Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Omar The Home Wrecker? Has War Begun? Mass Media Purposely Mis-interpreted Trump.

Ilhan Omar Adultery ExposedWhen you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk Read and Share 

Out the window?

Trump, the racist who received this award before he became president and Sedona before evening.

Ilhan Omar: Adulteress Home Wrecker? I Guess She Can Stop Preening About the President’s Morality.

Ilhan Omar has allegedly contributed to the break up of marriage. In fact, a woman in Washington has come forward and claimed that the woman’s husband wants a divorce because of his relationship with Omar. It turns out that the man, Tim Mynett, is a fundraising consultant for Ilhan Omar who has gotten nearly one […]
The post: ;Ilhan Omar: Adulteress Home Wrecker? I Guess She Can Stop Preening About the President’s Morality. Appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »
Words have meaning and that is why radical Democrats, even those running for president, want to change them. (See 1 below.)
Has war with Iran begun? (See 2 below.)
Reasons to vote for  Democrats. (See 3 below.)

If Democrats nominate Pocahontas, she will have to defend her leftist programs and free stuff  giveaways and that should be difficult.

If they nominate Duffus, I am not sure what his wife said about hold your nose and vote for my husband is a compelling endorsement.

If they nominate Sanders, I am not sure most Americans want to turn our nation into one resembling Cuba and/or Russia.

There is no doubt Trump is exhausting those who might not vote for the three above and is making it harder for the uncommitted to  vote for him.  If these  voters focus on him and his abrasive personality and not what he has accomplished and is trying to then he could lose.  If the economy is doing well, if he gets trade deals passed that are generally favorable, particularly with China, then he wins hands down.

Once again the mass media twisted what Trump said to make him look bad.

Klein reads it as I did. (See 3a  and 3b below.)

Making the Term 'Illegal Aliens' Disappear

Meet the Castro brothers - the Democrats’ new Thought Police.

Leftists are fond of summoning the magic of euphemism to make the social problems they create go away.

Like the editors of the Newspeak Dictionary in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, these social engineers define out of existence the atrocities that necessarily grow out of their ideology.

Take Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), who has introduced legislation that would strike “alien” and “illegal alien” from the federal law books and replace them with “foreign national” and “undocumented foreign national.” The lawmaker’s twin brother, Democrat presidential candidate Julian Castro, endorsed the measure.

Rep. Castro says his bill, the proposed “Correcting Alienating Names in Government Act,” or CHANGE Act, is “integral to creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for incoming and current immigrants living in the United States.”

Castro wants “illegal alien” banished because it (quite properly) stigmatizes behavior –that is, being a foreigner present in the United States without authorization— that is unlawful.
There is a certain logic to this.

The Left has to make the hordes of illegal aliens their various so-called immigration law reforms have unleashed on their fellow Americans over the years seem normal and acceptable. This is also why the Left describes just about everyone touched by the nation’s immigration laws as an “immigrant” – whether they’re illegal aliens or legal permanent residents. Smearing anyone who believes in the rule of law as anti-immigrant over and over again makes people defensive and wears down the opposition. It’s a kind of brainwashing.
Radicals who carry “no human being is illegal” placards at protests and Associated Press reporters agree with Castro that lying to destigmatize unlawful behavior is morally virtuous. The thought police at the AP stylebook now declare that “illegal” should be used only to describe an action “such as living in or immigrating to a country illegally.”

They also give a thumbs-down to “illegal alien” and “undocumented,” which itself is already a euphemism. USA Today and other media outlets followed suit. Then-California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) jumped on the bandwagon in 2015 by signing legislation excising “alien” from the state’s labor code.

“Words matter,” Castro said in a press release.

“It’s vital that we respect the dignity of immigrants fleeing violence and prosecution in our language. The words ‘alien’ and ‘illegal alien’ work to demonize and dehumanize the migrant community. They have no place in our government’s description of human beings. Immigrants come to our borders in good faith and work hard for the opportunity to achieve a better life for themselves and their family. Eliminating this language from government expression puts us one step closer to preserving their dignity and ensuring their safety.”
And it makes illegals and their enablers feel good about breaking the law, which is largely the point of the exercise.

Well, that, and it helps to create pressure to get “comprehensive immigration reform,” a euphemism for immigration amnesty, through Congress.

President Donald Trump uses the words and phrases the Left hates because they’re accurate, his base loves them, and leftists hate them. All conservatives and right-thinking patriots should do the same.

Although the likelihood of Rep. Castro’s legislation making it all the way across Pennsylvania Avenue to President Trump’s desk is somewhere between slim and none, federal lawmakers do occasionally banish unfashionable words from the statute books.
Congress banned the perfectly good word “lunatic” in federal legislation in 2012 because it was deemed mean. In 2010 our elected representativesbanned “mental retardation,” replacing it with “intellectual disability” in federal laws. And they’ll do it again when other useful words are no longer fashionable.

The feces-covered leftist hell known as San Francisco is getting rid of its crime problem by introducing new vocabulary.

The city’s board of supervisors has decided that “convicted felons” will now be called “justice-involved individuals.” Of course, as Tucker Carlson points out, calling these people “justice-involved individuals” also obliterates the distinction between the felons and their victims who could just as easily be described by the same term.

“So, in other words, victim and criminal are now morally indistinguishable,” Carlson says. “That’s on purpose. This is woke equality.”

San Francisco has also abolished “juvenile delinquents,” replacing them with “young people impacted by the juvenile justice system,” as if the system –as opposed to the young person— actually committed the crime. This makes sense because the Left really does believe criminals are the real victims in society.

The city also calls drug addicts “people with the history of substance use,” instead of "substance abusers" in order to eliminate the stigma associated with illegal drug consumption.
“‘Use,’ not ‘abuse.’ Get it? Heroin addicts are now the same as insulin-dependent diabetics; both use ‘substances.’ You can’t call one better than the other. They’re both exactly the same,” says Carlson.

The Left, with its despotic domination of the news media, academia, and entertainment, has the power to do all of this, but that doesn’t mean we have to go along with it.
2) More than a decade of civil strife has opened up the region for the escalating state-to-state conflict.
By Jonathan Spyer

This war is a very 21st-century affair. For now it involves only small circles among the Israeli and Iranian populations. Parts of the air force, intelligence services and probably special forces are active on the Israeli side. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, its expeditionary Quds Force and proxy politico-military organizations in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are engaged on behalf of Iran.

The war marks a hinge point in Middle Eastern geopolitics. For the past decade and a half, the region has been engaged mainly with internal strife: civil wars, insurgencies and mass protests. These are now largely spent, leaving a broken landscape along the northern route from Iran to Israel.

The three “states” in between—Iraq, Syria and Lebanon—are fragmented, partly collapsed and thoroughly penetrated by neighboring powers. Their official state structures have lost the attribute that alone, according to German sociologist Max Weber, guarantees sovereignty: “monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force.” These nations’ territory has become the theater of the Iran-Israel war.

The regime in Tehran favors the destruction of the Jewish state, but this is a longstanding aim, dating to the 1979 Islamic Revolution and before it, in the minds of the revolutionaries. What’s brought it to the fore is that Iran has emerged in the past half decade as the prime beneficiary of the collapse of the Iraqi, Syrian and Lebanese states. This has substantially increased its capacity to menace Israel, which has noticed and responded.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has no peer in the Middle East—and perhaps beyond—in the practice of irregular warfare. Its proxies today dominate Lebanon (Hezbollah), constitute the single strongest politico-military force in Iraq (Popular Mobilization Units, or PMU), and maintain an independent, powerful military infrastructure in Syria, in partial cooperation with the Assad regime and Russia. This nexus, against which Israel is currently engaged, brings Iran de facto control over much of the land from the Iraq-Iran border to the Mediterranean and to the Syrian and Lebanese borders with Israel.

Iran treats this entire area as a single operational space, moving its assets around at will without excessive concern for the notional sovereignty of the governments in Baghdad, Beirut and Damascus. Lebanese Hezbollah trains PMU fighters in Iraq. Iraqi Shiite militias are deployed at crucial and sensitive points on the Iraqi-Syrian border, such as al-Qa’im and Mayadeen. Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah personnel operate in southwest Syria, close to the Golan Heights.

Israeli attacks in recent days suggest that Israel, too, has begun to act according to these definitions and in response to them. If Iran will not restrict its actions to Syria, neither will Israel.

There is a crucial difference between the Israeli and Iranian positions in this conflict. Iran’s involvement in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon is deep, long-term and proactive. Tehran seeks the transformation of these areas into Iranian satrapies, and it has made considerable advances toward its goal. Israel’s involvement is entirely reactive, pushing back against Iranian domination and destroying the missile caches that bring it within Iran’s range. Israel has no interest in the internal political arrangements of Lebanon, Syria or Iraq, except insofar as these constitute a danger to Israel itself.

This imbalance defines the conflict. Iran creates political organizations, penetrates state structures, and seeks to make itself an unchallengeable presence in all three countries. Israel has been wary of entering the mire of factional politics in neighboring countries since its failed intervention in Lebanon leading up to the 1982 war. Jerusalem instead uses its superior intelligence and conventional military capabilities to neutralize the military and paramilitary fruits of the Iranian project whenever they appear to be forming into a concrete threat.
Israel is largely alone in this fight. The U.S. is certainly aware of Israel’s actions against Iran and may tacitly support them. Yet the Trump administration shows no signs of wishing to play an active part in the military challenge to Iranian infrastructure-building across the Middle East. This White House favors ramping up economic pressure on Tehran, but both its occupant and his voter base are wary in the extreme of new military commitments in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia is targeted by the Ansar Allah, or Houthi, movement, another Iranian proxy closely assisted by the Revolutionary Guard. The Saudis’ interests are partly aligned with Israel’s, but Saudi Arabia is a fragile country, requiring the protection of its allies rather than constituting an asset for them.

So it is war between Israel and Iran, prosecuted over the ruins of Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. But it won’t necessarily stay that way. A single kinetic and successful Iranian response to Israel’s airstrikes could rapidly precipitate an escalation to a much broader contest. State-to-state conflict has returned to the Middle East.

Mr. Spyer is director of the Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis and a research fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security and at the Middle East Forum. He is author of “Days of the Fall: A Reporter’s Journey in the Syria and Iraq Wars.”
3)  #10.  I vote Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my German Shepherd.
#9.  I vote Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon at 15% isn't.
 #8.  I vote Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
 #7.  I vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
 #6.  I vote Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.  I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that gets police to your home in order to identify your body after a home invasion.
 #5.  I vote Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.
 #4.  I vote Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away Social Security from those who paid into it.
 #3. I vote Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves.  They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrat Party sees fit.
 #2.  I vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.
  And, the #1 reason I vote Democrat is because I think it's better to pay $billions$ for oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, or fish here in America.  We don't care about the beetles, gophers, or fish in those other countries.


Trump never criticized Jews, he urged greater Jewish loyalty to Israel

US President Donald Trump never criticized Jews for “dual loyalty.” The president did the opposite: He urged greater Jewish loyalty to Israel.

Moreover, the president’s statement urging greater loyalty to Israel and the Jewish people was certainly not antisemitic. Rather, it was the opposite of antisemitic; it was philosemitic.

Antisemites depict loyalty to Israel as a negative, and as inconsistent with American interests. By contrast, the president upheld loyalty and caring about Israel as a positive good.

The president’s detractors also ignored the context of President Trump’s statement – namely, the Democratic leadership’s refusal to take action against Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for their frightening, real and virulent antisemitism.

Moreover, in light of the great friendship that President Trump has repeatedly displayed toward the Jewish people, it is particularly wrong to twist the meaning and intent of his words to malign him.

President Trump has demonstrated with real action as well as words that he is truly the greatest friend that the Jewish people and Jewish state have ever had in the White House. He is pursuing civil rights probes to protect Jewish and pro-Israel students on American college campuses; moved the US Embassy to Israel’s eternal capital Jerusalem; recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights; left the Israel-bashing UN Human Rights Council; closed the PLO/Palestinian Authority office in Washington; stopped funding to the terror-supporting PA and UNRWA; withdrew from the catastrophic Iran deal; made numerous strong statements against antisemitism, neo-Nazism and white supremacy; and demanded that the PA must end its incitement of terror and heinous “pay to slay” payments to terrorists to murder Jews and Americans.

Let’s further examine the underlying concept here.

Former Zionist Organization of America president Louis Brandeis (the first US Jewish Supreme Court justice) urged that Zionism and American patriotism are both good and consistent with one another. Loyalty to American interests and to Israel go hand-in-hand.

President Trump’s statement, urging Jews to be loyal to the Jewish state, incorporated Brandeis’s concept that American Jewish loyalty to Israel is a positive good and consistent with loyalty to America.

The Brandeis/ Trump concept of consistent positive American/Israel loyalty is the polar opposite of antisemitic “dual-loyalty” charges.

Antisemitic dual-loyalty charges portray caring about our ally Israel as something negative, and as inconsistent with and harmful to American interests. Prime examples of antisemitic “dual-loyalty” charges include Congresswoman Omar accusing pro-Israel Jews and other pro-Israel Americans of supposed “political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country,”  and Omar’s colleague Rashida Tlaib saying on January 6 of pro-Israel Americans: “They forgot what country they represent.”

As Democratic former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel wrote, Omar’s statement that pro-Israel Americans lack allegiance to America invokes “a dual loyalty that calls our devotion to America into question.”

By contrast, President Trump’s statement portrays loyalty to the Jewish homeland as positive and consistent with devotion to America.

CERTAIN JEWISH leaders’ outpouring of unbridled condemnation against the president, and twisting of the president’s words and intent, is thus deeply troubling and wrong.

Distressingly, Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted:  “Let’s be clear: What @POTUS said was #antiSemitic. The charge of disloyalty or dual loyalty has been used against Jews for centuries.” 

Jewish Democratic Council of America executive director Halie Soifer accused the president of “continuing to weaponize and politicize antisemitism,” and claimed, ““If this is about Israel, then Trump is repeating a dual-loyalty claim, which is a form of antisemitism.”

However, a great friend asking American Jews to support Israel isn’t antisemitic.

Let’s also further look at the statement’s context:

President Trump was referencing the Democratic Party leadership’s persistent and frightening refusal to take action against Congresswomen Tlaib, Omar and AOC, who engage in the most vicious antisemitism imaginable.

These congresswomen’s statements, etc. have included falsely calling Israel “evil” and an “apartheid regime”; falsely accusing Jews of “hypnotizing the world” and committing “massacres” against innocent Arabs; raising negative dual-loyalty charges; opposing Israel’s very existence; comparing Israel to Nazis; promoting anti-Israel boycotts; saying that Israel is not an ally; and threatening to cut off aid.

AOC even openly advocated violence against innocent Jews, saying Palestinian Arabs “have no choice but to riot” against Israelis. AOC also invoked a medieval-style blood libel to “justify” anti-Israel violence. Tlaib’s and Omar’s press conference was replete with one vicious anti-Israel lie after another.

The Jewish leaders who condemned President Trump for imaginary antisemitism should instead be demanding that the Democratic leadership must finally take action against Omar, Tlaib and AOC for their frightening, real and virulent antisemitism.   

But disturbingly, ADL’s CEO instead praised Omar for issuing a pseudo-apology for one of her many antisemitic statements – even though she never apologized for calling Israel “evil,” an “apartheid regime” and her other heinous statements. The ADL’s Greenblatt announced: “Hats off to Rep. Omar for her honest apology,” and claimed that Omar is committed to “a more just world.” Omar then quickly issued another raft of antisemitic bile.

It is also extremely concerning that AIPAC and the Jewish organizations AJC, JFNA, ADL, IPF and JDCA wrongly criticized Israel for not admitting vicious antisemites Tlaib and Omar, for a trip to advance their hateful anti-Israel agenda, sponsored by a terror-promoting organization.

When Jewish leaders engage in misplaced criticism of Israel and our pro-Israel US president; fail to express necessary outrage against virulent antisemites sitting in Congress; and fail to demand and insist that the Democratic leadership must remove antisemites Omar, Tlaib and AOC from their committees; it empowers antisemites to increase their attacks against Jews and Israel.

It’s time for the entire Jewish community to understand that President Trump is a true friend, and to band together and demand action against the real antisemites such as Tlaib, Omar and AOC, who endanger our people.

The writer is president of the Zionist Organization of America. The Forward named him as one of the top five Jewish leaders in America. Follow him @mortonaklein7 and at


No Holds Barred: Cory Booker weaponizes the Torah for political gain

By now almost everyone knows that Cory Booker and I were soul-friends who connected – beginning at Oxford, where he served as my student president – over the Torah, Jewish values, and a mutual passion to better the world. Everyone also knows that our relationship hit stormy waters when he betrayed the Jewish community, who had supported him for decades, by voting for the Iran deal without so much as condemning Iran’s promise to annihilate Israel.

Now Cory, in the midst of a presidential race, is going further, weaponizing the Torah I taught him and the Hebrew words I practiced with him to advance political interests and attack his political rivals. Earlier this year on CNN he quoted a verse from Isaiah that I practiced with him phonetically many times to claim he knew Hebrew. It would have been nice if he had backed up the Torah knowledge I taught him to support Israel and oppose genocide. I had never intended to teach him Torah to be used as a parlor trick to impress Jewish or Christian audiences but to absorb its message and pursue policies based on its values.

Last week, when asked to comment on the president’s remarks that Democrats are disloyal to Jews and Israel, Cory said in a video he tweeted: “I know Jewish values... tzedaka, hessed... there’s an ideal in Judaism about kindness and decency and mercy.... One of the great Jewish writings comes from Micah, that is, do justice, love mercy. These ideals are not being evidenced by the president of the United States.”

I wish to remind Cory that I was the one who taught him the Torah he knows, and what I always emphasized is that Judaism’s highest value is the protection and preservation of life. This is something that Cory unfortunately violated in the extreme when he legitimized the brutal and bloody Iranian regime for political gain. When Cory was tested and asked to make the choice between siding with the defenders of a secure Israel and opposing the murderous mullahs in Tehran, he opted to satisfy the demands of president Barack Obama rather than uphold the Torah values he now claims as his own.

Jewish values are about having core convictions that do not change with the political winds and are not based on receiving personal benefits, especially when genocide is at stake. I absolutely agree that President Donald Trump’s words and, more important, his actions should be consistent with Jewish values. While I sometimes take issue with his choice of words, there can be no question that when it comes to action this president has done more than any of his predecessors to enhance the security and legitimacy of Israel, especially in international forums like the UN.

Sadly, Cory has gone in the opposite direction, catering to left-wing extremists who despise Israel and the Jewish people. Cory has condemned the decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, he voted in committee against the Taylor Force Act that calls for an end to aid to the Palestinian Authority so long as it continues to give financial incentives for terrorists to murder Jews, and now he is talking about rejoining the catastrophic nuclear arms deal if he is elected president.

It is profoundly disturbing to hear how ill-informed he is about the nuclear deal. He has said, for example, the president “took us out of a deal that gave us transparency into their nuclear program and pushed back a nuclear breakout 10-20 years.” Not even Obama made this claim. Moreover, we have seen the Iranians violate the deal in recent weeks and quickly ramp up the enrichment of uranium, something we were led to believe would not be possible.

As far as transparency, Cory has not paid attention as the Iranians have refused to allow the “anywhere, anytime” inspections promised by Obama. They have denied inspectors access to military sites, the very places where they would be most likely to carry on nuclear research. Surely, however, he could not have missed the front-page headlines after Israel discovered a trove of documents the Iranians had hidden, which indicated they were retaining the information needed to restart the nuclear program or the revelation that the Iranians had equipment and matériel related to Iran’s past or possibly ongoing nuclear weapons efforts stored in a secret warehouse in Tehran. We were also told by Obama and the deal’s supporters that it “cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon.” A recent Harvard study told us the truth:

While Iran’s activities involving fissile material are well known and subject to IAEA scrutiny, the current location of equipment relevant to weaponization remains unknown, and the modest scale required for weaponization efforts means that overall confidence that such activities are not occurring at secret locations is lower. In short, Iran seems likely to be in a strong position to launch a reconstituted weapons program, should it ever choose to do so, and should it have a plausible path to acquiring fissile material without being detected and stopped.

It is an insult and a shanda – another word I taught Cory – to use the knowledge of the Torah I passed on to him as my student president of the Oxford L’Chaim Society to try and garner Jewish support while refusing to support Israel on an issue of such critical importance to its security. Israeli government officials will tell you that the No. 1 issue for them is Iran, the No. 2 issue is Iran, and the No. 3 issue is Iran.

IT APPEARS Cory is increasingly desperate to keep his presidential campaign alive. He has thus far managed to attract about 2% of the electorate, just enough to qualify for the third debate, and is now facing a scandal over the water emergency in Newark. This month, federal officials warned that dangerous levels of lead were seeping into the drinking water, and the city told residents to drink bottled water. Cory, who is touting his environmental achievements, was the mayor when leaders of the Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation were accused of skimming money and obtaining kickbacks. Cory was criticized for his failure to exercise proper oversight. The New York Times wrote this week that “the crisis could also cast a shadow” over his campaign.

But wanting to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is no excuse for weaponizing the Torah for political gain or using its teachings in contravention of core convictions. You cannot quote from the Torah about love and kindness – all of which I taught Cory during hundreds of hours of studying Torah at Oxford and in the United States – while not condemning Iran’s plans to annihilate six million Jews in Israel, just as the Germans murdered six million of our brethren in Europe.

The writer, “America’s Rabbi,” whom The Washington Post calls “the most famous rabbi in America,” is the international best-selling author of 30 books, including his most recent, The Israel Warrior. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @RabbiShmuley.

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