Monday, October 18, 2021

Our Beloved Military? SS Biden Taking on Water. Yes, Yes, Yes. Ain't Convinced. Oval Office Bought And Paid For. Infected Politics. Tuttle Twins.

What Happened To The Beloved Military?
by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

There are too many concurrent Pentagon crises. Any one of them would be dangerous to our national security. Together they imperil our very freedoms and security.


Why waste a good life preserver?

A Sinking Ship of State Drowns Everyone
by Lawrence Kadish

This article is being re-printed in response to numerous requests from our readers. — The Editors

One suspects that historians and economists will consistently agree on one irrefutable fact: nations that allow their economies to bathe in red ink are destined to fail. This failure takes many roads and differs in timing, but massive, uncontrolled national deficits eventually reduce a nation state to being a pauper, a pariah -- and pathetic.

Enter Joe Biden's "American Jobs Plan," a $2.3 trillion spending scheme that takes some Americans' most fevered fantasies and wraps them inside an "infrastructure" label in an effort to convince Capitol Hill that the spending is all about roads and bridges. An analysis by the Wharton School places plenty of caution flags on this initiative.

To be clear, the spending bill is actually the creation of a national debt so massive that it has the means to destabilize a democracy dependent on a functioning economy.

For the Chinese Communist Party seeking to master the 21st Century as the one global superpower, it represents a strategic victory without so much as firing a single bullet. They know that an economically weakened America cannot possible sustain its military leadership when it is burdened with paying down a massive debt. Our allies and unaligned nations recognize this threat as well, and will reinvent their relationship with China if they believe America's best days are in the past.

Even the White House acknowledges that their spending debt would take 15 years to pay off, providing that Biden's proposed corporate tax hikes generate the projected revenue – itself highly questionable. What makes the Administration believe that Corporate America would not respond with massive restructuring to avoid a confiscatory tax bill -- or passing the added cost on to the consumer, or moving the company's headquarters offshore to a country with a lower corporate rate -- to avoid the threat of losing its international competitive edge? Corporations have good accountants, too.

Few debate the idea that our nation's infrastructure is in need of serious attention but the level of political dishonesty in characterizing the Biden plan as "infrastructure" has even made many in his own party queasy. Significant portions of the bill are earmarked for "environmental" agendas and seeming favors to campaign donors, such as billions in subsidies for electric vehicles. The proposed bill cries out for more sunlight and vast quantities of disinfectant. Sadly, the bill suggests a clumsy political strategy to prevent open debate and an honest review of the Biden agenda.

This recipe for an economic apocalypse comes at a time when new job creation has stagnated and the specter of a serious inflation has begun to emerge. Biden's spending spree is far beyond Washington's traditional pork. It is creating a level of unsustainable debt in pursuit of a social agenda that could literally sink everyone, drowning all, regardless of which political party they claim.

As historians will tell you if we have the wisdom to listen, no one escapes the devastation of a debtor nation. No one.

Lawrence Kadish serves on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute.

Ancient Wisdom still valid in 2021!

We hang petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
Aesop, Greek slave & fable authors
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.
Plato, ancient Greek Philosopher

Politicians are the same all over: they promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.
Nikita Khrushchev, Russian Soviet politician
When I was a boy, I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.
Quoted in 'Clarence Darrow for the Defence' by Irving Stone.

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel.
John Quinton, American actor/writer

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.
Oscar Ameringer, "the Mark Twain of American Socialism."
I offered my opponents a deal: "if they stop telling lies about me, I will stop telling the truth about them".
Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952.

A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.Texas Guinan, 19th century American businessman
I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.
Charles de Gaulle, French general & president

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.
Doug Larson, English middle-distance runner who won gold medals at the 1924 Olympic Games

What happens if a politician drowns in a river? That is pollution.
What happens if all of them drown? That is solution !!
I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two are lawyers and three or more are the government.
John Adams (1735 - 1826)

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Government. But then I repeat myself.
Mark Twain (1835- 1910)
I don't make jokes. I just watch the Government and report the facts!
Will Rogers (1879- 1935)

I contend that for a nation to try and tax itself into prosperity, is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always depend on the support of Paul!
Will Rogers (1879- 1935)

The problem we face today is that the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.
George Bernard Shaw (1856- 1950)
I don't like political jokes, but a lot of them get elected
 "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation...
One is by sword...
                   ....another is by debt."
John Adams 1826

Soothing words but I am less certain than Friedman because of China:

“America is a country in which the storm is essential to clear the way for the calm.  Because Americans, obsessed with the present and future, have difficulty remembering the past, they will all believe that there has never been a time as uncivil and tense as this one.  They will wait for the collapse of all things and loath all those who produced it – which will be those with whom they disagree.  It will be a time of self-righteous self-certainty, hatred, sometimes murderous, for those they despise.  And then the patterns of history work their way through, using the raw material available.   American power in the world will sustain itself, because the power of a country like the United States, a vast economy and military and seductive culture, does not decline because it is hated.  All empires are hated and envied.  Power is not diminished by either.

The permanent things in America’s founding – our rights and the Constitution – serve to drive both the prudence and the recklessness of the country.  And it is the combination of these two things that has allowed the United States to evolve over nearly 250 years of stability and chaos.  There is no evidence of it ending.  The current storm is nothing more than what is normal for this time in America’s history and our lives.”

            --- George Friedman, Hungarian-born American geopolitical forecaster, strategist on international affairs, and founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures; from his 2020 book, The Storm Before the Calm: America’s Discord, the Coming Crisis of the 2020s, and the Triumph Beyond.  We thank Ira Lee Martin of Houston, Texas for bringing this extremely interesting book to our attention.
PROPHETIC! He spoke in clear language even Democrats could                                                                                 understand

By Glenn Greenwald


When a population is placed in a state of sufficiently grave fear and anger regarding a perceived threat, concerns about the constitutionality, legality and morality of measures adopted in the name of punishing the enemy typically disappear. The first priority, indeed the sole priority, is to crush the threat. Questions about the legality of actions ostensibly undertaken against the guilty parties are brushed aside as trivial annoyances at best, or, worse, castigated as efforts to sympathize with and protect those responsible for the danger. When a population is subsumed with pulsating fear and rage, there is little patience for seemingly abstract quibbles about legality or ethics. The craving for punishment, for vengeance, for protection, is visceral and thus easily drowns out cerebral or rational impediments to satiating those primal impulses.



We have the best government Facebook can buy:

By Rajan Laad, AM THINKER

Last week, a study by Dr. William Doyle, from the Caesar Rodney Election Research Institute, that appeared in The Federalist presented some starling discoveries pertaining to the presidential election of 2020.

The study revealed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan donated nearly $419 million to nonprofit originations that aided in the administration and infrastructure of the 2020 election.

These donations were specifically made to The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and The Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR).

Are black voters coming out of enslavement to the Democrat Party?

Biden Gets Disastrous News From Black Voters

By Marc Nozell
Joe Biden’s popularity among black voters is plummeting.

According to Townhall:

President Biden’s approval ratings continue to fall, including among a key constituency—black voters—which could spell trouble for Democrats ahead of the midterms.

The founder of the Atlanta-based Black Male Voter Project explained what’s behind the immense frustration with the commander in chief.

In an interview with The Washington Post, W. Mondale Robinson said it’d be difficult to convince black voters at this point in Biden’s presidency that casting a ballot could bring change to their lives.

According to WaPo, other minority groups who helped Biden secure a win are also disenchanted after “unfulfilled promises and dwindling hope for meaningful change.”

Mondale has stated that the time for outreach is now.
The meanness that has infected politics is clearly evident.  It is a composite of a variety of factors:

a) Clinton's impeachment. 
b) McConnell's statement when Obama was elected. I believe it was mis-interpreted. As the loyal opposition Republicans have as their duty, as with Democrats, to oppose that which they are philosophically in opposition.
c) Politics is a rough sport but I believe Senator Reid, from Arizona, was overly aggressive and snarly. He did some boxing in his previous life.
d) Democrat's desire to win at all costs.
e) Obama was a very divisive president who thumbed his nose at the entire nation with his pen and cell phone.
e) The despicable and unlawful treatment of Trump.
f) The desire to be re-elected has supplanted doing what is best for the nation. Weaponization and destruction of the person have become political tools.

In addition to the above, I would add the mood of the voters has turned ugly and is caused by a voting population that has become more frustrated over the failure of Congress to accomplish anything meaningful.

As for Biden, he has simply made matters worse by lying during his campaign and trying to re-emphasize much of what Obama wanted to do and failed.

Add it all up and put the cherry on the top of this volatile mixture in the form of radicals seeking  America's disembowelment and you have 2021.
Palestinians, as individuals like most people, are decent, intelligent and creative. As a nation they have been manipulated by sick leadership and turned into a nation of murderous thugs:


PA: Palestinians murdering Israelis is Palestinian culture

Itamar Marcus | Oct 19, 2021
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Democrats , with help from their mass media pals, were able to convince voters Trump was evil. His, often dumb and over the board Tweets, provided cover.   Under this cloud, Democrats were able to do what Trump was blamed for and are still.

Biden has broken his word regarding everything he campaigned on and committed he would do whereas, Trump tried to do everything he campaigned on and actually fulfilled most of his promises and commitments.

Now Biden is seeking to turn our children into Brown Shirts and intimidate parents by turning The FBI Into the Gestapo.  Trump was accused of using The Justice Department as his play toy.  Biden is actually doing this in an unshaming manner through CRT. Biden is also doing what Trump was accused of and never did, usurping state's rights.

My grandchildren are avid readers of The Tuttle Twins and I am a contributor.


This is bad news. 

Biden’s FBI is going to start investigating concerned parents protesting at local school board meetings. 

Why are parents angry?

Schools are teaching radical leftist indoctrination to kids as young as kindergarten.
Antifa has even infiltrated schools as teachers.

Even more horrifying, sexually explicit books have been found in grade school libraries!

Parents have every right to be angry at what’s happening to education. While no parent should ever become violent, protest is a fundamental right of every person, parents included.

Here’s a solution to fight back.

I am the author of the popular Tuttle Twins series of books. The Tuttle Twins teaches kids about liberty, limited government, free markets, and personal responsibility. 

My goal is to distribute another 1 MILLION books to families, libraries, and schools. 


I founded the Tuttle Twins when I realized how bad the direction of education was headed. That was 10 years ago. It’s only gotten worse. 

This is an ambitious goal. But offering alternatives is a necessary step to taking back our education. We cannot rely on banning CRT or radical Antifa teachers. We have to offer positive alternatives that present the ideas of liberty to kids. 

And the best part? Kids LOVE reading the Tuttle Twins. They enjoy it. It’s fun and educational.

One more important point… All online donations are being matched by one of our biggest supporters, John P. You can double your impact! If you donate $100, John P. will personally match it with another $100 gift.*

Every $10 raised distributes a single book. 

You can be the reason a kid grows up to defend our liberty, Dick.

This is an urgent call to action to help me fight back against the war on parents being waged by the Biden administration.

Thank you,

Connor Boyack
President, Libertas Institute 
Author, Tuttle Twins 



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