Saturday, August 3, 2019

Omar To Have Competition. It Does Not Stop With Rats. Yidiots.

My friend, Allen West was guest host on Gutfeld last night.
Who is a Yidiot? (See 1 below.)
Omar to have competition: Iraq War veteran is running to unseat Ilhan Omar — here's what he says motivated him to run for Congress Read More
Does not stop with rats. (See 2 below.)
By Lynne Lechter

Jews used to be considered smart, and having a Yiddshe kopf was a compliment.

No more.  There's a new type of Jew on the loose in America: the 'Yidiot."

A Yidiot accepts anti-Semitic, riot-inciting Al Sharpton’s attendance at a New York City memorial rally for the Jews killed in Pittsburgh but is offended at President Trump’s appearance in Pittsburgh to honor them.

A Yidiot is silent when Farrakhan trashes Jews as “termites,” rants "Death to America, Death to Israel from Iran," is feted in public with past presidents Clinton and Obama, and is sought after for advice from seventeen members of the Congressional Black Caucus, but believes President Trump is anti-Semitic.

A Yidiot belongs to a political party that elected anti-Semite Keith Ellison as attorney general of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib, who waved a Palestinian flag in celebration, to the US Congress and thinks that diversity is more pressing issue than assimilation.

A Yidiot believes it is fair to give an American citizen who has worked all his life an average Social Security monthly stipend of $1,400 while supporting illegal immigrants for $5,500 to $6,000 per month.

A Yidiot believes supporting the right to an abortion up through the ninth month of pregnancy is more important than supporting Israel’s existence.

A Yidiot's political party’s past leader supports taking a gun to a knife fight, past attorney general espouses kicking opponents when they are low, and whose party exhorts mobs and Antifa to public violence and personal confrontation, all while accusing the opposing party of encouraging violence.

A Yidiot allows its political party to boo the idea of Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, and silently allowed Obama to deny formal Israeli citizenship to Jews born in Jerusalem but attacks President Trump as a threat to Israel for moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem.

A Yidiot sends their children to colleges and universities where ugly, hurtful, and dishonest anti-Israeli propaganda proliferates through Palestinian-funded BDS, yet remains silent and continues to make donations to those institutions.

A Yidiot knows there are over 50 Muslim countries and countless Christian ones that are never criticized for their religious moorings, but thinks Israel, the only Jewish State, cannot be both Jewish and a democracy.

In short, a “Yidiot’ is someone who does not have a Yiddishe kopf.

Rats infest our cities, but there are bigger barriers to a better life

GARY, Indiana- “Lost in the outrage is that there are rats in our largest cities, but there are also deep and profound issues that are plaguing the African-Americans who live in cities like Baltimore and Gary: generational poverty, gun violence, gang wars, and the collapse of the family. These cities suffer from a sense of despair and feeling stuck, not that different from rural or post-industrial regions in this country where generational poverty and lack of resources or opportunity has led to high rates of opioid addiction, suicide, and family collapse.”
Click here for the full story.

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