Monday, October 11, 2021

The Dangers We Face And The Radical Left Democrats Are Winning.

And manipulated Trump haters fell for this Dufuss.

Democrats will tell you America's goal is IGNOBLE!

I post cartoons because they are often far better than what I and other's write as they effectively/satirically drive the point home if you are informed. Particularly if you are  turned off by what has happened to America.

The above cartoons should remind you there is no cost when you spend trillions of dollars, the hatred of Trump caused an accomplished president to be defeated because of his abrasive persona. Meanwhile, the current president is far more impeachable for his actions than his predecessor because he has shown contempt for the Constitution, protecting national borders, is corrupt and seemingly is under the thumb of our adversary as opposed to some gerrymandered nonsense devised by Hillary. 

He and his current AG are seeking to employ a corrupt government agency against "we the people" because Americans are protesting having their children taught to hate based on color and becoming the American equivalent of  fascist Brown Shirts.

Most egregious of all, radical leftist Democrats have embraced the message of Socialists, Communists dictatorial leaders by twisting the meaning of accepted words in order to create division among Americans all the while professing they seek to bring unity.

This video by Prager University is perhaps one of the most sanguine and outstanding rebuttals I have ever viewed and/or posted and I strongly urge you watch : "What's in a word.".

(1694) Control the Words, Control the Culture - YouTube



Charlie Kirk (edited): The FBI is threatening to ARREST parents who protest Critical Race Theory being taught in schools… calling it a form of “domestic terrorism.”

The far-Left has made it clear: you WILL comply with their radical agenda… or they’ll strip you of everything you have. Even your kids.

The window to fight back… to save America, to protect our values, to defend our kids… is rapidly closing. Conservative patriots do NOT have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines any longer.

Turning Point USA has already launched our School Board Watchlist

…which shows parents what’s being taught in their local schools, and gives them the tools to fight School Boards when they uncover Leftist propaganda.

But we need to kick this nationwide effort into high-gear immediately if we’re going to have ANY chance of saving the next generation from far-Left tyranny.



The Department of Justice (DOJ) has declared war on us. (edited.)

The Department of Justice will be investigating groups like Parents Against Critical Theory (PACT) for being "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS". > >

Joe Biden and his administration are trying to silence concerned parents by weaponizing the Department of Justice against us.

The leftists have control over Hollywood, higher education, and the news. If we let them brainwash our children with progressive propaganda, America will cease to be America.

Here are some pictures from a Parents Against Critical Theory (PACT) rally - do these people look like "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" to you?


Critical Race Theory teaches that "whiteness" is evil, that parents are "dissenters," and that ALL white people are oppressors.

The Left might've gone off the rails, but we can't let them drag our children down with them.

This is more important than any single election. Parents Against Critical Theory will not rest until CRT has been COMPLETELY defeated.

And More:

Fellow American,


Like many parents, one Rhode Island mom wanted to know what her daughter would be taught in school.


But now she’s the target of a lawsuit from the National Education Association (NEA) — the largest teachers’ union in the country — just for asking questions.


After enrolling her daughter in kindergarten, this mom asked the principal for more information about the curriculum. She wanted to know what would be taught about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender identity.


The response? This Rhode Island mom says she was told to file public records (FOIA) requests to get the information she wanted. She filed FOIA requests … and now a lawsuit from the NEA has followed.


Teachers’ unions shouldn’t bully, intimidate, or silence concerned parents, community members, or groups like Parents Defending Education (PDE) that want to improve their kids’ education. 


If you agree, please click here to sign the declaration right now -- and join over 50,000 concerned parents and taxpayers who are standing up for a healthy, non-politicized education for our kids.

Parents Defending Education is a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas. 


Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting for the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.


Right now, teachers’ unions are a major roadblock to making that vision a reality, and it’s time for parents to start wielding the enormous power we possess to reclaim our schools.


You can take the first step right now by signing this national declaration.


You and I both know there are many thousands of outstanding teachers across the country who work hard every day to educate students and put them on a path to lifelong success.


They’re the teachers who inspire your kids’ love of reading … or spark an interest in science that leads them to a rewarding career … or provide the mentorship and support that changes their lives.


But too often this year, you and I have seen teachers’ unions put politics ahead of students and classroom learning — and lash out against parents and groups like Parents Defending Education (PDE) for our involvement in our kids’ educations.


At PDE, we’ve experienced this firsthand.


This summer, the NEA passed a resolution at its annual conference to allocate more than $50,000 to “research” groups like Parents Defending Education. And although they used the word “research,” they really mean “investigate and smear.”


If they thought this “cancel culture” tactic would intimidate us — they were wrong. We’re more committed than ever to defending a healthy, non-political education for all students.


If you stand with PDE, as I believe you do, please add your name to this declaration to stand with students, parents, and classroom teachers over the political interests of teachers’ unions.

Thank you for your support.


Nicole Neily 


Parents Defending Education 



Biden Gives Putin the Bargaining Chip He’s Always Wanted

( – With winter approaching, most of Europe is facing an energy crisis, as Russian strongman Vladimir Putin weaponizes gas supplies to the continent. And President Biden handed him the tools to do it.

Led by short-sighted German politicians, over the past few years, Europe has developed a dangerous reliance on the Russian gas that flows through the Nord Stream pipeline. Russia plans to increase that reliance even more with the new Nord Stream 2 pipeline, completed last month. Now it just needs approval from the European Union before Russia starts pumping gas through it – and President Putin is threatening to restrict supplies through the first pipeline unless the second one is approved.

With both pipelines in operation, Europe will be more dependent on Russian gas than ever, meaning Putin can influence the continent’s leaders simply by threatening to turn off the tap. Will European politicians be willing to stand up to Russian aggression when their voters rely on Nord Stream gas to heat their homes? It’s unlikely.

Under President Donald Trump, the US worked hard to protect Europe from Russian energy blackmail. The US placed sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and any company that worked on it, blocking the pipeline’s completion. However, on May 19, President Biden lifted those sanctions without even trying to obtain guarantees on energy security from Russia.

Now, Putin is doing exactly what President Trump feared he would. In the worst case, it could lead to a major war in Eastern Europe. Yet, with the sanctions gone, there’s no way to make Putin back down.

In this memo I have tried to point out the hypocrisy of The Left, Biden, his AG and how dangerous they have become when it involves the sanctity of sustaining the "rights" of "we the people."

Through subtle replacement of words, they have laid the foundation of the destruction of our republic, they have pitted citizen against citizen and they have undermined every institution that has historically helped to make the American Culture aspirational and something that has been a beacon of hope for the world.

Radicals  used COVID 19 to escalate their cause of America's destruction and are winning. They have manipulated the mass media, so it is no longer trusted, higher, and now lower, education has been manipulated to suggest America is a systemic nation founded on racial hatred. They have corrupted various institutions and encouraged heads of our intelligence agencies and the military to openly challenge the policies of our highest elected politicians.

Radical Democrats and leftists have rioted openly against commercial establishments and pressed for defunding the police so citizens are without protection against their rebellious activities meant to destroy tranquility and disrupt the basis of American's obeisance to law and order.

Now, when parents protest against CRT, this president has determined the FBI should turn against and intimidate them for engaging in the exercise of one of their most sacred rights - lawful protest.

While this is occurring this president has reversed his predecessor's accomplishments so inflation is soaring, energy development is collapsing and our borders are being overrun by thousands of illegals engaged in financing criminals and drug cartels. Crime has reached historic levels and America's adversaries are watching as we tear our nation apart.

The last straw is the attack on the election process, which was once the envy of the world, and now is shrouded in suspicion and distrust.

Illegals are allowed greater rights than our own citizens all done in the desire to create discord, distrust and psychological disheartening of the American populace.

The technology of the social media has been employed to curtail free speech and to control thought and is functions beyond the law.

The Tea Party threatened the establishment and were vilified and now the parents protesting CRT have become the enemy oft he elitists whose stench fills the DC air.

Today, Hillary rose from the gutter to remind us that she is always available to defend us from the evil doers  which, of course, she being the one most evil of all.

Blind To History, Facebook Is In The Trustbusters' Crosshairs
by Niall Ferguson via Bloomberg

I tried to warn Mark Zuckerberg that he risked becoming part Rockefeller, part Hearst. But the rest of us don’t have a good solution for what his platform has become.

The Left Got What It Wanted-So Now What?
by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

There is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches—because its claws tear all of us as well.


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