Thursday, August 8, 2019

Trump And Those Who Voted For Him And Will Do So Again Must Be Racists According To Grumpy "Demorat" Hypocrites.

The hateful comments from the anti-Trump crowd simply reinforces my view that nothing he does will satisfy the radical progressive left because they do not want to elevate Trump or to have him succeed at anything.They would prefer to keep trashing him in the "mistaken/hopeful" belief it will help him lose in 2020.  This is also true for the mass media bigots who either never cover what he says and/or has done if it happens to be positive. The Grey Lady will even change their headline to accommodate their audience.  So much for the integrity of the mass media and most particularly The NYT's.
Obama did more to stir and rekindle ill feelings among the races  than anything Trump has ever done. But Obama solved everything with a beer and the mass media were so awed! Obama could walk on a sea of beer and the mass media cheered.

Trump is a teetotaler and does not snort.  Maybe that is his problem.  He needs to start serving Corona and Mary Jane at state dinners to prove he is not a racist. 
Yes, Trump became a racist the minute he was fraudulently elected president and all who voted for him and will vote for him again are now racists.
Meanwhile, Obama left a legacy of heightened negative feelings between the races which Trump inherited.  Obama had a chance to elevate harmony but being a disciple of Alinsky, Rev. Wright he could not bring himself to do so.
When people act in an insane manner because they are a mental cases dumping on  Trump  is a convenient. "pinata"and  attacking and blaming him makes one feel good. It even makes one feel better if they already hate him. Ah, but it also tells more about who they are.

The "Demorats" have developed a well honed ability to attack and  bad mouth all those whose views they reject.  They want everyone to be unhappy/miserable.  They want to silence free speech.  They love defaming Trump.  They will never accept anything he does even when it is what they claim they would like to see.  Their hypocrisy oozes from every pore. Intimidation is their cudgel. of choice.
I believe their attacks will backfire because most fair minded Americans see through their efforts and asking Americans to follow the Sharpton's of this nation will prove a failed strategy.  Candace Owen, I submit, is whom I choose to follow.

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