerns:

Famed economist Larry Summers warns United States economy is overheating

Thursday 14 Oct 2021 at 3:56pm

Former US Treasury secretary and Harvard economics professor Larry Summers is worried the US economy could overheat and see prices spiral out of control, drawing parallels to the late 1960s.

Key points:

  • Professor Larry Summers says the US economy needs to cool to avoid extensive rate rises
  • He draws parallels to the US economy in the late 1960s
  • However, he thinks a "Goldilocks" scenario is unlikely
  • +++

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More good news from Israel but not from England: (edited.)

My family emergency in the UK continues, but there has been too much positive news from Israel to hold back. My next newsletter will probably be published on or shortly after Sun 7th Nov. (Again, apologies for omiting some articles sent to me. Hopefully I will include them in a future newsletter.)

Please recommend and forward this email to friends, family and colleagues and especially to any individuals who you think need to know about the good work that Israel does.

Please click here, to donate a small or large amount to help me publicize VeryGoodNewsIsrael.

Best regards

In the 17th Oct 21 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include: 

End of the 4th wave? The number of serious Covid cases in Israel is now under 400 (mostly unvaccinated) and several hospitals have closed their Covid wards. Over 3.8 million Israelis have now had the booster vaccination. The government plans to allow in fully vaccinated, individual tourists from 40 countries from late November.
Blood test to detect recurring cancer. (TY UWI) Asaf Zviran co-founded Israel’s C2i Genomics (see here previously). It has developed a blood test that can identify whether a cancer patient will survive after the tumor has been completely removed, or whether further chemotherapy is necessary.
The biological basis of empathy. Scientists from Tel Aviv University and North America used phosphorus and calcium markers to monitor brain patterns in rats when they go to the aid of a trapped member of their breed. A neural network activates in a similar way to when they are given a chocolate reward.
High ranking for Sheba. (TY JNS) In its annual list of the World’s Best Specialized Hospitals, Newsweek magazine ranked Israel’s Sheba Medical Center number 40 for neurosurgery, 42 for cardiology care and 44 for gastroenterology. See here for previous top Newsweek rankings for Sheba.
Personalized Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. (TY JBN) Israel’s Sagol Center at Shamir Medical Center is the world’s largest hyperbaric medicine and research facility. Israel’s Aviv Scientific has partnered with Sagol to provide personalized cognitive and physical HBOT training. It also has clinics in Florida and Dubai.  
The doctor who invented a typhus vaccine in Buchenwald. Dr Ludwik Fleck, who fled to Israel from Poland in 1957, made a groundbreaking discovery of a vaccine for typhus whilst a prisoner in the Nazi’s Buchenwald concentration camp during WWII. He managed to fool the Nazis and vaccinated many thousands of Jews.
7th partner for AI treatment discovery startup. Israel’s CytoReason (see here previously) has added SPI (part of Japanese giant Sumitomo) to its growing list of partners.  SPI will use CytoReason’s unique immune focused machine learning platform and represent CytoReason in the Japanese market - the third largest globally.,7340,L-3918547,00.html
A med-tech visionary. Israel’s PixCell Medical (see here previously) has won the 2021 MedTech Visionary award for Best Medical Device, plus MedTech Visionary in the Field of Medical Devices for Real-Time Blood Testing. PixCell’s HemoScreen allows blood tests to be performed by anyone, anywhere.
Helping Jordan tackle Covid. (TY Hazel) Mohammed Al-Hadid, president of the Jordanian Red Crescent, praised Israel for training his paramedics to face the Covid pandemic.  He said Magen David Adom was “a fantastic organization” and the staff they trained “were instrumental in the Covid crisis.”
Muslim wedding couple’s first response. Muslim United Hatzalah EMTs Nour and Mohamed, had finished their pre-wedding photos when they saw an accident involving a young cyclist and a truck. Dressed in their wedding clothes, they didn’t hesitate to provide emergency medical treatment to the injured nine-year-old boy.
Healthy body, healthy world. (TY Diana Bletter) Daniel Putterman co-founded Environmental Fitness, combining exercise and beach trash removal. He has personally adopted the 5,000-acre Nitzanim Sand Dune Nature Reserve, running up to three times a week, while hauling a sand sled to collect the trash.
Bedouin host Jews for Sukkot. (TY WIN) Bedouin Arabs from the Jahalin tribe in Judea and Samaria turned one of their tents in Khan al-Ahmar into a sukkah (tabernacle) and invited Jews to enjoy Bedouin hospitality during the Sukkot holiday.
A new way to promote coexistence. Israeli organization “A New Way” connects Arabs and Jews through drama, sports, music, discussions, and volunteering. Initially a project between two schools in Kfar Kassem and Ramat Hasharon, it now serves many thousands (children and adults) in dozens of Israeli communities.
Jews & Arabs keep beach safe. (Another article by Diana Bletter) On the beach in the village of Shavei Zion in the Western Galilee, three Arab and three Jewish lifeguards have been working together from sunrise to sunset, every day, since March 15.
First commercial flights to Bahrain. Here is the story to accompany last issue’s photo of the check-in desk at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport. Gulf Air flight GF972 was the inaugural flight for the new Tel Aviv-Manama route that will include two weekly return flights between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Help for Afghans. (TY UWI) Israel’s SmartAID is helping give mental health support to at risk women in Afghanistan. They are also providing cell phones, data packages and solar battery packs. Separately Israel’s Global Development Corporation is rescuing Afghan refugees and even received praise from CNN.
Europe recognizes Israeli vaccinations. Israel is one of the few countries outside of the European Union whose “green passports” have been recognized by the EU and UK. It means that Britain now accepts Israeli visitors without requiring them to have negative Covid-19 tests before arrival in the United Kingdom.
Israeli-American shares Nobel Prize for Economics. Professor Joshua Angrist has just won a share in this year’s Nobel Prize for Economics for his work on “natural experiments”. Prof Angrist made Aliya in 1982 but gained his master’s and PhD in the US. He taught at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Harvard, and MIT.
Joint statement to UK from Abraham Accords nations. (TY JNS) Israel, UAE, Bahrain and Morocco issued a joint statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. Based on U.N. Resolution 1325, the statement stressed the value of women’s influence on human-rights matters, peace, sustainable development, and security.
Digital quality of life survey. The compilers of the 2021 Digital Quality of Life survey, Surfshark, have asked that the source of the extract from the Times of Israel article in my last newsletter (see here) be attributed to them, which I am happy to do. Israel was ranked at number 4 in that survey, a rise from 8th in the 2020 survey.
Out of this world. (TY UWI & I24 News) Astronauts from Austria, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain are spending one month at the Ramon crater in Israel’s Negev desert. Organized by the Israel Space Agency and the Austrian Space Forum, the astronauts are simulating life on the planet Mars.
Israeli elected head of CERN. Israeli physicist Professor Eliezer Rabinovici was elected President of the council of CERN - the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Prof Rabinovici specializes in theoretical high-energy physics, particularly quantum field theory and string theory.
Technion top in Europe for AI research. CSRankings has rated Israel's Technion Institute Europe’s number one institute for machine-learning research. It also placed the Technion at number 11 in the world for machine learning research and 15th in the world for Artificial Intelligence research.
Vertical lasers. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute, together with German scientists, have successfully combined an array of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) to produce a single powerful laser.
A better name search engine. Scientists at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University have developed algorithms that can identify names that sound similar but are not necessarily written in the same way. It will help companies to search job applicants or individuals who might want to search for a distant relative.
Accelerating AI companies. Israel’s provides Artificial Intelligence companies with essential AI data labeling processes, allowing the companies to focus on developing their AI models and solutions. Markets include autonomous vehicles, drones, robotics, agriculture, sport, media, entertainment, e-commerce, and retail.,7340,L-3918557,00.html
An electric & hydrogen truck. UK-based Tevva, (see here) co-founded by Asher Bennett, brother of Israel’s Prime Minister, has unveiled a 7.5-tonne electric truck, for mass production in the UK. It has a 250km range in pure battery (BEV) mode or up to 500 km with its hydrogen-based patented range extender (REX) technology.,7340,L-3918604,00.html
Using AI to reduce travel delays. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Intellact (see here previously) uses artificial intelligence to analyze millions of CCTV cameras at airports, seaports etc., to identify operational bottlenecks and hazards, to increase efficiency and improve safety. Intellact is conducting a pilot with El Al at Ben Gurion airport.
US innovation award. Israel’s Utilis (see here previously) has won the Innovation Award of the nonprofit American Water Works Association for its Asterra product line using patented algorithms to locate and assess underground leaks and other hazards around critical infrastructure from ground-penetrating satellite images.
Raising spirits from beer. The mission of Israel’s Verstill (see here previously) is to revolutionize the craft spirits industry. It has partnered with the Israel-based Malka craft brewery to help it produce and scale its very first beer-based spirit, named "Distilled Malka" and launched a second edition.,7340,L-3918550,00.html
Hi-tech vanilla production. Israel’s Vanilla Vida aims to capture 15% of the $3 billion vanilla industry with its proprietary greenhouse methods for controlling how and when the valued orchid blooms. The startup also aims to reduce the price of natural vanilla, making artificial vanilla (from petrochemicals) much less attractive.
Making better crops. Israel’s BetterSeeds is using Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR gene-editing technology to enhance some of our most vital of crops, such as cucumbers, cowpeas (black-eyed peas), soybeans and other legumes. For example, it is producing cucumbers that grow in fields rather than trellises, for easier harvesting.
Light-emitting fabrics. Israel’s Ganit Goldstein (see here previously) has taken her innovative sustainable textile developments even further. Working with Swiss textile company Saurer, she has now embedded electronics and VR applications to enable the garments to react to body gestures and glow in the dark.
Heads up for the sea horse. Seahorses swim slowly but prey on small, quick-moving animals.  Tel Aviv University researchers have discovered that seahorses can move their head up in an incredible 0.002 seconds. This causes a powerful flow of water that snags their prey right into the seahorse's mouth.
Honey buzzard treated and released. Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority hospital for wild animals treated a European honey buzzard found with a fracture to its clavicle (collarbone). The injury was most likely from a collision while migrating through Israel. The buzzard was freed at the Palmachim nature reserve.
Exports rise 24%. Israeli exports of goods and services rose 24% in the first half of 2021 to $67.6 billion compared to the same period in 2020. Exports rose an unprecedented 38% in the second quarter.
Unicorn Nation – Israel’s billion-dollar company production line. Excellent article explaining the surge in Israeli Unicorns – companies valued over $1 billion. The coronavirus pandemic means it is no longer relevant that Israel is far from the USA or Europe. Also, Israeli companies already are geared up for the global market.,7340,L-3918286,00.html  
Defense for the Czech Republic. The Czech Ministry of Defense signed a 2-billion-shekel (about $627 million) deal to purchase the Spyder surface-to-air missile system from Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It replaces a Soviet Kub system from the 1970s.
Microsoft believes in Israel. Microsoft says it will double the number of employees in its Israeli research and development (R&D) department to 4,500 in the next four years. Microsoft’s 2,000 R&D staff is 30% more than 18 months ago. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s venture fund M12 invested in Israeli employee tech GrowthSpace.
Guardicore exits for a king’s ransom. Israeli cybersecurity Guardicore (see here previously) protects companies from hackers that demand a huge ransom to release control of their systems. Guardicore itself has now been “captured” by US cybersecurity giant Akamai Technologies for the grand total of $600 million.
Multinationals’ products based on Israeli glass. The smart glass technology of Israel’s Gauzy (see here previously) has been integrated into the headlights of the new BMWi Vision Circular electric vehicle. Meanwhile, LG’s new OLED panel uses Gauzy’s tech for dynamic displays on public transportation vehicles.,7340,L-3918559,00.html
Contactless checkout in Netherlands. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Trigo Vision (see here previously) is piloting its grab-and-go, checkout-free shopping technology in the Netherlands with German-owned supermarket chain Aldi. Trigo’s technology will power a 400-square-meter Aldi Nord grocery store in Utrecht.
Investment in Israeli startups: Orca Security raised $340 millionValens raised $155 million (IPO) Totango raised $100 million; Optimove raised $75 millionSpeedata raised $70 millionEquityBee raised $55 millionAvo raised $45 millionAviv Scientific raised $40 millionEmpathy raised $30 millionBuligo Capital raised $20 million (TASE IPO); Appwrite raised $10 millionMetoMotion raised $5 millionJoyned raised $4 raised $4 million;
Piano festival returns to life. The Tel Aviv Piano Festival (Oct 27-30) returns to the stage, with a live audience, having been entirely televised last year. 250 artists feature in 56 shows, including 24 concerts fronted by Israeli women artists. The festival mixes genres, stars, new artists, multi-generations and even kids’ shows.
Making beautiful music together. On 26th September, the StandWithUs Interfaith Alliance held a musical celebration of Israel. Christian and Jewish voices came together in support of Israel.
Chess for Peace. (TY ILTV & WIN) To mark International Peace Day on 21 Sep, Israeli organizations Chess4All and Sharaka (Arabic for “Partnership”) hosted an international “Peace Day Chess Tournament.” There were over 600 participants including from Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Bangladesh. (see also here previously)
Aliyah up by 31%. Despite the pandemic, immigration to Israel has increased by 31% over the same period last year to over 20,000. From the USA the increase was 41%, from France 55% and South Africa 56%.
Sukkot during the Yom Kippur war. The National Library of Israel has released many rare photos of Sukkot (Tabernacles) being celebrated during the 1973 Arab Israeli war. Many soldiers built improvised sukkahs (booths) on jeeps and other military vehicles - some even in enemy territory.
They will all come to Jerusalem. Around one million people visited the Western Wall during the High Holy Day season this year. Rabbi of the Western Wall, Shmuel Rabinowitz said it was “proof of the Jewish nation’s connection with the Western Wall, which unites us all through preserving tradition and its holiness."
Innovating in the Bible. Excellent Hashana Rabba OU lecture by Michael Eisenberg. He highlights how Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph were innovators. Maybe Jews and Israelis inherited these characteristics!

You seldom find your way out of a mess by doing what got you into the mess:

We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage
By Bari Weiss

We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage

A lot of people want to convince you that you need a Ph.D. or a law degree or dozens of hours of free time to read dense texts about critical theory to understand the woke movement and its worldview. You do not. You simply need to believe your own eyes and ears. 

Let me offer the briefest overview of the core beliefs of the Woke Revolution, which are abundantly clear to anyone willing to look past the hashtags and the jargon.

It begins by stipulating that the forces of justice and progress are in a war against backwardness and tyranny. And in a war, the normal rules of the game must be suspended. Indeed, this ideology would argue that those rules are not just obstacles to justice, but tools of oppression. They are the master’s tools.  And the master’s tools cannot dismantle the master’s house.

So the tools themselves are not just replaced but repudiated. And in so doing, persuasion—the purpose of argument—is replaced with public shaming. Moral complexity is replaced with moral certainty. Facts are replaced with feelings.

Ideas are replaced with identity. Forgiveness is replaced with punishment. Debate is replaced with de-platforming. Diversity is replaced with homogeneity of thought. Inclusion, with exclusion.

In this ideology, speech is violence. But violence, when carried out by the right people in pursuit of a just cause, is not violence at all. In this ideology, bullying is wrong, unless you are bullying the right people, in which case it’s very, very good. In this ideology, education is not about teaching people how to think, it’s about reeducating them in what to think. In this ideology, the need to feel safe trumps the need to speak truthfully. 

Create your Jewish legacy

In this ideology, if you do not tweet the right tweet or share the right slogan, your whole life can be ruined. Just ask Tiffany Riley, a Vermont school principal who was fired—fired—because she said she supports black lives but not the organization Black Lives Matter.

In this ideology, the past cannot be understood on its own terms, but must be judged through the morals and mores of the present. It is why statues of Grant and Washington are being torn down. And it is why William Peris, a UCLA lecturer and an Air Force veteran, was investigated for reading Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” out loud in class.

In this ideology, intentions don’t matter. That is why Emmanuel Cafferty, a Hispanic utility worker at San Diego Gas and Electric, was fired for making what someone said he thought was a white-supremacist hand gesture—when in fact he was cracking his knuckles out of his car window.

In this ideology, the equality of opportunity is replaced with equality of outcome as a measure of fairness. If everyone doesn’t finish the race at the same time, the course must have been defective. Thus, the argument to get rid of the SAT. Or the admissions tests for public schools like Stuyvesant in New York or Lowell in San Francisco. 

In this ideology, you are guilty for the sins of your fathers. In other words: You are not you. You are only a mere avatar of your race or your religion or your class. That is why third-graders in Cupertino, California, were asked to rate themselves in terms of their power and privilege. In third grade. 

In this system, we are all placed neatly on a spectrum of “privileged” to “oppressed.” We are ranked somewhere on this spectrum in different categories: race, gender, sexual orientation, and class. Then we are given an overall score, based on the sum of these rankings. Having privilege means that your character and your ideas are tainted. This is why, one high-schooler in New York tells me, students in his school are told, “If you are white and male, you are second in line to speak.” This is considered a normal and necessary redistribution of power.

Racism has been redefined. It is no longer about discrimination based on the color of someone’s skin. Racism is any system that allows for disparate outcomes between racial groups. If disparity is present, as the high priest of this ideology, Ibram X. Kendi, has explained, racism is present. According to this totalizing new view, we are all either racist or anti-racist. To be a Good Person and not a Bad Person, you must be an “anti-racist.” There is no neutrality. There is no such thing as “not racist.” 

Most important: In this revolution, skeptics of any part of this radical ideology are recast as heretics. Those who do not abide by every single aspect of its creed are tarnished as bigots, subjected to boycotts and their work to political litmus tests. The Enlightenment, as the critic Edward Rothstein has put it, has been replaced by the exorcism. 

What we call “cancel culture” is really the justice system of this revolution. And the goal of the cancellations is not merely to punish the person being cancelled. The goal is to send a message to everyone else: Step out of line and you are next. 

It has worked. A recent CATO study found that 62 percent of Americans are afraid to voice their true views. Nearly a quarter of American academics endorse ousting a colleague for having a wrong opinion about hot-button issues such as immigration or gender differences. And nearly 70 percent of students favor reporting professors if the professor says something that students find offensive, according to a Challey Institute for Global Innovation survey.

Why are so many, especially so many young people, drawn to this ideology? It’s not because they are dumb. Or because they are snowflakes, or whatever Fox talking points would have you believe. All of this has taken place against the backdrop of major changes in American life—the tearing apart of our social fabric; the loss of religion and the decline of civic organizations; the opioid crisis; the collapse of American industries; the rise of big tech; successive financial crises; a toxic public discourse; crushing student debt. An epidemic of loneliness. A crisis of meaning. A pandemic of distrust. It has taken place against the backdrop of the American dream’s decline into what feels like a punchline, the inequalities of our supposedly fair, liberal meritocracy clearly rigged in favor of some people and against others. And so on.

“I became converted because I was ripe for it and lived in a disintegrating society thrusting for faith.” That was Arthur Koestler writing in 1949 about his love affair with Communism. The same might be said of this new revolutionary faith. And like other religions at their inception, this one has lit on fire the souls of true believers, eager to burn down anything or anyone that stands in its way. 

If you have ever tried to build something, even something small, you know how hard it is. It takes time. It takes tremendous effort. But tearing things down? That’s quick work. 

The Woke Revolution has been exceptionally effective. It has successfully captured the most important sense-making institutions of American life: our newspapers. Our magazines. Our Hollywood studios. Our publishing houses. Many of our tech companies. And, increasingly, corporate America. 

Just as in China under Chairman Mao, the seeds of our own cultural revolution can be traced to the academy, the first of our institutions to be overtaken by it. And our schools—public, private, parochial—are increasingly the recruiting grounds for this ideological army. 

A few stories are worth recounting:

David Peterson is an art professor at Skidmore College in upstate New York. He stood accused in the fevered summer of 2020 of “engaging in hateful conduct that threatens Black Skidmore students.”

What was that hateful conduct? David and his wife, Andrea, went to watch a rally for police officers. “Given the painful events that continue to unfold across this nation, I guess we just felt compelled to see first-hand how all of this was playing out in our own community,” he told the Skidmore student newspaper. David and his wife stayed for 20 minutes on the edge of the event. They held no signs, participated in no chants. They just watched. Then they left for dinner.

For the crime of listening, David Peterson’s class was boycotted. A sign appeared on his classroom door: “STOP. By entering this class you are crossing a campus-wide picket line and breaking the boycott against Professor David Peterson. This is not a safe environment for marginalized students.” Then the university opened an investigation into accusations of bias in the classroom.

Across the country from Skidmore, at the University of Southern California, a man named Greg Patton is a professor of business communication. In 2020, Patton was teaching a class on “filler words”—such as “um” and “like” and so forth for his master’s-level course on communication for management. It turns out that the Chinese word for “like” sounds like the n-word. Students wrote the school’s staff and administration accusing their professor of “negligence and disregard.” They added: “We are burdened to fight with our existence in society, in the workplace, and in America. We should not be made to fight for our sense of peace and mental well-being” at school.

In a normal, reality-based world, there is only one response to such a claim: You misheard. But that was not the response. This was: “It is simply unacceptable for faculty to use words in class that can marginalize, hurt and harm the psychological safety of our students,” the dean, Geoffrey Garrett wrote. “Understandably, this caused great pain and upset among students, and for that I am deeply sorry.” 

This rot hasn’t been contained to higher education. At a mandatory training earlier this year in the San Diego Unified School District, Bettina Love, an education professor who believes that children learn better from teachers of the same race, accused white teachers of “spirit murdering black and brown children” and urged them to undergo “antiracist therapy for White educators.” 

San Francisco’s public schools didn’t manage to open their schools during the pandemic, but the board decided to rename 44 schools—including those named for George Washington and John Muir—before suspending the plan. Meantime, one of the board members declared merit “racist” and “Trumpian.” 

A recent educational program for sixth to eighth grade teachers called “a pathway to equitable math instruction”—funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—was recently sent to Oregon teachers by the state’s Department of Education. The program’s literature informs teachers that white supremacy shows up in math instruction when “rigor is expressed only in difficulty,” and “contrived word problems are valued over the math in students’ lived experiences.” 

Serious education is the antidote to such ignorance. Frederick Douglass said, “Education means emancipation. It means light and liberty. It means the uplifting of the soul of man into the glorious light of truth, the light only by which men can be free.” Soaring words that feel as if they are a report from a distant galaxy. Education is increasingly where debate, dissent, and discovery go to die.

It’s also very bad for kids.  For those deemed “privileged,” it creates a hostile environment where kids are too intimidated to participate. For those deemed “oppressed,” it inculcates an extraordinarily pessimistic view of the world, where students are trained to perceive malice and bigotry in everything they see. They are denied the dignity of equal standards and expectations. They are denied the belief in their own agency and ability to succeed. As Zaid Jilani had put it: “You cannot have power without responsibility. Denying minorities responsibility for their own actions, both good and bad, will only deny us the power we rightly deserve.”

How did we get here? There are a lot of factors that are relevant to the answer: institutional decay; the tech revolution and the monopolies it created; the arrogance of our elites; poverty; the death of trust. And all of these must be examined, because without them we would have neither the far right nor the cultural revolutionaries now clamoring at America’s gates. 

But there is one word we should linger on, because every moment of radical victory turned on it. The word is cowardice.

The revolution has been met with almost no resistance by those who have the title CEO or leader or president or principal in front of their names. The refusal of the adults in the room to speak the truth, their refusal to say no to efforts to undermine the mission of their institutions, their fear of being called a bad name and that fear trumping their responsibility—that is how we got here.

Allan Bloom had the radicals of the 1960s in mind when he wrote that “a few students discovered that pompous teachers who catechized them about academic freedom could, with a little shove, be made into dancing bears.” Now, a half-century later, those dancing bears hold named chairs at every important elite, sense-making institution in the country. 

As Douglas Murray has put it: “The problem is not that the sacrificial victim is selected. The problem is that the people who destroy his reputation are permitted to do so by the complicity, silence and slinking away of everybody else.”

Each surely thought: These protestors have some merit! This institution, this university, this school, hasn’t lived up to all of its principles at all times! We have been racist! We have been sexist! We haven’t always been enlightened! I’ll give a bit and we’ll find a way to compromise. This turned out to be as naive as Robespierre thinking that he could avoid the guillotine. 

Think about each of the anecdotes I’ve shared here and all the rest you already know. All that had to change for the entire story to turn out differently was for the person in charge, the person tasked with being a steward for the newspaper or the magazine or the college or the school district or the private high school or the kindergarten, to say: No.

If cowardice is the thing that has allowed for all of this, the force that stops this cultural revolution can also be summed up by one word: courage. And courage often comes from people you would not expect.

Consider Maud Maron. Maron is a lifelong liberal who has always walked the walk. She was an escort for Planned Parenthood; a law-school research assistant to Kathleen Cleaver, the former Black Panther; and a poll watcher for John Kerry in Pennsylvania during the 2004 presidential election. In 2016, she was a regular contributor to Bernie Sanders’s campaign.

Maron dedicated her career to Legal Aid: “For me, being a public defender is more than a job,” she told me. “It’s who I am.”

But things took a turn when, this past year, Maron spoke out passionately and publicly about the illiberalism that has gripped the New York City public schools attended by her four children. 

“I am very open about what I stand for,” she told me. “I am pro-integration. I am pro-diversity. And also I reject the narrative that white parents are to blame for the failures of our school system. I object to the mayor’s proposal to get rid of specialized admissions tests to schools like Stuyvesant. And I believe that racial essentialism is racist and should not be taught in school.”

What followed this apparent thought crime was a 21st-century witch hunt. Maron was smeared publicly by her colleagues. They called her “racist, and openly so.” They said, “We’re ashamed that she works for the Legal Aid Society.” 

Most people would have walked away and quietly found a new job. Not Maud Maron. This summer, she filed suit against the organization, claiming that she was forced out of Legal Aid because of her political views and her race, a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. 

“The reason they went after me is that I have a different point of view,” she said. “These ideologues have tried to ruin my name and my career, and they are going after other good people. Not enough people stand up and say: It is totally wrong to do this to a person. And this is not going to stop unless people stand up to it.”

That’s courage.

Courage also looks like Paul Rossi, the math teacher at Grace Church High School in New York who raised questions about this ideology at a mandatory, whites-only student and faculty Zoom meeting. A few days later, all the school’s advisers were required to read a public reprimand of his conduct out loud to every student in the school. Unwilling to disavow his beliefs, Rossi blew the whistle: “I know that by attaching my name to this I’m risking not only my current job but my career as an educator, since most schools, both public and private, are now captive to this backward ideology. But witnessing the harmful impact it has on children, I can’t stay silent.” That’s courage. 

Courage is Xi Van Fleet, a Virginia mom who endured Mao’s Cultural Revolution as a child and spoke up to the Loudoun County School Board at a public meeting in June. “You are training our children to loathe our country and our history,” she said in front of the school board. “Growing up in Mao’s China, all of this feels very familiar…. The only difference is that they used class instead of race.”

Gordon Klein, a professor at UCLA, recently filed suit against his own university. Why? A student asked him to grade black students with “greater leniency.” He refused, given that such a racial preference would violate UCLA’s anti-discrimination policies (and maybe even the law). But the people in charge of UCLA’s Anderson School launched a racial-discrimination complaint into him. They denounced him, banned him from campus, appointed a monitor to look at his emails, and suspended him. He eventually was reinstated—because he had done absolutely nothing wrong—but not before his reputation and career were severely damaged. “I don’t want to see anyone else’s life destroyed as they attempted to do to me,” Klein told me. “Few have the intestinal fortitude to fight cancel culture. I do. This is about sending a message to every petty tyrant out there.”

Courage is Peter Boghossian. He recently resigned his post at Portland State University, writing in a letter to his provost: “The university transformed a bastion of free inquiry into a social justice factory whose only inputs were race, gender and victimhood and whose only output was grievance and division…. I feel morally obligated to make this choice. For ten years, I have taught my students the importance of living by your principles. One of mine is to defend our system of liberal education from those who seek to destroy it. Who would I be if I didn’t?”

Who would I be if I didn’t?

George Orwell said that “the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” In an age of lies, telling the truth is high risk. It comes with a cost. But it is our moral obligation.

It is our duty to resist the crowd in this age of mob thinking. It is our duty to think freely in an age of conformity. It is our duty to speak truth in an age of lies. 

This bravery isn’t the last or only step in opposing this revolution—it’s just the first. After that must come honest assessments of why America was vulnerable to start with, and an aggressive commitment to rebuilding the economy and society in ways that once again offer life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to the greatest number of Americans.

But let’s start with a little courage.

Courage means, first off, the unqualified rejection of lies. Do not speak untruths, either about yourself or anyone else, no matter the comfort offered by the mob. And do not genially accept the lies told to you. If possible, be vocal in rejecting claims you know to be false. Courage can be contagious, and your example may serve as a means of transmission.

When you’re told that traits such as industriousness and punctuality are the legacy of white supremacy, don’t hesitate to reject it. When you’re told that statues of figures such as Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass are offensive, explain that they are national heroes. When you’re told that “nothing has changed” in this country for minorities, don’t dishonor the memory of civil-rights pioneers by agreeing. And when you’re told that America was founded in order to perpetuate slavery, don’t take part in rewriting the country’s history.

America is imperfect. I always knew it, as we all do—and the past few years have rocked my faith like no others in my lifetime. But America and we Americans are far from irredeemable. 

The motto of Frederick Douglass’s anti-slavery paper, the North Star—“The Right is of no Sex—Truth is of no Color—God is the Father of us all, and all we are brethren”—must remain all of ours.

We can still feel the pull of that electric cord Lincoln talked about 163 years ago—the one “in that Declaration that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty-loving men together, that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world.”

Every day I hear from people who are living in fear in the freest society humankind has ever known. Dissidents in a democracy, practicing doublespeak. That is what is happening right now. What happens five, 10, 20 years from now if we don’t speak up and defend the ideas that have made all of our lives possible?

Liberty. Equality. Freedom. Dignity. These are ideas worth fighting for.

While America is consumed by having the FBI investigate those who protest CRT, China , has apparently, developed a weapon beyond out capability of defending against as well as our ability to comprehend how they were able to develop same:

China’s frightening test of new hypersonic weapon: ‘We have no idea how they did this’
By Thomas Lifson(American Thinker) 

The Financial Times has published a scoop that should frighten every American and which casts further doubt on the competence and capability of our military leadership. China has demonstrated an attack weapon well beyond our capabilities, defense against which would be difficult if not impossible.

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an advanced space capability that caught US intelligence by surprise.

Five people familiar with the test said the Chinese military launched a rocket that carried a hypersonic glide vehicle which flew through low-orbit space before cruising down towards its target.

The missile missed its target by about two-dozen miles, according to three people briefed on the intelligence. But two said the test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realized.
The test has raised new questions about why the US often underestimated China’s military modernization.

“We have no idea how they did this,” said a fourth person.

The Financial Times has suspended its normal pay wall for this article, so I urge you to read the whole thing.

As readers of this website already know, the senior leadership of the United States military is obsessed with:

Critical race theory, diving troops along racial lines and devastating morale.

Transgenderism, squandering the defense budget on free (and very expensive) “gender reassignment” surgery for anyone who joins the military.

Integrating “birthing people” into every military function, including flight suits for pregnant pilots.

Vaccination mandates, which could drive out large numbers of skilled service members, not to mention irreplaceable scientists, critically weakening force effectiveness.
Now, the latest critical, issue preoccupying our senior military, manicures:

Meanwhile, our military reportedly has been shocked by how far China has gotten ahead of us in space-based, nuclear-capable hypersonic gliders that, unlike missiles, can maneuver as they zero in on their targets, making missile defense far less effective if not impossible.

“Hypersonic glide vehicles . . . fly at lower trajectories and can manoeuvre in flight, which makes them hard to track and destroy,” said Fravel, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Our military’s ideological corruption and focus on investing in at-best-irrelevant and at-worst-harmful initiatives surely must remind many Chinese leaders of their own history that proved disastrous in the late nineteenth century.[i]  At the time, Japan was aggressively modernizing and building up its military capacity, including a very capable navy.  In response, a visionary senior official Li Hongzhang, created a Northern Fleet, purchasing 2 German battleships with 12 inch Krupp guns and 14 inch armor. But further work was starved of funds because the Empress Dowager Cixi wished to restore the Summer Palace northwest of Beijing for her retirement, and redirected the money to work there, notoriously including the 1893 reconstruction of a marble boat in a lake on the palace grounds.

In order to conceal the misappropriation of funds, the Imperial Household Department, with the necessary (and probably coerced) cooperation of Li Hongzhang, reported the expenditures as “naval funds.” Just like “gender reassignment surgery” is a “defense expenditure.”

The rest, as the saying goes, is history. A year-and-a-half later, on July 25, 1894, the Japanese Navy attacked China’s fleet and sank 2 ships, launching the First Sino-Japanese War.  After 6 months of naval and land warfare, China sued for peace and, among other things, handed over Taiwan and Korea to Japan.

Now, China wants Taiwan back, and don’t for a second think that they have forgotten how they lost it in the first place, by squandering funds that should have been used for advanced weapons on useless baubles, of interest mostly to corrupt, decadent, and cowardly rulers.
With a little luck he  could have drowned:

IRS Might Have Something to Say About How Kamala Harris and Stacey Abrams Are Campaigning for Terry McAuliffe

Rebecca Downs


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